// Composition.h : Declaration of the custom composition class for gluing analog capture to ovmixer
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999.
#ifndef DAT2SIN_H
#define DAT2SIN_H
#pragma once
#include <uuids.h>
#include "bdamedia.h"
#include "MSVidTVTuner.h"
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include <winerror.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <compimpl.h>
#include <seg.h>
#include <objectwithsiteimplsec.h>
#include <ksmedia.h>
#include "enc2sin.h"
typedef struct
// CDat2SinComp
class ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(uuid("38F03426-E83B-4e68-B65B-DCAE73304838")) CDat2SinComp : public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CDat2SinComp, &__uuidof(CDat2SinComp)>, public IObjectWithSiteImplSec<CDat2SinComp>, public IMSVidCompositionSegmentImpl<CDat2SinComp> { private: DSFilterList m_pEncFilters; public: CDat2SinComp() {} virtual ~CDat2SinComp() {}
public: // IMSVidGraphSegment
// IMSVidCompositionSegment
STDMETHOD(CheckEncFilters)(){ int j = 0; for(DSFilterList::iterator i = m_pEncFilters.begin(); i != m_pEncFilters.end(); ++i){ TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CAnaSinComp::CheckEncFilters checking filter " << j); CComQIPtr<IETFilterConfig> spETConfig; CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnkSecChan; spETConfig = (*i); if(!spETConfig){ TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CAnaSinComp::CheckEncFilters filter " << j << " could not get et filter config interface"); return E_NOINTERFACE; } HRESULT hr = spETConfig->GetSecureChannelObject(&spUnkSecChan); hr = CheckIfSecureClient(spUnkSecChan); if(FAILED(hr)){ TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CAnaSinComp::CheckEncFilters filter " << j << " Failed"); return E_FAIL; } ++j; } TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CAnaSinComp::CheckEncFilters no failures"); return NOERROR; }
STDMETHOD(PreRun)(){ return CheckEncFilters(); } STDMETHOD(put_Container)(IMSVidGraphSegmentContainer *pCtl) { try { if (!pCtl) { m_pEncFilters.clear(); return Unload(); } if (m_pContainer) { if (!m_pContainer.IsEqualObject(VWSegmentContainer(pCtl))) { //undone: support moving to different graph
return Error(IDS_OBJ_ALREADY_INIT, __uuidof(IMSVidGraphSegment), CO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED); } else { return NO_ERROR; } } // DON'T addref the container. we're guaranteed nested lifetimes
// and an addref creates circular refcounts so we never unload.
m_pContainer.p = pCtl; m_pGraph = m_pContainer.GetGraph(); } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } return NOERROR; } STDMETHOD(SetSubstreamChannel)(IPin * pPinCCDecoder, DWORD dwSubStreamChannels){ HRESULT hr; if(!(dwSubStreamChannels & (KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_ODD | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_EVEN | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_CC1 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_CC2 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_CC3 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_CC4 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_T1 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_T2 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_T3 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_T4 | KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_SERVICE_XDS))){ return E_INVALIDARG; } try { IKsPropertySet *pksPSet = NULL; hr = pPinCCDecoder->QueryInterface(IID_IKsPropertySet, (void **) &pksPSet); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ DWORD rgdwData[20]; DWORD cbMax = sizeof(rgdwData); DWORD cbData; hr = pksPSet->Get(KSPROPSETID_VBICodecFiltering, KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING_SUBSTREAMS_DISCOVERED_BIT_ARRAY, NULL, 0, (BYTE *) rgdwData, cbMax, &cbData); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING_CC_SUBSTREAMS ksThing = {0}; ksThing.ccSubStreamMask.SubstreamMask = dwSubStreamChannels; // ring3 to ring0 propset call
hr = pksPSet->Set(KSPROPSETID_VBICodecFiltering, KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING_SUBSTREAMS_REQUESTED_BIT_ARRAY, &ksThing.ccSubStreamMask, sizeof(ksThing) - sizeof(KSPROPERTY), &ksThing, sizeof(ksThing)); } pksPSet->Release(); } } catch (HRESULT hrCatch) { // bad things happend
hr = hrCatch; } catch (...) { // Threw Badly - Giving Up"
hr = E_FAIL; } return hr; }
STDMETHOD(Compose)(IMSVidGraphSegment * upstream, IMSVidGraphSegment * downstream) { if (m_fComposed) { return NOERROR; } ASSERT(m_pGraph); try { VWGraphSegment up(upstream); ASSERT(up.Graph() == m_pGraph); VWGraphSegment down(downstream); ASSERT(down.Graph() == m_pGraph); if (upstream == downstream) { return Error(IDS_CANT_COMPOSE_WITH_SELF, __uuidof(IMSVidCompositionSegment), E_INVALIDARG); } if (up.begin() == up.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CComposition::Compose() can't compose empty up segment"); return NOERROR; } if (down.begin() == down.end()) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CComposition::Compose() can't compose empty down segment"); // this is not an error, for example, CA is an empty segment.
return NOERROR; } // Making sure that only the cc pin is rendered to the sink and that the encrypter is added
CMSVidStreamBufferSink* ds = (CMSVidStreamBufferSink*)downstream; DSFilter pSink(ds->m_Filters[0]); DSGraph::iterator gFilter; DSFilter::iterator fPin; DSPin::iterator pMedia; DSPin ccPin; DSMediaType mtL21(MEDIATYPE_AUXLine21Data, MEDIASUBTYPE_Line21_BytePair); for(gFilter = m_pGraph.begin(); gFilter != m_pGraph.end() && !ccPin; ++gFilter){ for(fPin = (*gFilter).begin(); fPin != (*gFilter).end() && !ccPin; ++fPin){ for(pMedia = (*fPin).begin(); pMedia != (*fPin).end() && !ccPin; ++pMedia){ if((*pMedia) == mtL21){ if(!(*fPin).IsConnected() && (*fPin).GetDirection() == PINDIR_OUTPUT){ ccPin = *fPin; } } } } } if(!ccPin){ return E_FAIL; } HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DSFilterList intermediates; #if ENCRYPT_NEEDED
CComBSTR encString(L"{C4C4C4F1-0049-4E2B-98FB-9537F6CE516D}"); GUID2 encdecGuid (encString); CComPtr<IUnknown> spEncTagFilter(encdecGuid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (!spEncTagFilter) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSink::Build() can't load Tagger filter"); return ImplReportError(__uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSink), IDS_CANT_CREATE_FILTER, __uuidof(IStreamBufferSink), E_UNEXPECTED); } DSFilter ETFilter(spEncTagFilter); if (!ETFilter) { ASSERT(false); return ImplReportError(__uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSink), IDS_CANT_CREATE_FILTER, __uuidof(IBaseFilter), E_UNEXPECTED); } m_Filters.push_back(ETFilter); m_pEncFilters.push_back(ETFilter); CString csName = _T("CC Encoder Tagger Filter"); m_pGraph.AddFilter(ETFilter, csName); // Connect cc pin to the Tagger
hr = ccPin.IntelligentConnect(ETFilter, intermediates); if(FAILED(hr)){ TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "CAnaSinComp::Compose() can't connect audio pin to CC Tagger"); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
ASSERT(intermediates.begin() == intermediates.end()); m_Filters.insert(m_Filters.end(), intermediates.begin(), intermediates.end());
hr = E_FAIL; DSFilter::iterator ETPin; for(ETPin = ETFilter.begin(); ETPin != ETFilter.end(); ++ETPin){ if((*ETPin).GetDirection() == PINDIR_OUTPUT && !(*ETPin).IsConnected()){ break; } } if(ETPin == ETFilter.end()){ return E_UNEXPECTED; } for(fPin = pSink.begin(); fPin != pSink.end() && FAILED(hr); ++fPin){ if((*fPin).GetDirection() == PINDIR_INPUT && !(*fPin).IsConnected()){ hr = (*ETPin).Connect((*fPin)); } }
if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } else{ ASSERT(intermediates.begin() == intermediates.end()); m_Filters.insert(m_Filters.end(), intermediates.begin(), intermediates.end()); } #else
for(fPin = pSink.begin(); fPin != pSink.end() && FAILED(hr); ++fPin){ if((*fPin).GetDirection() == PINDIR_INPUT && !(*fPin).IsConnected()){ hr = ccPin.Connect((*fPin)); } }
if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; }
// BUG in the cc codec makes it so we have to set the feilds as such
// hr = SetSubstreamChannel(ccPin, KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_EVEN|KS_CC_SUBSTREAM_ODD);
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); return NOERROR; } catch (ComException &e) { return e; } catch (...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
#endif // Dat2Sin_H
// end of file - Dat2Sin.h