// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Implementation of CActiveScriptManager.
#include "stdinc.h"
#include "activescript.h"
#include "dll.h"
#include "oleaut.h"
#include "dmscript.h"
#include "authelper.h"
#include "packexception.h"
#include <objsafe.h>
// Global constants
const LCID lcidUSEnglish = MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT); const WCHAR g_wszGlobalDispatch[] = L"DirectMusic";
// Static variables
SmartRef::Vector<CActiveScriptManager::ThreadContextPair> CActiveScriptManager::ms_svecContext;
// ScriptNames
HRESULT ScriptNames::Init(bool fUseOleAut, DWORD cNames) { m_prgbstr = new BSTR[cNames]; if (!m_prgbstr) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(m_prgbstr, sizeof(BSTR) * cNames); m_fUseOleAut = fUseOleAut; m_dwSize = cNames; return S_OK; }
void ScriptNames::Clear() { if (m_prgbstr) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwSize; ++i) { DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, m_prgbstr[i]); } } delete[] m_prgbstr; }
// Public functions
CActiveScriptManager::CActiveScriptManager( bool fUseOleAut, const WCHAR *pwszLanguage, const WCHAR *pwszSource, CDirectMusicScript *pParentScript, HRESULT *phr, DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO *pErrorInfo) : m_cRef(1), m_pParentScript(pParentScript), m_fUseOleAut(fUseOleAut), m_pActiveScript(NULL), m_pDispatchScript(NULL), m_bstrErrorSourceComponent(NULL), m_bstrErrorDescription(NULL), m_bstrErrorSourceLineText(NULL), m_bstrHelpFile(NULL), m_i64IntendedStartTime(0), m_dwIntendedStartTimeFlags(0) { LockModule(true); this->ClearErrorInfo();
IActiveScriptParse *pActiveScriptParse = NULL;
if (!m_pParentScript) { assert(false); *phr = E_POINTER; goto Fail; }
// Create the scripting engine
CLSID clsid; *phr = CLSIDFromProgID(pwszLanguage, &clsid); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail;
*phr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IActiveScript, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_pActiveScript)); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail;
// Initialize the scripting engine
{ IObjectSafety* pSafety = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(m_pActiveScript->QueryInterface(IID_IObjectSafety, (void**) &pSafety))) { DWORD dwSafetySupported, dwSafetyEnabled; // Get the interface safety otions
if (SUCCEEDED(*phr = pSafety->GetInterfaceSafetyOptions(IID_IActiveScript, &dwSafetySupported, &dwSafetyEnabled))) { // Only allow objects which say they are safe for untrusted data, and
// say that we require the use of a security manager. This gives us much
// more control
dwSafetyEnabled |= INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_DATA | INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CALLER | INTERFACE_USES_DISPEX | INTERFACE_USES_SECURITY_MANAGER; *phr = pSafety->SetInterfaceSafetyOptions(IID_IActiveScript, dwSafetySupported, dwSafetyEnabled); } pSafety->Release(); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail; } }
*phr = m_pActiveScript->SetScriptSite(this); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail;
// Add the default objects
*phr = m_pActiveScript->AddNamedItem(g_wszGlobalDispatch, SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE | SCRIPTITEM_NOCODE | SCRIPTITEM_GLOBALMEMBERS); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail;
// Parse the script
*phr = m_pActiveScript->QueryInterface(IID_IActiveScriptParse, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&pActiveScriptParse)); if (FAILED(*phr)) { if (*phr == E_NOINTERFACE) { Trace(1, "Error: Scripting engine '%S' does not support the IActiveScriptParse interface required for use with DirectMusic.\n", pwszLanguage); *phr = DMUS_E_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_INCOMPATIBLE; } goto Fail; }
*phr = pActiveScriptParse->InitNew(); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail;
EXCEPINFO exinfo; ZeroMemory(&exinfo, sizeof(EXCEPINFO)); *phr = pActiveScriptParse->ParseScriptText( pwszSource, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &exinfo); if (*phr == DISP_E_EXCEPTION) this->ContributeErrorInfo(L"parsing script", L"", exinfo); if (FAILED(*phr)) goto Fail;
SafeRelease(pActiveScriptParse); // No longer needed
Fail: if (m_pActiveScript) m_pActiveScript->Close(); SafeRelease(pActiveScriptParse); SafeRelease(m_pActiveScript); *phr = this->ReturnErrorInfo(*phr, pErrorInfo); }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::Start(DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO *pErrorInfo) { if (!m_pActiveScript) { Trace(1, "Error: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
// Start the script running
// Set context to this script (VBScript runs global code and could play something when it starts)
CActiveScriptManager *pASM = NULL; HRESULT hr = CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(this, &pASM); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = m_pActiveScript->SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED); // We don't need to sink any events
CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(pASM, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto Fail; assert(hr != S_FALSE); if (hr != S_OK) { assert(false); hr = DMUS_E_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_INCOMPATIBLE; goto Fail; }
hr = m_pActiveScript->GetScriptDispatch(NULL, &m_pDispatchScript); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Fail;
return S_OK;
Fail: if (m_pActiveScript) m_pActiveScript->Close(); SafeRelease(m_pActiveScript); SafeRelease(m_pDispatchScript); hr = this->ReturnErrorInfo(hr, pErrorInfo); return hr; }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::CallRoutine( const WCHAR *pwszRoutineName, DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO *pErrorInfo) { if (!m_pDispatchScript) { Trace(1, "Error calling script routine: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr = this->GetIDOfName(pwszRoutineName, &dispid); if (hr == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) { Trace(1, "Error: Attempt to call routine '%S' that is not defined in the script.\n", pwszRoutineName); return DMUS_E_SCRIPT_ROUTINE_NOT_FOUND; } if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
this->ClearErrorInfo(); DISPPARAMS dispparamsNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0}; EXCEPINFO exinfo; ZeroMemory(&exinfo, sizeof(EXCEPINFO));
// Set context to this script
CActiveScriptManager *pASM = NULL; hr = CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(this, &pASM); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = m_pDispatchScript->Invoke( dispid, m_fUseOleAut ? IID_NULL : g_guidInvokeWithoutOleaut, lcidUSEnglish, DISPATCH_METHOD, &dispparamsNoArgs, NULL, &exinfo, NULL);
// Restore previous context (the routine could have been called from another script,
// whose context needs to be restored).
CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(pASM, NULL);
if (hr == DISP_E_EXCEPTION) this->ContributeErrorInfo(L"calling routine ", pwszRoutineName, exinfo);
return this->ReturnErrorInfo(hr, pErrorInfo); }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::ScriptTrackCallRoutine( const WCHAR *pwszRoutineName, IDirectMusicSegmentState *pSegSt, DWORD dwVirtualTrackID, bool fErrorPMsgsEnabled, __int64 i64IntendedStartTime, DWORD dwIntendedStartTimeFlags) { DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO ErrorInfo; if (fErrorPMsgsEnabled) ZeroAndSize(&ErrorInfo);
// record current timing context
__int64 i64IntendedStartTime_PreCall = m_i64IntendedStartTime; DWORD dwIntendedStartTimeFlags_PreCall = m_dwIntendedStartTimeFlags; // set designated timing context (used by play/stop methods if called within the routine)
m_i64IntendedStartTime = i64IntendedStartTime; m_dwIntendedStartTimeFlags = dwIntendedStartTimeFlags;
HRESULT hr = CallRoutine(pwszRoutineName, &ErrorInfo);
// Restore the previous timing context.
// This is important because when R finishes it will resore both fields to the values set in the
// constructor, which are music time 0. This setting means that routines called via IDirectMusicScript
// will play segments at the current time.
// It is also important because such calls can be nested. Assume that track T calls a script routine R
// that plays a segment containing track T', which calls another script routine R'. Statements
// in R should be associated with the time of R in T, but statements in R' get the time of R' in T'.
m_i64IntendedStartTime = i64IntendedStartTime_PreCall; m_dwIntendedStartTimeFlags = dwIntendedStartTimeFlags_PreCall;
if (fErrorPMsgsEnabled && hr == DMUS_E_SCRIPT_ERROR_IN_SCRIPT) { IDirectMusicPerformance *pPerf = m_pParentScript->GetPerformance(); FireScriptTrackErrorPMsg(pPerf, pSegSt, dwVirtualTrackID, &ErrorInfo); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::SetVariable( const WCHAR *pwszVariableName, VARIANT varValue, bool fSetRef, DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO *pErrorInfo) { if (!m_pDispatchScript) { Trace(1, "Error setting script variable: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr = this->GetIDOfName(pwszVariableName, &dispid); if (hr == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) { Trace(1, "Error: Attempt to set variable '%S' that is not defined in the script.\n", pwszVariableName); return DMUS_E_SCRIPT_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND; } if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
this->ClearErrorInfo(); DISPID dispidPropPut = DISPID_PROPERTYPUT; DISPPARAMS dispparams; dispparams.rgvarg = &varValue; dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = &dispidPropPut; dispparams.cArgs = 1; dispparams.cNamedArgs = 1; EXCEPINFO exinfo; ZeroMemory(&exinfo, sizeof(EXCEPINFO)); hr = m_pDispatchScript->Invoke( dispid, m_fUseOleAut ? IID_NULL : g_guidInvokeWithoutOleaut, lcidUSEnglish, fSetRef ? DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF : DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dispparams, NULL, &exinfo, NULL); if (hr == DISP_E_EXCEPTION) { this->ContributeErrorInfo(L"setting variable ", pwszVariableName, exinfo);
// Check if it was more likely a malformed call to SetVariable rather than an error in the script, in which
// case return a descriptive HRESULT rather than the textual error.
bool fObject = varValue.vt == VT_DISPATCH || varValue.vt == VT_UNKNOWN; if (fObject) { if (!fSetRef) { // Theoretically an object could support the value property, which would allow it to be assigned by value.
// (Not that any of our built-in objects currently do this.)
// But in this case we know that the set failed, so probably this is the fault of the caller, who forgot to use
// fSetRef when setting an object.
this->ClearErrorInfo(); return DMUS_E_SCRIPT_VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else { if (fSetRef) { // Setting by reference without using an object.
this->ClearErrorInfo(); return DMUS_E_SCRIPT_NOT_A_REFERENCE; } } }
return this->ReturnErrorInfo(hr, pErrorInfo); }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::GetVariable(const WCHAR *pwszVariableName, VARIANT *pvarValue, DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO *pErrorInfo) { if (!m_pDispatchScript) { Trace(1, "Error getting script variable: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
assert(pvarValue->vt == VT_EMPTY);
DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr = this->GetIDOfName(pwszVariableName, &dispid); if (hr == DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME) return DMUS_E_SCRIPT_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND; if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
this->ClearErrorInfo(); DISPPARAMS dispparamsNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0}; EXCEPINFO exinfo; ZeroMemory(&exinfo, sizeof(EXCEPINFO)); hr = m_pDispatchScript->Invoke( dispid, m_fUseOleAut ? IID_NULL : g_guidInvokeWithoutOleaut, lcidUSEnglish, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dispparamsNoArgs, pvarValue, &exinfo, NULL); if (hr == DISP_E_EXCEPTION) this->ContributeErrorInfo(L"getting variable ", pwszVariableName, exinfo);
return this->ReturnErrorInfo(hr, pErrorInfo); }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::EnumItem(bool fRoutine, DWORD dwIndex, WCHAR *pwszName, int *pcItems) { HRESULT hr = this->EnsureEnumItemsCached(fRoutine); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ScriptNames &snames = fRoutine ? m_snamesRoutines : m_snamesVariables;
DWORD cNames = snames.size(); // snames was allocated for the size of the most items there could be as reported by the script's type info.
// However, the global "DirectMusic" variable may have been skipped, leaving a NULL entry at the end of snames.
if (cNames > 0 && !snames[cNames - 1]) --cNames; if (pcItems) *pcItems = cNames; if (dwIndex >= cNames) return S_FALSE; const BSTR bstrName = snames[dwIndex]; if (!bstrName) { assert(false); return S_FALSE; }
return wcsTruncatedCopy(pwszName, bstrName, MAX_PATH); }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::DispGetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId) { if (!m_pDispatchScript) { Trace(1, "Error: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
// handle the dummy load method
HRESULT hr = AutLoadDispatchGetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// otherwise defer to the scripting engine
return m_pDispatchScript->GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId); }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::DispInvoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr) { if (!m_pDispatchScript) { Trace(1, "Error: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
// handle the dummy load method
HRESULT hr = AutLoadDispatchInvoke(NULL, dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr;
// otherwise defer to the scripting engine...
CActiveScriptManager *pASM = NULL; hr = CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(this, &pASM); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// If this is a property set of an object then we need to report it to garbage collecting loader if present.
// Note that we do this before actually setting the property with Invoke. We do this because if the garbage collector
// fails to track the reference then it won't necessarily keep the target object alive and we don't want to create
// a dangling reference in the script.
if (wFlags & DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF && pDispParams && pDispParams->cArgs == 1) { IDirectMusicLoader8P *pLoader8P = m_pParentScript->GetLoader8P(); VARIANT &var = pDispParams->rgvarg[0]; if (pLoader8P && (var.vt == VT_UNKNOWN || var.vt == VT_DISPATCH)) { hr = pLoader8P->ReportDynamicallyReferencedObject(m_pParentScript, var.vt == VT_UNKNOWN ? var.punkVal : var.pdispVal); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } }
hr = m_pDispatchScript->Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
bool fExceptionUsingOleAut = !!(riid != g_guidInvokeWithoutOleaut);
if (hr == 0x80020101 && pExcepInfo) // supposedly this is SCRIPT_E_REPORTED
{ // See KB article ID: Q247784, INFO: '80020101' Returned From Some ActiveX Scripting Methods.
// Sometimes VBScript just returns this undocumented HRESULT, which means the error has already been
// reported via OnScriptError. Since it then doesn't give us the exception info via pExcepInfo, we have
// to take the info we saves from OnScriptError and put it back in.
assert(fExceptionUsingOleAut && m_fUseOleAut); // We don't expect this to happen with a custom scripting engine.
assert(!pExcepInfo->bstrSource && !pExcepInfo->bstrDescription && !pExcepInfo->bstrHelpFile); // We don't expect this will happen when the exception info has been filled in.
pExcepInfo->scode = m_hrError;
DMS_SysFreeString(fExceptionUsingOleAut, pExcepInfo->bstrSource); pExcepInfo->bstrSource = DMS_SysAllocString(fExceptionUsingOleAut, m_bstrErrorSourceComponent);
DMS_SysFreeString(fExceptionUsingOleAut, pExcepInfo->bstrDescription); pExcepInfo->bstrDescription = DMS_SysAllocString(fExceptionUsingOleAut, m_bstrErrorDescription);
DMS_SysFreeString(fExceptionUsingOleAut, pExcepInfo->bstrHelpFile); pExcepInfo->bstrHelpFile = DMS_SysAllocString(fExceptionUsingOleAut, m_bstrHelpFile);
if (hr == DISP_E_EXCEPTION) { // Hack: See packexception.h for more info
PackExceptionFileAndLine(fExceptionUsingOleAut, pExcepInfo, m_pParentScript->GetFilename(), m_fError ? &m_ulErrorLineNumber : NULL); }
CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(pASM, NULL); return hr; }
void CActiveScriptManager::Close() { if (!m_pActiveScript) { assert(false); // Close being called if initialization failed. Or Close was called twice. Or else m_pActiveScript is getting cleared prematurely somehow.
return; }
HRESULT hr = m_pActiveScript->Close(); assert(SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE); SafeRelease(m_pDispatchScript); SafeRelease(m_pActiveScript); }
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::QueryInterface(const IID &iid, void **ppv) { V_INAME(CActiveScriptManager::QueryInterface); V_PTRPTR_WRITE(ppv); V_REFGUID(iid);
if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == IID_IActiveScriptSite) { *ppv = static_cast<IActiveScriptSite*>(this); } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(this)->AddRef(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CActiveScriptManager::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CActiveScriptManager::Release() { if (!InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef)) { SafeRelease(m_pDispatchScript); SafeRelease(m_pActiveScript); delete this; LockModule(false); return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
// IActiveScriptSite
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::GetLCID(/* [out] */ LCID __RPC_FAR *plcid) { V_INAME(CActiveScriptManager::GetLCID); V_PTR_WRITE(plcid, LCID);
*plcid = lcidUSEnglish;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::GetItemInfo( /* [in] */ LPCOLESTR pstrName, /* [in] */ DWORD dwReturnMask, /* [out] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppiunkItem, /* [out] */ ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppti) { V_INAME(CActiveScriptManager::GetLCID); V_PTR_WRITE_OPT(ppti, ITypeInfo*);
bool fGetUnknown = !!(dwReturnMask | SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN); if (fGetUnknown || ppiunkItem) { V_PTR_WRITE(ppiunkItem, IUnknown*); }
if (ppiunkItem) *ppiunkItem = NULL; if (ppti) *ppti = NULL;
if (0 != wcscmp(g_wszGlobalDispatch, pstrName)) { assert(false); // we should only be asked about the global object
if (fGetUnknown) { IDispatch *pDispGlobal = m_pParentScript->GetGlobalDispatch(); pDispGlobal->AddRef(); *ppiunkItem = pDispGlobal; }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::GetDocVersionString(/* [out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrVersion) { return E_NOTIMPL; // Not an issue for our scripts that don't persist their state and aren't edited at runtime.
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::OnScriptTerminate( /* [in] */ const VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pvarResult, /* [in] */ const EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pexcepinfo) { if (pexcepinfo) this->ContributeErrorInfo(L"terminating script", L"", *pexcepinfo);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::OnStateChange(/* [in] */ SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState) { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::OnScriptError(/* [in] */ IActiveScriptError __RPC_FAR *pscripterror) { V_INAME(CActiveScriptManager::OnScriptError); V_INTERFACE(pscripterror);
BSTR bstrSource = NULL; pscripterror->GetSourceLineText(&bstrSource); // this may fail, in which case the source text will remain blank
ULONG ulLine = 0; LONG lChar = 0; HRESULT hr = pscripterror->GetSourcePosition(NULL, &ulLine, &lChar); assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));
EXCEPINFO exinfo; ZeroMemory(&exinfo, sizeof(EXCEPINFO)); hr = pscripterror->GetExceptionInfo(&exinfo); assert(SUCCEEDED(hr));
this->SetErrorInfo(ulLine, lChar, bstrSource, exinfo);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::OnEnterScript() { return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveScriptManager::OnLeaveScript() { return S_OK; }
IDirectMusicPerformance8 * CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentPerformanceNoAssertWEAK() { CActiveScriptManager *pASM = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentContext(); if (!pASM) return NULL;
return pASM->m_pParentScript->GetPerformance(); }
IDirectMusicObject * CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentScriptObjectWEAK() { CActiveScriptManager *pASM = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentContext(); if (!pASM) { assert(false); return NULL; }
assert(pASM->m_pParentScript); return pASM->m_pParentScript; }
IDirectMusicComposer8 *CActiveScriptManager::GetComposerWEAK() { CActiveScriptManager *pASM = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentContext(); if (!pASM) { assert(false); return NULL; }
assert(pASM->m_pParentScript); return pASM->m_pParentScript->GetComposer(); }
void CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentTimingContext(__int64 *pi64IntendedStartTime, DWORD *pdwIntendedStartTimeFlags) { CActiveScriptManager *pASM = CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentContext(); if (!pASM) { assert(false); *pi64IntendedStartTime = 0; *pdwIntendedStartTimeFlags = 0; } else { *pi64IntendedStartTime = pASM->m_i64IntendedStartTime; *pdwIntendedStartTimeFlags = pASM->m_dwIntendedStartTimeFlags; } }
// Private functions
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::GetIDOfName(const WCHAR *pwszName, DISPID *pdispid) { V_INAME(CDirectMusicScript::GetIDOfName); V_BUFPTR_READ(pwszName, 2); V_PTR_WRITE(pdispid, DISPID);
if (!m_pDispatchScript) { assert(false); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
HRESULT hr = m_pDispatchScript->GetIDsOfNames( IID_NULL, const_cast<WCHAR **>(&pwszName), 1, lcidUSEnglish, pdispid); return hr; }
// Clears the error info and frees all cached BSTRs.
void CActiveScriptManager::ClearErrorInfo() { m_fError = false; if (m_bstrErrorSourceComponent) { DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, m_bstrErrorSourceComponent); m_bstrErrorSourceComponent = NULL; } if (m_bstrErrorDescription) { DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, m_bstrErrorDescription); m_bstrErrorDescription = NULL; } if (m_bstrErrorSourceLineText) { DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, m_bstrErrorSourceLineText); m_bstrErrorSourceLineText = NULL; } if (m_bstrHelpFile) { DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, m_bstrHelpFile); m_bstrHelpFile = NULL; } }
// Saves the passed error values.
// Assumes ownership of the BSTRs so don't use them after this call since they may be freed!
void CActiveScriptManager::SetErrorInfo( ULONG ulLineNumber, LONG ichCharPosition, BSTR bstrSourceLine, const EXCEPINFO &excepinfo) { this->ClearErrorInfo(); m_fError = true; m_hrError = excepinfo.scode; m_ulErrorLineNumber = ulLineNumber; m_ichErrorCharPosition = ichCharPosition;
m_bstrErrorSourceComponent = excepinfo.bstrSource; m_bstrErrorDescription = excepinfo.bstrDescription; m_bstrErrorSourceLineText = bstrSourceLine; m_bstrHelpFile = excepinfo.bstrHelpFile; }
// Sometimes a EXCEPINFO is returned when calling Invoke or on script termination. Although
// there is no source code information, we still want to do our best to set info about
// the error. If OnScriptError has already been called, then calling this function has
// no effect, since we prefer that information.
// Assumes ownership of the BSTRs so don't use them after this call since they may be freed!
void CActiveScriptManager::ContributeErrorInfo( const WCHAR *pwszActivity, const WCHAR *pwszSubject, const EXCEPINFO &excepinfo) { if (m_fError) { // Error info already set. Just clear the BSTRs and bail.
if (excepinfo.bstrSource) DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, excepinfo.bstrSource); if (excepinfo.bstrDescription) DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, excepinfo.bstrDescription); if (excepinfo.bstrHelpFile) DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, excepinfo.bstrHelpFile); return; }
this->SetErrorInfo(0, 0, NULL, excepinfo); }
// If no error occurred, hr is returned unchanged and pErrorInfo is unaffected.
// If an error did occur, DMUS_E_SCRIPT_ERROR_IN_SCRIPT is returned, the error
// information is saved into pErrorInfo (if nonnull), and the error info is
// cleared for next time.
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::ReturnErrorInfo(HRESULT hr, DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO *pErrorInfo) { if (!m_fError) return hr;
assert(FAILED(hr)); if (pErrorInfo) { // We'll fill in a structure with the error info and then copy it to pErrorInfo.
// This is done because it will make things simpler if more fields are added
// to DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO in the future.
DMUS_SCRIPT_ERRORINFO dmei; ZeroAndSize(&dmei); dmei.hr = m_hrError;
dmei.ulLineNumber = m_ulErrorLineNumber; dmei.ichCharPosition = m_ichErrorCharPosition;
if (m_bstrErrorDescription) { // Hack: See packexception.h for more info
UnpackExceptionFileAndLine(m_bstrErrorDescription, &dmei); }
// The IActiveScript interfaces return zero-based line and column numbers, but we want
// to return them from IDirectMusicScript using a one-based line and column that is
// natural for users.
++dmei.ulLineNumber; ++dmei.ichCharPosition;
if (dmei.wszSourceFile[0] == L'\0') { // if there was no filename packaged in the description, use this script's filename
const WCHAR *pwszFilename = m_pParentScript->GetFilename(); if (pwszFilename) wcsTruncatedCopy(dmei.wszSourceFile, pwszFilename, DMUS_MAX_FILENAME); }
if (m_bstrErrorSourceComponent) wcsTruncatedCopy(dmei.wszSourceComponent, m_bstrErrorSourceComponent, DMUS_MAX_FILENAME); if (m_bstrErrorSourceLineText) wcsTruncatedCopy(dmei.wszSourceLineText, m_bstrErrorSourceLineText, DMUS_MAX_FILENAME);
CopySizedStruct(pErrorInfo, &dmei); } this->ClearErrorInfo();
#ifdef DBG
if (pErrorInfo) { Trace(1, "Error: Script error in %S, line %u, column %i, near %S. %S: %S. Error code 0x%08X.\n", pErrorInfo->wszSourceFile, pErrorInfo->ulLineNumber, pErrorInfo->ichCharPosition, pErrorInfo->wszSourceLineText, pErrorInfo->wszSourceComponent, pErrorInfo->wszDescription, pErrorInfo->hr); } else { Trace(1, "Error: Unknown Script error.\n"); } #endif
CActiveScriptManager *CActiveScriptManager::GetCurrentContext() { DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); UINT uiSize = ms_svecContext.size();
for (UINT i = 0; i < uiSize; ++i) { if (ms_svecContext[i].dwThreadId == dwThreadId) break; }
if (i == uiSize) return NULL;
return ms_svecContext[i].pActiveScriptManager; }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::SetCurrentContext(CActiveScriptManager *pActiveScriptManager, CActiveScriptManager **ppActiveScriptManagerPrevious) { if (ppActiveScriptManagerPrevious) *ppActiveScriptManagerPrevious = NULL;
DWORD dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); UINT uiSize = ms_svecContext.size();
for (UINT i = 0; i < uiSize; ++i) { if (ms_svecContext[i].dwThreadId == dwThreadId) break; }
if (i == uiSize) { // add an entry
if (!ms_svecContext.AccessTo(i)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
ThreadContextPair &tcp = ms_svecContext[i];
if (i == uiSize) { // initialize the new entry
tcp.dwThreadId = dwThreadId; tcp.pActiveScriptManager = NULL; }
if (ppActiveScriptManagerPrevious) *ppActiveScriptManagerPrevious = tcp.pActiveScriptManager; tcp.pActiveScriptManager = pActiveScriptManager;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CActiveScriptManager::EnsureEnumItemsCached(bool fRoutine) { if (!m_pDispatchScript) { Trace(1, "Error: Script element not initialized.\n"); return DMUS_E_NOT_INIT; }
ScriptNames &snames = fRoutine ? m_snamesRoutines : m_snamesVariables; if (snames) return S_OK;
UINT uiTypeInfoCount = 0; HRESULT hr = m_pDispatchScript->GetTypeInfoCount(&uiTypeInfoCount); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !uiTypeInfoCount) hr = E_NOTIMPL; if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
SmartRef::ComPtr<ITypeInfo> scomITypeInfo; hr = m_pDispatchScript->GetTypeInfo(0, lcidUSEnglish, &scomITypeInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
TYPEATTR *pattr = NULL; hr = scomITypeInfo->GetTypeAttr(&pattr); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
UINT cMaxItems = fRoutine ? pattr->cFuncs : pattr->cVars; hr = snames.Init(m_fUseOleAut, cMaxItems); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Iterate over the items
DWORD dwCurIndex = 0; // Index position of next name to be saved in our cache
for (UINT i = 0; i < cMaxItems; ++i) { FUNCDESC *pfunc = NULL; VARDESC *pvar = NULL; MEMBERID memid = DISPID_UNKNOWN;
if (fRoutine) { hr = scomITypeInfo->GetFuncDesc(i, &pfunc); if (FAILED(hr)) break; if (pfunc->funckind == FUNC_DISPATCH && pfunc->invkind == INVOKE_FUNC && pfunc->cParams == 0) memid = pfunc->memid; } else { hr = scomITypeInfo->GetVarDesc(i, &pvar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pvar->varkind == VAR_DISPATCH) memid = pvar->memid; }
if (memid != DISPID_UNKNOWN) { UINT cNames = 0; BSTR bstrName = NULL; hr = scomITypeInfo->GetNames(memid, &bstrName, 1, &cNames); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cNames == 1 && (fRoutine || 0 != wcscmp(bstrName, g_wszGlobalDispatch))) snames[dwCurIndex++] = bstrName; else DMS_SysFreeString(m_fUseOleAut, bstrName); }
if (fRoutine) scomITypeInfo->ReleaseFuncDesc(pfunc); else scomITypeInfo->ReleaseVarDesc(pvar); }
return hr; }