// File: ffdonuts.cpp
// Desc: DirectInput Semantic Mapper version of Donuts game
// Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#define STRICT
#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <cguid.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <ddraw.h>
#include <dsound.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "DDUtil.h"
#include "DIUtil.h"
#include "DSUtil.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "ffdonuts.h"
// DirectDraw objects
// DirectSound and DSUtil sound objects
LPDIRECTSOUND g_pDS = NULL; SoundObject* g_pBeginLevelSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pEngineIdleSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pEngineRevSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pSkidToStopSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pShieldBuzzSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pShipExplodeSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pFireBulletSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pShipBounceSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pDonutExplodeSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pPyramidExplodeSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pCubeExplodeSound = NULL; SoundObject* g_pSphereExplodeSound = NULL;
#if 0 //not used for mapper
BOOL g_bEngineIdle = FALSE; BOOL g_bShieldsOn = FALSE; BOOL g_bThrusting = FALSE;
DWORD lastInput = 0; BOOL g_bLastShield = FALSE; #endif //not used for mapper
BOOL lastThrust = FALSE; FLOAT g_fShowDelay = 0.0f; HWND g_hWndMain; BOOL g_bIsActive; BOOL g_bIsReady = FALSE; BOOL g_bMouseVisible; DWORD g_dwLastTickCount; DWORD g_dwScore = 0; int g_ProgramState; DWORD g_dwLevel = 0; DWORD g_dwFillColor; BOOL g_bLeaveTrails = FALSE; DWORD g_dwScreenWidth = 1024; DWORD g_dwScreenHeight = 768; DWORD g_dwScreenDepth = 16; BOOL g_bSoundEnabled = FALSE;
DisplayObject* g_pDisplayList = NULL; // Display List
DisplayObject* g_pShip = NULL; // Main ship
DisplayObject* g_pShipsArray[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS]; //array for all the players' ships
extern IDirectInput8* g_pDI; // DirectInput object
extern DWORD g_dwNumDevices[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS]; extern IDirectInputDevice8* g_pDevices[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS][MAX_INPUT_DEVICES+1]; extern DIACTIONFORMAT diActF; extern LPTSTR lpUserName; DWORD dwInputState[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS]; //to persist the input state
BOOL CALLBACK ConfigureDevicesCallback(LPVOID lpVoid, LPVOID lpUserData) { UpdateFrame((LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7)lpVoid); return TRUE; }
// Name: SetupGame()
// Desc:
VOID SetupGame() { AdvanceLevel();
// Set the palette
g_pddsFrontBuffer->SetPalette( g_pArtPalette ); }
// Name: MainWndproc()
// Desc: Callback for all Windows messages
long FAR PASCAL MainWndproc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc;
switch( msg ) { case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: g_bIsActive = (BOOL) wParam; if( g_bIsActive ) { g_bMouseVisible = FALSE; g_dwLastTickCount = GetTickCount(); g_bLeaveTrails = FALSE;
// Need to reacquire the device
#if 0 //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
if( g_pdidJoystick ) g_pdidJoystick->Acquire(); #endif //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
} else { g_bMouseVisible = TRUE; } break;
case WM_CREATE: break;
case WM_SETCURSOR: if( !g_bMouseVisible && g_bIsReady ) SetCursor(NULL); else SetCursor(LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )); return TRUE;
case WM_KEYDOWN: switch( wParam ) { case VK_F3: if( g_bSoundEnabled ) DestroySound(); else InitializeSound( hWnd );
break; case VK_ESCAPE: case VK_F12: PostMessage( hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); return 0;
case VK_F1: g_bLeaveTrails = !g_bLeaveTrails; break;
case VK_F2: { DIUtil_ConfigureDevices(hWnd, g_pddsDIConfig, DICD_DEFAULT); break;
} case VK_F4: { DIUtil_ConfigureDevices(hWnd, g_pddsDIConfig, DICD_EDIT); break; } } break;
#if 0 //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
case WM_KEYUP: switch( wParam ) { case VK_NUMPAD7: lastInput &= ~KEY_SHIELD; break; case VK_NUMPAD5: lastInput &= ~KEY_STOP; break; case VK_DOWN: case VK_NUMPAD2: lastInput &= ~KEY_DOWN; break; case VK_LEFT: case VK_NUMPAD4: lastInput &= ~KEY_LEFT; break; case VK_RIGHT: case VK_NUMPAD6: lastInput &= ~KEY_RIGHT; break; case VK_UP: case VK_NUMPAD8: lastInput &= ~KEY_UP; break; case VK_NUMPAD3: lastInput &= ~KEY_THROW; break; case VK_SPACE: lastInput &= ~KEY_FIRE; break;
} break; #endif //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
case WM_ERASEBKGND: return 1;
case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); return 1;
case WM_DESTROY: #if 0 //not used for mapper
lastInput=0; #endif //not used for mapper
DestroyGame(); PostQuitMessage( 0 ); break; }
return (LONG) DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); }
// Name: WinMain()
// Desc: Application entry point
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int nCmdShow ) {
// Register the window class
WNDCLASS wndClass = { CS_DBLCLKS, (WNDPROC)MainWndproc, 0, 0, hInstance, LoadIcon( hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DONUTS_ICON) ), LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ), (HBRUSH)GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH ), NULL, TEXT("DonutsClass") }; RegisterClass( &wndClass );
// Create our main window
g_hWndMain = CreateWindowEx( 0, TEXT("DonutsClass"), TEXT("Donuts"), WS_VISIBLE|WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL ); if( NULL == g_hWndMain ) return FALSE; UpdateWindow( g_hWndMain );
g_bIsReady = TRUE;
if( FAILED( InitializeGame( g_hWndMain ) ) ) { DestroyWindow( g_hWndMain ); return FALSE; }
while( 1 ) { MSG msg;
if( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if( FALSE == GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) return (int) msg.wParam;
TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } else if( g_bIsActive ) { UpdateFrame(); } else { WaitMessage(); } } }
// Name: DestroyGame()
// Desc:
VOID DestroyGame() { DestroySound(); DestroyInput(); }
// Name: UpdateShips()
// Desc:
VOID UpdateShips() { //the main ship will always be there
//but update all the others, based on whether
//the particular user has any devices
for (int pl = 1; pl < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; pl ++) { //if the corresponding player is still playing
if (g_pDevices[pl][0] != NULL) { //if not created already, create new
if (g_pShipsArray[pl] == NULL) { g_pShipsArray[pl] = CreateObject(OBJ_SHIP, (FLOAT)(g_dwScreenWidth/(pl+1)-16), (FLOAT)(g_dwScreenHeight/(pl+1)-16), 0, 0, pl); } //if already created, keep it
} else //player is gone
{ //if there is a ship for this player, delete it
if (g_pShipsArray[pl] != NULL) { DeleteFromList(g_pShipsArray[pl]); g_pShipsArray[pl] = NULL; } }
} }
// Name: InitializeGame()
// Desc:
// Create DirectDraw
if( SUCCEEDED( hr = DirectDrawCreate( NULL, &pDD, NULL ) ) ) { // Get DirectDraw4 interface
hr = pDD->QueryInterface( IID_IDirectDraw7, (VOID**)&g_pDD ); pDD->Release(); } if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("DirectDrawCreate Failed!"); return E_FAIL; }
// Set the cooperative level for fullscreen mode
hr = g_pDD->SetCooperativeLevel( hWnd, DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("SetCooperativeLevel Failed"); return E_FAIL; }
// Set the display mode
hr = g_pDD->SetDisplayMode( g_dwScreenWidth, g_dwScreenHeight, g_dwScreenDepth, 0, 0 ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("SetDisplayMode Failed!"); return E_FAIL; }
// Create surfaces
ZeroMemory( &ddsd, sizeof( ddsd ) ); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof( ddsd ); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE | DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; ddsd.dwBackBufferCount = 1;
// Create the front buffer
hr = g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsFrontBuffer, NULL ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("CreateSurface FrontBuffer Failed!"); return E_FAIL; }
// Get a pointer to the back buffer
DDSCAPS2 ddscaps; ddscaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER; ddscaps.dwCaps2 = 0; ddscaps.dwCaps3 = 0; ddscaps.dwCaps4 = 0; hr = g_pddsFrontBuffer->GetAttachedSurface( &ddscaps, &g_pddsBackBuffer ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("GetAttachedSurface Failed!"); return E_FAIL; }
ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN; ddsd.dwWidth = 320;
// Create the surfaces for the object images. (We're OR'ing the HRESULTs
// together, so we only need to check for failure once).
ddsd.dwHeight = 384; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsDonut, NULL );
ddsd.dwHeight = 128; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsPyramid, NULL );
ddsd.dwHeight = 32; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsCube, NULL );
ddsd.dwHeight = 32; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsSphere, NULL );
ddsd.dwHeight = 256; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsShip, NULL );
ddsd.dwHeight = 16; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsNumbers, NULL );
ddsd.dwWidth = 640; ddsd.dwHeight = 480; hr |= g_pDD->CreateSurface( &ddsd, &g_pddsDIConfig, NULL );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("Could not create surfaces!"); return E_FAIL; }
if( FAILED( RestoreSurfaces() ) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("RestoreSurfaces Failed!"); return E_FAIL; }
//zero out the ship ptrs
for (int ship = 0; ship < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; ship++) { g_pShipsArray[ship] = NULL; }
// Add a ship to the displaylist
g_pDisplayList = new DisplayObject; g_pDisplayList->next = NULL; g_pDisplayList->prev = NULL; g_pDisplayList->type = OBJ_SHIP; g_pDisplayList->pddsSurface = g_pddsShip; g_pShip = g_pDisplayList;
//and save the ptr
g_pShipsArray[0] = g_pShip;
//initialize input
for (ship = 0; ship < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; ship ++) { dwInputState[ship] = 0; }
g_dwLastTickCount = GetTickCount();
if( FAILED( InitializeInput( hWnd ) ) ) return E_FAIL; //if( FAILED( InitializeSound( hWnd ) ) )
// return E_FAIL;
g_ProgramState = PS_SPLASH;
return S_OK; }
// Name: CleanupAndDisplayError()
// Desc:
VOID CleanupAndDisplayError( CHAR* strError ) { CHAR buffer[80]; sprintf( buffer, "Error: %s\n", strError ); OutputDebugString( buffer );
// Make the cursor visible
SetCursor( LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW ) ); g_bMouseVisible = TRUE;
if( g_pddsDonut ) g_pddsDonut->Release();
if( g_pddsPyramid ) g_pddsPyramid->Release();
if( g_pddsCube ) g_pddsCube->Release();
if( g_pddsSphere ) g_pddsSphere->Release();
if( g_pddsShip ) g_pddsShip->Release();
if( g_pddsNumbers ) g_pddsNumbers->Release();
if( g_pddsDIConfig ) g_pddsDIConfig->Release();
if( g_pddsFrontBuffer ) g_pddsFrontBuffer->Release();
if( g_pArtPalette ) g_pArtPalette->Release();
if( g_pSplashPalette ) g_pSplashPalette->Release();
if( g_pDD ) g_pDD->Release();
MessageBox( g_hWndMain, strError, "ERROR", MB_OK ); }
// Name: DisplaySplashScreen()
// Desc:
HRESULT DisplaySplashScreen() { HBITMAP hbm; hbm = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), "SPLASH", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); if( NULL == hbm ) return E_FAIL;
// Set the palette before loading the splash screen
g_pddsFrontBuffer->SetPalette( g_pSplashPalette );
// If the surface is lost, DDCopyBitmap will fail and the surface will
// be restored in FlipScreen().
DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsBackBuffer, hbm, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// Done with the bitmap
DeleteObject( hbm );
// Show the backbuffer contents on the frontbuffer
if( FAILED( FlipScreen() ) ) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
// Name: PlayPannedSound()
// Desc: Play a sound, but first set the panning according to where the
// object is on the screen.
VOID PlayPannedSound( SoundObject* pSound, DisplayObject* pObject ) { if( NULL == pObject ) return;
DWORD dwCenter = ( pObject->rcDst.right + pObject->rcDst.left ) / 2; FLOAT fCenter = ( 2.0f * ((FLOAT)dwCenter)/g_dwScreenWidth ) - 1.0f;
DSUtil_PlayPannedSound( pSound, fCenter ); }
// Name: UpdateFrame()
// Desc:
VOID UpdateFrame(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpddsConfigDlg) { static FLOAT fLevelIntroTime;
switch( g_ProgramState ) { case PS_SPLASH: // Display the splash screen
g_ProgramState = PS_BEGINREST; SetupGame();
case PS_ACTIVE: UpdateDisplayList(); CheckForHits(); DrawDisplayList(lpddsConfigDlg);
if( IsDisplayListEmptyExceptShips() ) { DSUtil_StopSound( g_pEngineIdleSound ); DSUtil_StopSound( g_pEngineRevSound );
#if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bEngineIdle = FALSE; g_bThrusting = FALSE; lastThrust = FALSE; g_bLastShield = FALSE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_ProgramState = PS_BEGINREST; AdvanceLevel(); } break;
case PS_BEGINREST: DSUtil_PlaySound(g_pBeginLevelSound, 0); fLevelIntroTime = GetTickCount()/1000.0f; g_ProgramState = PS_REST;
// Fall through to PS_REST state
case PS_REST: // Show the Level intro screen for 3 seconds
if( ( GetTickCount()/1000.0f - fLevelIntroTime ) > 3.0f ) { DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pEngineIdleSound, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bEngineIdle = TRUE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_dwLastTickCount = GetTickCount(); g_ProgramState = PS_ACTIVE; } else { DisplayLevelIntroScreen( g_dwLevel ); } break; } }
// Name: DisplayLevelIntroScreen()
// Desc:
VOID DisplayLevelIntroScreen( DWORD dwLevel ) { // Erase the screen
// Output the bitmapped letters for the word "Level"
CHAR buffer[10]; buffer[0] = 10 + '0'; buffer[1] = 11 + '0'; buffer[2] = 12 + '0'; buffer[3] = 11 + '0'; buffer[4] = 10 + '0'; buffer[5] = '\0'; BltBitmappedText( buffer, g_dwScreenWidth/2-64, g_dwScreenHeight/2-8 );
// Output the bitmapped numbers for the level number
buffer[0] = (CHAR)(dwLevel/100) + '0'; buffer[1] = (CHAR)(dwLevel/ 10) + '0'; buffer[2] = (CHAR)(dwLevel% 10) + '0'; buffer[3] = '\0'; BltBitmappedText( buffer, g_dwScreenWidth/2+22, g_dwScreenHeight/2-8 );
// Show the backbuffer screen on the front buffer
FlipScreen(); }
// Name: BltBitmappedText()
// Desc:
VOID BltBitmappedText( CHAR* num, int x, int y ) { for( CHAR* c = num; *c != '\0'; c++ ) { HRESULT hr = DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING; RECT rcSrc;
rcSrc.left = (*c - '0')*16; rcSrc.top = 0; rcSrc.right = rcSrc.left + 16; rcSrc.bottom = rcSrc.top + 16;
while( hr == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING ) { hr = g_pddsBackBuffer->BltFast( x, y, g_pddsNumbers, &rcSrc, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY ); }
x += 16; } }
// Name: CheckForHits()
// Desc:
VOID CheckForHits() { DisplayObject* pObject; DisplayObject* bullet;
// Update screen rects
for( pObject = g_pDisplayList; pObject; pObject = pObject->next ) { int frame = (DWORD)pObject->frame;
switch( pObject->type ) { case OBJ_DONUT: pObject->rcDst.left = (DWORD)pObject->posx; pObject->rcDst.top = (DWORD)pObject->posy; pObject->rcDst.right = pObject->rcDst.left + DONUT_WIDTH; pObject->rcDst.bottom = pObject->rcDst.top + DONUT_HEIGHT; pObject->rcSrc.left = DONUT_WIDTH * (frame % 5); pObject->rcSrc.top = DONUT_HEIGHT * (frame /5); pObject->rcSrc.right = pObject->rcSrc.left + DONUT_WIDTH; pObject->rcSrc.bottom = pObject->rcSrc.top + DONUT_HEIGHT; break;
case OBJ_PYRAMID: pObject->rcDst.left = (DWORD)pObject->posx; pObject->rcDst.top = (DWORD)pObject->posy; pObject->rcDst.right = pObject->rcDst.left + PYRAMID_WIDTH; pObject->rcDst.bottom = pObject->rcDst.top + PYRAMID_HEIGHT; pObject->rcSrc.left = PYRAMID_WIDTH * (frame % 10); pObject->rcSrc.top = PYRAMID_HEIGHT * (frame /10); pObject->rcSrc.right = pObject->rcSrc.left + PYRAMID_WIDTH; pObject->rcSrc.bottom = pObject->rcSrc.top + PYRAMID_HEIGHT; break;
case OBJ_SPHERE: pObject->rcDst.left = (DWORD)pObject->posx; pObject->rcDst.top = (DWORD)pObject->posy; pObject->rcDst.right = pObject->rcDst.left + SPHERE_WIDTH; pObject->rcDst.bottom = pObject->rcDst.top + SPHERE_HEIGHT; pObject->rcSrc.left = SPHERE_WIDTH * (frame % 20); pObject->rcSrc.top = SPHERE_HEIGHT * (frame /20); pObject->rcSrc.right = pObject->rcSrc.left + SPHERE_WIDTH; pObject->rcSrc.bottom = pObject->rcSrc.top + SPHERE_HEIGHT; break; case OBJ_CUBE: pObject->rcDst.left = (DWORD)pObject->posx; pObject->rcDst.top = (DWORD)pObject->posy; pObject->rcDst.right = pObject->rcDst.left + CUBE_WIDTH; pObject->rcDst.bottom = pObject->rcDst.top + CUBE_HEIGHT; pObject->rcSrc.left = CUBE_WIDTH * (frame % 20); pObject->rcSrc.top = CUBE_HEIGHT * (frame /20); pObject->rcSrc.right = pObject->rcSrc.left + CUBE_WIDTH; pObject->rcSrc.bottom = pObject->rcSrc.top + CUBE_HEIGHT; break;
case OBJ_SHIP: pObject->rcDst.left = (DWORD)pObject->posx; pObject->rcDst.top = (DWORD)pObject->posy; pObject->rcDst.right = pObject->rcDst.left + SHIP_WIDTH; pObject->rcDst.bottom = pObject->rcDst.top + SHIP_HEIGHT; #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
if( g_bLastShield ) pObject->rcSrc.top = SHIP_HEIGHT * (frame / 10) + 128; else #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
pObject->rcSrc.top = SHIP_HEIGHT * (frame /10); pObject->rcSrc.left = SHIP_WIDTH * (frame % 10); pObject->rcSrc.right = pObject->rcSrc.left + SHIP_WIDTH; pObject->rcSrc.bottom = pObject->rcSrc.top + SHIP_HEIGHT; break;
case OBJ_BULLET: frame = (DWORD)pObject->frame/20 % 4; pObject->rcDst.left = (DWORD)pObject->posx; pObject->rcDst.top = (DWORD)pObject->posy; pObject->rcDst.right = pObject->rcDst.left + BULLET_WIDTH; pObject->rcDst.bottom = pObject->rcDst.top + BULLET_HEIGHT; pObject->rcSrc.left = BULLET_XOFFSET + frame*4; pObject->rcSrc.top = BULLET_YOFFSET; pObject->rcSrc.right = pObject->rcSrc.left + BULLET_WIDTH; pObject->rcSrc.bottom = pObject->rcSrc.top + BULLET_HEIGHT; break; } } for( bullet = g_pDisplayList; bullet; bullet = bullet->next ) { // Only bullet objects and the ship (if shields are on) can hit
// other objects. Skip all others.
if( (bullet->type != OBJ_BULLET) && (bullet->type != OBJ_SHIP) ) continue;
#if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
// The ship cannot hit anything with shields on
if( bullet->type == OBJ_SHIP && TRUE == g_bLastShield ) continue; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
BOOL bBulletHit = FALSE; WORD wBulletX = (WORD)(bullet->rcDst.left + bullet->rcDst.right) / 2; WORD wBulletY = (WORD)(bullet->rcDst.top + bullet->rcDst.bottom) / 2;
for( pObject = g_pDisplayList; pObject; pObject = pObject->next ) { FLOAT left = (FLOAT)pObject->rcDst.left; FLOAT right = (FLOAT)pObject->rcDst.right; FLOAT top = (FLOAT)pObject->rcDst.top; FLOAT bottom = (FLOAT)pObject->rcDst.bottom;
// Only trying to hit explodable targets
if( ( pObject->type != OBJ_DONUT ) && ( pObject->type != OBJ_PYRAMID ) && ( pObject->type != OBJ_SPHERE ) && ( pObject->type != OBJ_SHIP ) && ( pObject->type != OBJ_CUBE ) ) continue;
if( ( wBulletX >= left ) && ( wBulletX < right ) && ( wBulletY >= top ) && ( wBulletY < bottom ) ) { // The object was hit
switch( pObject->type ) { case OBJ_DONUT: PlayPannedSound( g_pDonutExplodeSound, pObject ); CreateObject( OBJ_PYRAMID, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER); CreateObject( OBJ_PYRAMID, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); CreateObject( OBJ_PYRAMID, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); g_dwScore += 10; break;
case OBJ_PYRAMID: PlayPannedSound( g_pPyramidExplodeSound, pObject ); CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); CreateObject( OBJ_CUBE, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); CreateObject( OBJ_CUBE, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); g_dwScore += 20; break;
case OBJ_CUBE: PlayPannedSound( g_pCubeExplodeSound, pObject ); CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, left, top, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER ); g_dwScore += 40; break;
case OBJ_SPHERE: PlayPannedSound( g_pSphereExplodeSound, pObject ); g_dwScore += 20; break;
case OBJ_SHIP: //can't be hit by bullets that come from us
if (bullet->Player != pObject->Player) { if(pObject->bVisible ) { // Ship has exploded
PlayPannedSound( g_pShipExplodeSound, pObject); if( g_dwScore < 150 ) g_dwScore = 0; else g_dwScore -= 150;
FLOAT x = pObject->posx; FLOAT y = pObject->posy;
CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, x, y, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER); CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, x, y, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER); CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, x, y, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER); CreateObject( OBJ_SPHERE, x, y, -1.0f, -1.0f, NO_PLAYER); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player ); CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, x, y, rnd()/2, rnd()/2, bullet->Player );
// Delay for 2 seconds before displaying ship
InitializeShips(); g_fShowDelay = 2.0f; pObject->bVisible = FALSE; } } break;
//only delete non-"ships"
if (pObject->type != OBJ_SHIP) { DisplayObject* pVictim = pObject; pObject = pObject->prev; DeleteFromList( pVictim ); bBulletHit = TRUE; } } }
} }
// Name: EraseScreen()
// Desc:
VOID EraseScreen() { // Erase the background
DDBLTFX ddbltfx; ZeroMemory( &ddbltfx, sizeof(ddbltfx) ); ddbltfx.dwSize = sizeof(ddbltfx); ddbltfx.dwFillColor = g_dwFillColor;
while( 1 ) { HRESULT hr = g_pddsBackBuffer->Blt( NULL, NULL, NULL, DDBLT_COLORFILL, &ddbltfx ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) break;
if( hr == DDERR_SURFACELOST ) if( FAILED( RestoreSurfaces() ) ) return;
if( hr != DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING ) return; } }
// Name: FlipScreen()
// Desc:
// Flip the surfaces
while( DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING == hr ) { hr = g_pddsFrontBuffer->Flip( NULL, 0 );
if( hr == DDERR_SURFACELOST ) if( FAILED( RestoreSurfaces() ) ) return E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// Name: DrawDisplayList()
// Desc:
VOID DrawDisplayList(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpConfigDlgSurf) { if( FALSE == g_bLeaveTrails ) EraseScreen();
char scorebuf[11]; int rem;
rem = g_dwScore; scorebuf[0] = rem/10000000 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 10000000; scorebuf[1] = rem/1000000 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 1000000; scorebuf[2] = rem/100000 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 100000; scorebuf[3] = rem/10000 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 10000; scorebuf[4] = rem/1000 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 1000; scorebuf[5] = rem/100 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 100; scorebuf[6] = rem/10 + '0'; rem = g_dwScore % 10; scorebuf[7] = rem + '0'; scorebuf[8] = '\0';
// Draw the sound icon, if sound is enabled
if( g_bSoundEnabled ) { scorebuf[8] = 14 + '0'; scorebuf[9] = 13 + '0'; scorebuf[10] = '\0'; }
// Display the score
BltBitmappedText( scorebuf, 10, g_dwScreenHeight-26 );
// Display all visible objects in the display list
for( DisplayObject* pObject = g_pDisplayList; pObject; pObject = pObject->next ) { if( !pObject->bVisible ) continue;
if( pObject->rcSrc.right - pObject->rcSrc.left == 0 ) continue; // New objects do not have a src rect yet.
while( hr == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING ) { hr = g_pddsBackBuffer->BltFast( pObject->rcDst.left, pObject->rcDst.top, pObject->pddsSurface, &pObject->rcSrc, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY );
} }
// Flip the backbuffer contents to the front buffer
if (lpConfigDlgSurf) { g_pddsBackBuffer->BltFast((g_dwScreenWidth-640)/2, (g_dwScreenHeight-480)/2, lpConfigDlgSurf, NULL, DDBLTFAST_WAIT); }
FlipScreen(); }
// Name: DeleteFromList()
// Desc:
VOID DeleteFromList( DisplayObject* pObject ) { if( pObject->next ) pObject->next->prev = pObject->prev; if( pObject->prev ) pObject->prev->next = pObject->next; delete( pObject ); }
// Name: UpdateDisplayList()
// Desc:
VOID UpdateDisplayList() { DisplayObject* thisnode; FLOAT maxx, maxy; FLOAT maxframe; DWORD input[NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS];//= lastInput;
for (int pl = 0; pl < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; pl ++) { input[pl] = 0; }
// Update the game clock parameters
DWORD dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); FLOAT fTickDiff = ( dwTickCount - g_dwLastTickCount )/1000.0f; g_dwLastTickCount = dwTickCount;
// Read input from the players' devices
for (int pl = 0; pl < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; pl ++) { BOOL bShieldState = FALSE; BOOL bThrustState = FALSE; BOOL bBounce = FALSE; LONG lAngle = 0;
//if KEY_QUIT is pressed, exit
if (input[pl] & KEY_QUIT) { PostMessage( g_hWndMain, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); return; }
//if KEY_DISPLAY is pressed, call ConfigureDevices() in normal mode
if (input[pl] & KEY_DISPLAY) { //call ConfigureDevices() in default mode
DIUtil_ConfigureDevices(g_hWndMain, g_pddsDIConfig, DICD_DEFAULT); }
//if KEY_EDIT is pressed, call ConfigureDevices() in edit mode
if (input[pl] & KEY_EDIT) { //call ConfigureDevices() in edit mode
DIUtil_ConfigureDevices(g_hWndMain, g_pddsDIConfig, DICD_EDIT); }
if( g_fShowDelay > 0.0f ) { g_fShowDelay -= fTickDiff;
if( g_fShowDelay < 0.0f ) { InitializeShips(); #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bLastShield = FALSE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_fShowDelay = 0.0f; if (g_pShipsArray[pl] != NULL) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->bVisible = TRUE; } } }
// Update the ships
if (g_pShipsArray[pl] != NULL) { if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->bVisible ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->posx += g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx * fTickDiff; g_pShipsArray[pl]->posy += g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely * fTickDiff; } if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->posx > (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - SHIP_WIDTH) ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->posx = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - SHIP_WIDTH); g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx = -g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx;
// Bounce off the right edge of the screen
bBounce = TRUE; lAngle = 90; } else if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->posx < 0 ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->posx = 0; g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx = -g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx;
// Bounce off the left edge of the screen
bBounce = TRUE; lAngle = 270; }
if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->posy > (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - SHIP_HEIGHT) ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->posy = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - SHIP_HEIGHT); g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely = -g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely;
// Bounce off the bottom edge of the screen
bBounce = TRUE; lAngle = 180; } else if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->posy < 0 ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->posy =0; g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely = -g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely;
// Bounce off the top edge of the screen
bBounce = TRUE; lAngle = 0; }
if( bBounce ) { // "Bounce" the ship
PlayPannedSound( g_pShipBounceSound, g_pShipsArray[pl] ); #if 0 //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
DIUtil_PlayDirectionalEffect( g_pBounceFFEffect, lAngle ); #endif //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
bShieldState = ( !g_pShipsArray[pl]->bVisible || ( input[pl] & KEY_SHIELD ) );
#if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
if( bShieldState != g_bLastShield ) { #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
if( bShieldState && g_pShipsArray[pl]->bVisible ) { DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pShieldBuzzSound, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bShieldsOn = TRUE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
} else { DSUtil_StopSound( g_pShieldBuzzSound ); #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bShieldsOn = FALSE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
} #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bLastShield = bShieldState; } #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
if( bShieldState ) { input[pl] &= ~(KEY_FIRE); }
if( input[pl] & KEY_FIRE ) { // Add a bullet to the scene
if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->bVisible ) { // Bullets cost one score point
if( g_dwScore ) g_dwScore--;
// Play the "fire" sound
DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pFireBulletSound, 0);
// Play the "fire" forcefeedback effect
#if 0 //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
DIUtil_PlayEffect( g_pFireFFEffect ); #endif //not used in the Semantic Mapper demo
// Add a bullet to the display list
CreateObject( OBJ_BULLET, Dirx[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame]*6.0f + 16.0f + g_pShipsArray[pl]->posx, Diry[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame]*6.0f + 16.0f + g_pShipsArray[pl]->posy, Dirx[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame]*500.0f, Diry[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame]*500.0f, pl); } }
if( input[pl] & KEY_LEFT ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame -= 1.0; if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame < 0.0 ) g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame += MAX_SHIP_FRAME; } if( input[pl] & KEY_RIGHT ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame += 1.0; if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame >= MAX_SHIP_FRAME ) g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame -= MAX_SHIP_FRAME; } if( input[pl] & KEY_UP ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx += Dirx[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame] * 10.0f; g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely += Diry[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame] * 10.0f; bThrustState = TRUE; } if( input[pl] & KEY_DOWN ) { g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx -= Dirx[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame] * 10.0f; g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely -= Diry[(int)g_pShipsArray[pl]->frame] * 10.0f; bThrustState = TRUE; }
if( bThrustState != lastThrust ) { if( bThrustState ) { input[pl] &= ~KEY_STOP; DSUtil_StopSound( g_pSkidToStopSound ); DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pEngineRevSound, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bThrusting = TRUE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
} else { DSUtil_StopSound( g_pEngineRevSound ); #if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
g_bThrusting = FALSE; #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
lastThrust = bThrustState; }
if( input[pl] & KEY_STOP ) { if( g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx || g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely ) PlayPannedSound( g_pSkidToStopSound, g_pShipsArray[pl] );
g_pShipsArray[pl]->velx = 0.0f; g_pShipsArray[pl]->vely = 0.0f; } } }
for( thisnode = g_pDisplayList->next; thisnode; ) { //for things other than ships, which were handled above
if (thisnode->type != OBJ_SHIP) { thisnode->posx += thisnode->velx * fTickDiff; thisnode->posy += thisnode->vely * fTickDiff; thisnode->frame += thisnode->delay * fTickDiff; switch( thisnode->type ) { case OBJ_DONUT: maxx = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - DONUT_WIDTH); maxy = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - DONUT_HEIGHT); maxframe = MAX_DONUT_FRAME; break; case OBJ_PYRAMID: maxx = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - PYRAMID_WIDTH); maxy = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - PYRAMID_HEIGHT); maxframe = MAX_PYRAMID_FRAME; break; case OBJ_SPHERE: maxx = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - SPHERE_WIDTH); maxy = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - SPHERE_HEIGHT); maxframe = MAX_SPHERE_FRAME; break; case OBJ_CUBE: maxx = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - CUBE_WIDTH); maxy = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - CUBE_HEIGHT); maxframe = MAX_CUBE_FRAME; break; case OBJ_BULLET: maxx = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - BULLET_WIDTH); maxy = (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - BULLET_HEIGHT); maxframe = MAX_BULLET_FRAME;
// If bullet "expired", removed it from list
if( thisnode->frame >= MAX_BULLET_FRAME ) { DisplayObject* pVictim = thisnode; thisnode = thisnode->next; DeleteFromList( pVictim ); continue; } break; } if( thisnode != g_pDisplayList ) { if( thisnode->posx > maxx ) { thisnode->posx = maxx; thisnode->velx = -thisnode->velx; } else if ( thisnode->posx < 0 ) { thisnode->posx =0; thisnode->velx = -thisnode->velx; } if( thisnode->posy > maxy ) { thisnode->posy = maxy; thisnode->vely = -thisnode->vely; } else if ( thisnode->posy < 0 ) { thisnode->posy =0; thisnode->vely = -thisnode->vely; } if( thisnode->frame >= maxframe ) { thisnode->frame -= maxframe; } } } thisnode = thisnode->next; } }
// Name: IsDisplayListEmpty()
// Desc:
BOOL IsDisplayListEmpty() { DisplayObject* pObject = g_pDisplayList->next;
while( pObject ) { if( pObject->type != OBJ_BULLET ) return FALSE;
pObject = pObject->next; } return TRUE; }
// Name: IsDisplayListEmptyExceptShips()
// Desc:
BOOL IsDisplayListEmptyExceptShips() { DisplayObject* pObject = g_pDisplayList->next;
while( pObject ) { if(( pObject->type != OBJ_BULLET ) && (pObject->type != OBJ_SHIP)) return FALSE;
pObject = pObject->next; } return TRUE; }
// Name: InitializeShips()
// Desc:
VOID InitializeShips() { for (int ship = 0; ship < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; ship++) { if (g_pShipsArray[ship] != NULL) { g_pShipsArray[ship]->posx = (FLOAT)(g_dwScreenWidth/(ship+2)-16); // Center the ship
g_pShipsArray[ship]->posy = (FLOAT)(g_dwScreenHeight/(ship+2)-16); g_pShipsArray[ship]->frame = 0.0f; g_pShipsArray[ship]->velx = 0.0f; // Not moving
g_pShipsArray[ship]->vely = 0.0f; g_pShipsArray[ship]->bVisible = TRUE; g_pShipsArray[ship]->Player = ship; } } }
// Name: AdvanceLevel()
// Desc:
VOID AdvanceLevel() { // Up the level
// Clear any stray objects (anything but the ships) out of the display list
while( (g_pShip->next != NULL) && (g_pShip->next->type != OBJ_SHIP )) { DeleteFromList( g_pShip->next ); }
// Create donuts for the new level
for( WORD i=0; i<(2*g_dwLevel-1); i++ ) { FLOAT x = rnd( 0.0f, (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_X - DONUT_WIDTH) ); FLOAT y = rnd( 0.0f, (FLOAT)(MAX_SCREEN_Y - DONUT_HEIGHT) );
CreateObject( OBJ_DONUT, x, y, 0.0f, 0.0f, NO_PLAYER ); }
// Delay for 2 seconds before displaying ships
InitializeShips(); g_fShowDelay = 2.0f; }
// Name: CreateObject()
// Desc:
DisplayObject* CreateObject( SHORT type, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, FLOAT vx, FLOAT vy, int Player ) { // Create a new display object
DisplayObject* pObject = new DisplayObject; if( NULL == pObject ) return NULL;
// Add the object to the global display list
AddToList( pObject );
// Set object attributes
pObject->bVisible = TRUE; pObject->type = type; pObject->posx = x; pObject->posy = y; pObject->velx = vx; pObject->vely = vy; pObject->Player = NO_PLAYER;
switch( type ) { case OBJ_DONUT: pObject->velx = rnd( -50.0f, 50.0f ); pObject->vely = rnd( -50.0f, 50.0f ); pObject->frame = rnd( 0.0f, 30.0f ); pObject->delay = rnd( 3.0f, 12.0f ); pObject->pddsSurface = g_pddsDonut; break;
case OBJ_PYRAMID: pObject->velx = rnd( -75.0f, 75.0f ); pObject->vely = rnd( -75.0f, 75.0f ); pObject->frame = rnd( 0.0f, 30.0f ); pObject->delay = rnd( 12.0f, 40.0f ); pObject->pddsSurface = g_pddsPyramid; break;
case OBJ_SPHERE: pObject->velx = rnd( -150.0f, 150.0f ); pObject->vely = rnd( -150.0f, 150.0f ); pObject->frame = rnd( 0.0f, 30.0f ); pObject->delay = rnd( 60.0f, 80.0f ); pObject->pddsSurface = g_pddsSphere; break;
case OBJ_CUBE: pObject->velx = rnd( -200.0f, 200.0f ); pObject->vely = rnd( -200.0f, 200.0f ); pObject->frame = rnd( 0.0f, 30.0f ); pObject->delay = rnd( 32.0f, 80.0f ); pObject->pddsSurface = g_pddsCube; break; case OBJ_SHIP: pObject->frame = 0.0f; pObject->posx = x; pObject->posy = y; pObject->velx = 0.0f; // Not moving
pObject->vely = 0.0f; pObject->Player = Player; //which player the ship belongs to
pObject->pddsSurface = g_pddsShip; break;
case OBJ_BULLET: pObject->frame = 0.0f; pObject->delay = 1000.0f; pObject->Player = Player; //which player's ship shot the bullet
pObject->pddsSurface = g_pddsNumbers; break; }
return pObject; };
// Name: AddToList()
// Desc:
VOID AddToList( DisplayObject* pObject ) { pObject->next = g_pDisplayList->next; pObject->prev = g_pDisplayList;
if( g_pDisplayList->next ) g_pDisplayList->next->prev = pObject; g_pDisplayList->next = pObject; }
// Name: RestoreSurfaces()
// Desc:
HRESULT RestoreSurfaces() { HRESULT hr; HBITMAP hbm;
if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsFrontBuffer->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsDonut->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsPyramid->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsCube->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsSphere->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsShip->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL; if( FAILED( hr = g_pddsNumbers->Restore() ) ) return E_FAIL;
// Create and set the palette for the splash bitmap
g_pSplashPalette = DDUtil_LoadPalette( g_pDD, "SPLASH" );
// Create and set the palette for the art bitmap
g_pArtPalette = DDUtil_LoadPalette( g_pDD, "DONUTS8" );
if( NULL == g_pSplashPalette || NULL == g_pArtPalette ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("Could not load palettes"); return E_FAIL; }
// Set the palette before loading the art
g_pddsFrontBuffer->SetPalette( g_pArtPalette );
hbm = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( GetModuleHandle(NULL), "DONUTS8", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); if( NULL == hbm ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("Could not load bitmap"); return E_FAIL; }
// Copy the bitmaps. (We're OR'ing the hresults together so we only have to
// do one check for a failure case.)
hr |= DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsDonut, hbm, 0, 0, 320, 384 ); hr |= DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsPyramid, hbm, 0, 384, 320, 128 ); hr |= DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsSphere, hbm, 0, 512, 320, 32 ); hr |= DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsCube, hbm, 0, 544, 320, 32 ); hr |= DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsShip, hbm, 0, 576, 320, 256 ); hr |= DDUtil_CopyBitmap( g_pddsNumbers, hbm, 0, 832, 320, 16 );
if( FAILED(hr) ) { CleanupAndDisplayError("Could not copy bitmaps to surfaces"); DeleteObject( hbm ); return E_FAIL; }
// Done with the bitmap
DeleteObject( hbm );
// Set colorfill colors and color keys according to bitmap contents
g_dwFillColor = DDUtil_ColorMatch( g_pddsDonut, CLR_INVALID );
DDUtil_SetColorKey( g_pddsDonut, CLR_INVALID ); DDUtil_SetColorKey( g_pddsPyramid, CLR_INVALID ); DDUtil_SetColorKey( g_pddsCube, CLR_INVALID ); DDUtil_SetColorKey( g_pddsSphere, CLR_INVALID ); DDUtil_SetColorKey( g_pddsShip, CLR_INVALID ); DDUtil_SetColorKey( g_pddsNumbers, CLR_INVALID );
return S_OK; }
// Name: rnd()
// Desc:
FLOAT rnd( FLOAT low, FLOAT high ) { return low + ( high - low ) * ((FLOAT)rand())/RAND_MAX; }
// Name: InitializeSound()
// Desc:
HRESULT InitializeSound( HWND hWnd ) { g_bSoundEnabled = FALSE;
if( FAILED( DirectSoundCreate( NULL, &g_pDS, NULL ) ) ) //return E_FAIL;
//per Marcus's request, to run on his machine
return S_FALSE;
if( FAILED( g_pDS->SetCooperativeLevel( hWnd, DSSCL_NORMAL ) ) ) { g_pDS->Release(); g_pDS = NULL;
return E_FAIL; }
g_pBeginLevelSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "BeginLevel", 1 ); g_pEngineIdleSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "EngineIdle", 1 ); g_pEngineRevSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "EngineRev", 1 ); g_pSkidToStopSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "SkidToStop", 1 ); g_pShieldBuzzSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "ShieldBuzz", 1 ); g_pShipExplodeSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "ShipExplode", 1 ); g_pFireBulletSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "Gunfire", 25 ); g_pShipBounceSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "ShipBounce", 4 ); g_pDonutExplodeSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "DonutExplode", 10 ); g_pPyramidExplodeSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "PyramidExplode", 12 ); g_pCubeExplodeSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "CubeExplode", 15 ); g_pSphereExplodeSound = DSUtil_CreateSound( g_pDS, "SphereExplode", 10 );
g_bSoundEnabled = TRUE;
// Start sounds that should be playing
#if 0 //not used for the mulit-user mapper
if( g_bEngineIdle ) DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pEngineIdleSound, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); if( g_bShieldsOn ) DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pShieldBuzzSound, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); if( g_bThrusting ) DSUtil_PlaySound( g_pEngineRevSound, DSBPLAY_LOOPING ); #endif //not used for the mulit-user mapper
return S_OK; }
// Name: DestroySound()
// Desc:
VOID DestroySound() { if( g_pDS ) { DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pBeginLevelSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pEngineIdleSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pEngineRevSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pSkidToStopSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pShieldBuzzSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pShipExplodeSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pFireBulletSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pShipBounceSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pDonutExplodeSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pPyramidExplodeSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pCubeExplodeSound ); DSUtil_DestroySound( g_pSphereExplodeSound );
g_pDS->Release(); }
g_pBeginLevelSound = NULL; g_pEngineIdleSound = NULL; g_pEngineRevSound = NULL; g_pSkidToStopSound = NULL; g_pShieldBuzzSound = NULL; g_pShipExplodeSound = NULL; g_pFireBulletSound = NULL; g_pShipBounceSound = NULL; g_pDonutExplodeSound = NULL; g_pPyramidExplodeSound = NULL; g_pCubeExplodeSound = NULL; g_pSphereExplodeSound = NULL;
g_pDS = NULL; g_bSoundEnabled = FALSE; }
// Name: InitializeInput()
// Desc:
HRESULT InitializeInput( HWND hWnd ) { // Initialize DirectInpu
if( FAILED( DIUtil_Initialize( hWnd ) ) ) { MessageBox( hWnd, "Can't Initialize DirectInput", "TDonuts", MB_OK ); return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// Name: DestroyInput()
// Desc:
VOID DestroyInput() { // Release DirectInput
DIUtil_CleanupDirectInput(); }
// Name: GetDeviceInput(input[])
// Desc: Processes data from the input device. Uses GetDeviceData().
for (int pl = 0; pl < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; pl++) { printf("pl = %i", pl);
for (int dv = 0; dv < (int) g_dwNumDevices[pl]; dv++) {
printf("dv = %i", dv);
if (g_pDevices[pl][dv] != NULL) { DWORD dwItems = 10; DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA rgdod[10]; hr = g_pDevices[pl][dv]->Poll(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = g_pDevices[pl][dv]->GetDeviceData( sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), rgdod, &dwItems, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //get the sematics codes
for (int j=0; j < (int)dwItems; j++) { //for axes, do axes stuff
if (rgdod[j].uAppData & AXIS_MASK) { //blow out all of the axis data
dwInputState[pl] &= ~(KEY_RIGHT); dwInputState[pl] &= ~(KEY_LEFT); dwInputState[pl] &= ~(KEY_UP); dwInputState[pl] &= ~(KEY_DOWN);
if( ((int)rgdod[j].dwData) > 10 ) { dwInputState[pl] |= ( rgdod[j].uAppData == AXIS_LR ) ? KEY_RIGHT : KEY_DOWN; } if( ((int)rgdod[j].dwData) < -10 ) { dwInputState[pl] |= ( rgdod[j].uAppData == AXIS_LR ) ? KEY_LEFT : KEY_UP; }
} else //do buttons
{ //if rgdod[j].dwData & 0x80, it means the button went down,
//else it went up
if (rgdod[j].dwData & 0x80) { //set the new state
dwInputState[pl] |= rgdod[j].uAppData; } else { dwInputState[pl] &= ~(rgdod[j].uAppData); } } } } }
} //set the new state
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { input[pl] = dwInputState[pl]; }