** Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "genline.h"
#include "devlock.h"
* __fastGenLineSetupDisplay * * Initializes the accelerated line-rendering state machine for display surfaces. * There are basically 4 levels in the state machine: * 1. lineBegin * This function initializes the initial states of the lower levels. * * 2. lineVertex * This function adds vertices to the path * * 3. lineEnd * This function calls the routine to stroke the path. * * History: * 09-Jan-1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Totally rewrote fast line support * 29-Mar-1994 [v-eddier] * Changed name when __fastGenLineSetupDIB was added. * 22-Mar-1994 -by- Eddie Robinson [v-eddier] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL FASTCALL __fastGenLineSetupDisplay(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; GENACCEL *genAccel = (GENACCEL *) gengc->pPrivateArea; GLuint modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
// allocate line buffer
if (!genAccel->pFastLineBuffer) { if (!(genAccel->pFastLineBuffer = (BYTE *) GCALLOC(gc, __FAST_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE))) return FALSE; } // Set the line rasterization function pointers
gc->procs.lineBegin = __fastGenLineBegin; gc->procs.lineEnd = __fastGenLineEnd; if (gc->state.line.aliasedWidth > 1) { gc->procs.renderLine = __fastGenLineWide; } else { gc->procs.renderLine = __fastGenLine; } return TRUE; }
* * __fastLineComputeOffsets * * Precomputes static offsets for fast line drawing * * History: * Tue Aug 15 18:10:29 1995 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void FASTCALL __fastLineComputeOffsets(__GLGENcontext *gengc) { GENACCEL *genAccel;
genAccel = (GENACCEL *)gengc->pPrivateArea; ASSERTOPENGL(genAccel != NULL, "ComputeFastLineOffsets with no genaccel\n"); // If acceleration is wired-in, set the offsets for line drawing.
// These offsets include the following:
// subtraction of the viewport bias
// addition of the client window origin
// subtraction of .5 to align GL pixel centers with GDI's pixel centers
// addition of 1/32 to round the value which will be converted to
// 28.4 fixed point
// Window-relative coordinates
genAccel->fastLineOffsetX = 0 - gengc->gc.constants.viewportXAdjust - (__GLfloat) (0.5 - 0.03125);
genAccel->fastLineOffsetY = 0 - gengc->gc.constants.viewportYAdjust - (__GLfloat) (0.5 - 0.03125); #else
// Screen-relative coordinates
genAccel->fastLineOffsetX = gengc->gc.drawBuffer->buf.xOrigin - gengc->gc.constants.viewportXAdjust - (__GLfloat) (0.5 - 0.03125);
genAccel->fastLineOffsetY = gengc->gc.drawBuffer->buf.yOrigin - gengc->gc.constants.viewportYAdjust - (__GLfloat) (0.5 - 0.03125); #endif
* __fastLineComputeColor* * * Computes the color index to use for line drawing. These functions are * called through a function pointer whenever the vertex color changes. * * History: * 22-Mar-1994 -by- Eddie Robinson [v-eddier] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
GLubyte vujRGBtoVGA[8] = { 0x0, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf };
ULONG FASTCALL __fastLineComputeColorRGB4(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfmt = &gengc->gsurf.pfd; int ir, ig, ib;
ir = (int) color->r; ig = (int) color->g; ib = (int) color->b; return (ULONG) vujRGBtoVGA[(ir << pfmt->cRedShift) | (ig << pfmt->cGreenShift) | (ib << pfmt->cBlueShift)]; }
ULONG FASTCALL __fastLineComputeColorRGB8(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfmt = &gengc->gsurf.pfd; int ir, ig, ib;
ir = (int) color->r; ig = (int) color->g; ib = (int) color->b; return (ULONG) gengc->pajTranslateVector[(ir << pfmt->cRedShift) | (ig << pfmt->cGreenShift) | (ib << pfmt->cBlueShift)]; }
ULONG FASTCALL __fastLineComputeColorRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfmt = &gengc->gsurf.pfd; int ir, ig, ib;
ir = (int) color->r; ig = (int) color->g; ib = (int) color->b; return (ULONG) ((ir << pfmt->cRedShift) | (ig << pfmt->cGreenShift) | (ib << pfmt->cBlueShift)); }
ULONG FASTCALL __fastLineComputeColorCI4and8(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc;
return (ULONG) gengc->pajTranslateVector[(int)color->r]; }
ULONG FASTCALL __fastLineComputeColorCI(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; GLuint *pTrans = (GLuint *) gengc->pajTranslateVector; return (ULONG) pTrans[(int)(color->r)+1]; }
* __glQueryLineAcceleration * * Determines if lines are accelerated through the DDI and performs some * initialization. Currently, this routine only checks for acceleration via * the standard DDI. Eventually, it could support checking for acceleration * via the extended DDI. * * History: * 22-Mar-1994 -by- Eddie Robinson [v-eddier] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
void FASTCALL __glQueryLineAcceleration(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; GENACCEL *genAccel = (GENACCEL *) gengc->pPrivateArea; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfmt;
pfmt = &gengc->gsurf.pfd;
// On the client side we can draw into any surface with GDI
// and (presumably) get the best possible plain 2D line drawing
// performance
genAccel->bFastLineDIBAccel = TRUE;
//XXX eventually, check rxcaps and set appropriate mode bits
genAccel->bFastLineDispAccel = TRUE; // set modes supported by hardware. These are equivalent to the
// gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags checked in the pick function
genAccel->flLineAccelModes = 0;
// Set the color computation function
if (pfmt->iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA) { switch (pfmt->cColorBits) { case 4: genAccel->fastLineComputeColor = __fastLineComputeColorRGB4; break; case 8: genAccel->fastLineComputeColor = __fastLineComputeColorRGB8; break; case 16: case 24: case 32: genAccel->fastLineComputeColor = __fastLineComputeColorRGB; break; default: genAccel->bFastLineDispAccel = FALSE; return; } } else { switch (pfmt->cColorBits) { case 4: case 8: genAccel->fastLineComputeColor = __fastLineComputeColorCI4and8; break; case 16: case 24: case 32: genAccel->fastLineComputeColor = __fastLineComputeColorCI; break; default: genAccel->bFastLineDispAccel = FALSE; return; } } }
// Macros to hide how the single pFastLineBuffer is divided into two
// sections, one for points and one for counts
#define FAST_LINE_FIRST_POINT(genAccel) \
((POINT *)(genAccel)->pFastLineBuffer)
#define FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel) \
((DWORD *)((genAccel)->pFastLineBuffer+__FAST_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE)- \ __FAST_LINE_BUFFER_COUNTS) #define FAST_LINE_LAST_POINT(genAccel) \
((POINT *)FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel)-1) #define FAST_LINE_LAST_COUNT(genAccel) \
((DWORD *)((genAccel)->pFastLineBuffer+__FAST_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE)-1)
* * __fastGenLineBegin * * Initializes fast line state * * History: * Mon Jan 08 19:22:32 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void FASTCALL __fastGenLineBegin(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *)gc; GENACCEL *genAccel = &gengc->genAccel;
genAccel->pFastLinePoint = FAST_LINE_FIRST_POINT(genAccel)-1; genAccel->pFastLineCount = FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel)-1; genAccel->fastLineCounts = 0; }
* * __fastGenLineEnd * * Renders any current lines in the fast line buffer and * then resets the fast line state * * History: * Mon Jan 08 19:22:52 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void FASTCALL __fastGenLineEnd(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *)gc; GENACCEL *genAccel = &gengc->genAccel; ULONG ulSolidColor; HDC hdc; HPEN hpen;
if (genAccel->fastLineCounts == 0) { return; } // If there is no lock, we must have failed to reacquire the lock
// from the previous call to wglStrokePath. This is an error condition
// and we should not continue.
if (gengc->fsLocks == 0) { WARNING("fastGenLineEnd: no lock\n"); return; }
// We need to sychronize with GDI before making GDI calls
glsrvSynchronizeWithGdi(gengc, gengc->pwndLocked, COLOR_LOCK_FLAGS | DEPTH_LOCK_FLAGS);
// If this color is the same as the one we've cached, use the
// cached information
hdc = CURRENT_DC_GC(gc); if (!gengc->fStrokeInvalid && hdc == gengc->hdcStroke) { hpen = gengc->hpenStroke; ASSERTOPENGL(hpen != NULL, "Cached stroke pen is null\n"); } else { if (gengc->hpenStroke != NULL) { // Deselect the object before deletion
if (gengc->hdcStroke != NULL) { SelectObject(gengc->hdcStroke, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); gengc->hdcStroke = NULL; } DeleteObject(gengc->hpenStroke); }
ulSolidColor = wglTranslateColor(gengc->crStroke, hdc, gengc, &gengc->gsurf.pfd); hpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, ulSolidColor); gengc->hpenStroke = hpen; if (hpen == NULL || SelectObject(hdc, hpen) == NULL) { if (hpen != NULL) { DeleteObject(hpen); gengc->hpenStroke = NULL; } gengc->cStroke.r = -1.0f; gengc->fStrokeInvalid = TRUE; goto Exit; }
gengc->hdcStroke = hdc; gengc->fStrokeInvalid = FALSE; }
{ DWORD i; DWORD *count; POINT *pt;
count = FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel); pt = FAST_LINE_FIRST_POINT(genAccel); for (i = 0; i < genAccel->fastLineCounts; i++) { DbgPrint("Polyline with %d points at %d\n", *count, pt-FAST_LINE_FIRST_POINT(genAccel)); pt += *count; count++; } } #endif
PolyPolyline(hdc, FAST_LINE_FIRST_POINT(genAccel), FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel), genAccel->fastLineCounts);
Exit: // No more need for GDI operations
glsrvDecoupleFromGdi(gengc, gengc->pwndLocked, COLOR_LOCK_FLAGS | DEPTH_LOCK_FLAGS); // Reset
__fastGenLineBegin(gc); }
* * __fastGenLineSetStrokeColor * * Updates cached pen with current color if necessary * * History: * Wed Jan 17 20:37:15 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL __fastGenLineSetStrokeColor(__GLGENcontext *gengc, __GLcolor *color) { if (__GL_FLOAT_NE(color->r, gengc->cStroke.r) || (gengc->gsurf.pfd.iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA && (__GL_FLOAT_NE(color->g, gengc->cStroke.g) || __GL_FLOAT_NE(color->b, gengc->cStroke.b)))) { ASSERTOPENGL(color->r >= 0.0f, "Invalid color\n"); #ifdef DBG_VERBOSE
if (gengc->cStroke.r >= 0.0f) { DbgPrint("Color change\n"); } #endif
// Flush whatever we have so far
// Set current color
if (gengc->gsurf.pfd.iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_RGBA) gengc->cStroke = *color; else gengc->cStroke.r = color->r; gengc->crStroke = gengc->genAccel.fastLineComputeColor((__GLcontext *)gengc, &gengc->cStroke); // Invalidate cached pen
gengc->fStrokeInvalid = TRUE;
return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
* * __fastGenLine * * Accumulates incoming vertices in the fast line buffer * Thin line version * * History: * Mon Jan 08 19:23:19 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void FASTCALL __fastGenLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *)gc; GENACCEL *genAccel = &gengc->genAccel; POINT pt;
DbgPrint("Counts %d, count %d, flags %X\n", genAccel->fastLineCounts, genAccel->pFastLineCount >= FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel) ? *genAccel->pFastLineCount : -1, flags); #endif
// Check for flushing conditions. We flush if:
// The provoking vertex's color is different from the current color
// This is the first vertex of a line and we don't have space for
// a new count and two vertices
// This is not the first vertex of a line and we don't have space for
// a new vertex
// According to spec we have to use color form a second vertex for flat
// shaded case
if (__fastGenLineSetStrokeColor(gengc, v1->color)) { // Since we flushed, the current vertex is now the beginning
// of a polyline
flags |= __GL_LVERT_FIRST; }
if (((flags & __GL_LVERT_FIRST) != 0 && (genAccel->pFastLinePoint+1 >= FAST_LINE_LAST_POINT(genAccel) || genAccel->pFastLineCount >= FAST_LINE_LAST_COUNT(genAccel))) || ((flags & __GL_LVERT_FIRST) == 0 && genAccel->pFastLinePoint >= FAST_LINE_LAST_POINT(genAccel))) { #ifdef DBG_VERBOSE
DbgPrint("Overflow\n"); #endif
// Since we flushed, the current vertex is now the beginning
// of a polyline
flags |= __GL_LVERT_FIRST; }
// If we're starting a polyline, update the counts and add
// the vertex data
if (flags & __GL_LVERT_FIRST) { #ifdef DBG_VERBOSE
if (genAccel->pFastLineCount >= FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel)) { DbgPrint("First ended polyline with %d points\n", *genAccel->pFastLineCount); } #endif
// Check to make sure we don't ever create segments with only
// one vertex
ASSERTOPENGL(genAccel->pFastLineCount < FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel) || *genAccel->pFastLineCount > 1, "Line segment with only one vertex\n");
genAccel->fastLineCounts++; genAccel->pFastLineCount++; *genAccel->pFastLineCount = 1; // Compute device coordinates
pt.x = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v0->window.x + genAccel->fastLineOffsetX); pt.y = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v0->window.y + genAccel->fastLineOffsetY); *(++genAccel->pFastLinePoint) = pt; } ASSERTOPENGL(genAccel->pFastLineCount >= FAST_LINE_FIRST_COUNT(genAccel) && *genAccel->pFastLineCount > 0, "Added fast point without count\n"); // Compute device coordinates
pt.x = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v1->window.x + genAccel->fastLineOffsetX); pt.y = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v1->window.y + genAccel->fastLineOffsetY); (*genAccel->pFastLineCount)++; *(++genAccel->pFastLinePoint) = pt; // Check on counts also
ASSERTOPENGL(genAccel->pFastLineCount <= FAST_LINE_LAST_COUNT(genAccel), "Fast line count buffer overflow\n"); ASSERTOPENGL(genAccel->pFastLinePoint <= FAST_LINE_LAST_POINT(genAccel), "Fast line point buffer overflow\n"); // Make sure the current color is being maintained properly
ASSERTOPENGL((v1->color->r == gengc->cStroke.r) && (gengc->gsurf.pfd.iPixelType == PFD_TYPE_COLORINDEX || (v1->color->g == gengc->cStroke.g && v1->color->b == gengc->cStroke.b)), "Fast line color mismatch\n"); }
* * __fastGenLineWide * * Accumulates incoming vertices in the fast line buffer * Wide line version * For wide lines we can't maintain connectivity because of the * way OpenGL wide lines are defined. Instead, each segment * of a wide line is decomposed into aliasedWidth unconnected * line segments * * History: * Tue Jan 09 11:32:10 1996 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
void FASTCALL __fastGenLineWide(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *)gc; GENACCEL *genAccel = &gengc->genAccel; POINT pt1, pt2; GLint width; long adjust; GLfloat dx, dy;
// Set the current pen color
// According to spec we have to use color form a second vertex for flat
// shaded case
__fastGenLineSetStrokeColor(gengc, v1->color); // We have a wide line segment from v0 to v1
// Compute its width and add an appropriate number of
// side-by-side thin segments to create the wide form
// Compute device coordinates
pt1.x = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v0->window.x + genAccel->fastLineOffsetX); pt1.y = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v0->window.y + genAccel->fastLineOffsetY); pt2.x = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v1->window.x + genAccel->fastLineOffsetX); pt2.y = __FAST_LINE_FLTTODEV(v1->window.y + genAccel->fastLineOffsetY); width = gc->state.line.aliasedWidth;
** Compute the minor-axis adjustment for the first line segment ** this can be a fixed point value with 4 fractional bits */ adjust = ((width - 1) * __FAST_LINE_UNIT_VALUE) / 2; // Determine the major axis
dx = v0->window.x - v1->window.x; if (dx < 0.0) { dx = -dx; } dy = v0->window.y - v1->window.y; if (dy < 0.0) { dy = -dy; }
if (dx > dy) { pt1.y -= adjust; pt2.y -= adjust;
while (width-- > 0) { // Make sure we have room for another count and two more
// vertices
if (genAccel->pFastLinePoint+1 >= FAST_LINE_LAST_POINT(genAccel) || genAccel->pFastLineCount >= FAST_LINE_LAST_COUNT(genAccel)) { __fastGenLineEnd(gc); } genAccel->fastLineCounts++; genAccel->pFastLineCount++; *genAccel->pFastLineCount = 2; *(++genAccel->pFastLinePoint) = pt1; *(++genAccel->pFastLinePoint) = pt2;
pt1.y++; pt2.y++; } } else { pt1.x -= adjust; pt2.x -= adjust;
while (width-- > 0) { // Make sure we have room for another count and two more
// vertices
if (genAccel->pFastLinePoint+1 >= FAST_LINE_LAST_POINT(genAccel) || genAccel->pFastLineCount >= FAST_LINE_LAST_COUNT(genAccel)) { __fastGenLineEnd(gc); } genAccel->fastLineCounts++; genAccel->pFastLineCount++; *genAccel->pFastLineCount = 2; *(++genAccel->pFastLinePoint) = pt1; *(++genAccel->pFastLinePoint) = pt2;
pt1.x++; pt2.x++; } } }
PFN_RENDER_LINE __fastGenRenderLineDIBFuncs[32] = { __fastGenRenderLineDIBCI8, __fastGenRenderLineDIBCI16, __fastGenRenderLineDIBCIRGB, __fastGenRenderLineDIBCIBGR, __fastGenRenderLineDIBCI32, NULL, NULL, NULL, __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB8, __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB16, __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB, __fastGenRenderLineDIBBGR, __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB32, NULL, NULL, NULL, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCI8, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCI16, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCIRGB, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCIBGR, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCI32, NULL, NULL, NULL, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB8, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB16, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBBGR, __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB32, NULL, NULL, NULL };
* __fastGenLineSetupDIB * * Initializes the accelerated line-rendering function pointer for bitmap * surfaces. All accelerated lines drawn to bitmaps are drawn by the * gc->procs.renderLine funtion pointer. * * History: * 29-Mar-1994 -by- Eddie Robinson [v-eddier] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL FASTCALL __fastGenLineSetupDIB(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLGENcontext *gengc = (__GLGENcontext *) gc; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *pfmt = &gengc->gsurf.pfd; GLint index;
switch (pfmt->cColorBits) { case 8: index = 0; break; case 16: index = 1; break; case 24: if (pfmt->cRedShift == 0) index = 2; else index = 3; break; case 32: index = 4; break; } if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB) index |= 0x08; if (gc->state.line.aliasedWidth > 1) index |= 0x10;
gc->procs.renderLine = __fastGenRenderLineDIBFuncs[index]; return TRUE; }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB8(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned char *addr, pixel; GLint x, y;
GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned char) __fastLineComputeColorRGB8(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + x + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB16(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned short *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_2; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned short) __fastLineComputeColorRGB(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned short *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 1) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
outerWidth_2 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_2);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_2); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolor *cp; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
cp = v1->color; ir = (unsigned char) cp->r; ig = (unsigned char) cp->g; ib = (unsigned char) cp->b; cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth)); addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24 }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolor *cp; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
cp = v1->color; ir = (unsigned char) cp->b; ig = (unsigned char) cp->g; ib = (unsigned char) cp->r; cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24 }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBRGB32(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned long *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_4; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorRGB(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned long *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 2) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
outerWidth_4 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 2; addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_4);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_4); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBCI8(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned char *addr, pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned char) __fastLineComputeColorCI4and8(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + x + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBCI16(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned short *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_2; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned short) __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned short *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 1) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
outerWidth_2 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 1; addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_2);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_2); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB }
** XXX GRE swabs bytes in palette, DIBCIRGB & DIBCIBGR are identical now */ void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBCIRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; unsigned long pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
// Red is lsb of pixel
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color); ir = (unsigned char) (pixel & 0xff); ig = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); ib = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24 }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBCIBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; unsigned long pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
// Blue is lsb of pixel
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color); // Swap blue and red
ir = (unsigned char) (pixel & 0xff); ig = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); ib = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24 }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineDIBCI32(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle; unsigned long *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_4; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned long *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 2) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
outerWidth_4 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 2; addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_4);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_4); __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB8(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned char *addr, pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned char) __fastLineComputeColorRGB8(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + x + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = cfb->buf.outerWidth;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } else { addrMinor = 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle - width + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig - width + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB16(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned short *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_2; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned short) __fastLineComputeColorRGB(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned short *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 1) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; outerWidth_2 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 1;
if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = outerWidth_2;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * outerWidth_2);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * outerWidth_2); } else { addrMinor = 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle - width + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_2);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig - width + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_2); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolor *cp; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
cp = v1->color; ir = (unsigned char) cp->r; ig = (unsigned char) cp->g; ib = (unsigned char) cp->b; cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = cfb->buf.outerWidth;
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } else { addrMinor = 3;
addrLittle = ((gc->line.options.xLittle - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = ((gc->line.options.xBig - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolor *cp; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
cp = v1->color; ir = (unsigned char) cp->b; ig = (unsigned char) cp->g; ib = (unsigned char) cp->r; cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = cfb->buf.outerWidth;
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } else { addrMinor = 3;
addrLittle = ((gc->line.options.xLittle - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = ((gc->line.options.xBig - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBRGB32(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned long *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_4; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorRGB(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned long *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 2) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; outerWidth_4 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 2;
if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = outerWidth_4;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * outerWidth_4);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * outerWidth_4); } else { addrMinor = 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle - width + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_4);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig - width + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_4); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCI8(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned char *addr, pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned char) __fastLineComputeColorCI4and8(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + x + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = cfb->buf.outerWidth;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } else { addrMinor = 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle - width + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig - width + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCI16(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned short *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_2; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = (unsigned short) __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned short *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 1) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; outerWidth_2 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 1;
if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = outerWidth_2;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * outerWidth_2);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * outerWidth_2); } else { addrMinor = 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle - width + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_2);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig - width + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_2); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCIRGB(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; unsigned long pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
// Red is lsb of pixel
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color); ir = (unsigned char) (pixel & 0xff); ig = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); ib = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = cfb->buf.outerWidth;
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } else { addrMinor = 3;
addrLittle = ((gc->line.options.xLittle - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = ((gc->line.options.xBig - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCIBGR(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned char *addr, ir, ig, ib; unsigned long pixel; GLint x, y; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
// Blue is lsb of pixel
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color); // Swap blue and red
ir = (unsigned char) (pixel & 0xff); ig = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); ib = (unsigned char) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned char *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x * 3) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = cfb->buf.outerWidth;
addrLittle = (gc->line.options.xLittle * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = (gc->line.options.xBig * 3) + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } else { addrMinor = 3;
addrLittle = ((gc->line.options.xLittle - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yLittle * cfb->buf.outerWidth);
addrBig = ((gc->line.options.xBig - width) * 3) + (gc->line.options.yBig * cfb->buf.outerWidth); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB24_WIDE }
void FASTCALL __fastGenRenderLineWideDIBCI32(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1) { GLint len, fraction, dfraction, width, w; __GLcolorBuffer *cfb; GLint addrBig, addrLittle, addrMinor; unsigned long *addr, pixel; GLint x, y, outerWidth_4; GLboolean init; CHOP_ROUND_ON(); init = __glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1); CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); if (!init) return;
pixel = __fastLineComputeColorCI(gc, v1->color);
cfb = gc->drawBuffer; x = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->line.options.xStart) + cfb->buf.xOrigin; y = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->line.options.yStart) + cfb->buf.yOrigin; addr = (unsigned long *) ((GLint)cfb->buf.base + (x << 2) + (y * cfb->buf.outerWidth));
width = gc->line.options.width; outerWidth_4 = cfb->buf.outerWidth >> 2;
if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) { addrMinor = outerWidth_4;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle + ((gc->line.options.yLittle - width) * outerWidth_4);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig + ((gc->line.options.yBig - width) * outerWidth_4); } else { addrMinor = 1;
addrLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle - width + (gc->line.options.yLittle * outerWidth_4);
addrBig = gc->line.options.xBig - width + (gc->line.options.yBig * outerWidth_4); } __FAST_LINE_STROKE_DIB_WIDE }