// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
// rddmon.cpp
// Reference Device Debug Monitor
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// converts correctly for pre-snapped floats only
#define FLOATtoNDOT4( _fVal ) ((INT32)((_fVal)*16.))
RDDebugMonitor::RDDebugMonitor( RefDev* pRD, BOOL bDbgMonConnectionEnabled ) { m_pRD = pRD; UINT i; m_bDbgMonConnectionEnabled = bDbgMonConnectionEnabled;
m_ScreenMask[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF; //0xcccccccc;
m_ScreenMask[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF; //0xcccccccc;
memset( (void*)&m_ShMemI, 0, sizeof(m_ShMemI) ); m_NumShMemI = 0; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RDDebugMonitor::~RDDebugMonitor( void ) { for (UINT i=0; i<m_NumShMemI; i++) { if (m_ShMemI[i].pSM) delete m_ShMemI[i].pSM; } }
void RDDebugMonitor::NextEvent( UINT32 EventType ) { CheckLostMonitorConnection();
BOOL bBreakpoint = D3DDebugMonitor::IsEventBreak( EventType );
// do event-specific stuff (state update; actions; check for breakpoints)
UINT i; switch ( EventType ) { case D3DDM_EVENT_RSTOKEN: switch( m_pRD->m_dwRenderState[D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN] ) { case D3DDMT_ENABLE: m_bDbgMonConnectionEnabled = TRUE; break; case D3DDMT_DISABLE: if( m_pTgtCtx ) { DetachMonitorConnection(); } DPFINFO("D3DDebugTarget - debug monitor connection disabled by target"); m_bDbgMonConnectionEnabled = FALSE; break; } break;
case D3DDM_EVENT_BEGINSCENE: // try to attach if not attached
if (!MonitorConnected()) AttachToMonitor(1); break;
case D3DDM_EVENT_ENDSCENE: m_pTgtCtx->SceneCount++; { static DWORD bDoSM = 0; if (bDoSM) ShMemIRenderTarget( 0x0, 0 ); } break;
case D3DDM_EVENT_PRIMITIVE: m_pTgtCtx->PrimitiveCount++; if (m_pMonCtx && m_pMonCtx->PrimitiveCountBP) { if ( m_pTgtCtx->PrimitiveCount == m_pMonCtx->PrimitiveCountBP ) bBreakpoint = TRUE; } break;
case D3DDM_EVENT_PIXEL: m_pTgtCtx->PixelCount++; if (m_pMonCtx) { if (m_pMonCtx->PixelCountBP) { if ( m_pTgtCtx->PixelCount == m_pMonCtx->PixelCountBP ) bBreakpoint = TRUE; } if (m_pMonCtx->PixelBPEnable) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) { if ( (1<<i) & m_pMonCtx->PixelBPEnable ) { if ( ((UINT)m_pMonCtx->PixelBP[i][0] == (UINT)m_pRD->m_Rast.m_iX[m_pRD->m_Rast.m_iPix] ) && ((UINT)m_pMonCtx->PixelBP[i][1] == (UINT)m_pRD->m_Rast.m_iY[m_pRD->m_Rast.m_iPix] ) ) { bBreakpoint = TRUE; } } } } } break;
// invoke base class to talk to monitor and issue commands
if (bBreakpoint) { m_pTgtCtx->EventStatus = EventType; D3DDebugMonitor::MonitorBreakpoint(); m_pTgtCtx->EventStatus = 0x0; } return; }
HRESULT RDDebugMonitor::ProcessMonitorCommand( void ) { UINT32 Command = m_pMonCtx->Command; UINT i; RefRast* pRast = &m_pRD->m_Rast;
// default case - no data
UINT32 IncomingCommandBufferSize = m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize; m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = 0;
switch ( Command & D3DDM_CMD_MASK ) {
case D3DDM_CMD_GETDEVICESTATE: { D3DDMDeviceState* pDS = (D3DDMDeviceState*)m_pCmdData; memcpy( pDS->RenderState, m_pRD->m_dwRenderState, 4*D3DHAL_MAX_RSTATES ); for (i=0; i<D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; i++) { memcpy( pDS->TextureStageState[i], m_pRD->m_TextureStageState[i].m_dwVal, 4*D3DTSS_MAX ); } pDS->VertexShaderHandle = m_pRD->m_CurrentVShaderHandle; pDS->PixelShaderHandle = m_pRD->m_CurrentPShaderHandle; pDS->MaxVShaderHandle = (UINT)m_pRD->m_VShaderHandleArray.GetSize(); if (pDS->MaxVShaderHandle) pDS->MaxVShaderHandle -= 1; while ( ( pDS->MaxVShaderHandle > 0 ) && ( NULL == m_pRD->m_VShaderHandleArray[pDS->MaxVShaderHandle].m_pShader ) ) { pDS->MaxVShaderHandle--; } pDS->MaxPShaderHandle = (UINT)m_pRD->m_PShaderHandleArray.GetSize(); if (pDS->MaxPShaderHandle) pDS->MaxPShaderHandle -= 1; while ( ( pDS->MaxPShaderHandle > 0 ) && ( NULL == m_pRD->m_PShaderHandleArray[pDS->MaxPShaderHandle].m_pShader ) ) { pDS->MaxPShaderHandle--; } m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMDeviceState); } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_GETVERTEXSHADER: { DWORD Handle = *(DWORD*)m_pCmdData; if ( !(Handle & D3DFVF_RESERVED0) ) break; if ( !m_pRD->m_VShaderHandleArray.IsValidIndex(Handle) ) break; RDVShader* pRDVS = m_pRD->m_VShaderHandleArray[Handle].m_pShader; if ( !pRDVS) break; D3DDMVertexShader* pVS = (D3DDMVertexShader*)m_pCmdData; m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMVertexShader); } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_GETVERTEXSTATE: { D3DDMVertexState* pVSS = (D3DDMVertexState*)m_pCmdData; m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_INPUT, 0, D3DDM_MAX_VSINPUTREG, (void*)(pVSS->InputRegs) ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMVertexState); } break; case D3DDM_CMD_GETVERTEXSHADERCONST: { D3DDMVertexShaderConst* pVSC = (D3DDMVertexShaderConst*)m_pCmdData; m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_CONST, 0, 96, (void*)(pVSC->ConstRegs) ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = 96*4*sizeof(FLOAT); } break; case D3DDM_CMD_GETVERTEXSHADERINST: { DWORD Handle = *(DWORD*)m_pCmdData; if ( !(Handle & D3DFVF_RESERVED0) ) break; if ( !m_pRD->m_VShaderHandleArray.IsValidIndex(Handle) ) break; RDVShader* pRDVS = m_pRD->m_VShaderHandleArray[Handle].m_pShader; if ( !pRDVS ) break; RDVShaderCode* pShC = pRDVS->m_pCode; UINT Inst = (Command & 0xffff); if (pShC && (Inst < pShC->GetInstructionCount())) { D3DDMVertexShaderInst* pVSI = (D3DDMVertexShaderInst*)m_pCmdData; memcpy( pVSI->Inst, pShC->m_pInst[Inst].m_Tokens, RD_MAX_SHADERTOKENSPERINST ); memcpy( pVSI->InstString, pShC->m_pInst[Inst].m_String, RD_MAX_SHADERINSTSTRING ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMVertexShaderInst); if (pShC->m_pInst[Inst].m_CommentSize) { memcpy( (void*)(pVSI+1), pShC->m_pInst[Inst].m_pComment, 4*pShC->m_pInst[Inst].m_CommentSize ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize += 4*pShC->m_pInst[Inst].m_CommentSize; } } } break; case D3DDM_CMD_GETVERTEXSHADERSTATE: { D3DDMVertexShaderState* pVSS = (D3DDMVertexShaderState*)m_pCmdData; pVSS->CurrentInst = m_pRD->GetVM().GetCurrentInstIndex(); m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_TEMP, 0, D3DDM_MAX_VSTEMPREG, (void*)(pVSS->TempRegs) ); m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_RASTOUT, 0, D3DDM_MAX_VSRASTOUTREG, (void*)(pVSS->RastOutRegs) ); m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_ATTROUT, 0, D3DDM_MAX_VSATTROUTREG, (void*)(pVSS->AttrOutRegs) ); m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_TEXCRDOUT, 0, D3DDM_MAX_VSTEXCRDOUTREG, (void*)(pVSS->TexCrdOutRegs) ); m_pRD->GetVM().GetData( D3DSPR_ADDR, 0, 1, (void*)(pVSS->AddressReg) ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMVertexShaderState); } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_GETPIXELSTATE: { D3DDMPixelState* pPS = (D3DDMPixelState*)m_pCmdData; UINT iPix = (Command & 0xffff); if (pRast->m_bPixelIn[iPix]) { pPS->Location[0] = pRast->m_iX[iPix]; pPS->Location[1] = pRast->m_iY[iPix]; pPS->Depth = pRast->m_Depth[iPix]; pPS->FogIntensity = pRast->m_FogIntensity[iPix]; memcpy( pPS->InputRegs[0], pRast->m_InputReg[0][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPS->InputRegs[1], pRast->m_InputReg[1][iPix], 16 ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMPixelState); } } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_GETPIXELSHADERCONST: { D3DDMPixelShaderConst* pPSC = (D3DDMPixelShaderConst*)m_pCmdData; memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[0], pRast->m_ConstReg[0][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[1], pRast->m_ConstReg[1][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[2], pRast->m_ConstReg[2][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[3], pRast->m_ConstReg[3][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[4], pRast->m_ConstReg[4][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[5], pRast->m_ConstReg[5][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[6], pRast->m_ConstReg[6][0], 16 ); memcpy( pPSC->ConstRegs[7], pRast->m_ConstReg[7][0], 16 ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMPixelShaderConst); } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_GETPIXELSHADERINST: { DWORD Handle = *(DWORD*)m_pCmdData; if ( !m_pRD->m_PShaderHandleArray.IsValidIndex(Handle) ) break; RDPShader* pRDPS = m_pRD->m_PShaderHandleArray[Handle].m_pShader; if ( !pRDPS ) break; D3DDMPixelShaderInst* pPSI = (D3DDMPixelShaderInst*)m_pCmdData; UINT Inst = (Command & 0xffff); if ( Inst < pRDPS->m_cInst ) { PixelShaderInstruction* pInst = pRDPS->m_pInst+Inst; pPSI->Inst[0] = pInst->Opcode; pPSI->Inst[1] = pInst->DstParam; pPSI->Inst[2] = pInst->SrcParam[0]; pPSI->Inst[3] = pInst->SrcParam[1]; pPSI->Inst[4] = pInst->SrcParam[2]; memcpy( pPSI->InstString, pInst->Text, RD_MAX_SHADERINSTSTRING ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMPixelShaderInst); if (pInst->CommentSize) { memcpy( (void*)(pPSI+1), pInst->pComment, 4*pInst->CommentSize ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize += 4*pInst->CommentSize; } } else { m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = 0; } } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_GETPIXELSHADERSTATE: { D3DDMPixelShaderState* pPSS = (D3DDMPixelShaderState*)m_pCmdData; UINT iPix = (Command & 0xffff); pPSS->CurrentInst = pRast->m_CurrentPSInst; pPSS->Discard = pRast->m_bPixelDiscard[iPix]; memcpy( pPSS->TempRegs[0], pRast->m_TempReg[0][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TempRegs[1], pRast->m_TempReg[1][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[0], pRast->m_TextReg[0][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[1], pRast->m_TextReg[1][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[2], pRast->m_TextReg[2][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[3], pRast->m_TextReg[3][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[4], pRast->m_TextReg[4][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[5], pRast->m_TextReg[5][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[6], pRast->m_TextReg[6][iPix], 16 ); memcpy( pPSS->TextRegs[7], pRast->m_TextReg[7][iPix], 16 ); m_pTgtCtx->CommandBufferSize = sizeof(D3DDMPixelShaderState); } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_DUMPTEXTURE: { int iSMI = (Command>>0)&0xf; int iSTG = (Command>>4)&0x7; int iLOD = (Command>>7)&0xf; int iIDX = (Command>>11)&0x1f; ShMemISurface2D( m_pRD->m_pTexture[iSTG], iLOD, 0x0, iSMI ); } break;
case D3DDM_CMD_DUMPRENDERTARGET: { int iSMI = (Command>>0)&0xf; ShMemIRenderTarget( 0x0, iSMI ); break; } break; } return S_OK; }
void RDDebugMonitor::GrowShMemArray( UINT ShMemI ) { if (ShMemI >= D3DDM_IMAGE_MAX) return; // too many
if (ShMemI < m_NumShMemI) return; // already there
UINT OldSmMemI = m_NumShMemI ? m_NumShMemI-1 : 0; m_NumShMemI = ShMemI+1; memset( (void*)&m_ShMemI, 0, sizeof(m_ShMemI) ); for ( UINT i=OldSmMemI; i<m_NumShMemI; i++) { m_ShMemI[i].W = 400; m_ShMemI[i].H = 400; m_ShMemI[i].BPP = 4; m_ShMemI[i].SF = RD_SF_B8G8R8A8; m_ShMemI[i].pSM = new D3DSharedMem( 16 + m_ShMemI[i].W*m_ShMemI[i].H*m_ShMemI[i].BPP, D3DDM_IMAGE_SM "%d", i ); m_ShMemI[i].pBits = (void*)((char*)m_ShMemI[i].pSM->GetPtr()+16); *((DWORD*)m_ShMemI[i].pSM->GetPtr()+0) = m_ShMemI[i].W; *((DWORD*)m_ShMemI[i].pSM->GetPtr()+1) = m_ShMemI[i].H; *((DWORD*)m_ShMemI[i].pSM->GetPtr()+2) = m_ShMemI[i].BPP; *((DWORD*)m_ShMemI[i].pSM->GetPtr()+3) = m_ShMemI[i].SF; } }
// Dumps render target image to specified shared memory segment. Viewable by
// rddm_iview image viewer tool.
void RDDebugMonitor::ShMemIRenderTarget( DWORD Flags, UINT iSM ) { GrowShMemArray( iSM );
// copy to debug monitor shared memory
int height = (int)min( (int)m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->m_pColor->GetHeight(), (int)m_ShMemI[iSM].H); int width = (int)min( (int)m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->m_pColor->GetWidth(), (int)m_ShMemI[iSM].W); for (int iY = 0; iY < height; iY++) { for (int iX = 0; iX < width; iX++) { RDColor Color((UINT32)0); if( m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->m_pColor->m_iSamples == 0 ) { m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->ReadPixelColor( iX, iY, 0, Color ); } else { FLOAT fSampleScale = 1.F/((FLOAT)m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->m_pColor->m_iSamples); for (UINT iS=0; iS<m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->m_pColor->m_iSamples; iS++) { RDColor SampleColor; m_pRD->m_pRenderTarget->ReadPixelColor( iX, iY, iS, SampleColor ); Color.R += (SampleColor.R * fSampleScale); Color.G += (SampleColor.G * fSampleScale); Color.B += (SampleColor.B * fSampleScale); Color.A += (SampleColor.A * fSampleScale); } } Color.ConvertTo( m_ShMemI[iSM].SF, 0., (char*)m_ShMemI[iSM].pBits + (m_ShMemI[iSM].W*m_ShMemI[iSM].BPP*iY) + (m_ShMemI[iSM].BPP*iX) ); } } { char winstr[128]; _snprintf( winstr, 128, "D3DDM_I_%d", iSM ); HWND hWnd = FindWindow( winstr, winstr ); if (NULL != hWnd) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_USER, 0, 0); } }
void RDDebugMonitor::ShMemISurface2D( RDSurface2D* pRS, INT32 iLOD, DWORD Flags, UINT iSM ) { GrowShMemArray( iSM ); if (!pRS) return;
// copy to debug monitor shared memory
int height = (int)min(pRS->m_iHeight,(int)m_ShMemI[iSM].H); int width = (int)min(pRS->m_iWidth,(int)m_ShMemI[iSM].W); for (int iY = 0; iY < height; iY++) { for (int iX = 0; iX < width; iX++) { RDColor Color; BOOL bDummy; pRS->ReadColor( iX, iY, 0, iLOD, Color, bDummy ); Color.ConvertTo( m_ShMemI[iSM].SF, 0., (char*)m_ShMemI[iSM].pBits + (m_ShMemI[iSM].W*m_ShMemI[iSM].BPP*iY) + (m_ShMemI[iSM].BPP*iX) ); } } { char winstr[128]; _snprintf( winstr, 128, "D3DDM_I_%d", iSM ); HWND hWnd = FindWindow( winstr, winstr ); if (NULL != hWnd) SendMessage(hWnd, WM_USER, 0, 0); } }
// end