// Functions:
// Settings_DlgProc()
// DisplayJoystickState()
// Uncomment if we decide to calibrate the POV!
#include <malloc.h> // for _alloca
#include "cplsvr1.h"
#include "dicputil.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "cal.h"
// Flag to stop centering of DLG if it's already happend!
// This is needed because of the args that allow any page to be the first!
BOOL bDlgCentered = FALSE;
// This is global because Test.cpp needs it to determine
// if the ranges need to be updated!
BYTE nStatic;
LPMYJOYRANGE lpCurrentRanges = NULL;
extern CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X *pdiCpl;
// Settings_DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// Callback proceedure for Settings Page
// Parameters:
// HWND hWnd - handle to dialog window
// UINT uMsg - dialog message
// WPARAM wParam - message specific data
// LPARAM lParam - message specific data
// Returns: BOOL
BOOL CALLBACK Settings_DlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // static LPDIJOYCONFIG_DX5 pDIJoyConfig;
switch( uMsg ) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: // Click Drag service for PropSheets!
PostMessage(GetParent(hWnd), WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, (WPARAM)HTCAPTION, lParam); break;
// OnHelp
case WM_HELP: OnHelp(lParam); return(TRUE);
// OnContextMenu
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: OnContextMenu(wParam); return(TRUE);
// OnDestroy
case WM_DESTROY: bDlgCentered = FALSE;
// if (pDIJoyConfig)
// delete (pDIJoyConfig);
// OnInitDialog
case WM_INITDIALOG: // get ptr to our object
if( !pdiCpl ) pdiCpl = (CDIGameCntrlPropSheet_X*)((LPPROPSHEETPAGE)lParam)->lParam;
// initialize DirectInput
if( FAILED(InitDInput(GetParent(hWnd), pdiCpl)) ) { #ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString(TEXT("GCDEF.DLL: Settings.cpp: WM_INITDIALOG: InitDInput FAILED!\n")); #endif
Error(hWnd, (short)IDS_INTERNAL_ERROR, (short)IDS_NO_DIJOYCONFIG); PostMessage(GetParent(hWnd), WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0);
return(FALSE); }
{ // Enable/Disable the calibrate buttons if the device is present
LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG pdiJoyConfig; pdiCpl->GetJoyConfig(&pdiJoyConfig);
// Acquire and check for USER mode!
// If you're not logged in as a user, you can't use calibrate either!
BYTE nSize = sizeof(nIDs)/sizeof(USHORT);
while( nSize-- ) PostDlgItemEnableWindow(hWnd, nIDs[nSize], FALSE);
pdiCpl->SetUser(TRUE); }
// Center the Dialog!
// If it's not been centered!
if( !bDlgCentered ) { // Set the title bar!
CenterDialog(hWnd); bDlgCentered = TRUE; }
// Disable the Calibration button if they don't have any axis!!!
// Leave the Reset to default...
if( pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nAxis == 0 ) PostDlgItemEnableWindow(hWnd, IDC_JOYCALIBRATE, FALSE); } break;
// OnNotify
case WM_NOTIFY: // perform any WM_NOTIFY processing, but there is none...
// return TRUE if you handled the notification (and have set
// the result code in SetWindowLong(hWnd, DWL_MSGRESULT, lResult)
// if you want to return a nonzero notify result)
// or FALSE if you want default processing of the notification.
switch( ((NMHDR*)lParam)->code ) { case PSN_APPLY: // Kill the memory allocated for the Ranges struct
Sleep(100); if( lpCurrentRanges ) { delete (lpCurrentRanges); lpCurrentRanges = NULL; } /* We've removed the rudder stuff... but just in case it comes back...
if (nStatic & RUDDER_HIT) { LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG pdiJoyConfig; pdiCpl->GetJoyConfig(&pdiJoyConfig);
// get the status of the Rudder checkbox and assign it!
// THEN Add the rudder to the Axis mask!
if (pDIJoyConfig->hwc.dwUsageSettings & JOY_US_HASRUDDER) { pDIJoyConfig->hwc.dwUsageSettings &= ~JOY_US_HASRUDDER; pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nAxis &= ~HAS_RX; } else { pDIJoyConfig->hwc.dwUsageSettings |= JOY_US_HASRUDDER; pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nAxis |= HAS_RX; }
if (FAILED(pdiJoyConfig->Acquire())) { #ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString(TEXT("GCDEF.DLL: Settings.cpp: Settings_DlgProc: PSN_APPLY: Acquire FAILED!\n")); #endif
break; }
// Set the GUID to NULL to ask DINPUT to recreate!
pDIJoyConfig->guidInstance = NULL_GUID;
if (FAILED(pdiJoyConfig->SetConfig(pdiCpl->GetID(), (LPDIJOYCONFIG)pDIJoyConfig, DIJC_REGHWCONFIGTYPE))) { #ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString(TEXT("GCDEF.DLL: Settings.cpp: Settings_DlgProc: PSN_APPLY: SetConfig FAILED!\n")); #endif
break; }
// Remove the mask from nStatic
nStatic &= ~RUDDER_HIT;
if (FAILED(pdiJoyConfig->SendNotify())) { #ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString(TEXT("GCDEF.DLL: Settings.cpp: Settings_DlgProc: PSN_APPLY: SendNotify FAILED!\n")); #endif
} pdiJoyConfig->Unacquire(); } */ break;
case PSN_RESET: // if the user has changed the calibration... Set it back!
if( lpCurrentRanges ) { LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 pdiDevice2; pdiCpl->GetDevice(&pdiDevice2);
SetMyRanges(pdiDevice2, lpCurrentRanges, pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nAxis);
// Set POV possitions!
//if (pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nPOVs)
// SetMyPOVRanges(pdiDevice2, lpCurrentRanges->dwPOV);
LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG pdiJoyConfig; pdiCpl->GetJoyConfig(&pdiJoyConfig);
pdiJoyConfig->Acquire(); pdiJoyConfig->SendNotify();
delete (lpCurrentRanges); lpCurrentRanges = NULL; } break;
default: break; }
// OnCommand
case WM_COMMAND: switch( LOWORD(wParam) ) { /*
case IDC_JOY1HASRUDDER: if (nStatic & RUDDER_HIT) nStatic &= ~RUDDER_HIT; else nStatic |= RUDDER_HIT;
// Update the ApplyNow button!
PostMessage(GetParent(hWnd), (nStatic & RUDDER_HIT) ? PSM_CHANGED : PSM_UNCHANGED, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0); break; */
// Set to Default button!!!
ZeroMemory(lpResetRanges, sizeof(MYJOYRANGE));
LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 pdiDevice2; pdiCpl->GetDevice(&pdiDevice2);
SetMyRanges(pdiDevice2, lpResetRanges, pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nAxis);
//if (pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nPOVs)
// SetMyPOVRanges(pdiDevice2, lpResetRanges->dwPOV);
LPDIRECTINPUTJOYCONFIG pdiJoyConfig; pdiCpl->GetJoyConfig(&pdiJoyConfig);
pdiJoyConfig->Acquire(); pdiJoyConfig->SendNotify(); } break;
if( !lpCurrentRanges ) { lpCurrentRanges = new (MYJOYRANGE); assert (lpCurrentRanges);
ZeroMemory (lpCurrentRanges, sizeof(MYJOYRANGE));
LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 pdiDevice2; pdiCpl->GetDevice(&pdiDevice2);
// Get Current Ranges!
GetMyRanges(pdiDevice2, lpCurrentRanges, pdiCpl->GetStateFlags()->nAxis); }
if( CreateWizard(hWnd, (LPARAM)pdiCpl) ) {
// Set the flags
nStatic |= CAL_HIT;
HWND hSheet = GetParent(hWnd);
// take care of the Apply Now Button...
::SendMessage(hSheet, PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)hWnd, 0L);
// Bug #179010 NT - Move to Test sheet after calibration!
::PostMessage(hSheet, PSM_SETCURSELID, 0, (LPARAM)IDD_TEST); } else { // if you canceled and it's your first time Kill the struct...
// then Reset the flag
if( !(nStatic & CAL_HIT) ) { // Kill the memory allocated for the Ranges struct
if( lpCurrentRanges ) { delete (lpCurrentRanges); lpCurrentRanges = NULL; } } }
nStatic &= ~CALIBRATING; break; } }
} //*** end Settings_DlgProc()