// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999-2000.
// MSVidStreamBufferSource.cpp : Implementation of CMSVidStreamBufferSource
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "atltmp.h"
#include <encdec.h>
#include "MSVidCtl.h"
#include "MSVidsbeSource.h"
#include "encdec.h"
#if 0 // code for testing wm content
#include <wmsdkidl.h>
#include "msvidsbesink.h" // to get pabCert2
#define LOCAL_OATRUE -1
DEFINE_EXTERN_OBJECT_ENTRY(CLSID_MSVidStreamBufferSource, CMSVidStreamBufferSource)
enum{ CLOSE_TO_LIVE = 50, };
// CMSVidStreamBufferSource
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_SBESource(/*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown **sbeFilter){ if(!sbeFilter){ return E_POINTER; }
if(!m_spFileSource){ USES_CONVERSION; CString csName(_T("SBE Playback")); QIFileSource qiFSource; HRESULT hr = qiFSource.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StreamBufferSource, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); return E_UNEXPECTED; } if(!qiFSource){ _ASSERT(false); return E_UNEXPECTED; } m_spFileSource = qiFSource; }
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnk(m_spFileSource); if(!pUnk){ return E_UNEXPECTED; }
*sbeFilter = pUnk.Detach(); return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::CurrentRatings(/*[out, retval]*/ EnTvRat_System *pEnSystem, /*[out, retval]*/ EnTvRat_GenericLevel *pEnRating, /*[out, retval]*/ LONG *plbfEnAttr){ if(!pEnSystem || !pEnRating || !plbfEnAttr){ return E_POINTER; } DSFilterList::iterator i; EnTvRat_System system = static_cast<EnTvRat_System>(-1); EnTvRat_GenericLevel level = static_cast<EnTvRat_GenericLevel>(-1); LONG attr = static_cast<LONG>(-1); if(m_decFilters.empty()){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
for(i = m_decFilters.begin(); i != m_decFilters.end(); ++i){ EnTvRat_System temp_system = static_cast<EnTvRat_System>(-1); EnTvRat_GenericLevel temp_level = static_cast<EnTvRat_GenericLevel>(-1); LONG temp_attri = static_cast<LONG>(-1); CComQIPtr<IDTFilter> qiDT(*i); if(!qiDT){ continue; } HRESULT hr = qiDT->GetCurrRating(&temp_system, &temp_level, &temp_attri); if(FAILED(hr)){ continue; } if(temp_system != system || temp_level != level || temp_attri != attr){ system = temp_system; level = temp_level; attr = temp_attri; } } if(static_cast<long>(system) < 0 || static_cast<long>(level) < 0 || static_cast<long>(attr) < 0){ return E_FAIL; }
*pEnSystem = system; *pEnRating = level; *plbfEnAttr = attr; return S_OK; } // ------------------
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::MaxRatingsLevel(/*[in]*/ EnTvRat_System enSystem, /*[in]*/ EnTvRat_GenericLevel enRating, /*[in]*/ LONG plbfEnAttr){ DSFilterList::iterator i; if(m_decFilters.empty()){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
for(i = m_decFilters.begin(); i != m_decFilters.end(); ++i){ CComQIPtr<IDTFilter> qiDT(*i); if(!qiDT){ continue; }
HRESULT hr = qiDT->put_BlockedRatingAttributes(enSystem, enRating, plbfEnAttr);
if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_BlockUnrated(/*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL bBlock){ DSFilterList::iterator i; bool block = (bBlock == VARIANT_TRUE) ? true : false; if(m_decFilters.empty()){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } for(i = m_decFilters.begin(); i != m_decFilters.end(); ++i){ CComQIPtr<IDTFilter> qiDT(*i); if(!qiDT){ continue; } HRESULT hr = qiDT->put_BlockUnRated(block); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_UnratedDelay(/*[in]*/ long dwDelay){ DSFilterList::iterator i; if(m_decFilters.empty()){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
for(i = m_decFilters.begin(); i != m_decFilters.end(); ++i){ CComQIPtr<IDTFilter> qiDT(*i); if(!qiDT){ continue; } HRESULT hr = qiDT->put_BlockUnRatedDelay(dwDelay); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::Unload(void) { BroadcastUnadvise(); m_decFilters.clear(); HRESULT hr = IMSVidGraphSegmentImpl<CMSVidStreamBufferSource, MSVidSEG_SOURCE, &GUID_NULL>::Unload(); m_iReader = -1; m_spFileSource = reinterpret_cast<IFileSourceFilter*>(NULL); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_Init(IUnknown *pInit){ HRESULT hr = IMSVidGraphSegmentImpl<CMSVidStreamBufferSource, MSVidSEG_SOURCE, &GUID_NULL>::put_Init(pInit); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (pInit) { m_fInit = false; return E_NOTIMPL; } return NOERROR; } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_Name(BSTR * Name){ if (!m_fInit) { return Error(IDS_OBJ_NO_INIT, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); } if (Name == NULL) return E_POINTER; try { *Name = m_Name.Copy(); } catch(...) { return E_POINTER; } return NOERROR; } // IMSVidInputDevice
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::IsViewable(VARIANT* pv, VARIANT_BOOL *pfViewable) { if (!m_fInit) { return Error(IDS_OBJ_NO_INIT, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); } if (!pv) { return E_POINTER; } return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::View(VARIANT* pv) { if (!m_fInit) { return Error(IDS_OBJ_NO_INIT, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); } if (!pv) { return E_POINTER; } if (!_wcsnicmp(pv->bstrVal, L"DVD:", 4)) { return E_FAIL; } return put_FileName(pv->bstrVal); } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(REFIID riid) { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_IMSVidStreamBufferSource }; for (int i=0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_Container(IMSVidGraphSegmentContainer *pCtl){ try { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!m_fInit) { return Error(IDS_OBJ_NO_INIT, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED); } if (!pCtl) { #ifdef BUILD_WITH_DRM
CComQIPtr<IServiceProvider> spServiceProvider(m_pGraph); if (spServiceProvider != NULL) { CComPtr<IDRMSecureChannel> spSecureService; hr = spServiceProvider->QueryService(SID_DRMSecureServiceChannel, IID_IDRMSecureChannel, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&spSecureService)); if(S_OK == hr){ // Found existing Secure Server
CComQIPtr<IRegisterServiceProvider> spRegServiceProvider(m_pGraph); if(spRegServiceProvider == NULL){ // no service provider interface on the graph - fatal!
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ hr = spRegServiceProvider->RegisterService(SID_DRMSecureServiceChannel, NULL); } } _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } #endif
return Unload(); } if (m_pContainer) { if (!m_pContainer.IsEqualObject(VWSegmentContainer(pCtl))) { return Error(IDS_OBJ_ALREADY_INIT, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), CO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED); } else { return NO_ERROR; } }
// DON'T addref the container. we're guaranteed nested lifetimes
// and an addref creates circular refcounts so we never unload.
m_pContainer.p = pCtl; m_pGraph = m_pContainer.GetGraph(); hr = BroadcastAdvise(); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_Container() can't advise for broadcast events"); return E_UNEXPECTED; } #if 0 // code for testing wm content
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnkCert; hr = WMCreateCertificate(&pUnkCert); if (FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); }
CComQIPtr<IMSVidCtl>tempCtl(pCtl); if(tempCtl){ hr = tempCtl->put_ServiceProvider(pUnkCert); if (FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); } } #endif
{ DWORD dwDisableDRMCheck = 0; CRegKey c; CString keyname(_T("SOFTWARE\\Debug\\MSVidCtl")); DWORD rc = c.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyname, KEY_READ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = c.QueryValue(dwDisableDRMCheck, _T("DisableDRMCheck")); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwDisableDRMCheck = 0; } }
if(dwDisableDRMCheck == 1){ return S_OK; } } #endif
CComQIPtr<IServiceProvider> spServiceProvider(m_pGraph); if (spServiceProvider == NULL) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } CComPtr<IDRMSecureChannel> spSecureService; hr = spServiceProvider->QueryService(SID_DRMSecureServiceChannel, IID_IDRMSecureChannel, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&spSecureService)); if(S_OK == hr){ // Found existing Secure Server
return S_OK; } else{ // if it's not there or failed for ANY reason
// lets create it and register it
CComQIPtr<IRegisterServiceProvider> spRegServiceProvider(m_pGraph); if(spRegServiceProvider == NULL){ // no service provider interface on the graph - fatal!
hr = E_NOINTERFACE; } else{ // Create the Client
CComPtr<IDRMSecureChannel> spSecureServiceServer; hr = DRMCreateSecureChannel( &spSecureServiceServer); if(spSecureServiceServer == NULL){ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; }
// Init keys
hr = spSecureServiceServer->DRMSC_SetCertificate((BYTE *)pabCert2, cBytesCert2); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; }
hr = spSecureServiceServer->DRMSC_SetPrivateKeyBlob((BYTE *)pabPVK2, cBytesPVK2); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; }
hr = spSecureServiceServer->DRMSC_AddVerificationPubKey((BYTE *)abEncDecCertRoot, sizeof(abEncDecCertRoot) ); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; }
// Register It
// note RegisterService does not addref pUnkSeekProvider
hr = spRegServiceProvider->RegisterService(SID_DRMSecureServiceChannel, spSecureServiceServer); } } #endif // BUILD_WITH_DRM
return NOERROR; } catch (ComException &e) { return e; } catch (...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_CanStep(VARIANT_BOOL fBackwards, VARIANT_BOOL *pfCan){ // NOTE: NO ONE supports backwords stepping (why not? who knows)
// so just like everyone else we dont either
try{ // Checking args and interfaces
if(!pfCan){ // Passed a NULL Pointer
return E_POINTER; }
if (!m_pGraph) { // graph not valid
//Get a VideoFrameStep Interface
PQVideoFrameStep pVFS(m_pGraph); if(!pVFS){ // Could Not QI
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE); } if(fBackwards == VARIANT_TRUE){ *pfCan = VARIANT_TRUE; return S_OK; } else{ if(pVFS->CanStep(FALSE, NULL)==S_OK){ // It is all Good, Can Step Forward
*pfCan = VARIANT_TRUE; return S_OK; } else{ // Can't Step
*pfCan = VARIANT_FALSE; return S_OK; } } } catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// Name: Step(long)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::Step(long lStep){ try{ // Checking args and interfaces
long tempStep = lStep; if (!m_pGraph || !m_pContainer) { // graph not valid
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } PQVideoFrameStep pVFS(m_pGraph); if(!pVFS){ // Could Not QI
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE); } if(lStep < 0){ PQMediaControl pmc(m_pGraph); if (!pmc) { return Error(IDS_NO_MEDIA_CONTROL, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_UNEXPECTED); } HRESULT hr = pmc->Pause(); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "CVidCtl::Pause() hr = " << std::hex << hr), ""); return Error(IDS_CANT_PAUSE_GRAPH, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hr); } long cur = 0; long stepVal = (/*half a second in 100ths of a second*/ 50 * lStep); PositionModeList curMode; hr = get_PositionMode(&curMode); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } if(curMode == FrameMode){ stepVal = (stepVal/100) * 30; // hard coded to 30 fps for now
} hr = get_CurrentPosition(&cur); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; }
if(cur == 0){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } cur = cur + stepVal; // stepVal is negative, duh
hr = put_CurrentPosition(cur); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } // Set tempStep and then step to refresh the current frame
tempStep = 1; } // Make it step
return pVFS->Step(tempStep, NULL); } catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// Name: get_Start(long)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_Start(/*[out, retval]*/long *lStart){ HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONGLONG tempfirst, templatest; PositionModeList curMode; try{ // Checking args and init'ing interfaces
if (!lStart){ return E_POINTER; } if (!m_pGraph) { // graph not valid
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
// See if object supports ISBEMediaSeeking
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){ // not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
// Find out what postion mode is being used
hr = get_PositionMode(&curMode); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } hr = PQIMSeeking->GetAvailable(&tempfirst, &templatest); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } // If it is FrameMode no conversion needed
if(tempfirst == 0){ *lStart = 0; hr = S_OK; return hr; } if(curMode == FrameMode){ *lStart = static_cast<long>(tempfirst); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::get_Start() return=" << (unsigned long)(*lStart) << " longlong=" << (double)(tempfirst)), "");
hr = S_OK; return hr; } // If it is TenthsSecondsMode need to be converted from 100 nanosecond units
if(curMode == TenthsSecondsMode){ *lStart = static_cast<long>(tempfirst / nano_to_hundredths); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::get_Start() return=" << (unsigned long)(*lStart) << " longlong=" << (double)(tempfirst)), ""); hr = S_OK; return hr; } // If it is some other mode not supported by the vidctl
else{ return E_UNEXPECTED; } } // Could Not QI IMedia Seeking or Position
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE); } catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_RecordingAttribute(/*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown **pRecordingAttribute){ if(!pRecordingAttribute){ return E_POINTER; } CComPtr<IUnknown> pRecUnk(m_spFileSource); if(!pRecUnk){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } *pRecordingAttribute = pRecUnk.Detach(); return S_OK; }
// Name: get_Length(long)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_Length(/*[out, retval]*/long *lLength){ HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONGLONG tempfirst, templatest; PositionModeList curMode; try{ // Checking args and init'ing interfaces
if (!lLength){ return E_POINTER; } if (!m_pGraph) { // graph not valid
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
// See if object supports ISBEMediaSeeking
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){ // not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
// Find out what postion mode is being used
hr = get_PositionMode(&curMode); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } hr = PQIMSeeking->GetAvailable(&tempfirst, &templatest); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } // If it is FrameMode no conversion needed
if(curMode == FrameMode){ *lLength = static_cast<long>(templatest); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::get_Length() return=" << (unsigned long)(*lLength) << " longlong=" << (double)(templatest)), ""); hr = S_OK; return hr; } // If it is TenthsSecondsMode need to be converted from 100 nanosecond units
else if(curMode == TenthsSecondsMode){ *lLength = static_cast<long>(templatest / nano_to_hundredths); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::get_Length() return=" << (unsigned long)(*lLength) << " longlong=" << (double)(templatest)), ""); hr = S_OK; return hr; } // If it is some other mode not supported by the vidctl
else{ return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// Could Not QI IMedia Seeking
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE); } catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// Name: get_CurrentPosition(LONGLONG*)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_CurrentPosition(/*[out,retval]*/long *lPosition) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONGLONG tempval; PositionModeList curMode; try{ // Checking args and init'ing interfaces
if (!lPosition){ return E_POINTER; } if (!m_spFileSource) { // graph not valid
// See if object supports ISBEMediaSeeking
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){// not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
// Find out what postion mode is being used
hr = get_PositionMode(&curMode); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } hr = PQIMSeeking->GetCurrentPosition(&tempval); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } // If it is FrameMode no conversion needed
if(curMode == FrameMode){ *lPosition = static_cast<long>(tempval); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::get_CurrentPosition() return=" << (unsigned long)(*lPosition) << " longlong=" << (double)(tempval)), ""); hr = S_OK; return hr; } // If it is TenthsSecondsMode need to be converted from 100 nanosecond units
else if(curMode == TenthsSecondsMode){ *lPosition = static_cast<long>(tempval / nano_to_hundredths); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::get_CurrentPosition() return=" << (unsigned long)(*lPosition) << " longlong=" << (double)(tempval)), ""); hr = S_OK; return hr; } // If it is some other mode not supported by the vidctl
else{ return E_UNEXPECTED; } } // Could Not QI IMedia Seeking
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE);
catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: put_CurrentPosition(LONGLONG)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_CurrentPosition(/*[in]*/long lPosition) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONGLONG tempval; PositionModeList curMode; try{ // Checking args and interfaces
if (!m_spFileSource) { return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
// Check for a ISBEMediaSeeking Interface
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){ // not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
// Get the position Mode
hr = get_PositionMode(&curMode); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } tempval = lPosition; // If it is in TenthsSecondsMode convert input into 100 nanosecond units
if(curMode == TenthsSecondsMode){ tempval = (tempval) * nano_to_hundredths; } // If it is in some other mode
else if(curMode != FrameMode){ return E_UNEXPECTED; } // Set the new Position
TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::put_CurrentPosition() set to: input=" << (unsigned long)(lPosition) << " longlong=" << (double)(tempval)), ""); hr = PQIMSeeking->SetPositions(&tempval, AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning, NULL, 0); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "StreamBufferSource::put_CurrentPosition() actually set to:" << (double)(tempval)), "");
return hr; } // Could Not QI Media Position
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE);
catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: put_PositionMode(LONGLONG)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_PositionMode(/*[in]*/PositionModeList lPositionMode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; double testval; get_Rate(&testval); try{ // Checking args and interfaces
if (!m_spFileSource) { // graph not valid
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } // only valid values
if(lPositionMode != FrameMode && lPositionMode != TenthsSecondsMode){ return E_INVALIDARG; } // Try for a ISBEMediaSeeking
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){// not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
// Set the new mode
if(lPositionMode == FrameMode){ hr = PQIMSeeking->SetTimeFormat( &( static_cast<GUID>(TIME_FORMAT_FRAME) ) ); return hr; } if(lPositionMode == TenthsSecondsMode){ hr = PQIMSeeking->SetTimeFormat(&(static_cast<GUID>(TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME))); return hr; } } // Could Not QI
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE);
catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// Name: get_PositionMode(LONGLONG*)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_PositionMode(/*[out,retval]*/PositionModeList* lPositionMode) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; double testval; get_Rate(&testval); try{ // Checking args and interfaces
if(!lPositionMode){ return E_POINTER; } if (!m_spFileSource) { // graph not valid
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } // Get an ISBEMediaSeeking Interface
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){// not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
// Get the mode
GUID cur_mode; hr = PQIMSeeking->GetTimeFormat(&cur_mode); if(FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } // Check to see which mode it is in
if(cur_mode == static_cast<GUID>(TIME_FORMAT_FRAME)){ *lPositionMode = FrameMode; return S_OK; } if(cur_mode == static_cast<GUID>(TIME_FORMAT_MEDIA_TIME)){ *lPositionMode = TenthsSecondsMode; return S_OK; } // Not in a vidctl supported mode
else{ return E_FAIL; } } // Could Not QI
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE);
catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// Name: put_Rate(double)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::put_Rate(double lRate){ HRESULT hr = S_OK; try{ /*** Checking args and init'ing interfaces ***/
if (!m_spFileSource) { // graph not valid
// Attempt to set the rate using ISBEMediaSeeking
PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){// not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
return PQIMSeeking->SetRate(lRate); } // Could Not QI set the error
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE);
catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name: get_Rate(double*)
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::get_Rate(double *plRate){ HRESULT hr = S_OK; try{ /*** Checking args and init'ing interfaces ***/ if (!plRate){ return E_POINTER; } if (!m_spFileSource) { // graph not valid
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } PQISBEMSeeking PQIMSeeking(m_spFileSource); if(!( !PQIMSeeking)){// not not'ing smart pointer, they assert if p == 0
return PQIMSeeking->GetRate(plRate); } // Could Not QI
return Error(IDS_E_CANTQI , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), E_NOINTERFACE);
catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ // Something went bad, threw a HRESULT
return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE , __uuidof(IMSVidPlayback), hrTmp); } catch(...){ // Something went bad, dont know what it threw
return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::PostStop(){ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { #if 0
// If the graph is not is stopped state
// we make sure it is
if (!m_pGraph.IsStopped()) { HRESULT hr = PQVidCtl(m_pContainer)->Stop(); } #endif
// If m_fEnableResetOnStop is true then we need to reset
// the postion back to the beggining
// else do nothing
if(m_fEnableResetOnStop){ return put_CurrentPosition(0); }
} catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; } catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::Decompose() { return put_Container(NULL); } STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::Build() { if (!m_FileName) { return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); }
QIFileSource qiFSource; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DSFilter pfr; if(!m_spFileSource){ USES_CONVERSION; hr = qiFSource.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StreamBufferSource, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); return E_UNEXPECTED; } if(!qiFSource){ _ASSERT(false); return E_UNEXPECTED; } m_spFileSource = qiFSource; hr = m_spFileSource->QueryInterface(&pfr); if (FAILED(hr) || !pfr) { _ASSERT(false); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "MSVidStreamBufferSource::Build() Could not create StreamBufferSource hr = " << std::hex << hr), ""); return Error(IDS_CANT_PLAY_FILE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), hr); } } else{ qiFSource = m_spFileSource; if(!qiFSource){ _ASSERT(false); return E_UNEXPECTED; } hr = m_spFileSource->QueryInterface(&pfr); if (FAILED(hr) || !pfr) { _ASSERT(false); TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "MSVidStreamBufferSource::Build() Could not create StreamBufferSource hr = " << std::hex << hr), ""); return Error(IDS_CANT_PLAY_FILE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), hr); } }
CString csName(_T("SBE Playback")); m_Filters.clear(); hr = m_pGraph.AddFilter(pfr, csName); if(FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
hr = qiFSource->Load(m_FileName, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { bool rc = m_pGraph.RemoveFilter(pfr); if (!rc) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } TRACELSM(TRACE_ERROR, (dbgDump << "MSVidStreamBufferSource::Build() Could not create StreamBufferSource hr = " << std::hex << hr), ""); return Error(IDS_CANT_PLAY_FILE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), hr); }
m_Filters.push_back(pfr); m_iReader = m_Filters.size() - 1; #if ENCRYPT_NEEDED
DSFilterList intermediates; for(DSFilter::iterator i = pfr.begin(); i != pfr.end(); ++i){ if((*i).GetDirection() == DOWNSTREAM && !(*i).IsConnected()){ // Create and add a decoder Tagger Filter
CComPtr<IUnknown> spEncTagD(CLSID_DTFilter, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (!spEncTagD) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSink::Build() can't load Tagger filter"); return ImplReportError(__uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSink), IDS_CANT_CREATE_FILTER, __uuidof(IStreamBufferSink), E_UNEXPECTED); }
DSFilter vrD(spEncTagD); if (!vrD) { ASSERT(false); return ImplReportError(__uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSink), IDS_CANT_CREATE_FILTER, __uuidof(IStreamBufferSink), E_UNEXPECTED); }
m_Filters.push_back(vrD); m_decFilters.push_back(vrD); csName = _T("Decoder/Tagger Filter"); m_pGraph.AddFilter(vrD, csName);
// Connect pin to the Tagger
hr = (*i).IntelligentConnect(vrD, intermediates); if(FAILED(hr)){ TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "CAnaSinComp::Compose() if you see this line more than once something must have gone wrong"); }
} } ASSERT(intermediates.begin() == intermediates.end()); m_Filters.insert(m_Filters.end(), intermediates.begin(), intermediates.end()); #endif
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::PreRun(){ #if 0
if(m_iReader == -1 || m_Filters.empty()){ return Error(IDS_INVALID_STATE, __uuidof(IMSVidStreamBufferSource), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_STATE)); } CComQIPtr<IReferenceClock> pq_IRClock(m_Filters[m_iReader]); if(!pq_IRClock){ return S_FALSE; }
CComQIPtr<IMediaFilter> pq_MFGph(m_pGraph); if(!pq_MFGph){ return E_NOINTERFACE; }
HRESULT hr = pq_MFGph->SetSyncSource(pq_IRClock); if(FAILED(hr)){ ASSERT(false); }
return hr; #endif
return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify(long lEvent, LONG_PTR lParam1, LONG_PTR lParam2) { if (lEvent == EC_COMPLETE) { double curRate = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = get_Rate(&curRate); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ if(curRate < 0){ hr = put_Rate(1); if(FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); }
// We need to transition to pause then back to play to flush all of the buffers
// It appears to be a decoder issue, mostly
PQVidCtl sp_VidCtl(m_pContainer); if(sp_VidCtl){ hr = sp_VidCtl->Pause(); if(FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); // Failed to pause this is really bad
hr = sp_VidCtl->Run(); if(FAILED(hr)){ _ASSERT(false); // Failed to run this is really bad
} } else{ _ASSERT(false); // We got events with no vidctl hosting us, really weird
CComQIPtr<IMSVidPlayback> ppb(this); Fire_EndOfMedia(ppb); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify Tossed EndOfMedia at start of sbe stream"); return NOERROR;
} } }
if(lEvent == STREAMBUFFER_EC_RATE_CHANGED){ TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify STREAMBUFFER_EC_RATE_CHANGED"); HRESULT hr = S_OK; #if 0 // code to try to make up for the lack of a rate change event on the vidctl
MSVidCtlStateList curState = STATE_UNBUILT; hr = PQVidCtl(m_pContainer)->get_State(&curState); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && curState == STATE_PLAY){ CComQIPtr<IMSVidDevice> pd(this); if (!pd) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify Could not qi SBE Source Segment for IMSVidDevice"); } else{ Fire_StateChange(pd, STATE_PLAY, STATE_PLAY); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify Tossed StateChange STATE_PLAY STATE_PLAY for rate change"); } } #endif
long len; long curPos; curPos = len = 0; hr = get_Length(&len); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ hr = get_CurrentPosition(&curPos); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ if(len <= (curPos + CLOSE_TO_LIVE)){ // if current position is with in CLOSE_TO_LIVE of the len the we just bounced off of the end of the stream
CComQIPtr<IMSVidPlayback> ppb(this); if (!ppb) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify Could not qi SBE Source Segment for IMSVidPlayback"); } else{ Fire_EndOfMedia(ppb); TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::OnEventNotify Tossed EndOfMedia at end of sbe stream"); return NOERROR; } } } } }
if(lEvent == STREAMBUFFER_EC_TIMEHOLE){ Fire_TimeHole(lParam1, lParam2); return NOERROR; }
if(lEvent == STREAMBUFFER_EC_STALE_DATA_READ){ Fire_StaleDataRead(); return NOERROR; }
if(lEvent == STREAMBUFFER_EC_STALE_FILE_DELETED){ Fire_StaleFilesDeleted(); return NOERROR; }
if(lEvent == STREAMBUFFER_EC_CONTENT_BECOMING_STALE){ Fire_ContentBecomingStale(); return NOERROR; }
return IMSVidPBGraphSegmentImpl<CMSVidStreamBufferSource, MSVidSEG_SOURCE, &GUID_NULL>::OnEventNotify(lEvent, lParam1, lParam2); }
HRESULT CMSVidStreamBufferSource::Fire(GUID gEventID) { TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "CMSVidStreamBufferSource::Fire() guid = " << GUID2(gEventID)), ""); if (gEventID == EVENTID_ETDTFilterLicenseFailure) { Fire_CertificateFailure(); } else if (gEventID == EVENTID_ETDTFilterLicenseOK) { Fire_CertificateSuccess(); } else if (gEventID == EVENTID_DTFilterRatingsBlock) { Fire_RatingsBlocked(); } else if (gEventID == EVENTID_DTFilterRatingsUnblock) { Fire_RatingsUnblocked(); } else if (gEventID == EVENTID_DTFilterRatingChange) { Fire_RatingsChanged(); }
return NOERROR; }