// TuningSpaceContainer.cpp : Implementation of CSystemTuningSpaces
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999-2000.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TuningSpaceContainer.h"
#include "rgsbag.h"
#include "ATSCTS.h"
#include "AnalogTVTS.h"
#include "AuxiliaryInTs.h"
#include "AnalogRadioTS.h"
#include "dvbts.h"
#include "dvbsts.h"
#define MAX_COUNT_NAME OLESTR("Max Count")
namespace BDATuningModel {
typedef CComQIPtr<ITuningSpaceContainer> PQTuningSpaceContainer;
class CAutoMutex { public: const static int MAX_MUTEX_WAIT = 5000; CAutoMutex(HANDLE hMutex) throw(ComException) : m_hMutex(hMutex) { if (WaitForSingleObject(m_hMutex, MAX_MUTEX_WAIT) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) THROWCOM(E_FAIL); }
~CAutoMutex() throw(ComException) { if (!ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex)) THROWCOM(E_FAIL); }
private: HANDLE m_hMutex; };
// to avoid deadlock, always grab the objects critsec via ATL_LOCK before
// grabbing the registry section mutex.
// CSystemTuningSpaces
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::FinalConstruct(void) { // set up to serialize access to this point in the registry
CString cs; cs.LoadString(IDS_MUTNAME); m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, cs); if (!m_hMutex) { return Error(IDS_E_NOMUTEX, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); } try { // wait for exclusive access
CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex);
// this must only be done once
// get the property bag class factory
HRESULT hr = m_pFactory.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(CreatePropBagOnRegKey)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NOPROPBAGFACTORY, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); }
hr = OpenRootKeyAndBag(KEY_READ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); }
PQPropertyBag pb(m_pTSBag); if (!pb) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
// discover the maximum possible number of tuning spaces that currently exist
ULONG cTSPropCount; hr = m_pTSBag->CountProperties(&cTSPropCount); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_CANNOTQUERYKEY, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); }
// allocate space to hold the tuning space object information entries
PROPBAG2 *rgPROPBAG2 = new PROPBAG2[cTSPropCount]; if (!rgPROPBAG2) { return Error(IDS_E_OUTOFMEMORY, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
ULONG cpb2Lim;
// get all the property info structs at once
hr = m_pTSBag->GetPropertyInfo(0, cTSPropCount, rgPROPBAG2, &cpb2Lim); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_CANNOTQUERYKEY, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); } _ASSERT(cTSPropCount == cpb2Lim);
HRESULT hrc = NOERROR; // go through the list of properties
for (ULONG ipb2 = 0; ipb2 < cpb2Lim; ++ipb2) { // only deal with ones that represent sub-objects (keys)
if (rgPROPBAG2[ipb2].vt == VT_UNKNOWN) { USES_CONVERSION; LPTSTR pstrName = OLE2T(rgPROPBAG2[ipb2].pstrName); TCHAR* pchStop;
// check for a valid tuning space identifier
ULONG idx = _tcstoul(pstrName, &pchStop, 10); if (idx != 0 && idx != ULONG_MAX && *pchStop == 0) { CComVariant var;
// read the property from the bag (instantiating the tuning space object)
HRESULT hr2; hr = m_pTSBag->Read(1, &rgPROPBAG2[ipb2], NULL, &var, &hr2); if (FAILED(hr)) { // even if the read fails, we should keep going.
// a) this is the easiest way to prevent memory leaks from rgPROPBAG2
// b) a bad 3rd party uninstall could leave us with tuning space data
// but no tuning space class to instantiate for that data. we shouldn't
// allow this to prevent use of other tuning spaces.
hrc = hr; } else { _ASSERT(var.vt == VT_UNKNOWN || var.vt == VT_DISPATCH); PQTuningSpace pTS(((var.vt == VT_UNKNOWN) ? var.punkVal : var.pdispVal)); CComBSTR UniqueName(GetUniqueName(pTS)); if (!UniqueName.Length()) { // return Error(IDS_E_NOUNIQUENAME, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_UNEXPECTED);
// seanmcd 01/04/04 don't allow a corrupt tuning space to prevent
// use of the rest of them. treat this as a read failure as per the above
// comment
// but remove it from the collection otherwise we've got a name/idx
// cache inconsistency problem
hrc = hr = E_UNEXPECTED; // indicate error to delete corrupt TS below
} else { m_mapTuningSpaces[idx] = var; m_mapTuningSpaceNames[UniqueName] = idx; } #if 0
// the following code has been tested and works, but i don't want to
// turn it on because stress testing can cause false registry
// read failures that resolve themselves later when the system isn't under
// stress and i don't want to risk deleting a good tuning space just
// because of a bogus read error.
if (FAILED(hr)) { // delete the corrupt TS
CComVariant var2; var2.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; var2.punkVal = NULL; // can't do anything about a failure so ignore it
m_pTSBag->Write(1, &rgPROPBAG2[ipb2], &var2); } #endif
} } }
// free space allocated within rgPROPBAG2 by GetPropertyInfo
CoTaskMemFree(rgPROPBAG2[ipb2].pstrName); } delete [] rgPROPBAG2; _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size());
CComVariant v; v.vt = VT_UI4; hr = pb->Read(MAX_COUNT_NAME, &v, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (v.vt != VT_UI4) { hr = ::VariantChangeType(&v, &v, 0, VT_UI4); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } } m_MaxCount = max(v.lVal, m_mapTuningSpaces.size()); if (m_MaxCount != v.lVal) { //someone has added stuff to the registry by hand, by defn this is secure
// so just update max_count to be consistent
hr = put_MaxCount(m_MaxCount); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } } } else { m_MaxCount = max(DEFAULT_MAX_COUNT, m_mapTuningSpaces.size()); }
#if 0
// we'd like to return some indicator that not all of the tuning spaces we're successfully
// read. but ATL's base CreateInstance method has a check that deletes the object if
// the return code != S_OK which S_FALSE triggers. this results in a successful return code
// with a NULL object pointer being returned which crashes clients(specifically the network
// provider).
if (FAILED(hrc)) { return Error(IDS_S_INCOMPLETE_LOAD, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), S_FALSE); } #endif
return NOERROR; } CATCHCOM(); }
void CSystemTuningSpaces::FinalRelease() { _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); if (m_hMutex) CloseHandle(m_hMutex); }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(REFIID riid) { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_ITuningSpaceContainer }; for (int i=0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::OpenRootKeyAndBag(REGSAM DesiredAccess) { CString cs; cs.LoadString(IDS_TSREGKEY); // make sure our entry exists
LONG lRes = m_RootKey.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cs, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, DesiredAccess); if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRes); } m_CurrentAccess = DesiredAccess; // create a property bag for this portion of the registry
HRESULT hr = m_pFactory->Create ( m_RootKey, 0, 0, m_CurrentAccess, __uuidof(IPropertyBag2), reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_pTSBag) ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_CANNOTCREATEPROPBAG, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); } return NOERROR; }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::ChangeAccess(REGSAM NewAccess) { if (m_CurrentAccess == NewAccess) { return NOERROR; } m_RootKey.Close(); m_pTSBag.Release(); HRESULT hr = OpenRootKeyAndBag(NewAccess); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); } return NOERROR; }
CComBSTR CSystemTuningSpaces::GetUniqueName(ITuningSpace* pTS) { // don't assert map size equality here. this function is used to create the name map and will
// always fail during finalconstrcut()
// _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size());
CComBSTR un; HRESULT hr = pTS->get_UniqueName(&un); if (FAILED(hr)) { THROWCOM(hr); } return un; }
ULONG CSystemTuningSpaces::GetID(CComBSTR& un) { _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator i = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.find(un); if (i == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end()) { return 0; } return (*i).second; }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::DeleteID(ULONG id) { _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); HRESULT hr = ChangeAccess(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } OLECHAR idstr[66]; _ltow(id, idstr, 10); VARIANT v; v.vt = VT_EMPTY; PQPropertyBag p(m_pTSBag); if (!p) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(IPropertyBag), E_UNEXPECTED); } USES_CONVERSION; hr = p->Write(idstr, &v); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_UNEXPECTED); } return NOERROR; }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::Add(CComBSTR& UniqueName, long PreferredID, PQTuningSpace pTS, VARIANT *pvarIndex) { try { CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); int newcount = m_mapTuningSpaces.size() + 1; if (!PreferredID || m_mapTuningSpaces.find(PreferredID) == m_mapTuningSpaces.end()) { // verify no unique name conflict
TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator in; in = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.find(UniqueName); if (in != m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end()) { return Error(IDS_E_DUPLICATETS, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DUP_NAME)); }
// hunt for first available unused id
// start with 1, id 0 is invalid for a tuning space
for (PreferredID = 1; m_mapTuningSpaces.find(PreferredID) != m_mapTuningSpaces.end(); ++PreferredID) {
} } else { // this is the case for complete replacement via idx.
// delete existing data for this id in preparation for overwriting it.
// they may also be changing the unique name at this point.
HRESULT hr = DeleteID(PreferredID); if (FAILED(hr)){ return hr; } newcount--; } if (newcount > m_MaxCount) { return Error(IDS_E_MAXCOUNTEXCEEDED, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), STG_E_MEDIUMFULL); }
HRESULT hr = ChangeAccess(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
OLECHAR idstr[66]; _ltow(PreferredID, idstr, 10);
PQPropertyBag p(m_pTSBag); if (!p) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(IPropertyBag), E_UNEXPECTED); } USES_CONVERSION; VARIANT v; v.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; v.punkVal = pTS; hr = p->Write(idstr, &v); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); }
PQTuningSpace newTS; hr = pTS->Clone(&newTS); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_mapTuningSpaces[PreferredID] = newTS; m_mapTuningSpaceNames[UniqueName] = PreferredID; if (pvarIndex) { VARTYPE savevt = pvarIndex->vt; VariantClear(pvarIndex); switch(savevt) { case VT_BSTR: pvarIndex->vt = VT_BSTR; return newTS->get_UniqueName(&pvarIndex->bstrVal); default: pvarIndex->vt = VT_I4; pvarIndex->ulVal = PreferredID; return NOERROR; } } return NOERROR; } CATCHCOM(); }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::Find(TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator &its, CComBSTR& UniqueName, TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator &itn) { ATL_LOCK(); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); if (its == m_mapTuningSpaces.end()) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_FAIL); } _ASSERT(((*its).second.vt == VT_UNKNOWN) || ((*its).second.vt == VT_DISPATCH)); PQTuningSpace pTS((*its).second.punkVal); if (!pTS) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_UNEXPECTED); } UniqueName = GetUniqueName(pTS); if (!UniqueName.Length()) { return Error(IDS_E_NOUNIQUENAME, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_UNEXPECTED); } itn = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.find(UniqueName); _ASSERT(itn != m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end()); // cache inconsistency, in container but not in names
return NOERROR; }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::Find(VARIANT varIndex, long& ID, TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator &its, CComBSTR& UniqueName, TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator &itn) { ATL_LOCK(); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; VARIANT varTmp; its = m_mapTuningSpaces.end(); itn = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end(); PQTuningSpace pTuningSpace;
// Try finding a tuning space by local system ID
hr = VariantChangeType(&varTmp, &varIndex, 0, VT_I4); if (!FAILED(hr)) { _ASSERT(varTmp.vt == VT_I4); ID = V_I4(&varTmp); its = m_mapTuningSpaces.find(ID); } else {
// Try finding a tuning space by name
hr = VariantChangeType(&varTmp, &varIndex, 0, VT_BSTR); if (FAILED(hr)) { // we can only get here if both VariantChangeType calls failed
return Error(IDS_E_TYPEMISMATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH); } _ASSERT(varTmp.vt == VT_BSTR); UniqueName = V_BSTR(&varTmp);
itn = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.find(UniqueName); if (itn != m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end()) { ID = (*itn).second; its = m_mapTuningSpaces.find(ID); } }
if (its == m_mapTuningSpaces.end()) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_FAIL); } _ASSERT(((*its).second.vt == VT_UNKNOWN) || ((*its).second.vt == VT_DISPATCH)); return NOERROR; }
// ITuningSpaceContainer
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::get_Item(/*[in]*/ VARIANT varIndex, /*[out, retval]*/ ITuningSpace **ppTuningSpace) { if (!ppTuningSpace) { return E_POINTER; } try { ATL_LOCK(); TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator its = m_mapTuningSpaces.end(); TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator itn = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end(); long id; CComBSTR un; HRESULT hr = Find(varIndex, id, its, un, itn); if (FAILED(hr) || its == m_mapTuningSpaces.end()) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_INVALIDARG); } _ASSERT(((*its).second.vt == VT_UNKNOWN) || ((*its).second.vt == VT_DISPATCH)); PQTuningSpace pTS((*its).second.punkVal); if (!pTS) { return Error(IDS_E_NOINTERFACE, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_NOINTERFACE); } PQTuningSpace pTSNew; hr = pTS->Clone(&pTSNew); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } *ppTuningSpace = pTSNew.Detach(); return NOERROR; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::put_Item(VARIANT varIndex, ITuningSpace *pTS) { if (!pTS) { return E_POINTER; } try { // wait for exclusive access
CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size());
HRESULT hr = ChangeAccess(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } long id; CComBSTR idxun; TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator its; TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator itn; hr = Find(varIndex, id, its, idxun, itn); if (FAILED(hr) || its == m_mapTuningSpaces.end()) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_INVALIDARG); } _ASSERT(((*its).second.vt == VT_UNKNOWN) || ((*its).second.vt == VT_DISPATCH)); CComBSTR un2(GetUniqueName(pTS)); if (!un2.Length()) { // no uniquename prop set in ts
return Error(IDS_E_NOUNIQUENAME, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_UNEXPECTED); } if (itn != m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end() && idxun != un2) { // unique name prop in ts doesn't match string specified in varindex
return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_INVALIDARG); } return Add(un2, id, pTS, NULL); } CATCHCOM(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::Add(ITuningSpace *pTuningSpace, VARIANT *pvarIndex) { try { // wait for exclusive access
CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); HRESULT hr = ChangeAccess(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NOREGACCESS, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), hr); }
if (!pTuningSpace) { return E_POINTER; } VARIANT vartmp; vartmp.vt = VT_I4; vartmp.ulVal = 0; if (pvarIndex && pvarIndex->vt != VT_I4) { hr = VariantChangeType(&vartmp, pvarIndex, 0, VT_I4); if (FAILED(hr)) { vartmp.vt = VT_I4; vartmp.ulVal = 0; } } CComBSTR un(GetUniqueName(pTuningSpace)); if (!un.Length()) { return Error(IDS_E_NOUNIQUENAME, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_FAIL); } return Add(un, vartmp.ulVal, pTuningSpace, pvarIndex); } CATCHCOM(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::Remove(VARIANT varIndex) { try { // wait for exclusive access
CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size());
HRESULT hr = ChangeAccess(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator its = m_mapTuningSpaces.end(); TuningSpaceNames_t::iterator itn = m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end();
long id; CComBSTR un; hr = Find(varIndex, id, its, un, itn); if (FAILED(hr)) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_INVALIDARG); } if (itn == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end()) { ASSERT(its != m_mapTuningSpaces.end()); // otherwise find above should have returned failure
hr = Find(its, un, itn); if (FAILED(hr) || itn == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.end()) { // found its but not itn, must have inconsistent cache
return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpaceContainer), E_UNEXPECTED); } } m_mapTuningSpaces.erase(its); m_mapTuningSpaceNames.erase(itn);
return DeleteID(id); } CATCHCOM(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::TuningSpacesForCLSID(BSTR bstrSpace, ITuningSpaces **ppTuningSpaces) { try { return _TuningSpacesForCLSID(GUID2(bstrSpace), ppTuningSpaces); } catch (ComException &e) { return e; } catch (...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::_TuningSpacesForCLSID(REFCLSID clsidSpace, ITuningSpaces **ppTuningSpaces) { if (!ppTuningSpaces) { return E_POINTER; } try { ATL_LOCK(); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); CTuningSpaces* pTSCollection = new CTuningSpaces; for (TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator i = m_mapTuningSpaces.begin(); i != m_mapTuningSpaces.end(); ++i) { CComVariant v((*i).second); if (v.vt != VT_UNKNOWN && v.vt != VT_DISPATCH) { return E_UNEXPECTED; //corrupt in-memory collection
} PQPersist pTS(v.punkVal); if (!pTS) { delete pTSCollection; return E_UNEXPECTED; // corrupt in-memory collection;
} GUID2 g; HRESULT hr = pTS->GetClassID(&g); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pTSCollection; return E_UNEXPECTED; } if (g == clsidSpace) { PQTuningSpace newts; hr = PQTuningSpace(pTS)->Clone(&newts); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pTSCollection; return hr; } pTSCollection->m_mapTuningSpaces[(*i).first] = CComVariant(newts); } } *ppTuningSpaces = pTSCollection; (*ppTuningSpaces)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::TuningSpacesForName(BSTR bstrName, ITuningSpaces **ppTuningSpaces) { if (!ppTuningSpaces) { return E_POINTER; } try { ATL_LOCK(); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); PQRegExp pRE; HRESULT hr; if (!m_cookieRegExp) { // at the time this code was written the only regex library that was readily available
// was the one in the vbscript engine. therefore we create and access this through
// com. however, this is an apartment model object this we have to create it
// on a background apartment thread so we can always marshall over and access no matter
// what thread we're on.
// there is now a good c++ regex in the http://toolbox and at some point we should probably
// check it for thread safety and convert.
m_pRET = new CRegExThread(); if (!m_pRET) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (!m_pRET->Create()) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } hr = m_pRET->CallWorker(CRegExThread::RETHREAD_CREATEREGEX); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_cookieRegExp = m_pRET->GetCookie(); if (!m_cookieRegExp) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } } if (!m_pGIT) { hr = m_pGIT.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } hr = m_pGIT->GetInterfaceFromGlobal(m_cookieRegExp, __uuidof(IRegExp), reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pRE)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } hr = pRE->put_Pattern(bstrName); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
CTuningSpaces* pTSCollection = new CTuningSpaces; for (TuningSpaceContainer_t::iterator i = m_mapTuningSpaces.begin(); i != m_mapTuningSpaces.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).second.vt != VT_UNKNOWN && (*i).second.vt != VT_DISPATCH) { return E_UNEXPECTED; //corrupt in-memory collection
} PQTuningSpace pTS((*i).second.punkVal); CComBSTR name; hr = pTS->get_FriendlyName(&name); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } PQTuningSpace newTS; VARIANT_BOOL bMatch = VARIANT_FALSE; hr = pRE->Test(name, &bMatch); if (FAILED(hr) || bMatch != VARIANT_TRUE) { hr = pTS->get_UniqueName(&name); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } hr = pRE->Test(name, &bMatch); if (FAILED(hr) || bMatch != VARIANT_TRUE) { continue; } } hr = pTS->Clone(&newTS); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } pTSCollection->m_mapTuningSpaces[(*i).first] = newTS; }
*ppTuningSpaces = pTSCollection; (*ppTuningSpaces)->AddRef(); return NOERROR; } catch(...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::get_MaxCount(LONG *plVal) { if (!plVal) { return E_POINTER; } try { ATL_LOCK(); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); *plVal = m_MaxCount; return NOERROR; } catch(...) { return E_POINTER; }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::put_MaxCount(LONG lVal) { try { if (lVal < 0) { return E_INVALIDARG; } CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); HRESULT hr = ChangeAccess(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } ULONG count = max(lVal, m_mapTuningSpaces.size()); CComVariant v; v.vt = VT_UI4; v.lVal = count; PQPropertyBag pb(m_pTSBag); if (!pb) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } hr = pb->Write(MAX_COUNT_NAME, &v); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_MaxCount = count; if (m_MaxCount != lVal) { return S_FALSE; } return NOERROR; } CATCHCOM(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSystemTuningSpaces::FindID(ITuningSpace *pTS, long* pID) { try { if (!pID || !pTS) { return E_POINTER; } ATL_LOCK(); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); CComBSTR un(GetUniqueName(pTS)); if (!un.Length()) { return Error(IDS_E_NOUNIQUENAME, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_UNEXPECTED); } *pID = GetID(un); if (!(*pID)) { return Error(IDS_E_NO_TS_MATCH, __uuidof(ITuningSpace), E_INVALIDARG); } return NOERROR; } catch (...) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::RegisterTuningSpaces(HINSTANCE hMod) { try { CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); CString cs; cs.LoadString(IDS_RGSLIST_TYPE); HRSRC hRes = ::FindResource(hMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_CANONICAL_TUNINGSPACE_LIST), (LPCTSTR)cs); if (!hRes) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } HANDLE hData = ::LoadResource(hMod, hRes); if (!hData) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } DWORD *p = reinterpret_cast<DWORD *>(::LockResource(hData)); if (!p) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } cs.LoadString(IDS_TUNINGSPACE_FRAGMENT_TYPE); for (DWORD idx = 1; idx <= p[0]; ++idx) { hRes = ::FindResource(hMod, MAKEINTRESOURCE(p[idx]), (LPCTSTR)cs); if (!hRes) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } LPCSTR psz = reinterpret_cast<LPCSTR>(::LoadResource(hMod, hRes)); if (!psz) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } USES_CONVERSION; int cch; CRegObject cro; // init %mapping% macros here if desired
PQPropertyBag rgsBag(new CRGSBag(A2CT(psz), cro, cch)); if (!rgsBag) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } CString csName; csName.LoadString(IDS_TSKEYNAMEVAL); CComVariant tsval; HRESULT hr = rgsBag->Read(T2COLE(csName), &tsval, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { return E_FAIL; // bad script, no unique name property
} if (tsval.vt != VT_UNKNOWN) { return DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH; } PQTuningSpace pTS(tsval.punkVal); if (!pTS) { return DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH; } CComVariant Varidx; Varidx.vt = VT_UI4; Varidx.ulVal = 0; hr = Add(pTS, &Varidx); // ignore existing ts w/ same unique name and move one
if (FAILED(hr) && hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DUP_NAME)) { return hr; } } return NOERROR; } CATCHCOM(); }
HRESULT CSystemTuningSpaces::UnregisterTuningSpaces() { try { CAutoMutex mutex(m_hMutex); _ASSERT(m_mapTuningSpaces.size() == m_mapTuningSpaceNames.size()); // currently we delete all tuning spaces when we unreg
// its possible that it would be better to just delete the canonical ones
// that we created when we registered. on the other hand, that reg space
// would leak forever if tv support is really being uninstalled. and, since
// we're in the os we're unlikely to ever get unregistered anyway.
HRESULT hr = OpenRootKeyAndBag(KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD rc = m_RootKey.RecurseDeleteKey(_T("")); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return E_FAIL; } } return NOERROR; } CATCHCOM(); }
HRESULT UnregisterTuningSpaces() { PQTuningSpaceContainer pst(CLSID_SystemTuningSpaces, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (!pst) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } CSystemTuningSpaces *pc = static_cast<CSystemTuningSpaces *>(pst.p); return pc->UnregisterTuningSpaces();
HRESULT RegisterTuningSpaces(HINSTANCE hMod) { PQTuningSpaceContainer pst(CLSID_SystemTuningSpaces, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); if (!pst) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } CSystemTuningSpaces *pc = static_cast<CSystemTuningSpaces *>(pst.p); return pc->RegisterTuningSpaces(hMod); }
}; // end of file - tuningspacecontainer.cpp