// surface.h : surface management utility classes for vidctl
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2000.
#pragma once
#ifndef SURFACE_H
#define SURFACE_H
#include <scalingrect.h>
typedef CComPtr<IOleInPlaceFrame> PQFrame; typedef CComPtr<IOleInPlaceUIWindow> PQUIWin;
class AspectRatio : public CSize { public: AspectRatio(ULONG xi = 0, ULONG yi = 0) : CSize(xi, yi) { Normalize(); } AspectRatio(const AspectRatio& ar) : CSize(ar.cx, ar.cy) {} AspectRatio(const CRect& ri) : CSize(abs(ri.Width()), abs(ri.Height())) { Normalize(); } AspectRatio(LPCRECT ri) : CSize(abs(ri->left - ri->right), abs(ri->top - ri->bottom)) { Normalize(); }
void Normalize() { ULONG d = GCD(abs(cx), abs(cy)); if (!d) return; cx /= d; cy /= d; }
// from knuth semi-numerical algorithms p. 321(sort of).
// since >> on signed isn't guaranteed to be arithmetic in C/C++ we've made some modifications
ULONG GCD(ULONG a, ULONG b) const { ULONG k = 0; if (!a) return b; // by defn
if (!b) return a; while ((!(a & 1)) && (!( b & 1))) { _ASSERT((a > 1) && (b > 1)); // since a,b != 0 and even then they must be > 1
// if a and b are even then gcd(a,b) == 2 * gcd(a/2,b/2), so factor out all the 2s
++k; a >>= 1; b >>= 1; } do { _ASSERT(a && b); // neither can be zero otherwise we'd have returned from the top(1st time)
// or fallen out earlier(subsequent iterations)
_ASSERT((a & 1) || (b & 1)); // at this point either a or b (or both) is odd
if (!(a & 1) || !(b & 1)) { // if one of them is even then factor out the 2s
// since if x is even then gcd(x,y) == gcx(x/2,y)
ULONG t = (a & 1) ? b : a; do { _ASSERT(t && (t > 1) && !(t & 1)); // t is even and non-zero(implying t > 1)
t >>= 1; } while (!(t & 1)); _ASSERT(t && (t & 1)); // t is odd and > 0
// put t back where we got it from
if (a & 1) { b = t; } else { a = t; } _ASSERT((a & 1) && (b & 1)); // they're both odd now
} // replace larger with difference
// gcd(x, y) == gcd(y, x)
// gcd(x,y) == gcd(x - y, y)
if (a > b) { a = a - b; } else { b = b - a; } _ASSERT(a | b); // they can't both be 0 or we'd have been done last time through
} while (a && b); // if one of the values is 0 then we're done gcd(x,0) == x
return (a > b ? a : b) << k; }
AspectRatio& operator=(const AspectRatio& rhs) { if (&rhs != this) { cx = rhs.cx; cy = rhs.cy; } Normalize(); return *this; } AspectRatio& operator=(const CRect& rhs) { cx = abs(rhs.Width()); cy = abs(rhs.Height()); Normalize(); return *this; } AspectRatio& operator=(const CSize& rhs) { if (&rhs != this) { cx = rhs.cx; cy = rhs.cy; } Normalize(); return *this; } AspectRatio& operator=(const LPSIZE rhs) { if (rhs != this) { cx = rhs->cx; cy = rhs->cy; } Normalize(); return *this; } AspectRatio& operator=(LPCRECT rhs) { cx = abs(rhs->left - rhs->right); cy = abs(rhs->top - rhs->bottom); Normalize(); return *this; } bool operator==(const AspectRatio& rhs) const { return cx == rhs.cx && cy == rhs.cy; } bool operator==(const CSize& rhs) const { return cx == rhs.cx && cy == rhs.cy; } bool operator!=(const AspectRatio& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } bool operator!() { return !cx && !cy; } ULONG X() const { return cx; } ULONG Y() const { return cy; } ULONG X(ULONG xi) { cx = xi; Normalize(); return cx; } ULONG Y(ULONG yi) { cy = yi; Normalize(); return cy; } void XY(ULONG xi, ULONG yi) { cx = xi; cy = yi; Normalize(); } };
class SurfaceState : public CScalingRect { public: const static int MIN_RECT_WIDTH = 4; const static int MIN_RECT_HEIGHT = 3;
SurfaceState(const long l = 0, const long t = 0, const long r = 0, const long b = 0, const HWND iOwner = INVALID_HWND, const bool iVis = false, const bool iAspect = true, const bool iSource = false) : CScalingRect(l, t, r, b, iOwner), m_fVisible(iVis), m_fForceAspectRatio(iAspect), m_fForceSourceSize(iSource) {}
SurfaceState(const CRect& iPos, const HWND iOwner = INVALID_HWND, const bool iVis = false, const bool iAspect = true, const bool iSource = false) : CScalingRect(iPos, iOwner), m_fVisible(iVis), m_fForceAspectRatio(iAspect), m_fForceSourceSize(iSource) {}
SurfaceState(const CScalingRect& iPos, const bool iVis = false, const bool iAspect = true, const bool iSource = false) : CScalingRect(iPos), m_fVisible(iVis), m_fForceAspectRatio(iAspect), m_fForceSourceSize(iSource) {}
SurfaceState(const HWND iOwner, const bool iVis = false, const bool iAspect = true, const bool iSource = false) : CScalingRect(iOwner), m_fVisible(iVis), m_fForceAspectRatio(iAspect), m_fForceSourceSize(iSource) {}
SurfaceState(const PQSiteWindowless& pSite, const bool iVis = false, const bool iAspect = true, const bool iSource = false) : m_fVisible(iVis), m_fForceAspectRatio(iAspect), m_fForceSourceSize(iSource) { Site(pSite); }
SurfaceState(const WINDOWPOS *const wp, const bool iAspect = true, const bool iSource = false) : m_fForceAspectRatio(iAspect), m_fForceSourceSize(iSource) { ASSERT(!((wp->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && (wp->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW))); CScalingRect(CPoint(wp->x, wp->y), CSize(wp->cx, wp->cy)); if (wp->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) { Visible(true); } else if (wp->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) { Visible(false); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::SurfaceState(LPWINDOWPOS) visible = " << m_fVisible), "" ); }
SurfaceState& operator=(const SurfaceState& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { CScalingRect::operator=(rhs); m_fVisible = rhs.m_fVisible; m_fForceAspectRatio = rhs.m_fForceAspectRatio; m_fForceSourceSize = rhs.m_fForceSourceSize; } return *this; }
SurfaceState& operator=(const CScalingRect& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { CScalingRect::operator=(rhs); } return *this; }
SurfaceState& operator=(const CRect& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { CScalingRect::operator=(rhs); } return *this; }
bool operator==(const SurfaceState& rhs) const { return CRect::operator==(rhs) && rhs.m_fVisible == m_fVisible && rhs.m_fForceAspectRatio == m_fForceAspectRatio && rhs.m_fForceSourceSize == m_fForceSourceSize; } bool operator !=(const SurfaceState& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); } bool operator==(const CScalingRect& rhs) const { return CScalingRect::operator==(rhs); } bool operator !=(const CScalingRect& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
AspectRatio Aspect() const { return AspectRatio(*this); }
bool Round(const AspectRatio& ar) { bool fChanged = false; // at some point we probably want to round the current rectangle to the
// nearest rectangle that has the specified aspect ratio
// i.e. minimize total areal change
// if we ever round we should take the monitor size into consideration
// i.e if we decide to round up and we go off the monitor in either direction
// then round down instead.
// for now we're choosing the next size down for ease of coding
// try narrower first
TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() ar = " << ar << "this = " << *this), ""); NormalizeRect();
// adjust height and width to nearest multiple of x, y to avoid fractional pixel problems
ASSERT(ar.X() && ar.Y()); if (Width() % ar.X()) { right -= Width() % ar.X(); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() right adjusted to multiple = " << bottom), ""); fChanged = true; } if (Height() % ar.Y()) { bottom -= Height() % ar.Y(); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() bottom adjusted to multiple = " << bottom), ""); fChanged = true; } // force very small rectangles to minimum size;
if (Width() < MIN_RECT_WIDTH) { right = left + ar.X(); fChanged = true; TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() forcing min width = " << Width()), ""); } if (Height() < MIN_RECT_HEIGHT) { bottom = top + ar.Y(); fChanged = true; TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() forcing min height = " << Height()), ""); } TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() this = " << *this), "");
if (AspectRatio(this) != ar) { TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() ar(this) x = " << AspectRatio(this).X() << " y = " << AspectRatio(this).Y()), ""); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() terms w = " << Width() << " ratio w = " << ((ar.X() * Height()) / ar.Y())), ""); long delta = Width(); delta -= ((ar.X() * Height()) / ar.Y()); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() delta = " << delta), ""); if (delta > 0) { // too wide
ASSERT( ((Height() / ar.Y()) * ar.Y()) == Height()); right -= delta / 2; // distribute adjustment evenly on both sides
left += delta / 2; // shift so that adjustment is distributed evenly on both sides
if (delta & 1) { --right; // if delta is odd distribute the extra on the right
} TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() was too wide, now this = " << *this), ""); } else { // too tall
delta = Height(); delta -= ((ar.Y() * Width()) / ar.X()); TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() too tall, now delta = " << delta), ""); ASSERT(delta > 0); ASSERT( ((Width() / ar.X()) * ar.X()) == Width()); //bottom = (Width() / ar.X()) * ar.Y() + top;
bottom -= (delta >> 1); top += (delta >> 1); // apply half of adjustment on each side
if (delta & 1) { --bottom; // if delta is odd distribute the extra on the bottom
} TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() was too tall, now this = " << *this), ""); } fChanged = true; } TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Round() complete, this = " << *this << " ar.x = " << AspectRatio(this).X() << " ar.y = " << AspectRatio(this).Y()), ""); ASSERT(AspectRatio(this) == ar); return fChanged; } bool IsVisible() const { return m_fVisible; } void Visible(const bool fVal) { if (m_fVisible != fVal) { m_fVisible = fVal; m_bRequiresSave = true; } }
bool ForceAspectRatio() const { return m_fForceAspectRatio; } void ForceAspectRatio(const bool fVal) { if (m_fForceAspectRatio != fVal) { m_fForceAspectRatio = fVal; m_bRequiresSave = true; } }
bool ForceSourceSize() const { return m_fForceSourceSize; } void ForceSourceSize(const bool fVal) { if (m_fForceSourceSize != fVal) { m_fForceSourceSize = fVal; m_bRequiresSave = true; } }
void WindowPos(const WINDOWPOS *const wp) { ASSERT(!((wp->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) && (wp->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW))); HWND parent = ::GetParent(Owner()); CScalingRect newpos(CPoint(wp->x, wp->y), CSize(wp->cx, wp->cy), parent); operator=(newpos); if (wp->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) { Visible(true); } else if (wp->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) { Visible(false); } TRACELSM(TRACE_DETAIL, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::SurfaceState(LPWINDOWPOS) visible = " << m_fVisible), "" ); }
PQSiteWindowless Site() const { return m_pSiteWndless; }
void Site(const PQSiteWindowless& pSite) { PQFrame pFrame; PQUIWin pDoc;
// go ahead and reprocess even if site pointer matches existing site because the context may have changed and need
// to be refreshed(for example we've been deactived and are being reactivated in a different size by the same site
#if 0
if (m_pSiteWndless.IsEqualObject(static_cast<IUnknown*>(pSite.p))) { return; } #endif
m_pSiteWndless = static_cast<IUnknown*>(pSite.p); // this forces the correct re-QI since atl improperly casts and overloads its pointer
if (m_pSiteWndless) { CRect rc; CRect clip; OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO frameInfo; // for some stupid reason none of these parms can be NULL, even if we don't care about them
HRESULT hr = m_pSiteWndless->GetWindowContext(&pFrame, &pDoc, &rc, &clip, &frameInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_ERROR, "SurfaceState::operator=(InPlaceSite*) can't get window context with frame"); THROWCOM(hr); } CRect SiteRect; SiteRect.IntersectRect(&rc, &clip); HWND hOwner; // get container window
hr = m_pSiteWndless->GetWindow(&hOwner); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = pDoc->GetWindow(&hOwner); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACELM(TRACE_DETAIL, "SurfaceState::operator=(InPlaceSite*) can't get doc Owner"); hr = pFrame->GetWindow(&hOwner); if (FAILED(hr)) { THROWCOM(hr); } } } ASSERT(::IsWindow(hOwner)); Owner(hOwner); *this = SiteRect; TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Site(InPlaceSite*) new rect = " << *this), ""); } else { *this = CScalingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, INVALID_HWND); }
return; } // translate a point relative to the owner window to a point relative to the rectangle
// for this surface
CPoint XlateOwnerPointToSurfacePoint(CPoint &p) { TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Xlate p = " << p.x << ", " << p.y), ""); CPoint retp(p); retp.x -= left; retp.y -= top; TRACELSM(TRACE_PAINT, (dbgDump << "SurfaceState::Xlate retp = " << retp.x << ", " << retp.y << " this " << *this), ""); return retp; } private: bool m_fVisible; bool m_fForceAspectRatio; bool m_fForceSourceSize; PQSiteWindowless m_pSiteWndless; };
// end of file surface.h