** Copyright 1995-2095, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */
#include "glslib.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static GLclampf __glsFloatToClampf(GLfloat inVal) { if (inVal < 0.f) inVal = 0.f; if (inVal > 1.f) inVal = 1.f; return inVal; }
void __gls_exec_glsBeginGLS( GLint inVersionMajor, GLint inVersionMinor ) { __GLS_CONTEXT->streamVersion.major = inVersionMajor; __GLS_CONTEXT->streamVersion.minor = inVersionMinor; }
void __gls_exec_glsBlock(GLSenum inBlockType) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT;
switch (inBlockType) { case GLS_FRAME: case GLS_INIT: case GLS_STATIC: ctx->blockType = inBlockType; break; case GLS_HEADER: if (__glsHeader_reset(&ctx->header)) ctx->blockType = inBlockType; break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
GLSenum __gls_exec_glsCallStream(const GLubyte *inName) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLScontextStream *contextStream; __GLSreadStream *readStream; GLSenum outType = GLS_NONE; __GLSversion versionSave;
if (ctx->abortMode) return outType; if (ctx->callNesting >= __GLS_MAX_CALL_NESTING) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_CALL_OVERFLOW); glsAbortCall(GLS_ALL); return outType; } if (!__glsValidateString(inName)) return outType; ++ctx->callNesting; versionSave = ctx->streamVersion; ctx->streamVersion.major = ctx->streamVersion.minor = 0; if ( contextStream = __glsStr2PtrDict_find(ctx->contextStreamDict, inName) ) { GLint i;
outType = GLS_CONTEXT; for (i = 0 ; i < ctx->captureNesting ; ++i) { if (ctx->writers[i]->contextStream == contextStream) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); outType = GLS_NONE; break; } } if (outType == GLS_CONTEXT) __glsContextStream_call(contextStream); } else if (readStream = __glsReadStream_create(inName)) { __GLSreader reader;
if (__glsReader_init_stream( &reader, readStream, __GLS_READER_BUF_BYTES )) { outType = reader.type; __glsReader_call(&reader); __glsReader_final(&reader); } else { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_STREAM); } __glsReadStream_destroy(readStream); } else { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_NOT_FOUND); } --ctx->callNesting; switch (ctx->abortMode) { case GLS_ALL: if (!ctx->callNesting) glsAbortCall(GLS_NONE); break; case GLS_LAST: glsAbortCall(GLS_NONE); break; } ctx->streamVersion = versionSave; return outType; }
void __gls_exec_glsEndGLS(void) { __GLS_CONTEXT->streamVersion.major = 0; __GLS_CONTEXT->streamVersion.minor = 0; }
void __gls_exec_glsError(GLSopcode inOpcode, GLSenum inError) { if ( inError && (inError < GLS_CALL_OVERFLOW || inError > GLS_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION) ) { inError = GLS_INVALID_ENUM; } __GLS_RAISE_ERROR( UintToPtr(inError) ); }
void __gls_exec_glsGLRC(GLuint inGLRC) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT;
if (!inGLRC || inGLRC > (GLuint)ctx->header.glrcCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else { ctx->currentGLRC = inGLRC; } }
void __gls_exec_glsGLRCLayer( GLuint inGLRC, GLuint inLayer, GLuint inReadLayer ) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT;
if ( !inGLRC || inGLRC > (GLuint)ctx->header.glrcCount || !inLayer || inLayer > (GLuint)ctx->header.layerCount || inReadLayer > (GLuint)ctx->header.layerCount ) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else { __GLSglrc *const glrc = ctx->header.glrcs + inGLRC - 1;
glrc->layer = inLayer; glrc->readLayer = inReadLayer; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderGLRCi(GLuint inGLRC, GLSenum inAttrib, GLint inVal) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSglrc *glrc;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } if (!inGLRC || inGLRC > (GLuint)ctx->header.glrcCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); return; } glrc = ctx->header.glrcs + inGLRC - 1; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_LAYER: if (inVal < 1 || inVal > ctx->header.layerCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else { glrc->layer = inVal; } break; case GLS_READ_LAYER: if (inVal < 0 || inVal > ctx->header.layerCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else { glrc->readLayer = inVal; } break; case GLS_SHARE_GLRC: if (inVal < 0 || inVal > ctx->header.glrcCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else { glrc->shareGLRC = inVal; } break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderLayerf( GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inAttrib, GLfloat inVal ) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSlayer *layer;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } if (!inLayer || inLayer > (GLuint)ctx->header.layerCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); return; } layer = ctx->header.layers + inLayer - 1; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_INVISIBLE_ASPECT: layer->invisibleAspect = inVal > 0.f ? inVal : 0.f; break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderLayeri( GLuint inLayer, GLSenum inAttrib, GLint inVal ) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSlayer *layer;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } if (!inLayer || inLayer > (GLuint)ctx->header.layerCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); return; } layer = ctx->header.layers + inLayer - 1; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_DISPLAY_FORMAT: switch (inVal) { case GLS_IIII: case GLS_RGBA: case GLS_RRRA: layer->displayFormat = inVal; break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } break; case GLS_DOUBLEBUFFER: layer->doubleBuffer = inVal ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GLS_INVISIBLE: layer->invisible = inVal ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GLS_INVISIBLE_HEIGHT_PIXELS: layer->invisibleHeightPixels = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_LEVEL: layer->level = inVal; break; case GLS_STEREO: layer->stereo = inVal ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GLS_TRANSPARENT: layer->transparent = inVal ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; case GLS_INDEX_BITS: layer->indexBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_RED_BITS: layer->redBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_GREEN_BITS: layer->greenBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_BLUE_BITS: layer->blueBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_ALPHA_BITS: layer->alphaBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_DEPTH_BITS: layer->depthBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_STENCIL_BITS: layer->stencilBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_ACCUM_RED_BITS: layer->accumRedBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS: layer->accumGreenBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS: layer->accumBlueBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS: layer->accumAlphaBits = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_AUX_BUFFERS: layer->auxBuffers = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; #if __GL_SGIS_multisample
case GLS_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_SGIS: layer->sampleBuffers = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_SAMPLES_SGIS: layer->samples = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; #endif /* __GL_SGIS_multisample */
default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderf(GLSenum inAttrib, GLfloat inVal) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSheader *header;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } header = &ctx->header; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_ASPECT: header->aspect = inVal > 0.f ? inVal : 0.f; break; case GLS_BORDER_WIDTH: header->borderWidth = inVal > 0.f ? inVal : 0.f; break; case GLS_CONTRAST_RATIO: header->contrastRatio = inVal > 0.f ? inVal : 0.f; break; case GLS_HEIGHT_MM: header->heightMM = inVal > 0.f ? inVal : 0.f; break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderfv(GLSenum inAttrib, const GLfloat *inVec) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSheader *header; GLint i;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } header = &ctx->header; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_BORDER_COLOR: for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i) { header->borderColor[i] = __glsFloatToClampf(inVec[i]); } break; case GLS_GAMMA: for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i) { header->gamma[i] = inVec[i] > 0.f ? inVec[i] : 0.f; } break; case GLS_ORIGIN: for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) header->origin[i] = inVec[i]; break; case GLS_PAGE_COLOR: for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i) { header->pageColor[i] = __glsFloatToClampf(inVec[i]); } break; case GLS_PAGE_SIZE: for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { header->pageSize[i] = inVec[i] > 0.f ? inVec[i] : 0.f; } break; case GLS_RED_POINT: for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { header->redPoint[i] = inVec[i] > 0.f ? inVec[i] : 0.f; } break; case GLS_GREEN_POINT: for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { header->greenPoint[i] = inVec[i] > 0.f ? inVec[i] : 0.f; } break; case GLS_BLUE_POINT: for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { header->bluePoint[i] = inVec[i] > 0.f ? inVec[i] : 0.f; } break; case GLS_WHITE_POINT: for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) { header->whitePoint[i] = inVec[i] > 0.f ? inVec[i] : 0.f; } break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderi(GLSenum inAttrib, GLint inVal) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSheader *header;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } header = &ctx->header; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_FRAME_COUNT: header->frameCount = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_GLRC_COUNT: if (inVal < header->glrcCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else if (inVal > header->glrcCount) { GLint i; __GLSglrc *glrcs = __glsMalloc(inVal * sizeof(__GLSglrc));
if (!glrcs) break; memcpy( glrcs, header->glrcs, header->glrcCount * sizeof(__GLSglrc) ); for (i = header->glrcCount ; i < inVal ; ++i) { __glsGLRC_init(glrcs + i); } header->glrcCount = inVal; free(header->glrcs); header->glrcs = glrcs; } break; case GLS_HEIGHT_PIXELS: header->heightPixels = inVal > 0 ? inVal : 0; break; case GLS_LAYER_COUNT: if (inVal < header->layerCount) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_VALUE); } else if (inVal > header->layerCount) { GLint i; __GLSlayer *layers = __glsMalloc(inVal * sizeof(__GLSlayer));
if (!layers) break; memcpy( layers, header->layers, header->layerCount * sizeof(__GLSlayer) ); for (i = header->layerCount ; i < inVal ; ++i) { __glsLayer_init(layers + i); } header->layerCount = inVal; free(header->layers); header->layers = layers; } break; case GLS_TILEABLE: header->tileable = inVal ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderiv(GLSenum inAttrib, const GLint *inVec) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSheader *header; GLint i;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } header = &ctx->header; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_CREATE_TIME: for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i) { header->createTime[i] = inVec[i] > 0 ? inVec[i] : 0; } break; case GLS_MODIFY_TIME: for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++i) { header->modifyTime[i] = inVec[i] > 0 ? inVec[i] : 0; } break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsHeaderubz(GLSenum inAttrib, const GLubyte *inString) { __GLScontext *const ctx = __GLS_CONTEXT; __GLSheader *header;
if (ctx->blockType != GLS_HEADER) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_OPERATION); return; } if (!__glsValidateString(inString)) return; header = &ctx->header; switch (inAttrib) { case GLS_EXTENSIONS: __glsString_assign(&header->extensions, inString); break; case GLS_AUTHOR: __glsString_assign(&header->author, inString); break; case GLS_DESCRIPTION: __glsString_assign(&header->description, inString); break; case GLS_NOTES: __glsString_assign(&header->notes, inString); break; case GLS_TITLE: __glsString_assign(&header->title, inString); break; case GLS_TOOLS: __glsString_assign(&header->tools, inString); break; case GLS_VERSION: __glsString_assign(&header->version, inString); break; default: __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_INVALID_ENUM); break; } }
void __gls_exec_glsRequireExtension(const GLubyte *inExtension) { if (!__glsValidateString(inExtension)) return; if (!glsIsExtensionSupported(inExtension)) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION); } }
void __gls_exec_glsUnsupportedCommand(void) { __GLS_RAISE_ERROR(GLS_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND); }