* * Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: wirecd.cpp * Content: * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 07/16/99 pnewson Created * 08/03/99 pnewson General clean up, updated target to DVID * 01/14/2000 rodtoll Updated to support multiple targets. Frame will * automatically allocate memory as needed for targets. * rodtoll Added SetEqual function to making copying of frame * in Queue easier. * rodtoll Added support for "user controlled memory" frames. * When the default constructor is used with the UserOwn_XXXX * functions the frames use user specified buffers. * (Removes a buffer copy when queueing data). * 01/31/2000 pnewson replace SAssert with DNASSERT * 02/17/2000 rodtoll Updated so sequence/msg numbers are copied when you SetEqual * 07/09/2000 rodtoll Added signature bytes * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dxvutilspch.h"
// SetEqual
// This function sets the current frame to match the data in frSourceFrame
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::SetEqual"
HRESULT CFrame::SetEqual( const CFrame &frSourceFrame ) { HRESULT hr; SetClientId( frSourceFrame.GetClientId()); SetSeqNum(frSourceFrame.GetSeqNum()); SetMsgNum(frSourceFrame.GetMsgNum()); CopyData(frSourceFrame); SetIsSilence(frSourceFrame.GetIsSilence());
hr = SetTargets( frSourceFrame.GetTargetList(), frSourceFrame.GetNumTargets() );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Error copying frame for queue" ); }
return hr; }
// GetTargets
// This program gets the targets for this frame
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::GetTargets"
HRESULT CFrame::GetTargets( PDVID pdvidTargets, PDWORD pdwNumTargets ) const { DNASSERT( pdwNumTargets != NULL ); if( pdwNumTargets != NULL ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Invalid param" ); return DVERR_INVALIDPARAM; }
if( *pdwNumTargets < m_dwNumTargets || pdvidTargets == NULL ) { *pdwNumTargets = m_dwNumTargets; return DVERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; }
*pdwNumTargets = m_dwNumTargets;
memcpy( pdvidTargets, m_pdvidTargets, sizeof(DVID)*m_dwNumTargets );
return DV_OK; }
// SetTargets
// This program sets the targets for this frame. It will expand the
// target list (if required) or use a subset of the current buffer.
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::SetTargets"
HRESULT CFrame::SetTargets( PDVID pdvidTargets, DWORD dwNumTargets ) { DNASSERT( m_fOwned ); if( dwNumTargets > m_dwMaxTargets ) { if( m_pdvidTargets != NULL ) { delete [] m_pdvidTargets; }
m_pdvidTargets = new DVID[dwNumTargets];
if( m_pdvidTargets == NULL ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Memory allocation failure" ); return DVERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_dwMaxTargets = dwNumTargets; }
m_dwNumTargets = dwNumTargets;
memcpy( m_pdvidTargets, pdvidTargets, sizeof(DVID)*dwNumTargets );
return DV_OK; }
// This function is called to return a frame to the frame
// pool that is managing it. If a primary pointer was
// provided, it will be set to NULL.
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::Return"
void CFrame::Return() { // the CInputQueue2 or CInnerQueue class is supposed to give us
// the critical section object. If it does not, these functions
// should not be called.
DNASSERT(m_pCriticalSection != NULL);
BFCSingleLock csl(m_pCriticalSection); csl.Lock();
// this frame is supposed to be part of a frame pool if
// this function is called
DNASSERT(m_pFramePool != NULL);
// return the frame to the pool, and set the primary
// frame pointer to null to signal to the caller that
// this frame is now gone. Note that this pointer update
// is done within the critical section passed to this
// class, and so the caller should also use this
// critical section to check the pointer value. This
// is true for CInputQueue, which uses the critical
// section for Reset, Enqueue and Dequeue.
if (m_ppfrPrimary != NULL) { *m_ppfrPrimary = NULL; } }
// CFrame Constructor
// This is the primary constructor which is used for creating frames
// that are used by the frame pool.
// If you want to create a non-pooled frame then use the default constructor
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::CFrame"
CFrame::CFrame(WORD wFrameSize, WORD wClientNum, BYTE wSeqNum, BYTE bMsgNum, BYTE bIsSilence, CFramePool* pFramePool, DNCRITICAL_SECTION* pCriticalSection, CFrame** ppfrPrimary) : m_dwSignature(VSIG_FRAME), m_wFrameSize(wFrameSize), m_wClientId(wClientNum), m_wSeqNum(wSeqNum), m_bMsgNum(bMsgNum), m_bIsSilence(bIsSilence), m_wFrameLength(wFrameSize), m_pFramePool(pFramePool), m_pCriticalSection(pCriticalSection), m_ppfrPrimary(ppfrPrimary), m_fIsLost(false), m_pdvidTargets(NULL), m_dwNumTargets(0), m_dwMaxTargets(0), m_fOwned(true) { m_pbData = new BYTE[m_wFrameSize]; }
// CFrame Constructor
// This is the constructor to use when creating a standalone frame. This
// type of frame can take an external buffer to eliminate a buffer copy.
// The frame doesn't "own" the buffer memory so it doesn't attempt to
// free it.
// To set the data for the frame use the UserOwn_SetData member.
// Target information can be handled the same way by using UserOwn_SetTargets
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::CFrame"
CFrame::CFrame( ): m_dwSignature(VSIG_FRAME), m_wFrameSize(0), m_wClientId(0), m_wSeqNum(0), m_bMsgNum(0), m_bIsSilence(true), m_wFrameLength(0), m_pFramePool(NULL), m_pCriticalSection(NULL), m_ppfrPrimary(NULL), m_fIsLost(false), m_pdvidTargets(NULL), m_dwNumTargets(0), m_dwMaxTargets(0), m_fOwned(false) { }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::~CFrame"
CFrame::~CFrame() { if( m_fOwned ) { delete [] m_pbData;
if( m_pdvidTargets != NULL ) { delete [] m_pdvidTargets; } }
m_dwSignature = VSIG_FRAME_FREE; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFrame::CopyData"
void CFrame::CopyData(const BYTE* pbData, WORD wFrameLength) { DNASSERT(pbData != 0); memcpy(m_pbData, pbData, wFrameLength); m_wFrameLength = wFrameLength; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFramePool::CFramePool"
CFramePool::CFramePool(WORD wFrameSize) : m_wFrameSize(wFrameSize), m_fCritSecInited(FALSE) { // Push a couple of frames into the pool to start with
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { m_vpfrPool.push_back(new CFrame(m_wFrameSize)); }
return; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFramePool::~CFramePool"
CFramePool::~CFramePool() { for (std::vector<CFrame *>::iterator iter1 = m_vpfrPool.begin(); iter1 < m_vpfrPool.end(); ++iter1) { delete *iter1; }
if (m_fCritSecInited) { DNDeleteCriticalSection(&m_lock); } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFramePool::Get"
CFrame* CFramePool::Get(DNCRITICAL_SECTION* pCriticalSection, CFrame** ppfrPrimary) { BFCSingleLock csl(&m_lock); csl.Lock();
CFrame* pfr; if (m_vpfrPool.empty()) { // the pool is empty, return a new frame
pfr = new CFrame(m_wFrameSize);
if( pfr == NULL ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Error allocating memory" ); return NULL; } } else { // there are some frames in the pool, pop
// the last one off the back of the vector
pfr = m_vpfrPool.back(); m_vpfrPool.pop_back(); }
pfr->SetCriticalSection(pCriticalSection); pfr->SetPrimaryPointer(ppfrPrimary); pfr->SetFramePool(this);
// clear up the rest of the flags, but don't bother messing
// with the data.
pfr->SetIsLost(false); pfr->SetMsgNum(0); pfr->SetSeqNum(0); pfr->SetIsSilence(FALSE);
return pfr; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CFramePool::Return"
void CFramePool::Return(CFrame* pFrame) { BFCSingleLock csl(&m_lock); csl.Lock();
// drop this frame on the back for reuse
m_vpfrPool.push_back(pFrame); }