* Module Name: nff.c * * Parse the Neutral File Format (.NFF) by Eric Haines of 3D/Eye Inc. * * Documentation on NFF available from a varity of sources including: * * Eric Haines, 3D/Eye Inc., 2359 N. Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, NY, 14850, * erich@eye.com. * * Murray, J. D. and van Ryper, W., _Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats_, * O'Reilly & Associates, 1994, pp. 471-478. * * Created: 14-Mar-1995 23:26:34 * Author: Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * * Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "nff.h"
#define STATIC
typedef struct tagNFFPRIV { BOOL bInList; // TRUE while compiling display list
BOOL bKayHack; // support for the 'k' backface color hack
GLint maxLights;
STATIC void parseNffFile(SCENE *, LPTSTR); STATIC void DoDisplayList(SCENE *); STATIC void EndDisplayList(SCENE *); STATIC void parseNffViewpoint(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n); STATIC void parseNffBackground(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n); STATIC void parseNffLight(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n); STATIC void parseNffColor(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n, GLenum matSide); STATIC void parseNffCone(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n); STATIC void parseNffSphere(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n); STATIC void parseNffPolygon(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n); STATIC void parseNffPolygonPatch(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n);
SCENE *NffOpenScene(LPTSTR lpstr) { SCENE *scene;
scene = (SCENE *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(SCENE) + sizeof(NFFPRIV)); if (scene) { NFFPRIV *nffPriv = (NFFPRIV *) (scene + 1);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_LIGHTS, &maxLights);
scene->xyzFrom.x = 0.0; scene->xyzFrom.y = 0.0; scene->xyzFrom.z = 5.0;
scene->xyzAt.x = 0.0; scene->xyzAt.y = 0.0; scene->xyzAt.z = 0.0;
scene->xyzUp.x = 0.0; scene->xyzUp.y = 1.0; scene->xyzUp.z = 0.0;
scene->ViewAngle = 45.0f; scene->Hither = 0.1f; scene->Yon = 1000000000.0f; // always "infinity" for NFF
scene->AspectRatio = 1.0f; // always 1.0 for NFF
scene->szWindow.cx = 300; scene->szWindow.cy = 300;
scene->rgbaClear.r = (GLfloat) 0.0; // default is black
scene->rgbaClear.g = (GLfloat) 0.0; scene->rgbaClear.b = (GLfloat) 0.0; scene->rgbaClear.a = (GLfloat) 1.0;
scene->Lights.count = 0; scene->Lights.listBase = 1;
scene->Objects.count = 1; scene->Objects.listBase = maxLights + 1;
scene->pvData = (VOID *) nffPriv; nffPriv->bInList = FALSE; nffPriv->bKayHack = FALSE;
LBprintf("================================"); LBprintf("Parsing NFF file, please wait..."); LBprintf("================================"); parseNffFile(scene, lpstr); LBprintf("Here we go!"); } else { LBprintf("NffOpenScene: memory allocation failure"); }
return scene; }
STATIC void parseNffFile(SCENE *scene, LPTSTR lpstr) { FILE *file; char ach[512]; char achToken[5];
file = fopen(lpstr, "r");
if (file) { BOOL bKeepGoing = TRUE;
do { if (fgets(ach, 512, file) != NULL) { switch(ach[0]) { case 'v': case 'V': parseNffViewpoint(scene, file, ach, 512); break;
case 'b': case 'B': parseNffBackground(scene, file, ach, 512); break;
case 'l': case 'L': parseNffLight(scene, file, ach, 512); break;
case 'f': case 'F': if (((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bKayHack) parseNffColor(scene, file, ach, 512, GL_FRONT); else parseNffColor(scene, file, ach, 512, GL_FRONT_AND_BACK); break;
case 'k': case 'K': parseNffColor(scene, file, ach, 512, GL_BACK); ((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bKayHack = TRUE; break;
case 'c': case 'C': parseNffCone(scene, file, ach, 512); break;
case 's': case 'S': parseNffSphere(scene, file, ach, 512); break;
case 'p': case 'P': if ((ach[1] == 'p') || (ach[1] == 'P')) parseNffPolygonPatch(scene, file, ach, 512); else parseNffPolygon(scene, file, ach, 512); break;
case '#': LBprintf(ach); break;
default: LBprintf("unknown: %s", ach); break; } } else { bKeepGoing = FALSE; //LBprintf("possible EOF");
} while (bKeepGoing || !feof(file)); fclose(file);
EndDisplayList(scene); } else { LBprintf("fopen failed %s", lpstr); LBprintf("USAGE: viewer [NFF filename].NFF"); } }
STATIC void DoDisplayList(SCENE *scene) { if (!((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList) { ((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList = TRUE;
glNewList(scene->Objects.listBase, GL_COMPILE);
} }
STATIC void EndDisplayList(SCENE *scene) { if (((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList) { ((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList = FALSE;
} }
STATIC void parseNffViewpoint(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { if (((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList) LBprintf("NFF error: setting viewpoint too late");
fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "from %g %g %g", &scene->xyzFrom.x, &scene->xyzFrom.y, &scene->xyzFrom.z); fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "at %g %g %g", &scene->xyzAt.x, &scene->xyzAt.y, &scene->xyzAt.z); fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "up %g %g %g", &scene->xyzUp.x, &scene->xyzUp.y, &scene->xyzUp.z); fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "angle %g", &scene->ViewAngle); fgets(ach, n, file); //!!!dbug -- possible front plane clipping problem; should calculate the
//!!! bounding sphere and use this to set near plane, but for now
//!!! set it to zero
//sscanf(ach, "hither %g", &scene->Hither);
scene->Hither = 0.001f; fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "resolution %ld %ld", &scene->szWindow.cx, &scene->szWindow.cy);
// Estimate the yon plane as 2.5 times the distance from eye to object.
scene->Yon = ((scene->xyzAt.x - scene->xyzFrom.x) * (scene->xyzAt.x - scene->xyzFrom.x)) + ((scene->xyzAt.y - scene->xyzFrom.y) * (scene->xyzAt.y - scene->xyzFrom.y)) + ((scene->xyzAt.z - scene->xyzFrom.z) * (scene->xyzAt.z - scene->xyzFrom.z)); scene->Yon = sqrt(scene->Yon) * 2.5f;
#if 0
LBprintf("Viewpoint"); LBprintf("from %g %g %g", scene->xyzFrom.x, scene->xyzFrom.y, scene->xyzFrom.z); LBprintf("at %g %g %g", scene->xyzAt.x, scene->xyzAt.y, scene->xyzAt.z); LBprintf("up %g %g %g", scene->xyzUp.x, scene->xyzUp.y, scene->xyzUp.z); LBprintf("angle %g", scene->ViewAngle); LBprintf("hither %g", scene->Hither); LBprintf("resolution %ld %ld", scene->szWindow.cx, scene->szWindow.cy); LBprintf("yon (estimate) %g", scene->Yon); #endif
STATIC void parseNffBackground(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { if (((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList) LBprintf("NFF error: setting background color too late");
sscanf(ach, "b %g %g %g", &scene->rgbaClear.r, &scene->rgbaClear.g, &scene->rgbaClear.b); }
STATIC void parseNffLight(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { GLfloat xyz[3]; GLfloat rgb[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; //!!! specular light should be the same as diffuse
//static GLfloat lightSpecular[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
if (((NFFPRIV *)scene->pvData)->bInList) LBprintf("NFF error: setting lights too late");
sscanf(ach, "l %g %g %g %g %g %g", &xyz[0], &xyz[1], &xyz[2] , &rgb[0], &rgb[1], &rgb[2]);
if (scene->Lights.count < (maxLights + 1)) { glNewList(scene->Lights.listBase + scene->Lights.count, GL_COMPILE);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + scene->Lights.count, GL_POSITION, xyz); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + scene->Lights.count, GL_DIFFUSE, rgb); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0 + scene->Lights.count, GL_SPECULAR, rgb);
scene->Lights.count++; } }
STATIC void parseNffColor(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n, GLenum matSide) { GLfloat rgb[4] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; GLfloat Kd, Ks, Shine, Trans, Refract; GLfloat lightSpecular[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
if (matSide == GL_BACK) sscanf(ach, "k %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g", &rgb[0], &rgb[1], &rgb[2], &Kd, &Ks, &Shine, &Trans, &Refract); else sscanf(ach, "f %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g", &rgb[0], &rgb[1], &rgb[2], &Kd, &Ks, &Shine, &Trans, &Refract);
rgb[0] *= Kd; rgb[1] *= Kd; rgb[2] *= Kd; lightSpecular[0] *= Ks; lightSpecular[1] *= Ks; lightSpecular[2] *= Ks;
glMaterialfv(matSide, GL_SPECULAR, lightSpecular); glMaterialfv(matSide, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, rgb); glMaterialfv(matSide, GL_SHININESS, (GLfloat *) &Shine); }
STATIC void parseNffCone(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { GLfloat xBase, yBase, zBase, rBase; GLfloat xApex, yApex, zApex, rApex; DoDisplayList(scene);
LBprintf("*** Cylinder not implemented yet!"); fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "%g %g %g %g", &xBase, &yBase, &zBase, &rBase); fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "%g %g %g %g", &xApex, &yApex, &zApex, &rApex);
LBprintf(" base %g %g %g %g", xBase, yBase, zBase, rBase); LBprintf(" apex %g %g %g %g", xApex, yApex, zApex, rApex); }
STATIC void parseNffSphere(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { GLfloat x, y, z, r; DoDisplayList(scene);
LBprintf("*** Sphere not implemented yet!"); sscanf(ach, "%g %g %g %g", &x, &y, &z, &r);
LBprintf(" %g %g %g %g", x, y, z, r); }
STATIC void parseNffPolygon(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { GLuint i, numVert; GLfloat *aVerts, *pVert; GLfloat aNorm[3];
sscanf(ach, "p %ld", &numVert);
aVerts = (GLfloat *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(GLfloat) * numVert * 3); if (aVerts) { for ( i = 0, pVert = aVerts; i < numVert; i++, pVert+=3 ) { fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "%g %g %g", &pVert[0], &pVert[1], &pVert[2]); }
calcNorm(aNorm, &aVerts[0], &aVerts[3], &aVerts[6]);
glBegin(numVert == 3 ? GL_TRIANGLES : numVert == 4 ? GL_QUADS : GL_POLYGON); { glNormal3fv(aNorm); for ( i = 0, pVert = aVerts; i < numVert; i++, pVert+=3 ) glVertex3fv(pVert); } glEnd();
LocalFree(pVert); } }
STATIC void parseNffPolygonPatch(SCENE *scene, FILE *file, char *ach, int n) { GLfloat x, y, z; GLfloat nx, ny, nz; GLuint count;
sscanf(ach, "pp %ld", &count);
glBegin(count == 3 ? GL_TRIANGLES : count == 4 ? GL_QUADS : GL_POLYGON); for ( ; count; count--) { fgets(ach, n, file); sscanf(ach, "%g %g %g %g %g %g", &x, &y, &z, &nx, &ny, &nz);
glNormal3f(nx, ny, nz); glVertex3f(x, y, z); } glEnd(); }