/*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation */ /* File: CHObj.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "chobj.h"
/*************************************************************************/ /* Implemntation of Class: CHostedObject */ /*************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: CHostedObject */ /* Description: Constructor that initializes member variables of the */ /* object. */ /*************************************************************************/ CHostedObject::CHostedObject(BSTR strID, BSTR strPropBag, IUnknown* pUnknown){
Init(); m_strID = strID; m_strPropBag = strPropBag; m_pUnknown = pUnknown; ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcRawPos, sizeof(RECT)); }/* end of function CHostedObject */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: Init */ /* Description: Initializes the member variables */ /*************************************************************************/ void CHostedObject::Init(){
m_pContainerObject = NULL; m_bWindowless = false; //m_fActive = false;
m_fActive = true; m_fCapture = false; m_fFocus = false; m_fInputEnabled = true; ::ZeroMemory(&m_rcRawPos, sizeof(RECT)); }/* end of function Init */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: Cleanup */ /* Description: Cleans up the member variables */ /*************************************************************************/ void CHostedObject::Cleanup(){
try { ATLTRACE2(atlTraceHosting, 0, TEXT("In the cleanup of the CHostedObject %ws\n"), GetID());
#if 0 // cannot kill the container before its control is destructed
if(NULL != m_pContainerObject){ delete m_pContainerObject; }/* end of if statement */ #endif
Init(); } catch(...){ ATLTRACE(TEXT("Reference counting is off \n")); return; }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of function Cleanup */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: CreateObject */ /* Description: Creates the ActiveX Object via CoCreateInstance and */ /* initializes it. If everything went OK the return the newly allocate */ /* pObj. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::CreateObject(BSTR strObjectID, BSTR strProgID, BSTR strPropBag, CHostedObject** ppObj){
if(NULL == ppObj){
hr = E_POINTER; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
*ppObj = NULL; // set the return value to NULL
hr = ::CLSIDFromProgID(strProgID, &tmpCLSID);
if (FAILED(hr)){
// Try to get CLSID from string if not prog ID
HRESULT hrTmp = CLSIDFromString(strProgID, &tmpCLSID);
if (hr == CO_E_CLASSSTRING) { // BUG#101663
// We can not use %1!ls! for Win95.
return DISP_E_EXCEPTION; }/* end of if statement */ return hr; }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknown;
hr = pUnknown.CoCreateInstance(tmpCLSID);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
// everything went OK now allocate the object and set the variables to it
*ppObj = new CHostedObject(strObjectID, strPropBag, pUnknown);
if(NULL == *ppObj){ // in case we do not support exception handling
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }/* end of if statement */
return (hr); }/* end of function CreateObject */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: AddObject */ /* Description: Simmilar to create object, but does not create on. Takes */ /* an existing IUnknown and wraps it, in the object structure. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::AddObject(BSTR strObjectID, BSTR strPropBag, LPUNKNOWN pUnknown, CHostedObject** ppObj){
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(NULL == ppObj){
hr = E_POINTER; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
if(NULL == pUnknown){
hr = E_POINTER; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
*ppObj = NULL; // set the return value to NULL
// everything went OK now allocate the object and set the variables to it
*ppObj = new CHostedObject(strObjectID, strPropBag, pUnknown);
if(NULL == *ppObj){ // in case we do not support exception handling
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }/* end of if statement */
return (hr); }/* end of function AddObject */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetID */ /* Description: Returns the ID of the object */ /*************************************************************************/ BSTR CHostedObject::GetID(){
return(m_strID); }/* end of function GetID */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetPropBag */ /* Description: Returns the textual information that represents property */ /* bag and is associate with the object. */ /*************************************************************************/ BSTR CHostedObject::GetPropBag(){
return(m_strPropBag); }/* end of function GetPropBag */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetUnknown */ /* Description: Gets the IUnknown stored in this object. */ /*************************************************************************/ IUnknown* CHostedObject::GetUnknown(){ return(m_pUnknown); }/* end of function GetUnknown */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetViewObject */ /* Description: Gets the IViewObject cached for this object. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::GetViewObject(IViewObjectEx** pIViewObject){
try { if(NULL == pIViewObject){
throw(E_POINTER); }/* end of if statement */
hr = InitViewObject();
throw(hr); }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */
*pIViewObject = NULL; hr = E_FAIL; throw(hr); }/* end of if statement */
*pIViewObject = m_spViewObject; (*pIViewObject)->AddRef(); // giving it out have add reff
}/* end of try statement */ catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; } catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of catch statemenmt */
return(hr); }/* end of function GetViewObject */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetOleObject */ /* Description: Gets the IOleObject cached for this object. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::GetOleObject(IOleObject** ppIOleObject){
try { if(NULL == ppIOleObject){
throw(E_POINTER); }/* end of if statement */
throw(E_UNEXPECTED); }/* end of if statement */
// cache up the IOleObject
hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(&m_pOleObject);
throw(hr); }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */
#ifdef _DEBUG
if(!m_pOleObject){ // sometimes we get OK from QI but IOleObject is NULL
*ppIOleObject = NULL; throw(E_FAIL); }/* end of if statement */ #endif
*ppIOleObject = m_pOleObject; (*ppIOleObject)->AddRef(); }/* end of try statement */ catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; } catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of catch statemenmt */
return(hr); }/* end of function GetOleObject */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetTypeInfo */ /* Description: Calls the IDispatch object TypeInfo */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::GetTypeInfo(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** pptinfo){
try {
throw(E_UNEXPECTED); }/* end of if statement */
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch;
hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(&pDispatch);
throw(hr); }/* end of if statement */
hr = pDispatch->GetTypeInfo(itinfo, lcid, pptinfo);
}/* end of try statement */ catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; } catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of catch statemenmt */ return(hr); }/* end of funciton GetTypeInfo */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetPos */ /* Description: Accessor to the position of the embedded object. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::GetPos(RECT* pRcPos){
if(NULL == pRcPos){
hr = E_POINTER; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */ // Get the raw rect for this object and then adjust it for the
// offset of the container
*pRcPos = m_rcRawPos; if(IsWindowless()){ return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
HWND hwnd = NULL;
hr = GetWindow(&hwnd);
hr = S_FALSE; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
::GetWindowRect(hwnd, pRcPos);
m_rcRawPos = *pRcPos; // update our cached value
return(hr); }/* end of function GetPos */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SetRawPos */ /* Description: We set the RawPosition, which is location relative to the*/ /* container. Adjustment for the offset is done in GetPos function. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::SetRawPos(const RECT* pRcPos){
if(NULL == pRcPos){
hr = E_POINTER; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
m_rcRawPos = *pRcPos; return(hr); }/* end of function SetRawPos */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SetObjectRects */ /* Description: Notififies the Controls about chaning rects, so they */ /* will update their positions. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::SetObjectRects(RECT* prcPos){
RECT rc;
if(NULL == prcPos){ hr = GetPos(&rc); } else {
rc = *prcPos; }/* end of if statement */
throw(hr); }/* end of if statement */ CComPtr<IOleInPlaceObject> pIOlePlace;
if(!m_pUnknown){ hr = S_FALSE; return(hr); // do not have the object yet no way to set it
}/* end of if statement */
hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(&pIOlePlace);
if(FAILED(hr)){ hr = S_FALSE; return(hr); // do not have the IOleInPlaceObject in other words not activated
// object yet no way to set it, so lets not complain that
// much, since the ATL would break on
}/* end of if statement */
// TODO: Pass down the clip rects evntaully, but right not used
// in our controls
hr = pIOlePlace->SetObjectRects(&rc, &rc); return(hr); }/* end of function SetObjectRects */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: InitViewObject */ /* Description: Initializes the ViewObject. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::InitViewObject(){
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObjectEx, (void**) &m_spViewObject); if (FAILED(hr)){
hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject2, (void**) &m_spViewObject);
if (FAILED(hr)){
hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IViewObject, (void**) &m_spViewObject); }/* end of if statement */ }/* end of if statement */
return(hr); }/* end of function InitViewObject */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SetActive */ /* Description: Sets the control flag to be active or not. */ /* This disables it drawing in the container. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::SetActive(bool fActivate){
m_fActive = fActivate; // this might seem like a bug, but flag is important
// even if we do not get to hide the windowed control
return(hr); // do not have to deal with hiding and showing of the window
// we just do not draw the nonactive objects in the container
}/* end of if statement */
HWND hwnd = NULL;
hr = GetWindow(&hwnd);
if(FAILED(hr)){ return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
INT nShow = fActivate ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; ::ShowWindow(hwnd, nShow); }/* end of if statement */
return(hr); }/* end of function SetActive */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: GetWindow */ /* Description: Gets the control window. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::GetWindow(HWND* pHwnd){
// now try to
hr = E_UNEXPECTED; return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
CComPtr<IOleInPlaceObject> pOleInPObject; hr = m_pUnknown->QueryInterface(&pOleInPObject);
return(hr); }/* end of if statement */ hr = pOleInPObject->GetWindow(pHwnd);
return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
return(hr); }/* end of if statement */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: IsInputEnabled */ /* Description: Function that lets us know if the input is enabled or not*/ /*************************************************************************/ bool CHostedObject::IsInputEnabled(){
return m_fInputEnabled; }/* end of if statement */
return false; }/* end of function IsInputEnabled */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SetInputEnabled */ /* Description: Sets the control flag to to disable or enable mouse and */ /* keyboard input to a windowless controll. */ /*************************************************************************/ HRESULT CHostedObject::SetInputEnabled(bool fInputEnabled){
m_fInputEnabled = fInputEnabled; // this might seem like a bug, but flag is important
// even if we do not get to hide the windowed control
hr = S_OK; // we just do not draw the nonactive objects in the container
}/* end of if statement */
return(hr); // do not handle the windowed case
}/* end of function SetInputEnabled */
/*************************************************************************/ /* End of file: CHObj.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/