Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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NAME = dinput EXT = dll
IS_32 = 1 USEDDK32 = 1
GOALS = $(PINC)\$(NAME).h \
$(PINC)\dinputd.h \
$(PBIN)\$(NAME).$(EXT) \
$(PBIN)\$(NAME).sym \
$(PLIB)\$(NAME).lib \
LIBS = kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib uuid.lib ..\diguid.lib
!if "$(DEBUG:_0=)" == "debug" LIBS = $(LIBS) user32.lib !endif
OBJ1 = dinput.obj dicf.obj diobj.obj didenum.obj didev.obj didevdf.obj OBJ2 = didevef.obj digenm.obj digenk.obj digenj.obj digenx.obj OBJ3 = digendef.obj dical.obj dijoytyp.obj dieffj.obj dieffv.obj OBJ4 = dioledup.obj common.obj dimem.obj diutil.obj dilist.obj assert.obj OBJ5 = valid.obj direg.obj dihel.obj diem.obj diemm.obj diemk.obj diemh.obj OBJ6 = disubcls.obj diexcl.obj diextdll.obj dihidenm.obj dihid.obj OBJ7 = dihidini.obj dihiddat.obj dihidusg.obj dieff.obj dieshep.obj OBJ8 = diguid.obj dijoycfg.obj diaddhw.obj dithunk.obj dijoyreg.obj OBJ9 = diregutl.obj diport.obj diwinnt.obj dijoyhid.obj
OBJLIB = dilib1.obj dilib2.obj dilib3.obj dilib4.obj
OBJS = $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4) $(OBJ5) $(OBJ6) $(OBJ7) $(OBJ8) \
# do not build COFF
ASMNOCOFF = 1 !if "$(DEBUG:_0=)" == "internal" || "$(DEBUG:_0=)" == "intern" #[
COPT =-DDEBUG -Zi #-FAs AOPT =-DDEBUG LOPT =-debug:full -debugtype:cv ROPT =-DDEBUG !else if "$(DEBUG:_0=)" == "debug" #][
COPT =-DRDEBUG -Zi #-FAs AOPT =-DRDEBUG LOPT =-debug:full -debugtype:cv ROPT =-DRDEBUG !else #][
COPT = AOPT = LOPT =-debug:none -incremental:no ROPT = !endif #]
DEF = $(NAME).def RES = $(NAME).res
CFLAGS =-Fc -Oxw -QIfdiv- -YX $(COPT) $(INCLUDES) -DWIN95 -D_X86_ -Zl $(RAYMONDC)
# The _0 version does not contain HID support (DX5).
# The normal version does contain HID support (DX5a).
!if "$(DEBUG:_0=)"=="$(DEBUG)" CFLAGS =$(CFLAGS) -DHID_SUPPORT !endif
LFLAGS =$(LOPT) RCFLAGS =$(ROPT) $(INCLUDES) AFLAGS =$(AOPT) -Zp1 -Fl !include ..\..\
### Dependencies
..\dinputpr.h \
..\dinputp.h \
..\dinputdp.h \
..\dinputv.h \
..\dinputi.h \
..\dihid.h \
..\diem.h \
..\dinputrc.h \
..\debug.h \
..\didev.h \
$(PLIB)\$(NAME).lib: $(NAME).lib $(OBJLIB) copy $(@F) $@ >nul lib @<< /OUT:$@ /NOLOGO $@ $(OBJLIB) <<
# See comments in makefil0 for more info.
# The following line builds the DX5 header
#HSPLITFLAGS=-ts dx3 -ta dx5 -ts dx5a -ts dx5b2 -ts dx6 -ts dx7 -ts dx8 -v 500
# The following line builds the DX5a header; note that DX5a includes DX5
#HSPLITFLAGS=-ts dx3 -ta dx5 -ta dx5a -ts dx5b2 -ts dx6 -ts dx7 -ts dx8 -v 50A
# The following line builds the DX5B2 header
#HSPLITFLAGS=-ts dx3 -ts dx5 -ts dx5a -ta dx5b2 -ts dx6 -ts dx7 -ts dx8 -v 5B2
# The following line builds the DX6.1a header
HSPLITFLAGS=-ts dx3 -ts dx5 -ts dx5a -ts dx5b2 -ta dx6 -ts dx7 -ts dx8 -v 600
# The following line builds the DX7 header
HSPLITFLAGS=-ts dx3 -ts dx5 -ts dx5a -ts dx5b2 -ts dx6 -ta dx7 -ts dx8 -v 700
# The following line builds the DX8 header
#HSPLITFLAGS=-ts dx3 -ts dx5 -ts dx5a -ts dx5b2 -ts dx6 -ts dx7 -ta dx8 -v 800
!IF EXIST($(DXROOT)\bin\hsplit.exe) HSPLIT=$(DXROOT)\bin\hsplit.exe !ELSE HSPLIT=$(DEVROOT)\tools\binw\$(ARCH)\hsplit !ENDIF
$(PINC)\dinput.h ..\dinputp.h: ..\dinput.w ..\mkhdr.m4 $(DXROOT)\bin\m4 ..\dinput.w >tmp.wx $(HSPLIT) $(HSPLITFLAGS) -o tmp.x tmpp.x tmp.wx del tmp.wx $(DEVROOT)\tools\binw\$(ARCH)\wcshdr.exe < tmp.x > $(PINC)\dinput.h del tmp.x $(DEVROOT)\tools\binw\$(ARCH)\wcshdr.exe < tmpp.x > ..\dinputp.h del tmpp.x
$(PINC)\dinputd.h ..\dinputdp.h: ..\dinputd.w ..\mkhdr.m4 $(DXROOT)\bin\m4 ..\dinputd.w >tmp.wx $(HSPLIT) $(HSPLITFLAGS) -o tmp.x tmpp.x tmp.wx del tmp.wx $(DEVROOT)\tools\binw\$(ARCH)\wcshdr.exe < tmp.x > $(PINC)\dinputd.h del tmp.x $(DEVROOT)\tools\binw\$(ARCH)\wcshdr.exe < tmpp.x > ..\dinputdp.h del tmpp.x
..\dinput.rc: ..\dinputrc.w ..\mkhdr.m4 $(DXROOT)\bin\m4 ..\dinputrc.w >tmp.wx $(HSPLIT) $(HSPLITFLAGS) -4 -o tmp.x tmpp.x tmp.wx del tmp.wx $(DEVROOT)\tools\binw\$(ARCH)\wcshdr.exe < tmp.x > ..\dinput.rc del tmp.x del tmpp.x
..\diguid.lib: ..\dinputpr.h ..\dinput.w ..\dinputd.w $(GUIDLIB) /OUT:..\diguid.lib /CPP_OPT:"-DINITGUID -DGUIDLIB" ..\dinputpr.h
dinput.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dicf.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diobj.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c didenum.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c didev.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c didevdf.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c didevef.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c digenm.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c digenk.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c digenj.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c digenx.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c digendef.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dical.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dijoytyp.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dieffj.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dioledup.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c common.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dimem.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diutil.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dilist.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c assert.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c valid.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c direg.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dihel.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diem.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diemm.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diemk.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diemh.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c disubcls.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diexcl.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diextdll.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dihidenm.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dihid.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dihidusg.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dieff.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dieshep.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diguid.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dijoycfg.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dijoyreg.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diregutl.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diport.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c diwinnt.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dijoyhid.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dilib1.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dilib2.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dilib3.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c dilib4.obj: $(MKFILE) $(CINCS) ..\$(*B).c
$(NAME).lbw : ..\$(NAME).lbc wlib -n $(NAME).lbw @..\$(NAME).lbc $(NAME).lib $(NAME).$(EXT): \ $(OBJS) $(NAME).res ..\$(NAME).def ..\ ..\diguid.lib $(LINK) @<< $(LFLAGS) -nologo -out:$(NAME).$(EXT) -map:$(NAME).map -dll -base:0x70000000 -machine:i386 -subsystem:windows,4.0 -entry:DllEntryPoint -implib:$(NAME).lib -def:..\$(NAME).def -warn:2 $(LIBS) $(NAME).res $(OBJS) << mapsym -nologo $(NAME).map >nul