#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "gl42ogl.h"
#include "tk.h"
#include "insect.h"
#include "insectco.h"
#define BLACK 0
/* For ECLIPSE 8 bit machine */ extern GLboolean is_8bit;
GLuint screen,viewit,shadow,body,hip[6],thigh[6],shin[6],kneeball[6]; GLuint body_shadow,hip_shadow,thigh_shadow,shin_shadow,kneeball_shadow;
GLfloat k2[6][3]; GLfloat k3[6][3]; GLfloat b7[12][3]; GLfloat b8[12][3]; GLint scr[4][2];
GLfloat b1[4][3] = { { R1 * SIN30 * -SIN15, R1 * SIN30 * COS15, R1 * COS30 },
{ R1 * SIN30 * SIN15, R1 * SIN30 * COS15, R1 * COS30 },
{ A2 * SIN30, A1, A2 * COS30 },
{ -A2 * SIN30, A1, A2 * COS30 } };
GLfloat b4[4][3] = { { R1 * SIN30 * -SIN15, R1 * SIN30 * COS15, -R1 * COS30 },
{ -A2 * SIN30, A1, -A2 * COS30 },
{ A2 * SIN30, A1, -A2 * COS30 },
{ R1 * SIN30 * SIN15, R1 * SIN30 * COS15, -R1 * COS30 } };
GLfloat b2[4][3] = {{ R1 * SIN30 * -SIN45, R1 * SIN30 * COS45, R1 * COS30 },
{ R1 * SIN30 * -SIN15, R1 * SIN30 * COS15, R1 * COS30 },
{ -A2 * SIN30, A1, A2 * COS30 },
{ (A2 * SIN30) * COS60 - A1 * SIN60, A1 * COS60 + (A2 * SIN30) * SIN60, A2 * COS30 } };
GLfloat b5[4][3] = {{ R1 * SIN30 * -SIN45, R1 * SIN30 * COS45, -R1 * COS30 },
{ (A2 * SIN30) * COS60 - A1 * SIN60, A1 * COS60 + (A2 * SIN30) * SIN60, -A2 * COS30 },
{ -A2 * SIN30, A1, -A2 * COS30 },
{ R1 * SIN30 * -SIN15, R1 * SIN30 * COS15, -R1 * COS30 } };
GLfloat b3[4][3] = {{ (A2 * SIN30) * COS60 - A1 * SIN60, A1 * COS60 + (A2 * SIN30) * SIN60, A2 * COS30 },
{ -A2 * SIN30, A1, A2 * COS30 },
{ -A2, A1, 0 },
{ (A2) * COS60 - A1 * SIN60, A1 * COS60 + (A2) * SIN60, 0 } };
GLfloat b6[4][3] = {{ (A2 * SIN30) * COS60 - A1 * SIN60, A1 * COS60 + (A2 * SIN30) * SIN60, -A2 * COS30 },
{ (A2) * COS60 - A1 * SIN60, A1 * COS60 + (A2) * SIN60, 0.0 },
{ -A2, A1, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * SIN30, A1, -A2 * COS30 } };
GLfloat h1[4][3] = {{ A2, -A2, 0.0 },
{ R2, 0.0, 0.0 },
{ R2 * COS60, 0, R2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, -A2, A2 * SIN60 }
GLfloat h2[4][3] = {{ R2 * COS60, 0.0, R2 * SIN60 },
{ R2, 0.0, 0.0 },
{ A2, A2, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60, A2, A2 * SIN60 } };
GLfloat h3[3][3] = {{ A2, A2, 0.0 },
{ 0.0, R2, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60, A2, A2 * SIN60 }, };
GLfloat t1[4][3] = {{ -A2 * COS60, A2, A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, A2, A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60, 1 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 } };
GLfloat t2[3][3] = {{ -A2 * COS60, A2, A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60, 1 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2, A2, 0.0 } };
GLfloat t6[3][3] = {{ -A2 * COS60, A2, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2, A2, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * COS60, 1 - A2, 0.0 }
GLfloat t3[3][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, A2, A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2, A2, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 } };
GLfloat t7[3][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, A2, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1 - A2, 0.0 },
{ A2, A2, 0.0 } };
GLfloat t4[3][3] = {{ -A2 * COS60, 1.0 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60, 1.0 - A2, 0.0 },
{ -A2, A2, 0.0 } };
GLfloat t5[3][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, 1.0 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2, A2, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1 - A2, 0.0 } };
GLfloat t8[4][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, A2, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60, A2, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60, 1 - A2, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1 - A2, 0.0 } };
GLfloat s1[4][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, -A2 * COS60, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60 * 0.4, A2 * COS60 - 2.0, -A2 * SIN60 * 0.4 },
{ -A2 * COS60 * 0.4, A2 * COS60 - 2.0, -A2 * SIN60 * 0.4 },
{ -A2 * COS60, -A2 * COS60, -A2 * SIN60 }
GLfloat s2[4][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, -A2 * COS60, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, -A2, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60 * 0.4, -2.0, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60 * 0.4, A2 * COS60 - 2.0, -A2 * SIN60 * 0.4 }
GLfloat s3[4][3] = {{ -A2 * COS60, -A2 * COS60, -A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60 * 0.4, A2 * COS60 - 2.0, -A2 * SIN60 * 0.4 },
{ -A2 * COS60 * 0.4, -2.0, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * COS60, -A2, 0.0 }
GLfloat s4[4][3] = {{ A2 * COS60, -A2, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * COS60, -A2, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * COS60 * 0.4, -2.0, 0.0 },
{ A2 * COS60 * 0.4, -2.0, 0.0 }
GLfloat s5[4][3] = {{ A2 * COS60 * 0.4, -2.0, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * COS60 * 0.4, -2.0, 0.0 },
{ -A2 * COS60 * 0.4, A2 * COS60 - 2.0, -A2 * SIN60 * 0.4 },
{ A2 * COS60 * 0.4, A2 * COS60 - 2.0, -A2 * SIN60 * 0.4 } };
GLfloat k1[4][3] = {{ -A2 * COS60, 1.0 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1.0 - A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ A2 * COS60, 1.0 + A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 },
{ -A2 * COS60, 1.0 + A2 * COS60, A2 * SIN60 } };
/* make display list objects
screen -- for checkerboard floor shadow -- matrix to project insect onto flat surface viewit -- viewing transformation and various parts of the body and their shadows */
void doViewit (void) { /*
glFrustum (-8.0, 8.0, -8.0 * 0.75, 8.0 * 0.75, 10.0, 135.0); guPerspective (viewitFOV, viewitASPECT, 0.01, 131072.); */ glRotatef (ctheta/10, 1, 0, 0); glRotatef (cphi/10, 0, 0, 1); glTranslatef (cx, cy, cz); }
void createobjects (void) { int i, j, k;
screen = glGenLists(32); if (screen == 0) tkQuit();
shadow = screen + 1; body = screen + 2; body_shadow = screen + 3; /* hip [4..9]
* thigh [10..15] * knee [16..21] * shin [22..27] */ hip[0] = screen + 4; thigh[0] = screen + 10; kneeball[0] = screen + 16; shin[0] = screen + 22; hip_shadow = screen + 28; thigh_shadow = screen + 29; kneeball_shadow = screen + 30; shin_shadow = screen + 31;
glNewList (screen, GL_COMPILE);
/* Changed for ECLIPSE 8 bit machine */ if (is_8bit) glIndexi (ECLIPSE8_GRID); else glIndexi (GRID);
k = 1; for (i = -8; i < 7; i++) for (j = -8; j < 7; j++) { if (k == 0) { scr[0][0] = i * 3; scr[0][1] = j * 3; scr[1][0] = (i + 1) * 3; scr[1][1] = j * 3; scr[2][0] = (i + 1) * 3; scr[2][1] = (j + 1) * 3; scr[3][0] = i * 3; scr[3][1] = (j + 1) * 3; polf2i (4, scr); } k = 1 - k; } glEndList ();
glNewList (shadow, GL_COMPILE);
{ float sx, sy, sz; GLfloat mshadow[16]; sx = -1.0; sy = -1.0; sz = 1.0; gl_IdentifyMatrix (mshadow); /*
mshadow[2][0] = -sx / sz; mshadow[2][1] = -sy / sz; mshadow[2][2] = 0.; */ mshadow[8] = -sx / sz; mshadow[9] = -sy / sz; mshadow[10] = 0; glMultMatrixf (mshadow); } glIndexi (BLACK); glEndList ();
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { b7[i][2] = R1 * SIN60; b7[i][0] = R1 * COS60 * cos ((float) i * (PI / 6.0) + (PI / 12.0)); b7[i][1] = R1 * COS60 * sin ((float) i * (PI / 6.0) + (PI / 12.0)); b8[11 - i][2] = -R1 * SIN60; b8[11 - i][0] = R1 * COS60 * cos ((float) i * (PI / 6.0) + (PI / 12.0)); b8[11 - i][1] = R1 * COS60 * sin ((float) i * (PI / 6.0) + (PI / 12.0)); }
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { k2[i][0] = A2 * COS60; k2[i][1] = A2 * cos ((float) i * (PI / 3.0)) + 1.0; k2[i][2] = A2 * sin ((float) i * (PI / 3.0)); k3[5 - i][0] = -A2 * COS60; k3[5 - i][1] = A2 * cos ((float) i * (PI / 3.0)) + 1.0; k3[5 - i][2] = A2 * sin ((float) i * (PI / 3.0)); }
glNewList (body, GL_COMPILE);
glShadeModel(GL_FLAT); glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
getpolycolor (0, b7); polf (12, b7); getpolycolor (0, b8); polf (12, b8); getpolycolor (0, b1); polf (4, b1); getpolycolor (0, b2); polf (4, b2); getpolycolor (0, b3); polf (4, b3); getpolycolor (0, b4); polf (4, b4); getpolycolor (0, b5); polf (4, b5); getpolycolor (0, b6); polf (4, b6); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rotate60 ('z', 4, b1); rotate60 ('z', 4, b2); rotate60 ('z', 4, b3); rotate60 ('z', 4, b4); rotate60 ('z', 4, b5); rotate60 ('z', 4, b6); getpolycolor (0, b1); polf (4, b1); getpolycolor (0, b2); polf (4, b2); getpolycolor (0, b3); polf (4, b3); getpolycolor (0, b4); polf (4, b4); getpolycolor (0, b5); polf (4, b5); getpolycolor (0, b6); polf (4, b6); }
glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
glEndList ();
glNewList (body_shadow, GL_COMPILE);
glIndexi (SHADOW_COLOR); if (lit (3, b7)) polf (12, b7); if (lit (3, b1)) polf (4, b1); if (lit (3, b2)) polf (4, b2); if (lit (3, b3)) polf (4, b3); if (lit (3, b4)) polf (4, b4); if (lit (3, b5)) polf (4, b5); if (lit (3, b6)) polf (4, b6); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rotate60 ('z', 4, b1); rotate60 ('z', 4, b2); rotate60 ('z', 4, b3); rotate60 ('z', 4, b4); rotate60 ('z', 4, b5); rotate60 ('z', 4, b6); if (lit (3, b1)) polf (4, b1); if (lit (3, b2)) polf (4, b2); if (lit (3, b3)) polf (4, b3); if (lit (3, b4)) polf (4, b4); if (lit (3, b5)) polf (4, b5); if (lit (3, b6)) polf (4, b6); } glEndList ();
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { hip[j] = hip[0] + j; glNewList (hip[j], GL_COMPILE);
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
getpolycolor (1, h1); polf (4, h1); getpolycolor (1, h2); polf (4, h2); getpolycolor (1, h3); polf (3, h3); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rotate60 ('y', 4, h1); rotate60 ('y', 4, h2); rotate60 ('y', 3, h3); getpolycolor (1, h1); polf (4, h1); getpolycolor (1, h2); polf (4, h2); getpolycolor (1, h3); polf (3, h3); } phi += PI / 3.0; getlightvector ();
glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
glEndList (); }
glNewList (hip_shadow, GL_COMPILE);
/*glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glIndexi (SHADOW_COLOR); polf (4, h1); polf (4, h2); polf (3, h3); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rotate60 ('y', 4, h1); rotate60 ('y', 4, h2); rotate60 ('y', 3, h3); polf (4, h1); polf (4, h2); polf (3, h3); } /*glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glEndList ();
phi = 0.0; theta = PI / 4.0; getlightvector (); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { thigh[j] = thigh[0] + j; glNewList (thigh[j], GL_COMPILE);
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
getpolycolor (2, t1); polf (4, t1); getpolycolor (2, t2); polf (3, t2); getpolycolor (2, t3); polf (3, t3); getpolycolor (2, t4); polf (3, t4); getpolycolor (2, t5); polf (3, t5); getpolycolor (2, t6); polf (3, t6); getpolycolor (2, t7); polf (3, t7); getpolycolor (2, t8); polf (4, t8);
glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
glEndList (); kneeball[j] = kneeball[0] + j; glNewList (kneeball[j], GL_COMPILE);
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
getpolycolor (3, k1); polf (4, k1); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] -= 1.0; rotate60 ('x', 4, k1); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] += 1.0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i != 0) { getpolycolor (3, k1); polf (4, k1); } for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] -= 1.0; rotate60 ('x', 4, k1); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] += 1.0; } getpolycolor (3, k2); polf (6, k2); getpolycolor (3, k3); polf (6, k3);
glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
glEndList (); shin[j] = shin[0] + j; glNewList (shin[j], GL_COMPILE);
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
getpolycolor (4, s1); polf (4, s1); getpolycolor (4, s2); polf (4, s2); getpolycolor (4, s3); polf (4, s3); getpolycolor (4, s4); polf (4, s4); getpolycolor (4, s5); polf (4, s5);
glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
glEndList (); theta -= PI / 3.0; getlightvector (); } glNewList (thigh_shadow, GL_COMPILE);
/*glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glIndexi (SHADOW_COLOR); polf (4, t1); polf (3, t2); polf (3, t3); polf (3, t4); polf (3, t5); polf (3, t6); polf (3, t7); polf (4, t8); /*glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glEndList (); glNewList (kneeball_shadow, GL_COMPILE);
/*glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glIndexi (SHADOW_COLOR); polf (4, k1); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] -= 1.0; rotate60 ('x', 4, k1); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] += 1.0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i != 0) { polf (4, k1); } for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] -= 1.0; rotate60 ('x', 4, k1); for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) k1[k][1] += 1.0; } polf (6, k2); polf (6, k3); /*glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glEndList (); glNewList (shin_shadow, GL_COMPILE);
/*glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glIndexi (SHADOW_COLOR); polf (4, s1); polf (4, s2); polf (4, s3); polf (4, s4); polf (4, s5); /*glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);*/ glEndList ();