Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// Program.cpp : Implementation of CProgram
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Property.h"
#include "Program.h"
#include "ScheduleEntry.h"
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::get_ScheduleEntries(IScheduleEntries **ppschedentries) { ENTER_API { ValidateOutPtr<IScheduleEntries>(ppschedentries, NULL);
CObjectType *pobjtype; HRESULT hr;
hr = m_pdb->get_ScheduleEntryObjectType(&pobjtype); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IObjects> pobjsT; hr = m_pdb->get_ObjectsWithType(pobjtype, &pobjsT); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
CComPtr<IObjects> pobjs; hr = pobjsT->get_ItemsInverseRelatedToBy((IProgram *) this, m_pdb->ScheduleEntryPropSet::ProgramMetaPropertyType(), &pobjs); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return pobjs->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IScheduleEntries), (void **) ppschedentries); } LEAVE_API }
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::get_Title(BSTR *pbstrTitle) { ENTER_API { ValidateOut(pbstrTitle);
return m_pdb->_get_Title((IProgram *) this, pbstrTitle); } LEAVE_API }
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::put_Title(BSTR bstrTitle) { ENTER_API { ValidateIn(bstrTitle);
return m_pdb->_put_Title((IProgram *) this, bstrTitle); } LEAVE_API }
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::get_Description(BSTR *pbstrDescription) { ENTER_API { ValidateOut(pbstrDescription);
return m_pdb->DescriptionPropSet::_get_OneParagraph((IProgram *) this, pbstrDescription); } LEAVE_API }
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::put_Description(BSTR bstrDescription) { ENTER_API { ValidateIn(bstrDescription);
return m_pdb->DescriptionPropSet::_put_OneParagraph((IProgram *) this, bstrDescription); } LEAVE_API }
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::get_CopyrightDate(DATE *pdt) { ENTER_API { ValidateOut<DATE>(pdt, 0);
return m_pdb->CopyrightPropSet::_get_Date((IProgram *) this, pdt); } LEAVE_API }
STDMETHODIMP CProgram::put_CopyrightDate(DATE dt) { ENTER_API { return m_pdb->CopyrightPropSet::_put_Date((IProgram *) this, dt); } LEAVE_API }