* * Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: creg.cpp * Content: * This module contains the implementation of the CRegistry class. * For a class description, see creg.h * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 07/16/99 rodtoll Created * 08/18/99 rodtoll Added Register/UnRegister that can be used to * allow COM objects to register themselves. * 08/25/99 rodtoll Updated to provide read/write of binary (blob) data * 10/05/99 rodtoll Added DPF_MODNAMEs * 10/07/99 rodtoll Updated to work in Unicode * 10/08/99 rodtoll Fixes to DeleteKey / Reg/UnReg for Win9X * 10/15/99 rodtoll Plugged some memory leaks * 10/27/99 pnewson added Open() call that takes a GUID * 03/07/2001 rodtoll WINBUG #228288 - PREFIX bug ***************************************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "creg.h"
#include "dndbg.h"
//#include "OSInd.h"
#include "dvosal.h"
#include "guidutil.h"
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::CRegistry"
// CRegistry Constructor
// This is the default constructor for the registry class. It
// is used to construct a registry object which has not yet
// opened a handle to the registry. Open must be called before
// this object can be used.
// Parameters:
// N/A
// Returns:
// N/A
CRegistry::CRegistry( ): m_isOpen(FALSE) { }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::CRegistry"
// CRegistry Copy Constructor
// This is the copy constructor for the class which attempts to
// open a new registry handle at the same point in the registry
// as the registry parameter. You must check the IsOpen function
// to see if the object was succesfully initialized.
// Parameters:
// const CRegistry ®istry - The registry object to set this
// object to
// Returns:
// N/A
CRegistry::CRegistry( const CRegistry ®istry ): m_isOpen(FALSE) { Open( registry.GetBaseHandle(), FALSE ); } */
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::CRegistry"
// CRegistry Constructor
// This constructor attempts to open a registry connection using
// the given parameters. This is equivalent to calling the default
// constructor and then Open with the equivalent parameters.
// After using this constructor you should call IsOpen to see if
// the open succeeded.
// Parameters:
// HKEY branch - Identifies the branch of the registry to open
// a connect to. E.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
// This can also be an HKEY which points to another
// open portion of the registry
// const TCHAR *pathName - A string specifiying the registry path
// to open within the key. NO leading
// slash is required and path is relative
// from the patch represented by the branch
// parameter.
// BOOL create - Set to TRUE to create the given path if it doesn't
// exist, FALSE otherwise.
// Returns:
// N/A
CRegistry::CRegistry( HKEY branch, LPWSTR pathName, BOOL create ): m_isOpen(FALSE) {
Open( branch, pathName, create ); }
// CRegistry Destructor
// This is the destructor for the class, and will close the connection
// to the registry if this object has one open.
// Parameters:
// N/A
// Returns:
// N/A
CRegistry::~CRegistry() {
if( m_isOpen ) { Close(); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::DeleteSubKey"
// DeleteSubKey
// This function causes the key specified by the keyname parameter
// to be deleted from the point in the registry this object is rooted
// at, if the key exists. If the object does not have an open connection
// to the registry, or the keyName is not specified
// Parmaters:
// const TCHAR *keyName - key name to delete
// Returns:
// BOOL - returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
BOOL CRegistry::DeleteSubKey( const LPCWSTR keyName ) {
if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() ) return FALSE;
LONG retValue; if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegDeleteKeyW( m_regHandle, keyName ); } else { LPSTR lpstrKeyName;
if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpstrKeyName, keyName ) ) ) { return FALSE; } else { retValue = RegDeleteKeyA( m_regHandle, lpstrKeyName );
delete [] lpstrKeyName; } }
return (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::Open"
// Open
// This function opens a connection to the registry in the branch
// specified by branch with the path specified by pathName. If
// the path doesn't exist in the registry it will be created if
// the create parameters is set to true, otherwise the call will
// fail.
// If this object already has an open connection to the registry
// the previous connection will be closed before this one is
// attempted.
// Parameters:
// HKEY branch - A handle to a registry location where the open
// will be rooted. E.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
// const TCHAR *path - The path relative to the root specified by
// branch where the registry connection will
// be opened.
// BOOL create - Settings this parameter conrols how this function
// handles opens on paths which don't exists. If set
// to TRUE the path will be created, if set to FALSE
// the function will fail if the path doesn't exist.
// Returns:
// BOOL - TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CRegistry::Open( HKEY branch, const LPCWSTR pathName, BOOL create ) {
DWORD dwResult; // Temp used in call to RegXXXX
LONG result; // used to store results
DNASSERT( pathName != NULL ); // Prefix found this. Ref Manbugs 29337
// There are some code paths where the pathName can legitimately be NULL,
// returning FALSE indicates a failure to open the registry key.
if( pathName == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
// If there is an open connection, close it.
if( m_isOpen ) { Close(); }
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { // Create or open the key based on create parameter
if( create ) { result = RegCreateKeyExW( branch, pathName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &m_regHandle, &dwResult ); } else { result = RegOpenKeyExW( branch, pathName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &m_regHandle ); } } else { LPSTR lpszKeyName;
if( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpszKeyName, pathName ) == S_OK ) { if( create ) { result = RegCreateKeyExA( branch, lpszKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &m_regHandle, &dwResult ); } else { result = RegOpenKeyExA( branch, lpszKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &m_regHandle ); }
delete [] lpszKeyName; } else { return FALSE; } }
// If succesful, initialize object, otherwise set it to
// not open state.
if( result == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { m_isOpen = TRUE; m_baseHandle = branch; return TRUE;
} else { m_isOpen = FALSE; return FALSE; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::Open"
// Open
// This function opens a connection to the registry in the branch
// specified by branch with the path specified by pathName. If
// the path doesn't exist in the registry it will be created if
// the create parameters is set to true, otherwise the call will
// fail.
// In this version of the function, the path is specified as
// a guid instead of a string. The function will attempt to open
// a key with a name in the form "{CB4961DB-D2FA-43f3-942A-991D9294DDBB}"
// that corresponds to the guid as you would expect.
// If this object already has an open connection to the registry
// the previous connection will be closed before this one is
// attempted.
// Parameters:
// HKEY branch - A handle to a registry location where the open
// will be rooted. E.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
// const LPGUID lpguid - The path relative to the root specified by
// branch where the registry connection will
// be opened. See comment above.
// BOOL create - Settings this parameter controls how this function
// handles opens on paths which don't exist. If set
// to TRUE the path will be created, if set to FALSE
// the function will fail if the path doesn't exist.
// Returns:
// BOOL - TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL CRegistry::Open( HKEY branch, const GUID* lpguid, BOOL create ) { WCHAR wszGuidString[GUID_STRING_LEN]; HRESULT hr; DNASSERT( lpguid != NULL );
// If there is an open connection, close it.
if( m_isOpen ) { Close(); }
// convert the guid to a string
hr = DVStringFromGUID(lpguid, wszGuidString, GUID_STRING_LEN); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF(DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "DVStringFromGUID failed"); return FALSE; }
return Open(branch, wszGuidString, create); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::Close"
// Close
// This function will close an open connection to the registry
// if this object has one. Otherwise it does nothing.
// Parameters:
// N/A
// Returns:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. If the object
// is not open it will return TRUE.
BOOL CRegistry::Close() {
LONG retValue;
if( m_isOpen ) { retValue = RegCloseKey( m_regHandle ); if( retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { m_isOpen = FALSE; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return TRUE; } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::EnumKeys"
// EnumKeys
// This function can be used to enumerate the keys at the point
// in the registry rooted at the root this object was opened
// with, at the path specified when opening the object.
// To properly enumerate the keys you should pass 0 as the index on
// the first call, and increment the index parameter by one on each
// call. You can stop enumerating when the function returns FALSE.
// Parameters:
// BFC_STRING &name - The current key in the enumeration will be returned
// in this string. Unless the enumeration fails or
// ended at which case this parameter won't be touched.
// DWORD index - The current enum index. See above for details.
// Returns:
// BOOL - FALSE when enumeration is done or on error, TRUE otherwise.
BOOL CRegistry::EnumKeys( LPWSTR lpwStrName, LPDWORD lpdwStringLen, DWORD index ) { if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { wchar_t buffer[MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE]; DWORD bufferSize = MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE; FILETIME tmpTime;
if( RegEnumKeyExW( m_regHandle, index, buffer, &bufferSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tmpTime ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; } else { if( bufferSize+1 > *lpdwStringLen ) { *lpdwStringLen = bufferSize+1; return FALSE; }
lstrcpyW( lpwStrName, buffer );
*lpdwStringLen = bufferSize+1; return TRUE; } } else { char buffer[MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE]; DWORD bufferSize = MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE; FILETIME tmpTime;
if( RegEnumKeyExA( m_regHandle, index, buffer, &bufferSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tmpTime ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; } else { if( bufferSize+1 > *lpdwStringLen ) { *lpdwStringLen = bufferSize+1; return FALSE; }
if( OSAL_AnsiToWide( lpwStrName, buffer, *lpdwStringLen ) == 0 ) { return FALSE; } else { *lpdwStringLen = bufferSize+1; return TRUE; } }
} }
// This comment documents ALL of the Read<Data Type> functions which
// follow.
// CRegistry Read<Data Type> Functions
// The set of ReadXXXXX functions for the CRegistry class are
// responsible for reading <data type> type data from the registry.
// The object must have an open connection to the registry before
// any of these functions may be used. A connection to the registry
// can be made with the Open call or the constructors.
// Parameters:
// const TCHAR *keyName - The keyname of the data you wish to read
// <datatype> & - A reference to the specific data type where
// the data will be placed on a succesful read.
// This parameter will be unaffected if the read
// fails.
// Returns:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// This comment documents ALL of the Write<Data Type> functions which
// follow.
// CRegistry Write<Data Type> Functions
// The set of Write<Data Type> functions for the CRegistry class are
// responsible for writing <data type> type data to the registry.
// The object must have an open connection to the registry before
// any of these functions may be used. A connection to the registry
// can be made with the Open call or the constructors.
// Parameters:
// const TCHAR *keyName - The keyname of the data you wish to write
// <datatype> & - A reference to the specific data type which
// contains the data to be written to the registry.
// Returns:
// BOOL - Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::WriteString"
// WriteString
// Writes Strings's to the registry, see block comment above
// for details.
BOOL CRegistry::WriteString( LPCWSTR keyName, const LPCWSTR lpwstrValue ) {
LONG retValue; // Found by PREFIX: Millen Bug #129154, ManBugs:29338
// lpwstrValue could conceivably be NULL and the
if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() || lpwstrValue == NULL ) return FALSE;
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegSetValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char *) lpwstrValue, (lstrlenW( lpwstrValue )+1)*sizeof(wchar_t) ); } else { LPSTR lpstrKeyName; LPSTR lpstrValue; if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpstrKeyName, keyName ) ) ) { return FALSE; }
if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpstrValue, lpwstrValue ) ) ) { delete [] lpstrKeyName; return FALSE; } retValue = RegSetValueExA( m_regHandle, lpstrKeyName, 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char *) lpstrValue, lstrlenA( lpstrValue )+1 );
delete [] lpstrKeyName; delete [] lpstrValue; }
return (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS);
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::ReadString"
// ReadString
// Reads CString's from the registry, see block comment above
// for details.
BOOL CRegistry::ReadString( const LPCWSTR keyName, LPWSTR lpwstrValue, LPDWORD lpdwLength ) { if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() ) return FALSE;
LONG retValue; DWORD tmpSize;; DWORD tmpType;
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { wchar_t buffer[MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE]; tmpSize = MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE*sizeof(wchar_t); retValue = RegQueryValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, &tmpType, (unsigned char *) &buffer[0], &tmpSize );
if( retValue != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; }
if( (tmpSize/2) > *lpdwLength ) { *lpdwLength = (tmpSize/2); return FALSE; }
lstrcpyW( lpwstrValue, buffer );
*lpdwLength = (tmpSize/2);
return TRUE; } else { LPSTR lpstrKeyName; char buffer[MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE]; tmpSize = MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE;
if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpstrKeyName, keyName ) ) ) return FALSE; retValue = RegQueryValueExA( m_regHandle, lpstrKeyName, 0, &tmpType, (unsigned char *) &buffer[0], &tmpSize );
delete [] lpstrKeyName;
if( retValue != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; }
if( tmpSize > *lpdwLength ) { *lpdwLength = tmpSize; return FALSE; }
if( OSAL_AnsiToWide( lpwstrValue, buffer, *lpdwLength ) == 0 ) return FALSE;
*lpdwLength = tmpSize; }
if( retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && tmpType == REG_SZ ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::WriteGUID"
// WriteGUID
// Writes GUID's to the registry, see block comment above
// for details. The GUID is written in the format it is usually
// displayed. (But without the '{''s).
BOOL CRegistry::WriteGUID( LPCWSTR keyName, const GUID &guid ) { LONG retValue; WCHAR wszGuidString[GUID_STRING_LEN]; HRESULT hr;
hr = DVStringFromGUID(&guid, wszGuidString, GUID_STRING_LEN); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF(DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "DVStringFromGUID failed, code: %i", hr); return FALSE; }
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegSetValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char *) wszGuidString, (lstrlenW( wszGuidString )+1)*sizeof(wchar_t) ); } else { LPSTR lpstrKeyName; LPSTR lpstrKeyValue;
hr = OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpstrKeyName, keyName ); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF(DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "DVStringFromGUID failed, code: %i", hr); return FALSE; } hr = OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpstrKeyValue, wszGuidString ); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF(DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "DVStringFromGUID failed, code: %i", hr); delete [] lpstrKeyName; return FALSE; }
retValue = RegSetValueExA( m_regHandle, lpstrKeyName, 0, REG_SZ, (const unsigned char *) lpstrKeyValue, lstrlenA( lpstrKeyValue )+1);
delete [] lpstrKeyName; delete [] lpstrKeyValue; }
if( retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::ReadGUID"
// ReadGUID
// Reads GUID's from the registry, see block comment above
// for details. The GUID must be stored in the format written by
// the WriteGUID function or it will not be read correctly.
if( !ReadString( keyName, buffer, &dwLength ) ) { return FALSE; } else { hr = DVGUIDFromString(buffer, &guid); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF(DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "DVGUIDFromString failed, code: %i", hr); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::WriteDWORD"
// WriteDWORD
// Writes DWORDS to the registry, see block comment above
// for details.
BOOL CRegistry::WriteDWORD( LPCWSTR keyName, DWORD value ) {
LONG retValue;
if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() ) return FALSE;
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegSetValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, REG_DWORD, (const unsigned char *) &value, sizeof( DWORD ) ); } else { LPSTR lpszKeyName;
if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpszKeyName, keyName ) ) ) return FALSE;
retValue = RegSetValueExA( m_regHandle, lpszKeyName, 0, REG_DWORD, (const unsigned char *) &value, sizeof( DWORD ) );
delete [] lpszKeyName; }
return (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "Cregistry::ReadBOOL"
BOOL CRegistry::ReadBOOL( LPCWSTR keyName, BOOL &result ) { DWORD tmpResult;
if( ReadDWORD( keyName, tmpResult ) ) { result = (BOOL) tmpResult; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::WriteBOOL"
BOOL CRegistry::WriteBOOL( LPCWSTR keyName, BOOL value ) { DWORD tmpValue = (DWORD) value;
return WriteDWORD( keyName, tmpValue ); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::ReadDWORD"
// ReadDWORD
// Reads DWORDS from the registry, see block comment above
// for details.
BOOL CRegistry::ReadDWORD( LPCWSTR keyName, DWORD &result ) {
if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() ) return FALSE;
LONG retValue; DWORD tmpValue; DWORD tmpType; DWORD tmpSize;
tmpSize = sizeof( DWORD );
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegQueryValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, &tmpType, (unsigned char *) &tmpValue, &tmpSize ); } else { LPSTR lpszKeyName;
if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpszKeyName, keyName ) ) ) return FALSE;
retValue = RegQueryValueExA( m_regHandle, lpszKeyName, 0, &tmpType, (unsigned char *) &tmpValue, &tmpSize ); delete [] lpszKeyName; }
if( retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && tmpType == REG_DWORD ) { result = tmpValue; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::Register"
BOOL CRegistry::Register( LPCWSTR lpszProgID, const LPCWSTR lpszDesc, const LPCWSTR lpszProgName, GUID guidCLSID, LPCWSTR lpszVerIndProgID ) { CRegistry core;
DNASSERT( lpszDesc != NULL ); DNASSERT( lpszProgID != NULL );
// Build a string representation of the GUID from the GUID
wchar_t lpszGUID[MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE]; wchar_t lpszKeyName[_MAX_PATH];
swprintf( lpszGUID, L"{%-08.8X-%-04.4X-%-04.4X-%02.2X%02.2X-%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X}", guidCLSID.Data1, guidCLSID.Data2, guidCLSID.Data3, guidCLSID.Data4[0], guidCLSID.Data4[1], guidCLSID.Data4[2], guidCLSID.Data4[3], guidCLSID.Data4[4], guidCLSID.Data4[5], guidCLSID.Data4[6], guidCLSID.Data4[7] );
// Write the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{GUID} section
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s", lpszGUID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create registry key %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
core.WriteString( L"", lpszDesc ); core.Close();
// Write the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{GUID}\InProcServer32 section
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\InProcServer32", lpszGUID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create registry key %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; } core.WriteString( L"", lpszProgName ); core.WriteString( L"ThreadingModel", L"Both" ); core.Close();
// Write the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{GUID}\VersionIndependentProgID section
if( lpszVerIndProgID != NULL ) { swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\VersionIndependentProgID", lpszGUID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create verind registry key %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; } core.WriteString( L"", lpszVerIndProgID ); core.Close(); }
// Write the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{GUID}\ProgID section
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\ProgID", lpszGUID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create verind registry key %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
core.WriteString( L"", lpszProgID ); core.Close();
// Write The VersionIND ProgID
if( lpszVerIndProgID != NULL ) { if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszVerIndProgID ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create reg key %s", lpszVerIndProgID ); } else { core.WriteString( L"", lpszDesc ); core.Close(); }
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"%s\\CLSID", lpszVerIndProgID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create reg key %s", lpszKeyName ); } else { core.WriteString( L"", lpszGUID ); core.Close(); }
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"%s\\CurVer", lpszVerIndProgID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create reg key %s", lpszKeyName ); } else { core.WriteString( L"", lpszProgID ); core.Close(); } }
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszProgID ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create reg key %s", lpszKeyName ); } else { core.WriteString( L"", lpszDesc ); core.Close(); } swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"%s\\CLSID", lpszProgID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open/create reg key %s", lpszKeyName ); } else { core.WriteString( L"", lpszGUID ); core.Close(); }
return TRUE; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::UnRegister"
BOOL CRegistry::UnRegister( GUID guidCLSID ) { CRegistry core, cregClasses, cregSub;
// Build a string representation of the GUID from the GUID
swprintf( lpszGUID, L"{%-08.8X-%-04.4X-%-04.4X-%02.2X%02.2X-%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X}", guidCLSID.Data1, guidCLSID.Data2, guidCLSID.Data3, guidCLSID.Data4[0], guidCLSID.Data4[1], guidCLSID.Data4[2], guidCLSID.Data4[3], guidCLSID.Data4[4], guidCLSID.Data4[5], guidCLSID.Data4[6], guidCLSID.Data4[7] );
if( !cregClasses.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"" ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ); return FALSE; }
// Write the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{GUID} section
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\ProgID", lpszGUID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
if( core.ReadString( L"", szProgID, &dwSize ) ) { swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"%s\\CLSID", szProgID ); if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; } if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( szProgID ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/ProgID" );
return FALSE; } }
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\VersionIndependentProgID", lpszGUID );
if( !core.Open( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to open %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
dwSize = MAX_REGISTRY_STRING_SIZE; if( core.ReadString( L"", szVerIndProgID, &dwSize ) ) { swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"%s\\CLSID", szVerIndProgID );
if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"%s\\CurVer", szVerIndProgID );
if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; } if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( szVerIndProgID ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/%s", szVerIndProgID);
return FALSE; } }
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\InprocServer32", lpszGUID );
if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; } swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\ProgID", lpszGUID );
if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; } swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s\\VersionIndependentProgID", lpszGUID );
if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
swprintf( lpszKeyName, L"CLSID\\%s", lpszGUID );
if( !cregClasses.DeleteSubKey( lpszKeyName ) ) { DPF( DVF_ERRORLEVEL, "Unable to delete %s", lpszKeyName ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::ReadBlob"
BOOL CRegistry::ReadBlob( LPCWSTR keyName, LPBYTE lpbBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize ) { if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() ) return FALSE;
LONG retValue; DWORD tmpType;
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegQueryValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, &tmpType, lpbBuffer, lpdwSize ); } else { LPSTR lpszKeyName; if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpszKeyName, keyName ) ) ) return FALSE;
retValue = RegQueryValueExA( m_regHandle, lpszKeyName, 0, &tmpType, lpbBuffer, lpdwSize );
delete [] lpszKeyName; } if( retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && tmpType == REG_BINARY ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CRegistry::WriteBlob"
BOOL CRegistry::WriteBlob( LPCWSTR keyName, LPBYTE lpbBuffer, DWORD dwSize ) { LONG retValue;
if( keyName == NULL || !IsOpen() ) return FALSE;
if( OSAL_IsUnicodePlatform() ) { retValue = RegSetValueExW( m_regHandle, keyName, 0, REG_BINARY, lpbBuffer, dwSize ); } else { LPSTR lpszKeyName; if( FAILED( OSAL_AllocAndConvertToANSI( &lpszKeyName, keyName ) ) ) return FALSE;
retValue = RegSetValueExA( m_regHandle, lpszKeyName, 0, REG_BINARY, lpbBuffer, dwSize ); delete [] lpszKeyName; }
return (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS); }