#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cpmesh.h"
#include "pmerrors.h"
#include "fileio.h"
float (* vdata)[3];
static GLuint LoadTexture (char* file) { return 0; }
const short PM_MAX_TEX_STRING_LEN = 1024; // Enforced by the spec.
* This function currently only works on external files, not on URLs. * It can only load .pmx files and not PM records embedded in X files. * Hence the "pmname" argument is ignored. * It only supports synchronous loads so pPMeshLoadCB is ignored * !!Currently no memory cleanup occurs on error. Must add code to do so. * Could use a local win32 heap!! * See \\anujg\docs\"Progressive Mesh file format.doc" for details on the * file format */
* The concept of Materials: * 1) Materials can be "looked up", i.e. textures * 2) Computed using a API specific lighting equation. (pure mat) * 3) Both of above combined. (Modulated/Lit textures) */
STDMETHODIMP CPMeshGL::Load(const TCHAR* const url, const TCHAR* const pmname, DWORD* const minvert, DWORD* const maxvert, LPPMESHLOADCB pPMeshLoadCB) { DWORD i, k; WORD j, ftCurveSize, fmCurveSize; DWORD vAttr, wAttr, fAttr, mAttr, sAttr; DWORD mOffset, vOffset, wOffset, fOffset; DWORD& maxVert = *maxvert; DWORD& minVert = *minvert; HRESULT hr; DWORD vsplit_offset, bmesh_offset;
// Estimated number of faces and wedges in the mesh with maxvert vertices
DWORD nFacePredict=0, nWedgePredict=0;
// A curve is approximated by an array of pairs {(x,y), (x,y),...}
typedef struct crvpnt{ DWORD x; float y; } *CURVE; CURVE *ftcurves, *fmcurves; // An array of curves
ifstream is(url); if (!is) return PM_E_FOPENERROR; is.setmode(filebuf::binary);
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
ofstream dump("dump.pmx"); if (!dump) return PM_E_FOPENERROR; dump.setmode(filebuf::text); #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Read PMesh Header */ read_DWORD(is, m_maxVertices); #ifdef __MAT_PREALLOC_OPTIMIZATION
maxVert = min(maxVert, m_maxVertices); #else
maxVert = m_maxVertices; #endif //__MAT_PREALLOC_OPTIMIZATION
*maxvert = maxVert; read_DWORD(is, m_maxWedges); read_DWORD(is, m_maxFaces); read_DWORD(is, m_maxMaterials); read_DWORD(is, m_maxTextures);
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\nMaxVert = " << m_maxVertices; dump << "\nMaxWedges = " << m_maxWedges; dump << "\nMaxFaces = " << m_maxFaces; dump << "\nMaxMat = " << m_maxMaterials; dump << "\nMaxTex = " << m_maxTextures; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Max Valence */ read_DWORD(is, i); if (i > 65535) return PM_E_BADVALENCE; #ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\nMaxValence = " << i; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Normal Encoding */ read_WORD(is, j); if (((j & NORM_MASK) != NORM_EXPLICIT) || ((j & TEX_MASK) != TEX_EXPLICIT)) return PM_E_BADWEDGEDATA; #ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\nNormal Encoding = " << j; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Integer Encoding */ read_WORD(is, j); // integer encoding type
if (j != INTC_MAX) return PM_E_BADINTCODE; #ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\nInteger Encoding = " << j; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Sizes of various user defined attributes */ read_DWORD(is, vAttr); // Vertex attributes
read_DWORD(is, wAttr); // Wedge attributes
read_DWORD(is, fAttr); // Face attributes
read_DWORD(is, mAttr); // Material attributes
read_DWORD(is, sAttr); // VSplit attributes
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\nUser defined attribute sizes:"; dump << "\nVertex: " << vAttr; dump << "\nWedge: " << wAttr; dump << "\nFace: " << fAttr; dump << "\nMaterial: " << mAttr; dump << "\nVSplit: " << sAttr; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Allocate material and texture related tables */ WORD *matcnt = new WORD [m_maxMaterials]; #ifdef __MATPOS_IS_A_PTR
GLface **matpos = new GLface* [m_maxMaterials]; #else
WORD *matpos = new WORD [m_maxMaterials]; #endif
GLmaterial *matArray = new GLmaterial [m_maxMaterials]; if (!matArray || !matcnt || !matpos) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { m_matArray = matArray; m_matcnt = matcnt; m_matpos = matpos; } #ifdef __MATPOS_IS_A_PTR
* Allocate the vertex and normal arrays. */
GLvertex *varray = new GLvertex [m_maxWedges]; GLnormal *narray = new GLnormal [m_maxWedges]; GLtexCoord *tarray = new GLtexCoord [m_maxWedges]; WORD *wedgelist = new WORD [m_maxWedges]; WORD (*fnei)[3] = new WORD [m_maxFaces][3]; GLface *farray = new GLface [m_maxFaces]; if (!farray || !varray || !narray || !tarray || !wedgelist || !fnei) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { m_varray = varray; m_narray = narray; m_tarray = tarray; m_farray = farray; m_wedgelist = wedgelist; m_fnei = fnei; } #endif
* Read face-texture curve */ read_WORD(is, ftCurveSize); // Size of face-texture curve
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\nFace-texture curve:"; dump << "\nFT-curve size: " << ftCurveSize; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
ftcurves = new CURVE[m_maxTextures]; // A curve for each texture
DWORD* ftmax = new DWORD[m_maxTextures]; if (!ftcurves || !ftmax) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; for (k=0; k<m_maxTextures; ++k) { ftcurves[k] = new crvpnt[ftCurveSize]; if (!ftcurves[k]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; read_DWORD(is,ftmax[k]); // Total faces of tex k in fully detailed
// mesh
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\nTotal faces of tex " << k << " in fully detailed mesh: "; dump << ftmax[k]; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
for (i=0; i<ftCurveSize; ++i) { read_DWORD(is, ftcurves[k][i].x); // vertex(i) of ftcurve of
// texture k.
read_float(is, ftcurves[k][i].y); // faces of tex k when total
// vert in mesh = vertex(i).
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n (" << ftcurves[k][i].x << ", " << ftcurves[k][i].y << ")"; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
} }
for (k=0; k<m_maxTextures; ++k) { for (i=0; i<ftCurveSize; ++i) { if (ftcurves[k][i].x == maxVert) { m_texcnt[k] = WORD(ftcurves[k][i].y + 0.5); m_texcnt[k] = WORD(min(m_texcnt[k], ftmax[k])); break; } else if (ftcurves[k][i].x > maxVert) { m_texcnt[k] = WORD(ftcurves[k][i-1].y + (maxVert - ftcurves[k][i-1].x) * (ftcurves[k][i].y - ftcurves[k][i-1].y) / (ftcurves[k][i].x - ftcurves[k][i-1].x)); m_texcnt[k] = WORD(min(m_texcnt[k], ftmax[k])); break; } } nFacePredict += m_texcnt[k]; delete [] ftcurves[k]; } delete [] ftcurves; delete [] ftmax; /*
* Convert m_texcnt to array of offsets into the prim buf where faces of * that texture need to be stored. */ m_texpos[0] = 0; for (i=1; i<m_maxTextures; ++i) m_texpos[i] = WORD(m_texpos[i-1] + m_texcnt[i-1] + TEXTUREGAP/sizeof(D3DTRIANGLE)); #else
delete [] ftcurves; delete [] ftmax; #endif __TEX_PREALLOC_OPTIMIZATION
* Read face-material curve */
read_WORD(is,fmCurveSize); // Size of face-material curve
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\nFace-material curve:"; dump << "\nFM-curve size: " << fmCurveSize; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
fmcurves = new CURVE[m_maxMaterials]; DWORD* fmmax = new DWORD[m_maxMaterials]; if (!fmcurves || !fmmax) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
for (k=0; k<m_maxMaterials; ++k) { fmcurves[k] = new crvpnt [fmCurveSize]; if (!fmcurves[k]) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
read_DWORD(is,fmmax[k]); // Total faces of material k in fully
// detailed mesh
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\nTotal faces of mat " << k << " in fully detailed mesh: "; dump << fmmax[k]; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
for (i=0; i<fmCurveSize; ++i) { read_DWORD(is,fmcurves[k][i].x); // vertex(i) of fmcurve of
// material k
read_float(is,fmcurves[k][i].y); // faces of mat k when total
// vert in mesh = vertex(i)
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n (" << fmcurves[k][i].x << ", " << fmcurves[k][i].y << ")"; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
} }
for (k=0; k<m_maxMaterials; ++k) { for (i=0; i<fmCurveSize; ++i) { if (fmcurves[k][i].x == maxVert) { matcnt[k] = WORD(fmcurves[k][i].y + 0.5); matcnt[k] = WORD(min(matcnt[k], fmmax[k])); break; } else if (fmcurves[k][i].x > maxVert) { matcnt[k] = WORD(fmcurves[k][i-1].y + (maxVert - fmcurves[k][i-1].x) * (fmcurves[k][i].y - fmcurves[k][i-1].y) / (fmcurves[k][i].x - fmcurves[k][i-1].x)); matcnt[k] = WORD(min(matcnt[k], fmmax[k])); break; } } nFacePredict += matcnt[k]; delete [] fmcurves[k]; } delete [] fmcurves; delete [] fmmax;
* Convert m_matcnt to array of offsets into the face buf where faces of * that material need to be stored. */ #ifdef __MATPOS_IS_A_PTR
matpos[0] = farray; int cnt = 0; for (i=1; i<m_maxMaterials; ++i) { matpos[i] = &(farray[cnt + fmmax[i-1]]); cnt += fmmax[i-1]; } #else
matpos[0] = 0; for (i=1; i<m_maxMaterials; ++i) { matpos[i] = matpos[i-1] + fmmax[i-1]; } #endif
delete [] fmcurves; delete [] fmmax; #endif //__MAT_PREALLOC_OPTIMIZATION
read_DWORD(is,vsplit_offset); // offset to vsplit array from end of
// the Base mesh
read_DWORD(is,bmesh_offset); // offset from here to start of base mesh
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\nVSplit offset from BaseMesh: " << vsplit_offset; dump << "\n\nBaseMesh offset from here: " << bmesh_offset; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
#ifndef __MATPOS_IS_A_PTR
* Allocate the vertex and normal arrays. */
GLvertex *varray = new GLvertex [m_maxWedges]; GLnormal *narray = new GLnormal [m_maxWedges]; GLtexCoord *tarray = new GLtexCoord [m_maxWedges]; WORD *wedgelist = new WORD [m_maxWedges]; WORD (*fnei)[3] = new WORD [m_maxFaces][3]; GLface *farray = new GLface [m_maxFaces]; WORD *facemap = new WORD [m_maxFaces]; if (!farray || !varray || !narray || !tarray || !wedgelist || !fnei || !facemap) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { m_varray = varray; m_narray = narray; m_tarray = tarray; m_farray = farray; m_wedgelist = wedgelist; m_fnei = fnei; m_facemap = facemap; } #endif
* Read Base Mesh Header */
if (bmesh_offset) skip_bytes(is,bmesh_offset); // jump to start of base mesh.
read_DWORD(is,m_baseVertices); #ifdef __MAT_PREALLOC_OPTIMIZATION
minVert = max(minVert, m_baseVertices); #else
minVert = m_baseVertices; #endif //__MAT_PREALLOC_OPTIMIZATION
*minvert = minVert; m_numVerts = m_baseVertices; read_DWORD(is,m_baseWedges); m_numWedges = m_baseWedges;
read_DWORD(is,m_baseFaces); m_numFaces = m_baseFaces;
read_DWORD(is,i); // max materials
if (i != m_maxMaterials) return PM_E_MATCNT_MISMATCH; else m_numMaterials = i;
read_DWORD(is,mOffset); // Offset to mat array
read_DWORD(is,vOffset); // Offset to vertex array
read_DWORD(is,wOffset); // Offset to wedge array
read_DWORD(is,fOffset); // Offset to face array
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
dump << "\n\n# of baseVerts: " << m_baseVertices; dump << "\n# of baseWedges: " << m_baseWedges; dump << "\n# of baseFaces: " << m_baseFaces;
dump << "\n\nOffset to MatArray: " << mOffset; dump << "\nOffset to Vertex Array: " << vOffset; dump << "\nOffset to Wedge Array: " << wOffset; dump << "\nOffset to Face Array: " << fOffset; #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Read Materials */ j = 0; // texture count
if (mOffset) skip_bytes(is, mOffset);
for (i=0; i<m_maxMaterials; ++i) { char texname[PM_MAX_TEX_STRING_LEN];
matArray[i].ambient.r = matArray[i].ambient.g = matArray[i].ambient.b = matArray[i].ambient.a = 0.0f; matcnt[i] = (WORD) 0; read_float(is, matArray[i].diffuse.r); read_float(is, matArray[i].diffuse.g); read_float(is, matArray[i].diffuse.b); read_float(is, matArray[i].diffuse.a);
read_float(is, matArray[i].shininess);
read_float(is, matArray[i].specular.r); read_float(is, matArray[i].specular.g); read_float(is, matArray[i].specular.b); read_float(is, matArray[i].specular.a);
read_float(is, matArray[i].emissive.r); read_float(is, matArray[i].emissive.g); read_float(is, matArray[i].emissive.b); read_float(is, matArray[i].emissive.a);
is.getline(texname, 1024, '\0'); if (texname[0]) { j++; matArray[i].texObj = LoadTexture (texname); } else { matArray[i].texObj = 0; } }
* Read base-mesh faces */
if (fOffset) skip_bytes(is, fOffset);
for (i=0; i<m_baseFaces; ++i) { DWORD w; WORD matid;
read_WORD(is, matid); for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) { read_DWORD(is, w); #ifdef __MATPOS_IS_A_PTR
(matpos[matid][matcnt[matid]]).w[j] = (WORD)w; #else
(farray[matpos[matid] + matcnt[matid]]).w[j] = (WORD)w; #endif
facemap[i] = matpos[matid] + matcnt[matid]; } matcnt[matid]++; } /*
* Read base-mesh wedges */ if (wOffset) skip_bytes(is, wOffset); long* vidx_arr = new long[m_baseVertices]; if (!vidx_arr) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; memset(vidx_arr, -1, sizeof(long) * m_baseVertices);
for (i=0; i<m_baseWedges; ++i) { DWORD vidx; read_DWORD(is, vidx); #ifdef _DEBUG
if (vidx >= m_baseVertices) return -1; #endif
if (vidx_arr[vidx] < 0) { /*
* New vertex, create entry and initialize the wedge list */
vidx_arr[vidx] = i; wedgelist[i] = WORD(i); // create circular list with one entry
} else { /*
* Another wedge uses existing vertex, add new wedge to the * existing wedge list. */
wedgelist[i] = wedgelist[vidx_arr[vidx]]; wedgelist[vidx_arr[vidx]] = WORD(i); } read_float(is, narray[i].x); read_float(is, narray[i].y); read_float(is, narray[i].z);
read_float(is, tarray[i].s); read_float(is, tarray[i].t); } /*
* Read base-mesh vertices */
if (vOffset) skip_bytes(is, vOffset); for (i=0; i<m_baseVertices; ++i) { float x, y, z; read_float(is, x); read_float(is, y); read_float(is, z);
* Loop thru all wedges that share the vertex * and fill in coordinates. */ WORD start = j = WORD(vidx_arr[i]); do { varray[j].x = x; varray[j].y = y; varray[j].z = z; } while ((j=wedgelist[j]) != start); } delete [] vidx_arr;
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
Print (dump); #endif //__DUMP_DATA
* Compute adjacency before we apply any vsplits */ ComputeAdjacency();
* Read Vsplit records */ m_vsarr = new VsplitArray(maxVert - minVert); for (i=0; i<maxVert-m_baseVertices; ++i) { /*
* Keep applying vsplits till base mesh is refined to have * minVert vertices. */ if (i + m_baseVertices < minVert) { Vsplit vs; vs.read(is); apply_vsplit(vs); // Update m_base* members
} else // Read the rest in the Vsplit array
{ m_vsarr->elem(i + m_baseVertices - minVert).read(is); } }
#ifdef __DUMP_DATA
m_vsarr->write(dump); #endif //__DUMP_DATA
m_currPos = 0;
return S_OK; }