** Copyright 1995-2095, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */
#include "glslib.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
__GLSparser* __glsParser_create(void) { __GLSparser *const outParser = __glsCalloc(1, sizeof(__GLSparser)); GLint count, i, j;
if (!outParser) return GLS_NONE; outParser->glAttribMaskDict = __glsStrDict_create( __GL_ATTRIB_MASK_COUNT, GL_TRUE ); if (!outParser->glAttribMaskDict) return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); for (i = 0 ; i < __GL_ATTRIB_MASK_COUNT ; ++i) { if (!__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glAttribMaskDict, __glAttribMaskString[i], (GLint)__glAttribMaskVal[i] )) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } } /* GL_ZERO GL_ONE GL_FALSE GL_TRUE GL_NONE GL_NO_ERROR */ count = 6; for (i = 0 ; i < __GL_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT ; ++i) { count += __glEnumStringCount[i]; } outParser->glEnumDict = __glsStrDict_create(count, GL_TRUE); if (!outParser->glEnumDict) return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); if ( !__glsStr2IntDict_add(outParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_ZERO"), 0) || !__glsStr2IntDict_add(outParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_ONE"), 1) || !__glsStr2IntDict_add(outParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_FALSE"), 0) || !__glsStr2IntDict_add(outParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_TRUE"), 1) || !__glsStr2IntDict_add(outParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_NONE"), 0) || !__glsStr2IntDict_add(outParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_NO_ERROR"), 0) ) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } for (i = 0 ; i < __GL_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT ; ++i) { for (j = 0 ; j < __glEnumStringCount[i] ; ++j) { if (__glEnumString[i][j] && !__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glEnumDict, __glEnumString[i][j], __GL_ENUM(i, j) )) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } } } /* GL_FALSE GL_TRUE */ count = 2; for (i = 0 ; i < __GLS_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT ; ++i) { count += __glsEnumStringCount[i]; } outParser->glsEnumDict = __glsStrDict_create(count, GL_TRUE); if (!outParser->glsEnumDict) return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); if ( !__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glsEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_FALSE"), 0 ) || !__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glsEnumDict, glsCSTR("GL_TRUE"), 1 ) ) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } for (i = 0 ; i < __GLS_ENUM_PAGE_COUNT ; ++i) { for (j = 0 ; j < __glsEnumStringCount[i] ; ++j) { if (__glsEnumString[i][j] && !__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glsEnumDict, __glsEnumString[i][j], __GLS_ENUM(i, j) )) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } } } outParser->glsImageFlagsDict = __glsStrDict_create( __GLS_IMAGE_FLAGS_COUNT, GL_TRUE ); if (!outParser->glsImageFlagsDict) return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); for (i = 0 ; i < __GLS_IMAGE_FLAGS_COUNT ; ++i) { if (!__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glsImageFlagsDict, __glsImageFlagsString[i], (GLint)__glsImageFlagsVal[i] )) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } } for ( count = 0, i = __GLS_OPCODES_PER_PAGE ; i < __GLS_OPCODE_COUNT ; ++i ) { if (__glsOpcodeString[i]) ++count; } outParser->glsOpDict = __glsStrDict_create(count, GL_TRUE); if (!outParser->glsOpDict) return __glsParser_destroy(outParser);
for (i = __GLS_OPCODES_PER_PAGE ; i < __GLS_OPCODE_COUNT ; ++i) { if (__glsOpcodeString[i] && !__glsStr2IntDict_add( outParser->glsOpDict, __glsOpcodeString[i], (GLint)__glsUnmapOpcode(i) )) { return __glsParser_destroy(outParser); } } return outParser; }
__GLSparser* __glsParser_destroy(__GLSparser *inParser) { if (!inParser) return GLS_NONE; __glsStrDict_destroy(inParser->glAttribMaskDict); __glsStrDict_destroy(inParser->glEnumDict); __glsStrDict_destroy(inParser->glsEnumDict); __glsStrDict_destroy(inParser->glsImageFlagsDict); __glsStrDict_destroy(inParser->glsOpDict); free(inParser); return GLS_NONE; }
GLboolean __glsParser_findCommand( const __GLSparser *inParser, const GLubyte *inCommand, GLSopcode *outOpcode ) { if ( __glsStr2IntDict_find(inParser->glsOpDict, inCommand, (GLint*)outOpcode )) { return GL_TRUE; } else { __GLS_CALL_UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND(__GLS_CONTEXT); *outOpcode = GLS_OP_glsUnsupportedCommand; return GL_FALSE; } }
void __glsParser_print(const __GLSparser *inParser) { __glsStrDict_print( inParser->glAttribMaskDict, glsCSTR("glAttribMaskDict") ); __glsStrDict_print( inParser->glEnumDict, glsCSTR("glEnumDict") ); __glsStrDict_print( inParser->glsEnumDict, glsCSTR("glsEnumDict") ); __glsStrDict_print( inParser->glsImageFlagsDict, glsCSTR("glsImageFlagsDict") ); __glsStrDict_print( inParser->glsOpDict, glsCSTR("glsOpDict") ); }