** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** $Revision: 1.14 $ ** $Date: 1993/04/14 21:23:50 $ */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
void __glDoBlendSourceZERO(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat zero = __glZero;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; source = source; dest = dest; #endif
result->r = zero; result->g = zero; result->b = zero; result->a = zero; }
void __glDoBlendDestZERO(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; source = source; dest = dest; result = result; #endif
/* Pretend to add zero to each component of the result.
** ** result->r += zero; ** result->g += zip; ** result->b += squat; ** result->a += a bagel; */ }
void __glDoBlendSourceONE(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; dest = dest; #endif
r = source->r; g = source->g; b = source->b; a = source->a;
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendDestONE(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; source = source; #endif
r = dest->r; g = dest->g; b = dest->b; a = dest->a;
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendDestSC(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
r = dest->r * source->r * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale; g = dest->g * source->g * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale; b = dest->b * source->b * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale; a = dest->a * source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendDestMSC(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat one = __glOne;
r = dest->r * (one - source->r * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale); g = dest->g * (one - source->g * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale); b = dest->b * (one - source->b * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale); a = dest->a * (one - source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale);
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceDC(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
r = source->r * dest->r * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale; g = source->g * dest->g * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale; b = source->b * dest->b * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale; a = source->a * dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceMDC(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat one = __glOne;
r = source->r * (one - dest->r * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverRedScale); g = source->g * (one - dest->g * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverGreenScale); b = source->b * (one - dest->b * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverBlueScale); a = source->a * (one - dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale);
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceSA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
dest = dest; #endif
a = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
r = a * source->r; g = a * source->g; b = a * source->b; a = a * source->a;
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendDestSA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a;
a = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
r = a * dest->r; g = a * dest->g; b = a * dest->b; a = a * dest->a;
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceMSA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat msa = __glOne - source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
dest = dest; #endif
r = msa * source->r; g = msa * source->g; b = msa * source->b; a = msa * source->a;
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendDestMSA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat msa = __glOne - source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
r = msa * dest->r; g = msa * dest->g; b = msa * dest->b; a = msa * dest->a;
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceDA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b; __GLfloat a = dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
r = a * source->r; g = a * source->g; b = a * source->b; a = a * source->a;
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendDestDA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b; __GLfloat a = dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
source = source; #endif
r = a * dest->r; g = a * dest->g; b = a * dest->b; a = a * dest->a;
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceMDA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat mda;
mda = __glOne - dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
r = mda * source->r; g = mda * source->g; b = mda * source->b; a = mda * source->a;
result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; result->a = a; }
void __glDoBlendDestMDA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b, a; __GLfloat mda;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
source = source; #endif
mda = __glOne - dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale;
r = mda * dest->r; g = mda * dest->g; b = mda * dest->b; a = mda * dest->a;
result->r += r; result->g += g; result->b += b; result->a += a; }
void __glDoBlendSourceSAT(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { /* Compiler hints */ __GLfloat r, g, b; __GLfloat sa, mda;
mda = __glOne - dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; sa = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; if (sa < mda) { r = sa * source->r; g = sa * source->g; b = sa * source->b; } else { r = mda * source->r; g = mda * source->g; b = mda * source->b; } result->a = source->a; result->r = r; result->g = g; result->b = b; }
static void Nop(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; source = source; dest = dest; result = result; #endif
** Generic blend not handled by cases below */ static void NoFetchBlend(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag, __GLcolor *result) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
cfb = cfb; #endif
(*gc->procs.blendColor)(gc, &(frag->color), NULL, result); }
** Generic blend not handled by cases below */ static void FetchBlend(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolorBuffer *cfb, const __GLfragment *frag, __GLcolor *result) { __GLcolor dest;
(*cfb->fetch)(cfb, frag->x, frag->y, &dest);
(*gc->procs.blendColor)(gc, &(frag->color), &dest, result); }
void __glDoBlend(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { (*gc->procs.blendSrc)(gc, source, dest, result); (*gc->procs.blendDst)(gc, source, dest, result);
if (result->r > gc->frontBuffer.redScale) { result->r = gc->frontBuffer.redScale; } if (result->g > gc->frontBuffer.greenScale) { result->g = gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; } if (result->b > gc->frontBuffer.blueScale) { result->b = gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; } if (result->a > gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale) { result->a = gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; } }
void __glDoBlendNoClamp(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { (*gc->procs.blendSrc)(gc, source, dest, result); (*gc->procs.blendDst)(gc, source, dest, result); }
** Source function == SRC_ALPHA and dest function == ZERO */ void __glDoBlend_SA_ZERO(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat a;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
dest = dest; #endif
a = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; result->r = source->r * a; result->g = source->g * a; result->b = source->b * a; result->a = source->a * a; }
** Source function == SRC_ALPHA and dest function == ONE */ void __glDoBlend_SA_ONE(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat a, ra, rr, rg, rb;
a = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; rr = dest->r + source->r * a; if (rr > gc->frontBuffer.redScale) { rr = gc->frontBuffer.redScale; } rg = dest->g + source->g * a; if (rg > gc->frontBuffer.greenScale) { rg = gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; } rb = dest->b + source->b * a; if (rb > gc->frontBuffer.blueScale) { rb = gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; } ra = dest->a + source->a * a; if (ra > gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale) { ra = gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; }
result->r = rr; result->g = rg; result->b = rb; result->a = ra; }
** Source function == SRC_ALPHA and dest function == ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void __glDoBlend_SA_MSA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat a, msa, rr, rg, rb, ra;
a = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; msa = __glOne - a; rr = source->r * a + dest->r * msa; rg = source->g * a + dest->g * msa; rb = source->b * a + dest->b * msa; ra = source->a * a + dest->a * msa;
result->r = rr; result->g = rg; result->b = rb; result->a = ra; }
** Source function == ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA and dest function == SRC_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void __glDoBlend_MSA_SA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat a, msa, rr, rg, rb, ra;
a = source->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; msa = __glOne - a; rr = source->r * msa + dest->r * a; rg = source->g * msa + dest->g * a; rb = source->b * msa + dest->b * a; ra = source->a * msa + dest->a * a;
result->r = rr; result->g = rg; result->b = rb; result->a = ra; }
** Source function == DST_ALPHA and dest function == ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void __glDoBlend_DA_MDA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat a, mda;
a = dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; mda = __glOne - a;
result->r = a * source->r + mda * dest->r; result->g = a * source->g + mda * dest->g; result->b = a * source->b + mda * dest->b; result->a = a * source->a + mda * dest->a; }
** Source function == ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA and dest function == DST_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void __glDoBlend_MDA_DA(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLcolor *source, const __GLcolor *dest, __GLcolor *result) { __GLfloat a, mda;
a = dest->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; mda = __glOne - a;
result->r = mda * source->r + a * dest->r; result->g = mda * source->g + a * dest->g; result->b = mda * source->b + a * dest->b; result->a = mda * source->a + a * dest->a; }
/* Generic blend span func.
*/ void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLcolor *cp, *fcp, temp; GLint w;
// Fetch span if required
if( gc->procs.blend == FetchBlend ) __glFetchSpan( gc );
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; fcp = gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors;
while (--w >= 0) { (*gc->procs.blendColor)(gc, cp, fcp, &temp); *cp = temp; cp++; fcp++; } }
** Source function == SRC_ALPHA and dest function == ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan_SA_MSA(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat a, msa, rr, rg, rb, ra, oneOverAlpha; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLcolor *cp, *fcp; GLint w;
__glFetchSpan( gc );
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; fcp = gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors; oneOverAlpha = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; while (--w >= 0) { a = cp->a * oneOverAlpha; msa = one - a;
rr = cp->r * a + fcp->r * msa; rg = cp->g * a + fcp->g * msa; rb = cp->b * a + fcp->b * msa; ra = cp->a * a + fcp->a * msa;
cp->r = rr; cp->g = rg; cp->b = rb; cp->a = ra; cp++; fcp++; } }
** Source function == ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA and dest function == SRC_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan_MSA_SA(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat a, msa, rr, rg, rb, ra, oneOverAlpha; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLcolor *cp, *fcp; GLint w;
__glFetchSpan( gc );
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; fcp = gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors; oneOverAlpha = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; while (--w >= 0) { a = cp->a * oneOverAlpha; msa = __glOne - a; rr = cp->r * msa + fcp->r * a; rg = cp->g * msa + fcp->g * a; rb = cp->b * msa + fcp->b * a; ra = cp->a * msa + fcp->a * a;
cp->r = rr; cp->g = rg; cp->b = rb; cp->a = ra; cp++; fcp++; } }
void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan_SA_ZERO(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat a, rr, rg, rb, ra, oneOverAlpha; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLcolor *cp; GLint w;
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; oneOverAlpha = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; while (--w >= 0) { a = cp->a * oneOverAlpha; rr = cp->r * a; rg = cp->g * a; rb = cp->b * a; ra = cp->a * a;
cp->r = rr; cp->g = rg; cp->b = rb; cp->a = ra; cp++; } }
** Source function == SRC_ALPHA and dest function == ONE ** Clamping is required */ void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan_SA_ONE(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat a, rr, rg, rb, ra, oneOverAlpha; __GLfloat rs, gs, bs, as; __GLcolor *cp, *fcp; GLint w;
__glFetchSpan( gc );
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; fcp = gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors; oneOverAlpha = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; rs = gc->frontBuffer.redScale; gs = gc->frontBuffer.greenScale; bs = gc->frontBuffer.blueScale; as = gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale; while (--w >= 0) { a = cp->a * gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; rr = fcp->r + cp->r * a; rg = fcp->g + cp->g * a; if (rr > rs) { rr = rs; } rb = fcp->b + cp->b * a; if (rg > gs) { rg = gs; } ra = fcp->a + cp->a * a; if (rb > bs) { rb = bs; }
cp->r = rr; if (ra > as) { ra = as; } cp->g = rg; cp->b = rb; cp->a = ra; cp++; fcp++; } }
** Source function == DST_ALPHA and dest function == ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan_DA_MDA(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat a, mda, oneOverAlpha; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLcolor *cp, *fcp; GLint w;
__glFetchSpan( gc );
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; fcp = gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors; oneOverAlpha = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; while (--w >= 0) { a = fcp->a * oneOverAlpha; mda = one - a;
cp->r = cp->r * a + fcp->r * mda; cp->g = cp->g * a + fcp->g * mda; cp->b = cp->b * a + fcp->b * mda; cp->a = cp->a * a + fcp->a * mda;
cp++; fcp++; } }
** Source function == ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA and dest function == DST_ALPHA ** No clamping is done, because the incoming colors should already be ** in range, and the math of x a + y (1 - a) should give a result from ** 0 to 1 if x and y are both from 0 to 1. */ void FASTCALL __glBlendSpan_MDA_DA(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLfloat a, mda, oneOverAlpha; __GLfloat one = __glOne; __GLcolor *cp, *fcp; GLint w;
__glFetchSpan( gc );
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; fcp = gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors; oneOverAlpha = gc->frontBuffer.oneOverAlphaScale; while (--w >= 0) { a = fcp->a * oneOverAlpha; mda = one - a;
cp->r = cp->r * mda + fcp->r * a; cp->g = cp->g * mda + fcp->g * a; cp->b = cp->b * mda + fcp->b * a; cp->a = cp->a * mda + fcp->a * a;
cp++; fcp++; } }
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickBlendProcs(__GLcontext *gc) { GLenum s = gc->state.raster.blendSrc; GLenum d = gc->state.raster.blendDst;
if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode) { return; } /* Does the blending function need to fetch the dst color? */ gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan; if (d == GL_ZERO && s != GL_DST_COLOR && s != GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR && s != GL_DST_ALPHA && s != GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA && s != GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE) { gc->procs.blend = NoFetchBlend; } else { gc->procs.blend = FetchBlend; } if (!(gc->state.enables.general & __GL_BLEND_ENABLE)) { gc->procs.blendColor = Nop; } else { /* Look for any fast paths */ if (s == GL_SRC_ALPHA) { if (d == GL_ZERO) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend_SA_ZERO; gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan_SA_ZERO; return; } if (d == GL_ONE) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend_SA_ONE; gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan_SA_ONE; return; } if (d == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend_SA_MSA; gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan_SA_MSA; return; } } else if (s == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) { if (d == GL_SRC_ALPHA) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend_MSA_SA; gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan_MSA_SA; return; } } else if (s == GL_DST_ALPHA) { if (d == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend_DA_MDA; gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan_DA_MDA; return; } } else if (s == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA) { if (d == GL_DST_ALPHA) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend_MDA_DA; gc->procs.blendSpan = __glBlendSpan_MDA_DA; return; } }
/* Use generic blend function */ if ( (d == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR) || (s == GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR) || (d == GL_ZERO) || (s == GL_ZERO)) { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlendNoClamp; } else { gc->procs.blendColor = __glDoBlend; } switch (s) { case GL_ZERO: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceZERO; break; case GL_ONE: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceONE; break; case GL_DST_COLOR: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceDC; break; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceMDC; break; case GL_SRC_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceSA; break; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceMSA; break; case GL_DST_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceDA; break; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceMDA; break; case GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: gc->procs.blendSrc = __glDoBlendSourceSAT; break; } switch (d) { case GL_ZERO: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestZERO; break; case GL_ONE: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestONE; break; case GL_SRC_COLOR: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestSC; break; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestMSC; break; case GL_SRC_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestSA; break; case GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestMSA; break; case GL_DST_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestDA; break; case GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: gc->procs.blendDst = __glDoBlendDestMDA; break; } } }