// Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved
// irp.c
// IEEE1394 mini-port/call-manager driver
// Routines that issue the numerous Irbs to the 1394 Bus driver
// 04/01/1999 ADube Created, adapted from the l2tp sources.
#include "precomp.h"
// This file will contain all the functions that issue Irps with the various Irbs to the
// 1394 bus. All Irbs except the actual send/recv irbs will be implemented here
// The functions will follow this general algorithm
// nicGetIrb
// nicInitialize....Irb
// nicPrintDebugSpew
// nicGetIrp
// nicSubmit_Irp_Synch
// return Status
// A Simple template that can be used to send Irps syncronously
Comments Template
Routine Description:
Return Value:
// Function Description:
// Arguments
// Return Value:
Function template
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGe....ect, pAdapter %x", pAdapter ) );
ASSERT (pNodeAddress != NULL); do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
nicInit....Irb (..) NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNodePdoCb, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch ( pAdapter->pLocalHostPdoCb, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break;
} Copy returned data to nic1394's data structures
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicGet139..., pAdapter %x", pAdapter ) );
return NdisStatus;
// Routines begin here
NDIS_STATUS nicAllocateAddressRange_Synch ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN PMDL pMdl, IN ULONG fulFlags, IN ULONG nLength, IN ULONG MaxSegmentSize, IN ULONG fulAccessType, IN ULONG fulNotificationOptions, IN PVOID Callback, IN PVOID Context, IN ADDRESS_OFFSET Required1394Offset, IN PSLIST_HEADER FifoSListHead, IN PKSPIN_LOCK FifoSpinLock, OUT PULONG pAddressesReturned, IN OUT PADDRESS_RANGE p1394AddressRange, OUT PHANDLE phAddressRange ) // Function Description:
// Takes the parameter and just passes it down to the bus driver
// Arguments
// Return Value:
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicAllocateAddressRange_Synch, pAdapter %x, Offset %x", pAdapter, Required1394Offset ) );
TRACE (TL_V, TM_Irp, (" pMdl %x, fulFlags %x, nLength %x, MaxSegmentSize %x, fulAcessType %x", pMdl, fulFlags, nLength, MaxSegmentSize, fulAccessType ) );
TRACE (TL_V, TM_Irp, (" fulNotification %x, Callback %x, Context %x, ReqOffset.High %x, ReqOffset.Low %x" , fulNotificationOptions, Callback, Context, Required1394Offset.Off_High, Required1394Offset.Off_Low ) );
TRACE (TL_V, TM_Irp, (" FifoSListHead %x, FifoSpinLock %x, p1394AddressRange %x" ,FifoSListHead, FifoSpinLock, p1394AddressRange ) ) do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAllocateAddressRange_Synch , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp (pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAllocateAddressRange_Synch , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ALLOCATE_ADDRESS_RANGE; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.Mdl = pMdl; // Address to map to 1394 space
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.fulFlags = fulFlags; // Flags for this operation
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.nLength = nLength; // Length of 1394 space desired
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.MaxSegmentSize = MaxSegmentSize; // Maximum segment size for a single address element
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.fulAccessType = fulAccessType; // Desired access: R, W, L
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.fulNotificationOptions = fulNotificationOptions; // Notify options on Async access
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.Callback = Callback; // Pointer to callback routine
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.Context = Context; // Pointer to driver supplied data
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.Required1394Offset = Required1394Offset; // Offset that must be returned
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.FifoSListHead = FifoSListHead; // Pointer to SList FIFO head
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.FifoSpinLock = FifoSpinLock; // Pointer to SList Spin Lock
pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.p1394AddressRange = p1394AddressRange; // Address Range Returned
ASSERT ( pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.p1394AddressRange != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAllocateAddressRange_Synch , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break;
// Update the output values
*pAddressesReturned = pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.AddressesReturned; // Number of addresses returned
p1394AddressRange = pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.p1394AddressRange; // Pointer to returned 1394 Address Ranges
*phAddressRange = pIrb->u.AllocateAddressRange.hAddressRange; // Handle to address range
TRACE (TL_V, TM_Irp, (" *pAddressesReturned %x, p1394AddressRange %x, phAddressRange %x," , *pAddressesReturned, p1394AddressRange, *phAddressRange ) ); } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicAllocateAddressRange_Synch, Status %x", NdisStatus) );
return NdisStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicGet1394AddressOfRemoteNode( IN PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode, IN OUT NODE_ADDRESS *pNodeAddress, IN ULONG fulFlags ) // Function Description:
// This function will get the 1394 Address from the device object.
// Arguments
// PdoCb * Local Host's Pdo Control Block
// NodeAddress * Node Address structre wher the address will be returned in
// fulFlags - Could specify USE_LOCAL_HOST
// Return Value:
// Success if the irp succeeeded
// Failure: if the pdo is not active or the irp failed
{ NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PIRP pIrp = NULL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGet1394AddressOfRemoteNode, pRemoteNode %x, pNodeAdddress ", pRemoteNode, pNodeAddress) );
ASSERT (pNodeAddress != NULL); do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressOfRemoteNode, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL); pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_ADDR_FROM_DEVICE_OBJECT; pIrb->u.Get1394AddressFromDeviceObject.fulFlags = fulFlags;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp (pRemoteNode->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressOfRemoteNode, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch (pRemoteNode, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressOfRemoteNode, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break;
} (*pNodeAddress) = pIrb->u.Get1394AddressFromDeviceObject.NodeAddress;
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb (pIrb); }
if (pIrp != NULL) { nicFreeIrp (pIrp); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicGet1394AddressOfRemoteNode, Status %x, Address %x", NdisStatus, *pNodeAddress ) );
return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pPdo, IN OUT NODE_ADDRESS *pNodeAddress, IN ULONG fulFlags ) // Function Description:
// This function will get the 1394 Address from the device object.
// Arguments
// PdoCb * Local Host's Pdo Control Block
// NodeAddress * Node Address structre wher the address will be returned in
// fulFlags - Could specify USE_LOCAL_HOST
// Return Value:
// Success if the irp succeeeded
// Failure: if the pdo is not active or the irp failed
{ NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PIRP pIrp = NULL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, pPdo %x, pNodeAdddress ", pPdo, pNodeAddress) );
ASSERT (pNodeAddress != NULL); ASSERT (pPdo != NULL); do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_ADDR_FROM_DEVICE_OBJECT; pIrb->u.Get1394AddressFromDeviceObject.fulFlags = fulFlags;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp (pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_PDOSynch (pPdo, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break;
} (*pNodeAddress) = pIrb->u.Get1394AddressFromDeviceObject.NodeAddress;
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb (pIrb); }
if (pIrp != NULL) { nicFreeIrp (pIrp); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicGet1394AddressFromDeviceObject, Status %x, Address %x", NdisStatus, *pNodeAddress ) );
return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicGetGenerationCount( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN OUT PULONG GenerationCount ) // This function returns the generation count of the Device Object that PDO points to.
{ NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PIRP pIrp = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject = pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject;
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetGenerationCount, PDO %x, pVc %x", pDeviceObject ) );
ASSERT( pDeviceObject != NULL);
do {
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb( &pIrb ); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "Failed to allocate an Irb in nicGetGenerationCout") ); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp (pDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "Failed to allocate an Irp in nicGetGenerationCout") ); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_GENERATION_COUNT; pIrb->Flags = 0;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb);
if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { *GenerationCount = pIrb->u.GetGenerationCount.GenerationCount;
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ("GenerationCount = 0x%x\n", *GenerationCount) ); } else {
TRACE(TL_A, TM_Irp, ("SubmitIrpSync failed = 0x%x\n", NdisStatus)); ASSERT (0); break; }
} while(FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb (pIrb); }
if (pIrp != NULL) { nicFreeIrp (pIrp); } TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicGetGenerationCount, PDO %x, Generation %x", pDeviceObject, *GenerationCount) );
return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicFreeAddressRange( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN ULONG nAddressesToFree, IN PADDRESS_RANGE p1394AddressRange, IN PHANDLE phAddressRange ) // Function Description:
// This is the generic call to free an address range. It is the callers responsibility to figure out
// the reference counting on the RemoteNode
// This is because in the RecvFIFO code path we allocate one address range on each remote node
// whereas in the Broadcast channel register, we allocate one addreesss on ONE remote node only
// Arguments
// pRemoteNode, - Remote Node used to submit the IRP
// nAddressesToFree, - Number of addreses to free
// p1394AddressRange, - pointer to the address range which was allocated
// phAddressRange - Handle returned by the bus driver
// Return Value:
// Success if the irp succeeeded
// Failure: if the pdo is not active or the irp failed
{ PIRP pIrp = NULL; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pPdo = pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicFreeAddressRange pAdapter %x", pAdapter ) ); ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); do {
if (pPdo == NULL) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "pPdo is NULL in nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange" ) ); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb(&pIrb); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrb failed in nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange" ) ); break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrp failed in nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange" ) ); break; }
TRACE (TL_V, TM_Cm, (" NumAddresses %x, hAddressRange %x, Hi %x, Length %x, Lo %x", nAddressesToFree, phAddressRange, p1394AddressRange->AR_Off_High, p1394AddressRange->AR_Length, p1394AddressRange->AR_Off_Low ) ); //
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_FREE_ADDRESS_RANGE; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.nAddressesToFree = nAddressesToFree; pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.p1394AddressRange = p1394AddressRange; pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.pAddressRange = phAddressRange;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
} while (FALSE);
// Free the locally allocated memory
if (pIrp!= NULL) { nicFreeIrp(pIrp); } if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb(pIrb); }
// We do not care about the status, because we do not know what to do if it fails.
// However, spew some debug out.
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicFreeAddressRangeFAILED %x", NdisStatus) ); ASSERT (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicFreeAddressRangeStatus %x (always success)", NdisStatus) );
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange( IN REMOTE_NODE *pRemoteNode ) //
// This function will send an Irp to the bus1394 to free the address range in the VC
// that was allocated by the AllocatedAddressRange
// The argument will be changed to RecvFIFOData once a Pdo can have multiple
// RecvFIFOVc hanging off it.
// This will not change the refcount on the call, the calling function must take care of it.
{ PIRP pIrp = NULL; PIRB pIrb = NULL; DEVICE_OBJECT * pPdo = pRemoteNode->pPdo; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange pRemoteNode %x, ", pRemoteNode) ); ASSERT (pRemoteNode != NULL); ASSERT (pRemoteNode->pPdo != NULL); ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); do {
if (pRemoteNode->pPdo == NULL) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "pPdo is NULL in nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange" ) ); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb(&pIrb); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrb failed in nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange" ) ); break; }
ASSERT (pRemoteNode->pPdo != NULL); NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNode->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrp failed in nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange" ) ); break; }
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_FREE_ADDRESS_RANGE; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.nAddressesToFree = pRemoteNode->RecvFIFOData.AddressesReturned; pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.p1394AddressRange = &pRemoteNode->RecvFIFOData.VcAddressRange; pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.pAddressRange = &pRemoteNode->RecvFIFOData.hAddressRange;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch( pRemoteNode, pIrp, pIrb );
pRemoteNode->RecvFIFOData.AllocatedAddressRange = FALSE;
// Dereference the Pdo Structure. Ref added in AllocateAddressRange.
// The Address Range is now free
nicDereferenceRemoteNode (pRemoteNode, "nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange");
} while (FALSE);
// Free the locally allocated memory
if (pIrp!= NULL) { nicFreeIrp(pIrp); } if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb(pIrb); }
// We do not care about the status, because we do not know what to do if it fails.
// However, spew some debug out.
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange FAILED %x", NdisStatus) ); ASSERT (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicFreeRecvFifoAddressRange Status %x (always success)", NdisStatus) );
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; return NdisStatus; }
VOID nicFreeAddressRangeDebugSpew( IN PIRB pIrb ) // This functions spews out the parameters in a Free Address Range Irb
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicFreeAddressRangeDebugSpew, pIrb = %x", pIrb) ); ASSERT(pIrb != NULL); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "Num Addresses Returned %x ",pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.nAddressesToFree ) ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "Address High %x", pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.p1394AddressRange->AR_Off_High ) ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "Address Low %x", pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.p1394AddressRange->AR_Off_Low ) ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "Address Length %x", pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.p1394AddressRange->AR_Length ) ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "Handle %x", pIrb->u.FreeAddressRange.pAddressRange ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicFreeAddressRangeDebugSpew " ) );
NDIS_STATUS nicFreeChannel( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN ULONG nChannel ) // Function Description:
// This function sends an Irp to the Bus driver to free a channel
// Any remote Pdo can be used for the Irp. However for the sake of
// bookkeeping use the same Pdo that the channel was allocated on (maybe)
// Arguments
// PdoCb The Pdo for the remote node to which the Irp is submitted
// Channel Pointer The Channel, requested and the channel returned
// Return Value:
// Success if the channel was allocated
// Failure otherwise
{ PIRP pIrp = NULL; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pPdo = pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicFreeChannel pAdapter %x, Channel %x", pAdapter, nChannel) ); ASSERT (pAdapter!= NULL); ASSERT (pPdo != NULL); ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); do {
if (pPdo == NULL) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "pPdo is NULL in nicFreeChannel" ) ); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb(&pIrb); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrb failed in nicFreeChannel" ) ); break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrp failed in nicFreeChannel" ) ); break; }
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_FREE_CHANNEL; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochFreeChannel.nChannel = nChannel;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
// Regardless update the mask, as the channel could have been freed by a bus reset
// Clear the channel in the mask
pAdapter->ChannelsAllocatedByLocalHost &= (~( g_ullOne <<nChannel ));
} while (FALSE);
// Free the locally allocated memory
if (pIrp!= NULL) { nicFreeIrp(pIrp); } if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb(pIrb); }
// We do not care about the status, because we do not know what to do if it fails.
// However, spew some debug out.
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicFreeChannel FAILED %x", NdisStatus) ); ASSERT (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicFreeChannel Status %x ", NdisStatus) );
return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicAllocateChannel ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN ULONG Channel, OUT PULARGE_INTEGER pChannelsAvailable OPTIONAL ) // Function Description:
// This function sends an Irp to the Bus driver to allocate a channel
// Any remote Pdo can be used for the Irp
// Arguments
// PdoCb The Pdo for the remote node to which the Irp is submitted
// Channel -The Channel, requested and the channel returned
// Return Value:
// Success if the channel was allocated
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochAllocateChannel, PdoCb, %x Channel %d", pAdapter, Channel ) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateChannel , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_ALLOCATE_CHANNEL; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateChannel.nRequestedChannel = Channel;
ASSERT (Channel < 64); NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateChannel , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateChannel , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; } if (pChannelsAvailable != NULL) { pChannelsAvailable->QuadPart = pIrb->u.IsochAllocateChannel.ChannelsAvailable.QuadPart;
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "Channel allocated %d", Channel ) );
// Set the channel in the mask
pAdapter->ChannelsAllocatedByLocalHost |= ( g_ullOne <<Channel );
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochAllocateChannel, Channel %d, Status %x", Channel, NdisStatus ) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicQueryChannelMap ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, OUT PULARGE_INTEGER pChannelsAvailable ) // Function Description:
// This function sends an Irp to the Bus driver to allocate a channel
// Any remote Pdo can be used for the Irp
// Arguments
// PdoCb The Pdo for the remote node to which the Irp is submitted
// Channel -The Channel, requested and the channel returned
// Return Value:
// Success if the channel was allocated
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicQueryChannelMap , PdoCb, %x ", pAdapter) );
do { if (pChannelsAvailable == NULL) { ASSERT (pChannelsAvailable != NULL); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicQueryChannelMap , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_QUERY_RESOURCES ; pIrb->u.IsochQueryResources.fulSpeed = SPEED_FLAGS_100; pIrb->Flags = 0;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicQueryChannelMap , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicQueryChannelMap , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
// We get the *available* channels, in network-byte order.
// We have to byte reverse and flip the bits to get
// it in the form we want.
// Looks like we really have to flip the *bits*, not just the bytes.
{ LARGE_INTEGER in, out; PUCHAR puc; UINT u; in = pIrb->u.IsochQueryResources.ChannelsAvailable; out.LowPart = ~SWAPBYTES_ULONG (in.HighPart ); out.HighPart = ~SWAPBYTES_ULONG (in.LowPart );
// Now swap the bits in each byte.
puc = (PUCHAR) &out; for (u=sizeof(out); u; u--,puc++) { UCHAR uc,uc1; UINT u1; uc= *puc; uc1=0; for (u1=0;u1<8;u1++) { if (uc & (1<<u1)) { uc1 |= (1 << (7-u1)); } } *puc = uc1; }
pChannelsAvailable->QuadPart = out.QuadPart; }
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicQueryChannelMap , , Status %x", NdisStatus ) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochAllocateBandwidth( IN PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNodePdoCb, IN ULONG MaxBytesPerFrameRequested, IN ULONG SpeedRequested, OUT PHANDLE phBandwidth, OUT PULONG pBytesPerFrameAvailable, OUT PULONG pSpeedSelected )
// Function Description:
// This function allocates bandwith on the bus
// Arguments
// PdoCb - Remote Nodes Pdo Block
// MaxBytesPerFrame Requested -
// SpeedRequested -
// hBandwidth
// pSpeedSelected
// Bytes Per Frame Available
// Return Value:
// hBandwidth,
// Speed and
// BytesPerFrameAvailable
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochAllocateBandwidth, pRemoteNodePdoCb %x", pRemoteNodePdoCb) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK( TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateBandwidth, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_ALLOCATE_BANDWIDTH; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateBandwidth.nMaxBytesPerFrameRequested = MaxBytesPerFrameRequested; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateBandwidth.fulSpeed = SpeedRequested;
ASSERT (pRemoteNodePdoCb->pPdo != NULL); NdisStatus = nicGetIrp (pRemoteNodePdoCb->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK( TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateBandwidth, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch ( pRemoteNodePdoCb, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE (TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateBandwidth, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED ") ); break; }
*phBandwidth = pIrb->u.IsochAllocateBandwidth.hBandwidth ; *pBytesPerFrameAvailable = pIrb->u.IsochAllocateBandwidth.BytesPerFrameAvailable; *pSpeedSelected = pIrb->u.IsochAllocateBandwidth.SpeedSelected; TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "hBandwidth %x", *phBandwidth) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "BytesPerFrameAvailable %x", *pBytesPerFrameAvailable) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "SpeedSelected %x", *pSpeedSelected) );
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochAllocateBandwidth NdisStatus %x", NdisStatus) );
return NdisStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicAsyncLock( PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode, IO_ADDRESS DestinationAddress, // Address to lock to
ULONG nNumberOfArgBytes, // Bytes in Arguments
ULONG nNumberOfDataBytes, // Bytes in DataValues
ULONG fulTransactionType, // Lock transaction type
ULONG Arguments[2], // Arguments used in Lock
ULONG DataValues[2], // Data values
PVOID pBuffer, // Destination buffer (virtual address)
ULONG ulGeneration // Generation as known by driver
// Function Description:
// This performs an asynchronous lock operation in another
// nodes address space
// Arguments
//PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode // Remote Node which owns the Destination address
//IO_ADDRESS DestinationAddress, // Address to lock to
//ULONG nNumberOfArgBytes, // Bytes in Arguments
//ULONG nNumberOfDataBytes, // Bytes in DataValues
//ULONG fulTransactionType, // Lock transaction type
//ULONG fulFlags, // Flags pertinent to lock
//ULONG Arguments[2], // Arguments used in Lock
//ULONG DataValues[2], // Data values
//PVOID pBuffer, // Destination buffer (virtual address)
//ULONG ulGeneration, // Generation as known by driver
// Return Value:
// Success - if successful
// Invalid Generation
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Mp, ( "==>nicAsyncLock, Remote Node, %x ", pRemoteNode ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Mp, ( " Destination %x, NumArgBytes %x, NumDataBytes ", DestinationAddress, nNumberOfArgBytes, nNumberOfDataBytes ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Mp, ( " TransactionType %x, , Buffer %x, Generation %x", fulTransactionType, pBuffer, ulGeneration ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Mp, ( " Arg[0] %x, Arg[1] %x, Data[0] %x, Data[1] %x", Arguments[0], Arguments[1], DataValues[0], DataValues[1] ) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK ( TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncLock, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ASYNC_LOCK; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.DestinationAddress = DestinationAddress; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.nNumberOfArgBytes = nNumberOfArgBytes; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.nNumberOfDataBytes = nNumberOfDataBytes; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.fulTransactionType = fulTransactionType; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.Arguments[0] = Arguments[0]; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.Arguments[1] = Arguments[1]; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.DataValues[0] = DataValues[0]; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.DataValues[1] = DataValues[1]; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.pBuffer = pBuffer; pIrb->u.AsyncLock.ulGeneration = ulGeneration; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNode->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK ( TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncLock, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch ( pRemoteNode, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE ( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncLock, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; } } while (FALSE);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Mp, ( "<==nicAsyncLock, Success , %x ", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicAsyncRead_Synch( PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode, IO_ADDRESS DestinationAddress, ULONG nNumberOfBytesToRead, ULONG nBlockSize, ULONG fulFlags, PMDL Mdl, ULONG ulGeneration, OUT NTSTATUS *pNtStatus )
// Function Description:
// This is an asyc read operation a remote node;s address space
// Arguments
//PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode // Remote Node which owns the Destination address
// IO_ADDRESS DestinationAddress; // Address to read from
// ULONG nNumberOfBytesToRead; // Bytes to read
// ULONG nBlockSize; // Block size of read
// ULONG fulFlags; // Flags pertinent to read
// PMDL Mdl; // Destination buffer
// ULONG ulGeneration; // Generation as known by driver
// Return Value:
// Success - if successful
// Invalid Generation
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Mp, ( "==>nicAsyncRead, Remote Node, %x ", pRemoteNode ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Mp, ( " fulFlags %x, Mdl %x, Generation %x, pNtStatus %x", fulFlags, Mdl, ulGeneration, pNtStatus ) );
ASSERT(DestinationAddress.IA_Destination_Offset.Off_High == INITIAL_REGISTER_SPACE_HI);
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK ( TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncRead, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ASYNC_READ; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.AsyncRead.DestinationAddress = DestinationAddress; pIrb->u.AsyncRead.nNumberOfBytesToRead = nNumberOfBytesToRead ; pIrb->u.AsyncRead.nBlockSize = nBlockSize ; pIrb->u.AsyncRead.fulFlags = fulFlags; pIrb->u.AsyncRead.Mdl = Mdl; pIrb->u.AsyncRead.ulGeneration = ulGeneration; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNode->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK ( TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncRead, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch ( pRemoteNode, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE ( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncRead, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %xm pRemoteNode %x", NdisStatus, pRemoteNode) ); break; }
if (pNtStatus != NULL) { *pNtStatus = pIrp->IoStatus.Status; }
} while (FALSE);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Mp, ( "<==nicAsyncRead, Status, %x ", NdisStatus) );
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicAsyncWrite_Synch( PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode, IO_ADDRESS DestinationAddress, // Address to write to
ULONG nNumberOfBytesToWrite, // Bytes to write
ULONG nBlockSize, // Block size of write
ULONG fulFlags, // Flags pertinent to write
PMDL Mdl, // Destination buffer
ULONG ulGeneration, // Generation as known by driver
OUT NTSTATUS *pNtStatus // pointer to NTSTatus returned by the IRP
// Function Description:
// This performs an asynchronous write operation in thje remote node's
// address space
// Arguments
//PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNode // Remote Node which owns the Destination address
//IO_ADDRESS DestinationAddress; // Address to write to
//ULONG nNumberOfBytesToWrite; // Bytes to write
//ULONG nBlockSize; // Block size of write
//ULONG fulFlags; // Flags pertinent to write
//PMDL Mdl; // Destination buffer
//ULONG ulGeneration; // Generation as known by driver
// Return Value:
// Success - if successful
// Invalid Generation
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Mp, ( "==>nicAsyncWrite_Synch, Remote Node, %x ", pRemoteNode ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Mp, ( " Destination %x, nNumberOfBytesToWrite %x, nBlockSize %x", DestinationAddress, nNumberOfBytesToWrite, nBlockSize) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Mp, ( " fulFlags %x, , Mdl %x, Generation %x, pNtStatus %x", fulFlags , Mdl, ulGeneration, pNtStatus ) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK ( TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncWrite_Synch, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ASYNC_WRITE; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.AsyncWrite.DestinationAddress = DestinationAddress; pIrb->u.AsyncWrite.nNumberOfBytesToWrite = nNumberOfBytesToWrite; pIrb->u.AsyncWrite.nBlockSize = nBlockSize; pIrb->u.AsyncWrite.fulFlags = fulFlags; pIrb->u.AsyncWrite.Mdl = Mdl; pIrb->u.AsyncWrite.ulGeneration = ulGeneration; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNode->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BREAK ( TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncWrite_Synch, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch ( pRemoteNode, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE ( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncWrite_Synch, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
if (pNtStatus != NULL) { *pNtStatus = pIrp->IoStatus.Status; } } while (FALSE);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Mp, ( "<==nicAsyncWrite_Synch, Success , %x Nt %x", NdisStatus, pIrp->IoStatus.Status) );
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochAllocateResources ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN ULONG fulSpeed, // Speed flags
IN ULONG fulFlags, // Flags
IN ULONG nChannel, // Channel to be used
IN ULONG nMaxBytesPerFrame, // Expected size of Isoch frame
IN ULONG nNumberOfBuffers, // Number of buffer(s) that will be attached
IN ULONG nMaxBufferSize, // Max size of buffer(s)
IN ULONG nQuadletsToStrip, // Number striped from start of every packet
IN ULARGE_INTEGER uliChannelMask, // ChannelMask for Multiple channels
IN OUT PHANDLE phResource // handle to Resource
) // Function Description:
// This function sends an allocate resources irp to the driver. The miniport must do this before it
// attempts any channel operation
// Arguments
// Taken from documentation for the IsochAllocateResources
// fulSpeed - should be the max speed the tx side is expected to stream
// The payload size in nMaxBytesPerFram cannot exceed the max payload for
// for this speed.
// fulFlags - For receive, wtih the standard header stripped, the field should
// Also nQuadletsToStrip = 1
// For no stripping set nQuadsTostrip to 0 and dont specify the stripping flag.
// nMaxBytesPerframe - If not stripping it should include the 8 bytes for header/trailer
// expected to be recieved for each packet.
// nNumberOfBuffer - see below
// nMaxBufferSize - This should be always such mode(nMaxBufferSize,nMaxBytesPerFrame) == 0
// (integer product of number of bytes per packet).
// nQuadletsTostrip - If stripping only one quadlet (standrd iso header) this is set to 1
// if zero, the isoch header will be included AND the trailer. So 8 bytes extra will be recieved
// hResource - see below
// Return Value:
// Success if the channel was allocated
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochAllocateResources ") ); ASSERT (fulSpeed != 0); // 0 is undefined in ISOCH_SP...
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateResources , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_ALLOCATE_RESOURCES; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.fulSpeed = fulSpeed; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.fulFlags = fulFlags; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nChannel = nChannel; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nMaxBytesPerFrame = nMaxBytesPerFrame; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nNumberOfBuffers = nNumberOfBuffers; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nMaxBufferSize = nMaxBufferSize; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nQuadletsToStrip = nQuadletsToStrip; pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.ChannelMask = uliChannelMask; nicIsochAllocateResourcesDebugSpew(pIrb);
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateResources , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateResources , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAllocateResources Succeeded hResource %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.hResource) );
*phResource = pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.hResource; } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochAllocateResources , Status %x, hResource %x", NdisStatus, *phResource ) );
return NdisStatus; }
VOID nicIsochAllocateResourcesDebugSpew( IN PIRB pIrb) {
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " Speed %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.fulSpeed ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " flags %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.fulFlags ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " Channel %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nChannel ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " nMaxBytesPerFrame %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nMaxBytesPerFrame ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " nNumberOfBuffers %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nNumberOfBuffers ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " nMaxBufferSize %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nMaxBufferSize ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " nQuadletsToStrip %x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.nQuadletsToStrip ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.ChannelMask %I64x", pIrb->u.IsochAllocateResources.ChannelMask ) );
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochFreeBandwidth( IN REMOTE_NODE *pRemoteNode, IN HANDLE hBandwidth ) // Function Description:
// Arguments
// Return Value:
{ PIRP pIrp = NULL; PIRB pIrb = NULL; DEVICE_OBJECT * pPdo = pRemoteNode->pPdo; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochFreeBandwidth pRemoteNode %x, hBandwidth %8x", pRemoteNode , hBandwidth) ); ASSERT (pRemoteNode != NULL); ASSERT (pRemoteNode->pPdo != NULL); ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); ASSERT (hBandwidth != NULL);
do {
if (pRemoteNode->pPdo == NULL) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "pPdo is NULL in nicIsochFreeBandwidth" ) ); NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb(&pIrb); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrb failed in nicIsochFreeBandwidth" ) ); break; }
ASSERT (pRemoteNode->pPdo != NULL); NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNode->pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrp failed in nicIsochFreeBandwidth" ) ); break; }
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_FREE_BANDWIDTH; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochFreeBandwidth.hBandwidth = hBandwidth;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch( pRemoteNode, pIrp, pIrb );
} while (FALSE);
// Free the locally allocated memory
if (pIrp!= NULL) { nicFreeIrp(pIrp); } if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb(pIrb); }
// We do not care about the status, because we do not know what to do if it fails.
// However, spew some debug out.
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochFreeBandwidth FAILED %x", NdisStatus) ); ASSERT (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochFreeBandwidth Status %x (always success)", NdisStatus) );
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochFreeResources( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN HANDLE hResource ) // Function Description:
// Arguments
// Return Value:
{ PIRP pIrp = NULL; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pPdo = pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochFreeResources pAdapter %x, hResource %8x", pAdapter, hResource) ); ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); ASSERT (hResource != NULL);
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb(&pIrb); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrb failed in nicIsochFreeResources" ) ); break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrp failed in nicIsochFreeResources" ) ); break; }
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_FREE_RESOURCES; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochFreeResources.hResource = hResource;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
} while (FALSE);
// Free the locally allocated memory
if (pIrp!= NULL) { nicFreeIrp(pIrp); } if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb(pIrb); }
// We do not care about the status, because we do not know what to do if it fails.
// However, spew some debug out.
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochFreeResources FAILED %x", NdisStatus) ); ASSERT (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochFreeResources Status %x (always success)", NdisStatus) );
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochModifyStreamProperties ( PADAPTERCB pAdapter, NDIS_HANDLE hResource, ULARGE_INTEGER ullChannelMap, ULONG ulSpeed) /*++
Routine Description: Sets up the Irp and uses the VDO to do an IoCallDriver Arguments:
Return Value:
--*/ { PIRP pIrp = NULL; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PDEVICE_OBJECT pPdo = pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochModifyStreamProperties pAdapter %x, hResource %x, Speed %x, ChannelMap %I64x", pAdapter, hResource, ulSpeed, ullChannelMap) ); ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == PASSIVE_LEVEL); ASSERT (hResource != NULL);
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb(&pIrb); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrb failed in nicIsochModifyStreamProperties " ) ); break; }
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetIrp failed in nicIsochModifyStreamProperties " ) ); break; }
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_MODIFY_STREAM_PROPERTIES ; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochModifyStreamProperties.hResource = hResource; pIrb->u.IsochModifyStreamProperties.ChannelMask = ullChannelMap; pIrb->u.IsochModifyStreamProperties.fulSpeed = ulSpeed;
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
} while (FALSE);
// Free the locally allocated memory
if (pIrp!= NULL) { nicFreeIrp(pIrp); } if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb(pIrb); }
// We do not care about the status, because we do not know what to do if it fails.
// However, spew some debug out.
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochModifyStreamProperties FAILED %x", NdisStatus) ); ASSERT (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochModifyStreamProperties Status %x (always success)", NdisStatus) );
return NdisStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicBusReset ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN OUT ULONG fulFlags ) // Function Description:
// This function sends an Irp to the Bus driver to reset the bus
// Any remote Pdo can be used for the Irp.
// A flag can be set to force the root to be reset
// Arguments
// PdoCb The Pdo for the remote node to which the Irp is submitted
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicBusReset , PdoCb, %x Flags %x", pAdapter, fulFlags ) ); ASSERT (pPdo != NULL); do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicBusReset , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_BUS_RESET; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.BusReset.fulFlags = fulFlags;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicBusReset, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "BUS RESET, Flags%d on pAdapter %x", fulFlags, pAdapter) );
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicBusReset , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
NdisInterlockedIncrement (&pAdapter->AdaptStats.ulNumResetsIssued); } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicBusReset %x", NdisStatus ) ); MATCH_IRQL; return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicBusResetNotification ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN ULONG fulFlags, IN PBUS_BUS_RESET_NOTIFICATION pResetRoutine, IN PVOID pResetContext ) // Function Description:
// This function sends an Irp to the Bus driver to register/deregister
// a notification routine. Any remote Pdo can be used for the Irp.
// Arguments
// PdoCb The Pdo for the remote node to which the Irp is submitted
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicBusResetNotification, pAdapter %x, Flags %x, Routine %x, Context %x", pAdapter, fulFlags, pResetRoutine, pResetContext ) );
ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql()==PASSIVE_LEVEL); do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicBusResetNotification , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_BUS_RESET_NOTIFICATION; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.BusResetNotification.fulFlags = fulFlags; pIrb->u.BusResetNotification.ResetRoutine = pResetRoutine; pIrb->u.BusResetNotification.ResetContext= pResetContext;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicBusResetNotification , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicBusResetNotification , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; } TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( " nicBusResetNotification success, Flags %d on pAdapter %x", fulFlags, pAdapter) ); } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicBusResetNotification %x", NdisStatus ) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicAsyncStream ( PREMOTE_NODE pRemoteNodePdoCb, ULONG nNumberOfBytesToStream, // Bytes to stream
ULONG fulFlags, // Flags pertinent to stream
PMDL pMdl, // Source buffer
ULONG ulTag, // Tag
ULONG nChannel, // Channel
ULONG ulSynch, // Sy
ULONG Reserved, // Reserved for future use
UCHAR nSpeed ) // Function Description:
// This is the interface to the Bus Apis. This will cause transmission on
// an isochronous channel. The data is supllied by a single Mdl
// Arguments
// nNumberOfBytesToStream, // Bytes to stream
// fulFlags, // Flags pertinent to stream
// Mdl, // Source buffer
// ulTag, // Tag
// nChannel, // Channel
// ulSynch, // Sy
// Reserved, // Reserved for future use
// nSpeed
// Return Value:
// Status of the Irp
NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PIRP pIrp = NULL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicAsyncStream , pRemoteNodePdoCb %x, Mdl %x", pRemoteNodePdoCb, pMdl) );
ASSERT (pRemoteNodePdoCb->pPdo != NULL); ASSERT (pMdl != NULL); do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncStream , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL); pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ASYNC_STREAM; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.nNumberOfBytesToStream = nNumberOfBytesToStream; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.fulFlags = fulFlags; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.ulTag = ulTag; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.nChannel = nChannel; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.ulSynch = ulSynch; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.nSpeed = nSpeed; pIrb->u.AsyncStream.Mdl = pMdl;
nicAsyncStreamDebugSpew (pIrb);
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pRemoteNodePdoCb->pPdo, &pIrp );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncStream , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
ASSERT ( REMOTE_NODE_TEST_FLAG (pRemoteNodePdoCb, PDO_Activated) ); NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_Synch ( pRemoteNodePdoCb, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicAsyncStream , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
if (pIrb != NULL) { nicFreeIrb (pIrb); }
if (pIrp != NULL) { nicFreeIrp (pIrp); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicAsyncStream , Status %x", NdisStatus ) );
return NdisStatus;
VOID nicAsyncStreamDebugSpew ( PIRB pIrb ) // Function Description:
// This function prints out all the parameters for an async stream irb
// Arguments
// Irb - whose paramters will be printed out
// Return Value:
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicAsyncStreamDebugSpew " ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Number of Bytes to Stream %x ", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.nNumberOfBytesToStream ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "fulFlags %x ", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.fulFlags ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "ulTag %x ", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.ulTag ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Channel %x", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.nChannel ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Synch %x", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.ulSynch ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Speed %x", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.nSpeed ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Mdl %x", pIrb->u.AsyncStream.Mdl ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicAsyncStreamDebugSpew " ) );
NDIS_STATUS nicGetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices ( PADAPTERCB pAdapter, UINT NumOfRemoteNodes, PDEVICE_OBJECT pArrayDestinationPDO[64], PULONG pSpeed ) // Function Description:
// This function submits an irp to the bus driver
// to get the max speed between 2 nodes
// Arguments
// Remote Node Start of an array of PDOs for remote nodes
// NumOfRemoteNodes The number of remote nodes we are interested in
// pArrayDestinationPDO = Array of Destination PDO's
// Return Value:
// Success if irp succeeded
// pSpeed will point to the Speed
{ NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; UINT index =0; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PIRP pIrp = NULL; BOOLEAN fRefRemoteNode = FALSE; ULONG NumRemote = NumOfRemoteNodes; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices pRemoteNodeArray %x", pArrayDestinationPDO ) ); TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>NumOfRemoteNodes %x, pSpeed %x", NumOfRemoteNodes, pSpeed ) );
do {
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
while (NumRemote != 0) { pIrb->u.GetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices.hDestinationDeviceObjects[NumRemote-1] = pArrayDestinationPDO[NumRemote-1]; TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " NumRemote %x, hPdo[] %x = pArray[] %x",NumRemote , pIrb->u.GetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices.hDestinationDeviceObjects[NumRemote-1] ,pArrayDestinationPDO[NumRemote-1] ) );
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( " &hPdo[] %x, &pArray[] %x", &pIrb->u.GetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices.hDestinationDeviceObjects[NumRemote-1] ,&pArrayDestinationPDO[NumRemote-1] ) );
// catching a strange condition that debug spew showed up
ASSERT (pArrayDestinationPDO[NumRemote] != pArrayDestinationPDO[NumRemote-1]); NumRemote --; }
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_SPEED_BETWEEN_DEVICES; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.GetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices.fulFlags = USE_LOCAL_NODE; pIrb->u.GetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices.ulNumberOfDestinations = NumOfRemoteNodes;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
*pSpeed = pIrb->u.GetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices.fulSpeed ;
} while (FALSE); //
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicGetMaxSpeedBetweenDevices Status %x, Speed %x", NdisStatus, *pSpeed ) );
return NdisStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochAttachBuffers ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN HANDLE hResource, IN ULONG nNumberOfDescriptors, PISOCH_DESCRIPTOR pIsochDescriptor ) // Function Description:
// Arguments
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
ASSERT (pIsochDescriptor!=NULL); ASSERT (hResource != NULL); ASSERT (nNumberOfDescriptors > 0);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochAttachBuffers, pAdapter, %x ", pAdapter) ); TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "hResource %x, nNumberOfDescriptors %x, pIsochDescriptor %x, ", hResource, nNumberOfDescriptors, pIsochDescriptor ) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAttachBuffers, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_ATTACH_BUFFERS; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochAttachBuffers.hResource = hResource ; pIrb->u.IsochAttachBuffers.nNumberOfDescriptors = nNumberOfDescriptors; pIrb->u.IsochAttachBuffers.pIsochDescriptor = pIsochDescriptor; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAttachBuffers , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAttachBuffers , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; } TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochAttachBuffers success") ); } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochAttachBuffers %x", NdisStatus ) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochDetachBuffers ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN HANDLE hResource, IN ULONG nNumberOfDescriptors, PISOCH_DESCRIPTOR pIsochDescriptor ) // Function Description:
// Arguments
// HANDLE hResource; // Resource handle
// ULONG nNumberOfDescriptors; // Number to detach
// PISOCH_DESCRIPTOR pIsochDescriptor; // Pointer to Isoch descriptors - same as
// pointer used in Attach Buffers
// Return Status :
// Success if the Irp succeeded
ASSERT (pIsochDescriptor!=NULL); ASSERT (hResource != NULL); ASSERT (nNumberOfDescriptors > 0);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochDetachBuffers, ") ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "hResource %x, nNumberOfDescriptors %x, pIsochDescriptor %x, ", hResource, nNumberOfDescriptors, pIsochDescriptor ) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochDetachBuffers, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_DETACH_BUFFERS; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochDetachBuffers.hResource = hResource ; pIrb->u.IsochDetachBuffers.nNumberOfDescriptors = nNumberOfDescriptors; pIrb->u.IsochDetachBuffers.pIsochDescriptor = pIsochDescriptor; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochDetachBuffers , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochDetachBuffers , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; } TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochDetachBuffers success, ") ); } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochDetachBuffers %x", NdisStatus ) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochListen ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, HANDLE hResource, ULONG fulFlags, CYCLE_TIME StartTime ) // Function Description:
// Activates the bus driver to listen to data on that channel
// Arguments
// RemoteNode - Remote Node
// hResource - Handle to resource with ISochDescriptors
// Flags - not used yet
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
ASSERT (hResource != NULL);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochListen, pAdapter %x, hResource %x ", pAdapter,hResource) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochListen, nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_LISTEN; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochListen.hResource = hResource ; pIrb->u.IsochListen.fulFlags = fulFlags; pIrb->u.IsochListen.StartTime = StartTime; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochListen , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb ); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochListen , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; } TRACE( TL_N, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochListen success, pAdapter %x", pAdapter) ); } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicIsochListen %x", NdisStatus ) ); return NdisStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicIsochStop ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN HANDLE hResource ) // Function Description:
// Issues an IsochStop Irp to the Device
// Should stop Isoch IO on that resource
// Arguments
// PdoCb The Pdo for the remote node to which the Irp is submitted
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicIsochStop , pPdo, %x hResource %x", pPdo, hResource) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochStop , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_ISOCH_STOP; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.IsochStop.hResource = hResource; pIrb->u.IsochStop.fulFlags = 0; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp (pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochStop , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicIsochStop , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<== nicIsochStop , Status ", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN PULONG pLength, IN PVOID pBuffer ) // Function Description:
// Retrieves the local hosts CSR.
// Arguments
// pBuffer - LocalHostBuffer
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
ASSERT (pLength != NULL); ASSERT (pBuffer != NULL); TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , pAdapter %x ,Length %x, Buffer", pAdapter, *pLength, pBuffer) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
LocalHostInfo6.CsrBaseAddress.Off_High = INITIAL_REGISTER_SPACE_HI; LocalHostInfo6.CsrBaseAddress.Off_Low = TOPOLOGY_MAP_LOCATION; LocalHostInfo6.CsrDataLength = *pLength; LocalHostInfo6.CsrDataBuffer = pBuffer; pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_LOCAL_HOST_INFO; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.nLevel = GET_HOST_CSR_CONTENTS; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.Information = &LocalHostInfo6;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) );
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "Length Needed %.x", LocalHostInfo6.CsrDataLength) );
if (pIrp->IoStatus.Status == STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE) { *pLength = LocalHostInfo6.CsrDataLength; } break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<== nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , Status %x", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicGetLocalHostConfigRom( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, OUT PVOID *ppCRom ) // Function Description:
// Retrieves the local hosts CSR.
// Arguments
// pBuffer - Locally allocated. Caller has to free
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetLocalHostConfigRom, pAdapter %x ", pAdapter) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostConfigRom , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
Info.ConfigRom = NULL; Info.ConfigRomLength = 0; pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_LOCAL_HOST_INFO ; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.nLevel = GET_HOST_CONFIG_ROM; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.Information = &Info; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostConfigRom , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
// First find the length
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (Info.ConfigRomLength == 0) { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostConfigRom, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break;
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
pCRom = ALLOC_NONPAGED (Info.ConfigRomLength, 'C31N');
if (pCRom == NULL) { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
Info.ConfigRom = pCRom;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostConfigRom, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostConfigRom, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; }
*ppCRom = pCRom;
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<== nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , Status %x", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicGetConfigRom( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pPdo, OUT PVOID *ppCrom ) // Function Description:
// Retrieves the Config Rom from the Device Object.
// Caller responsibility to free this memory.
// Arguments
// pBuffer - LocalHostBuffer
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
{ NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; PIRB pIrb = NULL; PIRP pIrp = NULL; ULONG SizeNeeded= 0; PVOID pConfigInfoBuffer;
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetConfigRom, pPdo %x ",pPdo ) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION_INFO; NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetConfigRom, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_PDOSynch ( pPdo, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetConfigRom, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) );
break; }
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
SizeNeeded = sizeof(CONFIG_ROM) +pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDirectoryBufferSize + pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDependentDirectoryBufferSize + pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.VendorLeafBufferSize + pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.ModelLeafBufferSize;
TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetConfigRom , SixeNeeded %x", SizeNeeded) );
pConfigInfoBuffer = ALLOC_NONPAGED (SizeNeeded , 'C13N');
if (pConfigInfoBuffer == NULL) { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; }
pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.ConfigRom = (PCONFIG_ROM)pConfigInfoBuffer; pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDirectory = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)pConfigInfoBuffer + sizeof(CONFIG_ROM)); pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDependentDirectory = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDirectory + pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDirectoryBufferSize); pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.VendorLeaf = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDependentDirectory + pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.UnitDependentDirectoryBufferSize); pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.ModelLeaf = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.VendorLeaf + pIrb->u.GetConfigurationInformation.VendorLeafBufferSize); pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION_INFO;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pPdo, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetConfigRom, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_PDOSynch ( pPdo, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetConfigRom, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) );
break; } TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetConfigRom, pConfigRom %x, Size %x", pConfigInfoBuffer , SizeNeeded ) );
*ppCrom = pConfigInfoBuffer; } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<== nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , Status %x", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicGetReadWriteCapLocalHost( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, PGET_LOCAL_HOST_INFO2 pReadWriteCaps ) /*++
Routine Description: Gets the ReadWrite Capabilities for the local host
Arguments: ReadWriteCaps - To be filled up byt the bus driver
Return Value:
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetReadWriteCapLocalHost, pAdapter %x pReadWriteCaps %x", pAdapter, pReadWriteCaps) );
do { NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetReadWriteCapLocalHost , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
NdisZeroMemory (pReadWriteCaps, sizeof(*pReadWriteCaps)); pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_LOCAL_HOST_INFO; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.nLevel = GET_HOST_CAPABILITIES; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.Information = pReadWriteCaps;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetReadWriteCapLocalHost, nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetReadWriteCapLocalHost, nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) );
break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<== nicGetReadWriteCapLocalHost, Status %x", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
NDIS_STATUS nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom ( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN PUCHAR pConfigRom, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG Flags, IN OUT PHANDLE phCromData, IN OUT PMDL *ppConfigRomMdl )
// Function Description:
// Allocates an MDL pointing to the Buffer
// and sends it to the bus driver
// Arguments
// pAdapter - Local host
// ConfigRom - Buffer to be sent to the bus driver
// Length - Length of the Config Rom Buffer
// Flags - Add or remove
// phConfigRom - if Remove then this is an input parameter
// Return Value:
// Handle - Is successful
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom , pAdapter %x, pConfigRom %x",pAdapter, pConfigRom) );
if (Flags == SLHP_FLAG_ADD_CROM_DATA) { TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( " ADD") );
} else { TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( " REMOVE Handle %x", *pConfigRom) ); }
do { //
// Get an mdl describing the config rom
NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL); //
// Initialize the set local host struct
if (Flags == SLHP_FLAG_ADD_CROM_DATA) { NdisStatus = nicGetMdl ( Length, pConfigRom, &pMdl);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; }
SetLocalHost3.fulFlags = SLHP_FLAG_ADD_CROM_DATA; SetLocalHost3.hCromData = NULL; SetLocalHost3.nLength = Length; SetLocalHost3.Mdl = pMdl; } else { SetLocalHost3.fulFlags = SLHP_FLAG_REMOVE_CROM_DATA ; ASSERT (phCromData != NULL); SetLocalHost3.hCromData = *phCromData; }
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_SET_LOCAL_HOST_PROPERTIES; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.nLevel = SET_LOCAL_HOST_PROPERTIES_MODIFY_CROM; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.Information = &SetLocalHost3;
// Get an Irp
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) ); break;
if (Flags == SLHP_FLAG_ADD_CROM_DATA) { *phCromData = SetLocalHost3.hCromData; *ppConfigRomMdl = pMdl;
} else { //
// Free the Mdl that contains the CROM
ASSERT (*ppConfigRomMdl); nicFreeMdl (*ppConfigRomMdl); } } while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicSetLocalHostPropertiesCRom pAdapter %x", pAdapter ) );
return NdisStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicGetLocalHostUniqueId( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN OUT PGET_LOCAL_HOST_INFO1 pUid ) // Function Description:
// Retrieves the local hosts UniqueId.
// Arguments
// pBuffer - LocalHostBuffer
// Return Value:
// Success if the Irp Succeeded
// Failure otherwise
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicGetLocalHostUniqueId , pAdapter%x ,pUid", pAdapter, pUid) );
do { ASSERT (pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject != NULL); NdisStatus = nicGetIrb (&pIrb);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostUniqueId , nicGetIrb FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT ( pIrb != NULL);
//Initialize the datastructures in the Irb
pIrb->FunctionNumber = REQUEST_GET_LOCAL_HOST_INFO; pIrb->Flags = 0; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.nLevel = GET_HOST_UNIQUE_ID; pIrb->u.GetLocalHostInformation.Information = (PVOID) pUid;
NdisStatus = nicGetIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, &pIrp);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostCSRTopologyMap , nicGetIrp FAILED" ) ); break; } ASSERT (pIrp != NULL);
NdisStatus = nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch ( pAdapter, pIrp, pIrb );
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "nicGetLocalHostUniqueId , nicSubmitIrp_Synch FAILED %x", NdisStatus ) );
break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Now free all the locally allocated resources. They can point to NULL, in which case the called
// functions return immediately
nicFreeIrb (pIrb);
nicFreeIrp (pIrp);
MATCH_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<== nicGetLocalHostUniqueId , Status %x", NdisStatus) ); return NdisStatus; }
// The routines to submit Irp's to the bus, synchronously or
// asynchronously begin here
// This is the generic function used by all Irp Send Handlers
// to do an IoCallDriver. It sets up the next location in the
// stack prior to calling the Irp
// Make sure the Irp knows about the Irb by setting it up as an argument
NTSTATUS NtStatus ; PIO_STACK_LOCATION NextIrpStack; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicSubmitIrp, pPdo %x, Irp %x, Irb %x, ", pPdo, pIrp ,pIrb, pCompletion ) );
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( " pCompletion %x, pContext %x", pCompletion, pContext ) );
ASSERT (pPdo != NULL);
IoSetCompletionRoutine (pIrp, pCompletion, pContext, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
// Insert the Irp as as the argument in the NextStack location for the IRP
if (pIrb) { NextIrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation (pIrp); NextIrpStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; NextIrpStack->DeviceObject = pPdo; NextIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = IOCTL_1394_CLASS; NextIrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = pIrb; } else { IoCopyCurrentIrpStackLocationToNext(pIrp); }
// Reference the PDO and Submit the Irp
// If Ref fails, it means the PDO has been deactivated on another thread
NtStatus = IoCallDriver (pPdo, pIrp);
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicSubmitIrp, PDO %x, NtStatus %x", pPdo, NtStatus ) ); //
// Since we did a IoCallDriver, we have a guarantee that the completion
// routine will be called. Exit gracefully
return NtStatus;
NDIS_STATUS nicSubmitIrp_Synch( IN REMOTE_NODE *pRemoteNode, IN PIRP pIrp, IN PIRB pIrb )
// Callers need to make sure that no context is set for the Irp
// as it will be a synchronous call for them
// We refcount the Pdo block so that the pdo block will not disappear
// during the duration of the IoCallDriver
{ NDIS_EVENT NdisSynchEvent; NTSTATUS NtStatus; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; BOOLEAN bSuccessful = FALSE; BOOLEAN bIsPdoValid = FALSE; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicSubmitIrp_Synch, PDO %x", pRemoteNode->pPdo ) );
ASSERT (pRemoteNode != NULL); ASSERT (pRemoteNode->pPdo != NULL); ASSERT (pIrp != NULL); ASSERT (pIrb != NULL)
do { //
// Check to see if Pdo is Valid. We do not care here if the Pdo is being
// removed because Vcs may want to submit Irps as part of their cleanup
// process
if ( REMOTE_NODE_TEST_FLAG (pRemoteNode, PDO_Activated ) && (nicReferenceRemoteNode (pRemoteNode, "nicSubmitIrp_Synch") == TRUE) ) { bIsPdoValid = TRUE; }
if ( bIsPdoValid == FALSE) { NtStatus = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "==>PDO is NOT Valid, nicSubmitIrp_Synch, PdoCb %x, Pdo %x", pRemoteNode, pRemoteNode->pPdo ) );
break; }
// Add a reference to the PDO block so it cannot be removed
// This reference is decremented at the end of this function
NdisInitializeEvent (&NdisSynchEvent);
NtStatus = nicSubmitIrp ( pRemoteNode->pPdo, pIrp, pIrb, nicSubmitIrp_SynchComplete, (PVOID)&NdisSynchEvent);
} while (FALSE);
if (NT_SUCCESS (NtStatus) ==TRUE) // Could also pend
{ //
// Now we need to wait for the event to complete
// and return a good status if we do not hit the timeout
bSuccessful = NdisWaitEvent (&NdisSynchEvent,0x0fffffff);
if (bSuccessful == TRUE) { //
// We waited successfully. Now lets see how the Irp fared.
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, (" Irp Completed Status %x", pIrp->IoStatus.Status) ); NdisStatus = NtStatusToNdisStatus (pIrp->IoStatus.Status); } else { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; }
} else { //
// The call to submit Irp failed synvhronously. Presently, the only cause is an
NdisStatus = NtStatusToNdisStatus (NtStatus);
if (bIsPdoValid == TRUE) { //
// If this variable is set, it means we have referenced the PDO
nicDereferenceRemoteNode (pRemoteNode, "nicSubmitIrp_Synch"); } TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicSubmitIrp_Synch, bSuccessful %.2x, Status %x", bSuccessful, NdisStatus) );
return NdisStatus;
NTSTATUS nicSubmitIrp_SynchComplete( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp, IN PVOID Context ) // This is the completion routine for functions nicSubmitIrp_synch.
// It sets the event (int the context) and exits
{ PNDIS_EVENT pNdisSynchEvent = (PNDIS_EVENT) Context; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicSubmitIrp_SynchComplete, PDO %x, pIrp %x, status %x",DeviceObject,pIrp, pIrp->IoStatus.Status ) );
NdisSetEvent (pNdisSynchEvent);
NDIS_STATUS nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch( IN PADAPTERCB pAdapter, IN PIRP pIrp, IN PIRB pIrb )
// Callers need to make sure that no context is set for the Irp
// as it will be a synchronous call for them
// No Checking
{ NDIS_EVENT NdisSynchEvent; NTSTATUS NtStatus; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; BOOLEAN bSuccessful = FALSE; BOOLEAN bIsPdoValid = FALSE; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch, PDO %x", pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject ) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Current Irql , %.2x", KeGetCurrentIrql()) );
ASSERT (pIrp != NULL); ASSERT (pIrb != NULL)
do { //
// Check to see if Pdo is Valid.
// Add a reference to the PDO block so it cannot be removed
// This reference is decremented at the end of this function
// This reference is decrement below
if (ADAPTER_ACTIVE(pAdapter)) { nicReferenceAdapter(pAdapter, "nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch"); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Adapter Active pAdapter %x, ulflags %x", pAdapter , pAdapter->ulFlags) );
bIsPdoValid = TRUE; } else { TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Adapter INActive pAdapter %x, ulflags %x", pAdapter , pAdapter->ulFlags) ); bIsPdoValid = FALSE;
if ( bIsPdoValid == FALSE) { NtStatus = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; TRACE( TL_A, TM_Irp, ( "==>PDO is NOT Valid, nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch, pAdapter %x, Pdo %x", pAdapter , pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject) );
break; }
NdisInitializeEvent (&NdisSynchEvent);
NtStatus = nicSubmitIrp ( pAdapter->pNdisDeviceObject, pIrp, pIrb, nicSubmitIrp_SynchComplete, (PVOID)&NdisSynchEvent);
} while (FALSE);
if (NT_SUCCESS (NtStatus) ==TRUE) // Could also pend
{ //
// Now we need to wait for the event to complete
// and return a good status if we do not hit the timeout
bSuccessful = NdisWaitEvent (&NdisSynchEvent,WAIT_INFINITE);
if (bSuccessful == TRUE) { //
// We waited successfully. Now lets see how the Irp fared.
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, (" Irp Completed Status %x", pIrp->IoStatus.Status) ); NdisStatus = NtStatusToNdisStatus (pIrp->IoStatus.Status); } else { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; }
} else { //
// IoCallDriver failed synchronously
NdisStatus = NtStatusToNdisStatus (NtStatus); }
if (bIsPdoValid == TRUE) { nicDereferenceAdapter(pAdapter, "nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch"); } TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicSubmitIrp_LocalHostSynch, bSuccessful %.2x, Status %x", bSuccessful, NdisStatus) );
return NdisStatus;
// Callers need to make sure that no context is set for the Irp
// as it will be a synchronous call for them
// No Checking
{ NDIS_EVENT NdisSynchEvent; NTSTATUS NtStatus; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; BOOLEAN bSuccessful = FALSE; BOOLEAN bIsPdoValid = FALSE; STORE_CURRENT_IRQL; TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "==>nicSubmitIrp_PDOSynch, PDO %x", pPdo) ); TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, ( "Current Irql , %.2x", KeGetCurrentIrql()) );
ASSERT (pIrp != NULL); ASSERT (pIrb != NULL)
// No Checks to see if Pdo is Valid.
// Send the Irp to the bus driver
NdisInitializeEvent (&NdisSynchEvent);
NtStatus = nicSubmitIrp ( pPdo, pIrp, pIrb, nicSubmitIrp_SynchComplete, (PVOID)&NdisSynchEvent);
if (NT_SUCCESS (NtStatus) ==TRUE) // Could also pend
{ //
// Now we need to wait for the event to complete
// and return a good status if we do not hit the timeout
bSuccessful = NdisWaitEvent (&NdisSynchEvent,WAIT_INFINITE);
if (bSuccessful == TRUE) { //
// We waited successfully. Now lets see how the Irp fared.
TRACE( TL_V, TM_Irp, (" Irp Completed Status %x", pIrp->IoStatus.Status) ); NdisStatus = NtStatusToNdisStatus (pIrp->IoStatus.Status); } else { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; }
} else { //
// IoCallDriver failed synchronously
NdisStatus = NtStatusToNdisStatus (NtStatus); }
TRACE( TL_T, TM_Irp, ( "<==nicSubmitIrp_PDOSynch, bSuccessful %.2x, Status %x", bSuccessful, NdisStatus) ); MATCH_IRQL; return NdisStatus;