// init.c
// Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Description:
// History:
// 11/15/92 cjp [curtisp]
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <mmddkp.h>
#include <mmreg.h>
#include <msacm.h>
#include <msacmdrv.h>
#include "acmthunk.h"
#include "msacmmap.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "debug.h"
ACMGLOBALINFO acmglobalinfo; ACMGARB acmgarb; PACMGARB gpag;
// LRESULT mapWaveGetDevCaps
// Description:
// Arguments:
// BOOL fInput: TRUE if input.
// LPWAVEOUTCAPS pwc: Pointer to a WAVEOUTCAPS structure to receive
// the information. Used for both input and output. Output structure
// contains input structure plus extras....
// UINT cbSize: Size of the WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
// Return (MMRESULT):
// History:
// 06/14/93 cjp [curtisp]
MMRESULT FNGLOBAL mapWaveGetDevCaps ( BOOL fInput, LPWAVEOUTCAPS pwc, UINT cbSize ) { MMRESULT mmr; WAVEOUTCAPS woc; UINT cWaveDevs; BOOL fFoundOnlyOneMappableDeviceID; UINT uMappableDeviceID; UINT i;
if (fInput) { cbSize = min(sizeof(WAVEINCAPS), cbSize); cWaveDevs = gpag->cWaveInDevs; } else { cbSize = min(sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS), cbSize); cWaveDevs = gpag->cWaveOutDevs; }
// Determine if there is only one mappable device ID. If there is only
// one, then set fFoundOnlyOneMappableID=TRUE and put the device ID
// in uMappableDeviceID.
fFoundOnlyOneMappableDeviceID = FALSE; for (i=0; i < cWaveDevs; i++) { if (fInput) { mmr = (MMRESULT)waveInMessage((HWAVEIN)LongToHandle(i), DRV_QUERYMAPPABLE, 0L, 0L); } else { mmr = (MMRESULT)waveOutMessage((HWAVEOUT)LongToHandle(i), DRV_QUERYMAPPABLE, 0L, 0L); }
if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR == mmr) { if (fFoundOnlyOneMappableDeviceID) { fFoundOnlyOneMappableDeviceID = FALSE; break; } uMappableDeviceID = i; fFoundOnlyOneMappableDeviceID = TRUE; } }
// If there is only one mappable device ID, then get the caps from it to
// fill in the dwSupport fields. Otherwise, let's hardcode the dwSupport
// field.
if (fFoundOnlyOneMappableDeviceID) { if (fInput) { mmr = waveInGetDevCaps(uMappableDeviceID, (LPWAVEINCAPS)&woc, cbSize); } else { mmr = waveOutGetDevCaps(uMappableDeviceID, &woc, cbSize); } } else { woc.dwSupport = WAVECAPS_VOLUME | WAVECAPS_LRVOLUME; mmr = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; }
// Bail on error
if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mmr) { return (mmr); }
woc.wMid = MM_MICROSOFT; woc.wPid = MM_WAVE_MAPPER; woc.vDriverVersion = VERSION_MSACMMAP; woc.wChannels = 2;
LoadString(gpag->hinst, IDS_ACM_CAPS_DESCRIPTION, woc.szPname, SIZEOF(woc.szPname));
_fmemcpy(pwc, &woc, cbSize);
return (MMSYSERR_NOERROR); } // waveGetDevCaps()
// UINT GetPCMSupportFlags
// Description:
// Arguments:
// UINT iaPCMFormats:
// Return (VOID):
// History:
// 06/14/93 cjp [curtisp]
// 03/13/94 fdy [frankye]
// Modifed the interface to take pzpf and an index into it.
// Modifed the function to set flags to indicate which wave
// devices support the format in question.
VOID FNLOCAL GetPCMSupportFlags ( PZYZPCMFORMAT pzpf, UINT iaPCMFormats ) { PCMWAVEFORMAT wfPCM; UINT uSamplesPerSec; UINT u, n, i;
// set all supported formats to 'not supported'
for (i = gpag->cWaveInDevs; i; i--) pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uFlagsInput[i-1] = 0; for (i = gpag->cWaveOutDevs; i; i--) pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uFlagsOutput[i-1] = 0;
// we need to try 4 different format types:
// Mono 8 Bit
// Stereo 8 Bit
// Mono 16 Bit
// Stereo 16 Bit
for (u = 0; u < 4; u++) { //
// set the stuff that is constant for all 4 formats
uSamplesPerSec = pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uSamplesPerSec;
wfPCM.wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfPCM.wf.nSamplesPerSec = uSamplesPerSec;
switch (u) { case 0: wfPCM.wf.nChannels = 1; wfPCM.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec= uSamplesPerSec; wfPCM.wf.nBlockAlign = 1; wfPCM.wBitsPerSample = 8; break;
case 1: wfPCM.wf.nChannels = 2; wfPCM.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec= uSamplesPerSec * 2; wfPCM.wf.nBlockAlign = 2; wfPCM.wBitsPerSample = 8; break;
case 2: wfPCM.wf.nChannels = 1; wfPCM.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec= uSamplesPerSec * 2; wfPCM.wf.nBlockAlign = 2; wfPCM.wBitsPerSample = 16; break;
case 3: wfPCM.wf.nChannels = 2; wfPCM.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec= uSamplesPerSec * 4; wfPCM.wf.nBlockAlign = 4; wfPCM.wBitsPerSample = 16; break; }
// first query ALL ENABLED INPUT devices for the wfPCM format
if (gpag->pSettings->fPreferredOnly && (gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredIn != -1)) { i = gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredIn; n = gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredIn + 1; } else { i = 0; n = gpag->cWaveInDevs; }
for (; i < n; i++) { #ifndef _WIN32
if (!waveInOpen(NULL, i, (LPWAVEFORMAT)&wfPCM, 0L, 0L, WFQFLAGS)) #else
if (!waveInOpen(NULL, i, (LPWAVEFORMATEX)&wfPCM, 0L, 0L, WFQFLAGS)) #endif
{ pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uFlagsInput[i] |= (ZYZPCMF_IN_M08 << u); } }
// now query ALL ENABLED OUTPUT devices for the wfPCM format
if (gpag->pSettings->fPreferredOnly && (gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredOut != -1)) { i = gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredOut; n = gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredOut + 1; } else { i = 0; n = gpag->cWaveOutDevs; }
for (; i < n; i++) { #ifndef _WIN32
if (!waveOutOpen(NULL, i, (LPWAVEFORMAT)&wfPCM, 0L, 0L, WFQFLAGS)) #else
if (!waveOutOpen(NULL, i, (LPWAVEFORMATEX)&wfPCM, 0L, 0L, WFQFLAGS)) #endif
{ pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uFlagsOutput[i] |= (ZYZPCMF_OUT_M08 << u); } } }
// finally return
#if 0 // def DEBUG
DPF(3, "PCM Support: %uHz, In[%d]=%04xh, Out[%d]=%04xh", pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uSamplesPerSec, iaPCMFormats, *pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uFlagsInput, iaPCMFormats, *pzpf[iaPCMFormats].uFlagsOutput); #endif
return; } // GetPCMSupportFlags()
// BOOL GetWaveFormats
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return (BOOL):
// History:
// 06/14/93 cjp [curtisp]
// 03/13/94 fdy [frankye]
// Expanded the ZYZPCMFORMAT structure to include flags which
// indicate which wave device supports a given format. This
// function will now set these flags. Note that
// the code that is #if 0'd WILL NOT WORK given these changes, so
// if anybody ever resuscitates that code, you better modify it!
#if 0
WAVEOUTCAPS woc; WAVEINCAPS wic; UINT n; DWORD dwInFormats; DWORD dwOutFormats;
// first things first: get all 'standard' supported formats from the
// current selected devices for input and output...
dwInFormats = 0L; if (gpag->fPreferredOnly && (gpag->uIdPreferredIn != -1)) { if (!waveInGetDevCaps(gpag->uIdPreferredIn, &wic, sizeof(wic))) dwInFormats = wic.dwFormats; } else { n = gpag->cWaveInDevs; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!waveInGetDevCaps(i, &wic, sizeof(wic))) dwInFormats |= wic.dwFormats; } }
dwOutFormats = 0L; if (gpag->fPreferredOnly && (gpag->uIdPreferredOut != -1)) { if (!waveOutGetDevCaps(gpag->uIdPreferredOut, &woc, sizeof(woc))) dwOutFormats = woc.dwFormats; } else { n = gpag->cWaveOutDevs; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!waveOutGetDevCaps(i, &woc, sizeof(woc))) dwOutFormats |= woc.dwFormats; } } #endif
// now step through each sample rate in the pzpf structure and set all
// the appropriate bits for whether it is supported, etc..
for (u = 0; pzpf[u].uSamplesPerSec; u++) { //
// we need to special case a few of the sample rates, etc to get
// this whole thing working--once the grunt work is done here
// (and only once during initialization), then the data is easily
// accessible/used...
switch (pzpf[u].uSamplesPerSec) { //
// NOTE! it would be nice if we could rely on the caps
// structure being correct on drivers.... but alas, Media Vision
// found a way to mess that up also (on some of their hundreds
// of releases of their drivers). so ALWAYS query for the
// format support.
// by the way, the reason they ship their drivers with this
// bug (and possibly other OEM's) is due to Sound Recorder
// (apparently their only test app?!?) only doing queries
// and never looking at the caps bits.
#if 0
case 11025: pzpf[u].uFlags = (WORD)(dwInFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_11k) << 8; pzpf[u].uFlags |= (WORD)(dwOutFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_11k); break;
case 22050: pzpf[u].uFlags = (WORD)(dwInFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_22k) >> 4 << 8; pzpf[u].uFlags |= (WORD)(dwOutFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_22k) >> 4; break;
case 44100: pzpf[u].uFlags = (WORD)(dwInFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_44k) >> 8 << 8; pzpf[u].uFlags |= (WORD)(dwOutFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_44k) >> 8; break; #else
case 11025: case 22050: case 44100: #endif
case 5510: case 6620: case 8000: case 9600: case 16000: case 18900: case 27420: case 32000: case 33075: case 37800: case 48000: GetPCMSupportFlags(pzpf, u); break; } }
// reset these--they are auto determined while the mapper is being
// used...
gpag->pSettings->fSyncOnlyOut = FALSE; gpag->pSettings->fSyncOnlyIn = FALSE;
return (TRUE); } // GetWaveFormats()
// BOOL mapSettingsRestore
// Description:
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return (BOOL):
// History:
// 06/14/93 cjp [curtisp]
BOOL FNGLOBAL mapSettingsRestore ( void ) { DWORD dwFlags; UINT ii; DWORD cbSize; PUINT pFlags;
DPF(1, "mapSettingsRestore:");
gpag->cWaveOutDevs = waveOutGetNumDevs(); gpag->cWaveInDevs = waveInGetNumDevs();
// Number of devices per sampling rate...
cbSize = gpag->cWaveOutDevs + gpag->cWaveInDevs;
// Number of total flags...
// cbSize *= (sizeof(gaPCMFormats)/sizeof(gaPCMFormats[0]));
cbSize *= 15; // It's fifteen; Trust Me - Fwong.
// Size in bytes...
cbSize *= sizeof(UINT);
pFlags = (PUINT)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, cbSize);
if (NULL == pFlags) { //
// Hmm... How do we cope.
return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory(pFlags, cbSize);
if (NULL != gaPCMFormats[0].uFlagsInput) { GlobalFreePtr(gaPCMFormats[0].uFlagsInput); }
for (ii = 0; ;ii++) { if (0 == gaPCMFormats[ii].uSamplesPerSec) { break; }
gaPCMFormats[ii].uFlagsInput = pFlags; pFlags += gpag->cWaveInDevs;
gaPCMFormats[ii].uFlagsOutput = pFlags; pFlags += gpag->cWaveOutDevs; }
// gpag->fPrestoSyncAsync = (BOOL)IRegReadDwordDefault( hkeyMapper, gszKeyPrestoSyncAsync, 0 );
gpag->fPrestoSyncAsync = FALSE;
// find the waveOut device that is selected as preferred
if (!waveOutMessage((HWAVEOUT)LongToHandle(WAVE_MAPPER), DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_GET, (DWORD_PTR)&gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredOut, (DWORD_PTR)&dwFlags)) { gpag->pSettings->fPreferredOnly = (0 != (DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_FLAGS_PREFERREDONLY)); } else { gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredOut = (UINT)(-1); gpag->pSettings->fPreferredOnly = TRUE; } //
// find the waveIn device that is selected as preferred
if (!waveInMessage((HWAVEIN)LongToHandle(WAVE_MAPPER), DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_GET, (DWORD_PTR)&gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredIn, (DWORD_PTR)&dwFlags)) { gpag->pSettings->fPreferredOnly = (0 != (DRVM_MAPPER_PREFERRED_FLAGS_PREFERREDONLY)); } else { gpag->pSettings->uIdPreferredOut = (UINT)(-1); gpag->pSettings->fPreferredOnly = TRUE; }
// reread/cache all the PCM format info from the devices selected, etc.
return (TRUE); } // mapSettingsRestore()
// LRESULT mapDriverEnable
// Description:
// Arguments:
// HDRVR hdrvr:
// Return (LRESULT):
// History:
// 09/18/93 cjp [curtisp]
LRESULT FNGLOBAL mapDriverEnable ( HDRVR hdrvr ) { #ifdef USE_ACMTHUNK
BOOL f; #endif
DPF(1, "mapDriverEnable(hdrvr=%.04Xh)", hdrvr);
f = acmThunkInitialize(); if (!f) { DPF(0, "!ACM thunk cannot be initialized!"); return (0L); } #endif
dw = acmGetVersion(); if (VERSION_MSACMMAP > HIWORD(dw)) { DPF(0, "!requires version %u.%.02u of the ACM!", VERSION_MSACMMAP_MAJOR, VERSION_MSACMMAP_MINOR);
acmThunkTerminate(); #endif
return (0L); }
mapSettingsRestore(); gpag->fEnabled = TRUE;
// the return value is ignored, but return non-zero anyway
return (1L); } // mapDriverEnable()
// LRESULT mapDriverDisable
// Description:
// Arguments:
// HDRVR hdrvr:
// Return (LRESULT):
// History:
// 09/18/93 cjp [curtisp]
LRESULT FNGLOBAL mapDriverDisable ( HDRVR hdrvr ) { DPF(1, "mapDriverDisable(hdrvr=%.04Xh)", hdrvr);
if (gpag->fEnabled) { gpag->fEnabled = FALSE; }
acmThunkTerminate(); #endif
// the return value is ignored, but return non-zero anyway
return (1L); } // mapDriverDisable()
// LRESULT mapDriverInstall
// Description:
// Arguments:
// HDRVR hdrvr:
// Return (LRESULT):
// History:
// 09/25/93 cjp [curtisp]
LRESULT FNGLOBAL mapDriverInstall ( HDRVR hdrvr ) { DPF(1, "mapDriverInstall(hdrvr=%.04Xh)", hdrvr);
return (DRVCNF_RESTART); } // mapDriverInstall()
// LRESULT mapDriverRemove
// Description:
// Arguments:
// HDRVR hdrvr:
// Return (LRESULT):
// History:
// 09/25/93 cjp [curtisp]
LRESULT FNGLOBAL mapDriverRemove ( HDRVR hdrvr ) { DPF(1, "mapDriverRemove(hdrvr=%.04Xh)", hdrvr);
return (DRVCNF_RESTART); } // mapDriverRemove()
#ifndef WIN32
// int WEP
// Description:
// The infamous useless WEP(). Note that this procedure needs to be
// in a FIXED segment under Windows 3.0. Under Windows 3.1 this is
// not necessary.
// Arguments:
// WORD wUseless: Should tell whether Windows is exiting or not.
// Return (int):
// Always return non-zero.
// History:
// 04/29/93 cjp [curtisp]
EXTERN_C int FNEXPORT WEP ( WORD wUseless ) { DPF(1, "WEP(wUseless=%u)", wUseless);
// always return non-zero
return (1); } // WEP()
// int LibMain
// Description:
// Library initialization code.
// This routine must guarantee the following things so CODEC's don't
// have to special case code everywhere:
// o will only run in Windows 3.10 or greater (our exehdr is
// marked appropriately).
// o will only run on >= 386 processor. only need to check
// on Win 3.1.
// Arguments:
// HINSTANCE hinst: Our module instance handle.
// WORD wDataSeg: Our data segment selector.
// WORD cbHeapSize: The heap size from the .def file.
// LPSTR pszCmdLine: The command line.
// Return (int):
// Returns non-zero if the initialization was successful and 0 otherwise.
// History:
// 11/15/92 cjp [curtisp]
int FNGLOBAL LibMain ( HINSTANCE hinst, WORD wDataSeg, WORD cbHeapSize, LPSTR pszCmdLine ) { //
// we ONLY work on >= 386. if we are on a wimpy processor, scream in
// pain and die a horrible death!
// NOTE! do this check first thing and get out if on a 286. we are
// compiling with -G3 and C8's libentry garbage does not check for
// >= 386 processor. the following code does not execute any 386
// instructions (not complex enough)..
#if (WINVER < 0x0400)
if (GetWinFlags() & WF_CPU286) { return (FALSE); } #endif
DPF(1, "LibMain(hinst=%.4Xh, wDataSeg=%.4Xh, cbHeapSize=%u, pszCmdLine=%.8lXh)", hinst, wDataSeg, cbHeapSize, pszCmdLine);
DPF(5, "!*** break for debugging ***");
// everything looks good to go in Win 16 land.
gpag = &acmgarb; gpag->hinst = hinst;
// Note: in Win16 there's only one instance of the mapper
gpag->pSettings = &(acmglobalinfo);
return (TRUE); } // LibMain()
#else // WIN32
// PACMGLOBALINFO mapAllocateGlobalInfo
// Description:
// Either creates the common buffer among all instances of the mapper
// or it finds the common buffer.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Returns a pointer to global info structure.
// History:
// 01/21/98 Fwong Adding multi-instance support.
// 01/24/99 FrankYe Back to simple single process support, since
// since winmm has been modified to hold the
// preferred device settings.
PACMGLOBALINFO mapAllocateGlobalInfo ( void ) { // We could actually use a critical section instead of a mutex here.
gpag->hMutexSettings = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); return &(acmglobalinfo); } // mapAllocateGlobalInfo()
// void mapFreeGlobalInfo
// Description:
// Cleans up the objects associated with the global memory buffer.
// Arguments:
// PACMGLOBALINFO pagi: Base buffer for global info.
// Return (void):
// History:
// 01/21/98 Fwong Adding multi-instance support.
// 01/24/99 FrankYe Back to simple single process support, since
// since winmm has been modified to hold the
// preferred device settings.
void mapFreeGlobalInfo ( PACMGLOBALINFO pagi ) { if(NULL != gpag->hMutexSettings) CloseHandle(gpag->hMutexSettings); } // mapFreeGlobalInfo()
// BOOL DllEntryPoint
// Description:
// This is the standard DLL entry point for Win 32.
// Arguments:
// HINSTANCE hinst: Our instance handle.
// DWORD dwReason: The reason we've been called--process/thread attach
// and detach.
// LPVOID lpReserved: Reserved. Should be NULL--so ignore it.
// Return (BOOL):
// Returns non-zero if the initialization was successful and 0 otherwise.
// History:
// 11/15/92 cjp [curtisp]
BOOL FNEXPORT DllEntryPoint ( HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DbgInitialize(TRUE);
gpag = &acmgarb; gpag->hinst = hinst; gpag->pSettings = mapAllocateGlobalInfo();
DPF(1, "DllEntryPoint(hinst=%.08lXh, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)", hinst); return (TRUE);
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: mapFreeGlobalInfo(gpag->pSettings);
DPF(1, "DllEntryPoint(hinst=%.08lXh, DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)", hinst); return (TRUE); }
return (TRUE); } // DllEntryPoint()