Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by MMComp.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDX_1 0
  6. #define IDX_2 1
  7. #define IDX_3 2
  8. #define IDX_4 3
  9. #define IDX_5 4
  10. #define IDX_6 5
  11. #define IDX_7 6
  12. #define IDX_8 7
  13. #define IDX_9 8
  14. #define NUMBER_OF_BITMAPS 8
  15. #define PLAYBAR_BITMAPS 8
  16. #define IDX_10 9
  17. #define DEFAULT_TBAR_SIZE 11
  18. #define IDR_BASECOMP 101
  19. #define IDR_MAINMENU 102
  20. #define IDR_CDPLAY 102
  21. #define IDR_CDPLAYER 104
  22. #define IDR_SCANNING 106
  23. #define IDR_CDPLAYER_ICON 107
  24. #define IDR_TRACK 108
  25. #define IDR_DROP 109
  26. #define IDR_SHELLICON 110
  27. #define IDR_DROPDEL 111
  28. #define IDR_DROPCPY 112
  29. #define IDR_PREFERENCES 113
  30. #define IDR_ACCELTABLE 118
  31. #define IDI_ICON_CDPLAY 201
  32. #define IDC_TRANS_PLACEHOLDER 202
  33. #define IDD_DIALOG_TRANSPORT 203
  34. #define IDC_CURSOR_HAND 205
  35. #define IDB_TRANS_TRACKLIST 206
  36. #define IDB_TRANS_PLAY 207
  37. #define IDB_TRANS_STOP 208
  38. #define IDB_TRANS_EJECT 209
  39. #define IDB_TRANS_PREVTRACK 210
  40. #define IDB_TRANS_NEXTTRACK 211
  41. #define IDB_TRANS_MULTDISK 212
  42. #define IDB_TRANS_PDISK 213
  43. #define IDB_TRANS_NDISK 214
  44. #define IDB_CDLOGO 215
  45. #define IDB_CDLOGO_16 216
  46. #define STR_MAX_STRING_LEN 255
  47. #define DISC_MENU_BASE 300
  48. #define IDM_DATABASE_EDIT 300
  49. #define IDM_DATABASE_EXIT 301
  50. #define VIEW_MENU_BASE 400
  51. #define IDM_TIME_REMAINING 403
  52. #define IDM_TRACK_REMAINING 404
  53. #define IDM_DISC_REMAINING 405
  54. #define INTERNET_MENU_BASE 450
  55. #define OPTIONS_MENU_BASE 500
  56. #define IDM_OPTIONS_RANDOM 501
  57. #define IDM_OPTIONS_MULTI 502
  58. #define IDM_OPTIONS_CONTINUOUS 503
  59. #define IDM_OPTIONS_INTRO 504
  62. #define IDM_OPTIONS_NORMAL 507
  63. #define HELP_MENU_BASE 600
  64. #define IDM_HELP_CONTENTS 600
  65. #define IDM_HELP_USING 601
  66. #define IDM_HELP_ABOUT 602
  67. #define IDM_HELP_TOPICS 603
  68. #define IDK_SKIPF 700
  69. #define IDK_SKIPB 701
  70. #define IDK_PLAY 702
  71. #define IDK_STOP 703
  72. #define IDK_PAUSE 704
  73. #define IDK_EJECT 705
  74. #define IDK_RESCAN 706
  75. #define IDC_CDPLAYER_FIRST 1000
  76. #define IDC_BUTTON1 1000
  77. #define MENU_STRING_BASE 1000
  78. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_PLAY 1000
  79. #define IDC_BUTTON2 1001
  80. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_PAUSE 1001
  81. #define IDC_BUTTON3 1002
  82. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_STOP 1002
  83. #define IDC_BUTTON4 1003
  84. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_PREVTRACK 1003
  85. #define IDC_BUTTON5 1004
  86. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_SKIPBACK 1004
  87. #define IDC_BUTTON6 1005
  88. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_SKIPFORE 1005
  89. #define IDC_BUTTON7 1006
  90. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_NEXTTRACK 1006
  91. #define IDC_BUTTON8 1007
  92. #define IDM_PLAYBAR_EJECT 1007
  93. #define IDC_LED 1008
  94. #define IDC_TRACKINFO_FIRST 1009
  95. #define IDC_COMBO1 1009
  96. #define IDC_COMBO1_TEXT 1010
  97. #define IDC_EDIT1 1011
  98. #define IDB_PLAY_CD 1012
  99. #define IDC_EDIT1_TEXT 1012
  100. #define IDB_PAUSE 1013
  101. #define IDC_COMBO2 1013
  102. #define IDB_STOP_CD 1014
  103. #define IDC_COMBO2_TEXT 1014
  104. #define IDC_CDPLAYER_LAST 1014
  105. #define IDB_REWIND 1015
  106. #define IDB_FASTFORWARD 1016
  107. #define IDB_PREV_TRACK 1017
  108. #define IDB_NEXT_TRACK 1018
  109. #define IDB_EJECT_CD 1019
  110. #define IDC_TRACKLIST 1021
  111. #define IDC_CLOSE 2001
  112. #define IDC_DEFAULT 2002
  113. #define IDC_DISC_HELP 2003
  114. #define IDC_ADD 2006
  115. #define IDC_REMOVE 2007
  116. #define IDC_CLEAR 2008
  117. #define IDC_SETNAME 2009
  118. #define IDC_STATIC_DRIVE 2011
  119. #define IDC_SJETEXT_DRIVE 2012
  120. #define IDC_STATIC_ARTIST 2013
  121. #define IDC_EDIT_ARTIST 2014
  122. #define IDC_STATIC_TITLE 2015
  123. #define IDC_EDIT_TITLE 2016
  124. #define IDC_STATIC_PLAY_LIST 2017
  125. #define IDC_LISTBOX_PLAY_LIST 2018
  128. #define IDC_STATIC_TRACK 2021
  129. #define IDC_EDIT_TRACK 2022
  130. #define IDC_STOP_CD_ON_EXIT 3000
  131. #define IDC_SAVE_ON_EXIT 3001
  132. #define IDC_SHOW_TOOLTIPS 3002
  133. #define IDC_SMALL_FONT 3003
  134. #define IDC_LARGE_FONT 3004
  135. #define IDC_LED_DISPLAY 3005
  136. #define IDC_INTRO_PLAY_LEN 3006
  137. #define IDC_INTRO_SPINBTN 3007
  138. #define STR_REGISTRY_KEY 3100
  139. #define STR_CDPLAYER 3101
  140. #define STR_TERMINATE 3102
  141. #define STR_FAIL_INIT 3103
  142. #define STR_NO_CDROMS 3104
  143. #define STR_FATAL_ERROR 3105
  144. #define STR_SCANNING 3106
  145. #define STR_INITIALIZATION 3107
  146. #define STR_TRACK1 3108
  147. #define STR_SAVE_CHANGES 3109
  148. #define STR_SAVE_INFO 3110
  149. #define STR_CANCEL_PLAY 3111
  150. #define STR_RESCAN 3112
  151. #define STR_READING_TOC 3113
  152. #define STR_CHANGE_CDROM 3114
  153. #define STR_CDPLAYER_TIME 3115
  154. #define STR_NO_RES 3116
  155. #define STR_INSERT_DISC 3117
  156. #define STR_NO_DISC 3118
  157. #define STR_ERR_GEN 3119
  158. #define STR_CDPLAYER_PAUSED 3120
  159. #define STR_DATA_DISC 3121
  160. #define STR_INIT_TOTAL_PLAY 3330
  161. #define STR_INIT_TRACK_PLAY 3331
  162. #define STR_TOTAL_PLAY 3332
  163. #define STR_TRACK_PLAY 3333
  164. #define STR_NEW_ARTIST 3334
  165. #define STR_NEW_TITLE 3335
  166. #define STR_INIT_TRACK 3336
  167. #define STR_HDR_ARTIST 3337
  168. #define STR_HDR_TRACK 3338
  169. #define STR_HDR_TITLE 3339
  170. #define STR_UNKNOWN 3340
  171. #define STR_BAD_DISC 3341
  172. #define STR_CDROM_INUSE 3342
  173. #define STR_DISC_INUSE 3343
  174. #define STR_WAITING 3344
  175. #define STR_EXIT_MESSAGE 3345
  176. #define STR_NOT_IN_PLAYLIST 3346
  177. #define STR_BEING_SCANNED 3347
  178. #define STR_DISK_NOT_THERE_K 3348
  179. #define STR_DISK_NOT_THERE 3349
  180. #define STR_UNKNOWN_ARTIST 3350
  181. #define STR_DISPLAY_LABELS 3400
  182. #define STR_MCICDA_MISSING 3452
  183. #define STR_MCICDA_NOT_WORKING 3453
  184. #define STR_MUTE 3454
  185. #define STR_MCICDA_NOT_AVAIL 3455
  186. #define IDI_ICON_ANI_PLAY 4000
  187. #define IDI_ICON_ANI_MODE 4001
  188. #define IDI_ICON_ANI_DOWN 4002
  189. #define STR_FORMAT_STATUS 5000
  190. #define STR_FORMAT_MODE 5001
  191. #define STR_LOGO 5002
  192. #define STR_TRACK_REMAINING 5003
  193. #define STR_TRACK_TIME 5004
  194. #define STR_DISC_REMAINING 5005
  195. #define STR_DISC_TIME 5006
  196. #define STR_TRACK_NUMBER 5007
  197. #define STR_STATUS_MUTE 5008
  198. #define STR_TITLE 5009
  199. #define STR_TRACK 5010
  200. #define STR_ARTIST 5011
  201. #define STR_STATUS_PLAY 5012
  202. #define STR_STATUS_DOWNLOADING 5013
  203. #define STR_STATUS_NODISC 5014
  204. #define STR_STATUS_STOP 5015
  205. #define STR_STATUS_PAUSED 5016
  206. #define STR_MODE_NORMAL 5017
  207. #define STR_MODE_RANDOM 5018
  208. #define STR_MODE_REPEATONE 5019
  209. #define STR_MODE_REPEATALL 5020
  210. #define STR_MODE_INTROPLAY 5021
  211. #define STR_VOLUME 5022
  212. #define IDX_SEPARATOR -1
  213. // Next default values for new objects
  214. //
  215. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  217. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 216
  218. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32771
  219. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 203
  220. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 103
  221. #endif
  222. #endif