// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// rdutil.cpp
// Direct3D Reference Device - Utilities
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// //
// DPF support //
// //
// control globals
int g_iDPFLevel = 0; unsigned long g_uDPFMask = 0x0;
// RDDebugPrintf(L) - Utilities to print varargs-formatted strings of debugging
// info. The 'L' version takes a level into account in deciding to print or
// not.
void RDErrorPrintf( const char* pszFormat, ... ) { char tmp[1024]; _snprintf( (LPSTR) tmp, 1024, "D3DRefDev:ERROR: "); va_list marker; va_start(marker, pszFormat); _vsnprintf(tmp+lstrlen(tmp), 1024-lstrlen(tmp), pszFormat, marker); _snprintf( (LPSTR) tmp, 1024, "%s\n", tmp ); OutputDebugString(tmp); printf(tmp); }
void RDDebugPrintf( const char* pszFormat, ... ) { char tmp[1024]; _snprintf( (LPSTR) tmp, 1024, "D3DRefDev: "); va_list marker; va_start(marker, pszFormat); _vsnprintf(tmp+lstrlen(tmp), 1024-lstrlen(tmp), pszFormat, marker); _snprintf( (LPSTR) tmp, 1024, "%s\n", tmp ); OutputDebugString(tmp); printf(tmp); }
void RDDebugPrintfL( int iLevel, const char* pszFormat, ... ) { if ( (iLevel <= g_iDPFLevel) ) { char tmp[1024]; _snprintf( (LPSTR) tmp, 1024, "D3DRefDev: "); va_list marker; va_start(marker, pszFormat); _vsnprintf(tmp+lstrlen(tmp), 1024-lstrlen(tmp), pszFormat, marker); _snprintf( (LPSTR) tmp, 1024, "%s\n", tmp ); OutputDebugString(tmp); printf(tmp); } }
// Assert Reporting
// little-bit-o-state to track file and line number reporting - this is makes
// this code non-reentrant and non-threadsafe... oh well...
static const char* _pszLastReportFile = NULL; static int _iLastReportLine = -1;
void RDAssertReport( const char* pszString, const char* pszFile, int iLine ) { char szTmp[1024]; _snprintf( szTmp, 1024, "D3DRR ASSERT: <%d,%s> %s\n", iLine, pszFile, pszString ); OutputDebugString( szTmp ); #if DBG
DebugBreak(); #endif
} //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDAssertReportPrefix( const char* pszFile, int iLine ) { _pszLastReportFile = pszFile; _iLastReportLine = iLine; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RDAssertReportMessage( const char* pszFormat, ... ) { char szTmp[1024]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, pszFormat ); _vsnprintf( szTmp, 1024, pszFormat, marker ); RDAssertReport( szTmp, _pszLastReportFile, _iLastReportLine ); }
// //
// Generic bit twiddling utilities //
// //
// CountSetBits - Returns number of set bits in a multibit value (up to
// 32 bits).
INT32 CountSetBits( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits ) { INT32 iRet = 0; for (INT32 i=0; i<nBits; i++) { if (uVal & (0x1<<i)) { iRet++; } } return iRet; }
// FindFirstSetBit - Returns index of first set bit in a multibit value
// (up to 32 bits) or -1 if no bits are set.
INT32 FindFirstSetBit( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits ) { for (INT32 i=0; i<nBits; i++) { if (uVal & (0x1<<i)) { return i; } } return -1; }
// FindMostSignificantSetBit - Returns index of first set bit in a
// multibit value (up to 32 bits) or 0 if no bits are set.
INT32 FindMostSignificantSetBit( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits ) { for (INT32 i=nBits; i>=0; i--) { if (uVal & (0x1<<i)) { return i+1; } } return 0; }
// FindLastSetBit - Returns index of last set bit in a multibit value
// (up to 32 bits) or -1 if no bits are set.
INT32 FindLastSetBit( UINT32 uVal, INT32 nBits ) { for (INT32 i=0; i<nBits; i++) { if (uVal & (0x1<<(nBits-i-1))) { return (nBits-i-1); } } return -1; }
// //
// Arithmetic utilities //
// //
// LerpColor - Performs a linear interpolation between two RDColors
// uT is in 1.5 format (1<<5 represents a unit value)
void LerpColor( RDColor& Color, const RDColor& Color0, const RDColor& Color1, UINT8 uT ) { FLOAT fT = (1./(FLOAT)(1<<5))*(FLOAT)uT; Color.A = Color0.A + (Color1.A - Color0.A)*fT; Color.R = Color0.R + (Color1.R - Color0.R)*fT; Color.G = Color0.G + (Color1.G - Color0.G)*fT; Color.B = Color0.B + (Color1.B - Color0.B)*fT; }
// Bilerp - Performs bilinear interpolation of 4 RDColors returning one RDColor.
void BiLerpColor( RDColor& OutColor, const RDColor& Color00, const RDColor& Color01, const RDColor& Color10, const RDColor& Color11, UINT8 uA, UINT8 uB ) { RDColor Color0, Color1; LerpColor( Color0, Color00, Color01, uA); LerpColor( Color1, Color10, Color11, uA); LerpColor( OutColor, Color0, Color1, uB); }
void BiLerpColor3D( RDColor& OutColor, const RDColor& Color000, const RDColor& Color010, const RDColor& Color100, const RDColor& Color110, const RDColor& Color001, const RDColor& Color011, const RDColor& Color101, const RDColor& Color111, UINT8 uA, UINT8 uB, UINT8 uC) { RDColor Color0, Color1, OutColor0, OutColor1; LerpColor( Color0, Color000, Color010, uA); LerpColor( Color1, Color100, Color110, uA); LerpColor( OutColor0, Color0, Color1, uB); LerpColor( Color0, Color001, Color011, uA); LerpColor( Color1, Color101, Color111, uA); LerpColor( OutColor1, Color0, Color1, uB); LerpColor( OutColor, OutColor0, OutColor1, uC); }
// DDGetAttachedSurfaceLcl implementation
LPATTACHLIST pal; DWORD caps; DWORD testcaps; DWORD ucaps; DWORD caps2; DWORD testcaps2; DWORD ucaps2; DWORD caps3; DWORD testcaps3; DWORD ucaps3; DWORD caps4; DWORD testcaps4; DWORD ucaps4; BOOL ok;
pgbl = this_lcl->lpGbl; *lplpDDAttachedSurfaceLcl = NULL; pdrv = pgbl->lpDD;
* look for the surface */ pal = this_lcl->lpAttachList; testcaps = lpDDSCaps->dwCaps; testcaps2 = lpDDSCaps->dwCaps2; testcaps3 = lpDDSCaps->dwCaps3; testcaps4 = lpDDSCaps->dwCaps4; while( pal != NULL ) { ok = TRUE; caps = pal->lpAttached->ddsCaps.dwCaps; caps2 = pal->lpAttached->lpSurfMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps2; caps3 = pal->lpAttached->lpSurfMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps3; caps4 = pal->lpAttached->lpSurfMore->ddsCapsEx.dwCaps4; ucaps = caps & testcaps; ucaps2 = caps2 & testcaps2; ucaps3 = caps3 & testcaps3; ucaps4 = caps4 & testcaps4; if( ucaps | ucaps2 | ucaps3 | ucaps4 ) { /*
* there are caps in common, make sure that the caps to test * were all there */ if( (ucaps & testcaps) == testcaps && (ucaps2 & testcaps2) == testcaps2 && (ucaps3 & testcaps3) == testcaps3 && (ucaps4 & testcaps4) == testcaps4 ) { } else { ok = FALSE; } } else { ok = FALSE; }
if( ok ) { *lplpDDAttachedSurfaceLcl = pal->lpAttached; return DD_OK; } pal = pal->lpLink; } return DDERR_NOTFOUND;
// Gets the value from DIRECT3D registry key
// Returns TRUE if success
// If fails value is not changed
BOOL GetD3DRegValue(DWORD type, char *valueName, LPVOID value, DWORD dwSize) {
HKEY hKey = (HKEY) NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESPATH_D3D, &hKey)) { DWORD dwType; LONG result; result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)value, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey);
return result == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == type; } else return FALSE; }
// Gets the value from DIRECT3D Reference device registry key
// Returns TRUE if success
// If fails value is not changed
BOOL GetD3DRefRegValue(DWORD type, char *valueName, LPVOID value, DWORD dwSize) {
HKEY hKey = (HKEY) NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RESPATH_D3DREF, &hKey)) { DWORD dwType; LONG result; result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)value, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey);
return result == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == type; } else return FALSE; }
// RefAlignedBuffer32
HRESULT RefAlignedBuffer32::Grow(DWORD growSize) { if (m_allocatedBuf) free(m_allocatedBuf); m_size = growSize; if ((m_allocatedBuf = malloc(m_size + 31)) == NULL) { m_allocatedBuf = 0; m_alignedBuf = 0; m_size = 0; return DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_alignedBuf = (LPVOID)(((ULONG_PTR)m_allocatedBuf + 31 ) & ~31); return S_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// end