// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// File: F R I E N D L Y . C P P
// Contents: Creates indexes for device installs and sets friendly
// name descriptions based on the indexes.
// Notes:
// Author: billbe 6 Nov 1998
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "adapter.h"
#include "classinst.h"
#include "ncmsz.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncsetup.h"
#include "util.h"
const WCHAR c_szRegValueInstanceIndex[] = L"InstanceIndex";
const DWORD c_cchIndexValueNameLen = 6; const ULONG c_cMaxDescriptions = 10001; // SetupDi only allows 0-9999
const WCHAR c_szRegKeyDescriptions[] = L"Descriptions";
// Function: HrCiAddNextAvailableIndex
// Purpose: Adds the next available index to a multi-sz of indexes.
// Arguments:
// pmszIndexesIn [in] MultiSz of current indexes.
// pulIndex [inout] The index added.
// ppmszIndexesOut[out] New multiSz with the added index.
// Returns: HRESULT. S_OK is successful, a converted Win32 error otherwise
// Author: billbe 30 Oct 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrCiAddNextAvailableIndex(PWSTR pmszIndexesIn, ULONG* pIndex, PWSTR* ppmszIndexesOut) { Assert(pmszIndexesIn); Assert(ppmszIndexesOut);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szIndex[c_cchIndexValueNameLen];
// clear out param.
*ppmszIndexesOut = NULL;
// We are adding a new index. Find the first available
// index.
ULONG Index; ULONG NextIndex; PWSTR pszStopString; PWSTR pszCurrentIndex = pmszIndexesIn; DWORD PositionInMultiSz = 0; for (NextIndex = 1; NextIndex < c_cMaxDescriptions; ++NextIndex) { Index = wcstoul(pszCurrentIndex, &pszStopString, c_nBase10); if (Index != NextIndex) { // We found an available index. Now we insert it.
swprintf(szIndex, L"%u", NextIndex); BOOL fChanged; hr = HrAddSzToMultiSz(szIndex, pmszIndexesIn, STRING_FLAG_ENSURE_AT_INDEX, PositionInMultiSz, ppmszIndexesOut, &fChanged);
AssertSz(fChanged, "We were adding a new index. Something had to change!"); break; }
// Try the next index.
pszCurrentIndex += wcslen(pszCurrentIndex) + 1; }
// If we succeeded, set the output param.
if (S_OK == hr) { *pIndex = NextIndex; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrCiAddNextAvailableIndex"); return hr; }
// Function: HrCiCreateAndWaitForIndexListMutex
// Purpose: Creates Updates the description map by adding or removing
// entries for pszDescription.
// Arguments:
// pszName [in] The name for this mutex.
// phMutex [out] The created mutex.
// Returns: HRESULT. S_OK is successful, a converted Win32 error otherwise
// Author: billbe 30 Oct 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrCiCreateAndWaitForIndexListMutex(HANDLE* phMutex) { Assert(phMutex);
const WCHAR c_szMutexName[] = L"Global\\{84b06608-8026-11d2-b1f2-00c04fd912b2}";
// Create the mutex.
hr = HrCreateMutexWithWorldAccess(c_szMutexName, FALSE, NULL, phMutex);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Wait until the mutex is free or cMaxWaitMilliseconds seconds
// have passed.
while (1) { const DWORD cMaxWaitMilliseconds = 30000; // 30 seconds
DWORD dwWait = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (1, phMutex, FALSE, cMaxWaitMilliseconds, QS_ALLINPUT); if ((WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) == dwWait) { // We have messages to pump.
MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,NULL,NULL,PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage (&msg); } } else { // Wait is satisfied, or we had a timeout, or an error.
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwWait) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_TIMEOUT); } else if (0xFFFFFFFF == dwWait) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error (); }
break; } } }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrCiCreateAndWaitForIndexListMutex"); return hr; }
// Function: HrCiUpdateDescriptionIndexList
// Purpose: Updates the description map by adding or removing
// entries for pszDescription.
// Arguments:
// pguidClass [in] The device's class guid
// pszDescription [in] Description of the adapter
// eOp [in] The operation to perform. DM_ADD to add
// an index, DM_DELETE to delete an index.
// pulIndex [inout] The index added if eOp was DM_ADD.
// The index to delete if eOp was DM_DELETE.
// Returns: HRESULT. S_OK is successful, a converted Win32 error otherwise
// Author: billbe 30 Oct 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrCiUpdateDescriptionIndexList ( IN NETCLASS Class, IN PCWSTR pszDescription, IN DM_OP eOp, IN OUT ULONG* pIndex) { Assert(pszDescription); Assert(pIndex); Assert(FIsEnumerated(Class));
// We don't want to update a decription's index list at the same time
// as another process, so create a mutex and wait until it is available.
HANDLE hMutex = NULL; HRESULT hr = HrCiCreateAndWaitForIndexListMutex(&hMutex);
if (S_OK == hr) {
// Build the path to the description key
// e.g. ...\Network\<net/infrared guid>\c_szRegKeyDescriptions
WCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR pszNetworkSubtreePath;
pszNetworkSubtreePath = MAP_NETCLASS_TO_NETWORK_SUBTREE[Class]; AssertSz (pszNetworkSubtreePath, "This class does not use the network subtree.");
wcscpy (szPath, pszNetworkSubtreePath); wcscat (szPath, L"\\"); wcscat (szPath, c_szRegKeyDescriptions);
// Open/Create the description key
HKEY hkeyDescription; hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPath, 0, KEY_READ_WRITE_DELETE, NULL, &hkeyDescription, NULL);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Get the description index list if it exists.
PWSTR pmszIndexesOld;
hr = HrRegQueryMultiSzWithAlloc( hkeyDescription, pszDescription, &pmszIndexesOld);
// If we have the list...
if (S_OK == hr) { // Perform the requested operation on the list.
PWSTR pmszBufferToSet = NULL; PWSTR pmszIndexesNew = NULL;
if (DM_ADD == eOp) { // We need to add a new index.
hr = HrCiAddNextAvailableIndex(pmszIndexesOld, pIndex, &pmszIndexesNew);
pmszBufferToSet = pmszIndexesNew; } else if (DM_DELETE == eOp) { // Delete the index from the list.
WCHAR szDelete[c_cchIndexValueNameLen]; BOOL fRemoved; swprintf(szDelete, L"%u", *pIndex); RemoveSzFromMultiSz(szDelete, pmszIndexesOld, STRING_FLAG_REMOVE_SINGLE, &fRemoved);
// If something was removed, check to see if the
// index list is empty. If it is, delete the
// registry value.
if (fRemoved) { ULONG cchIndexes = CchOfMultiSzSafe(pmszIndexesOld); if (!cchIndexes) { // Index list is empty, delete the value.
HrRegDeleteValue(hkeyDescription, pszDescription); } else { // Something was removed and there are still
// index entries so we have a buffer to set in the
// registry.
pmszBufferToSet = pmszIndexesOld; } } }
// If we succeeded and have a new list to set...
if ((S_OK == hr) && pmszBufferToSet) { // Set the map back in the registry.
hr = HrRegSetMultiSz(hkeyDescription, pszDescription, pmszBufferToSet); }
MemFree(pmszIndexesNew); MemFree(pmszIndexesOld); } else if ((HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) && (DM_ADD == eOp)) { // There was no entry for this description so we need to
// create one.
hr = HrRegAddStringToMultiSz(L"1", hkeyDescription, NULL, pszDescription, STRING_FLAG_ENSURE_AT_FRONT, 0);
if (S_OK == hr) { *pIndex = 1; } }
RegCloseKey(hkeyDescription); }
ReleaseMutex(hMutex); CloseHandle(hMutex); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrCiUpdateDescriptionIndexList"); return hr; }
// Function: CiSetFriendlyNameIfNeeded
// Purpose: Sets an instance index for the adapter. If this adapter's
// description already exists (i.e. another similar adapter
// is installed), then a friendly name for this adapter will be
// set using the current description appened with the instance
// index.
// Arguments:
// cii [in] See classinst.h
// Returns: nothing
// Author: billbe 30 Oct 1998
// Notes: If previous adapter descriptions were Foo, Foo, Foo
// They will have friendly names Foo, Foo #2, Foo #3
VOID CiSetFriendlyNameIfNeeded(IN const COMPONENT_INSTALL_INFO& cii) { Assert(IsValidHandle(cii.hdi)); Assert(cii.pdeid); Assert(FIsEnumerated(cii.Class)); Assert(cii.pszDescription);
// Open the device parameters key.
HKEY hkeyDevice; HRESULT hr;
hr = HrSetupDiCreateDevRegKey(cii.hdi, cii.pdeid, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DEV, NULL, NULL, &hkeyDevice);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Does this device already have an index?
DWORD Index; hr = HrRegQueryDword(hkeyDevice, c_szRegValueInstanceIndex, &Index);
// This device doesn't have an index, so we need to give it one.
if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr) { // Update the description map and get the new index.
hr = HrCiUpdateDescriptionIndexList(cii.Class, cii.pszDescription, DM_ADD, &Index);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Store the index there so we can retrieve it when
// the device is uninstalled and delete the index from
// out table of indexes in use.
(void) HrRegSetDword(hkeyDevice, c_szRegValueInstanceIndex, Index); } }
// The first index doesn't get a new name.
// i.e. the following same named devices:
// foo, foo, foo
// become
// foo, foo #2, foo #3
if ((S_OK == hr) && (1 != Index) && !FIsFilterDevice(cii.hdi, cii.pdeid)) { // Now build the new name of this device using the index
// number.
// Note: It doesn't matter if we failed to open the driver key
// above; we can still continue. It only means that this index
// cannot be reused if the device is deleted.
WCHAR szIndex[c_cchIndexValueNameLen]; swprintf(szIndex, L"%u", Index);
WCHAR szNewName[LINE_LEN + 1] = {0}; wcsncpy(szNewName, cii.pszDescription, LINE_LEN - c_cchIndexValueNameLen); wcscat(szNewName, L" #"); wcscat(szNewName, szIndex);
// Set the new name as the friendly name of the device
hr = HrSetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(cii.hdi, cii.pdeid, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(szNewName), CbOfSzAndTerm(szNewName));
RegCloseKey(hkeyDevice); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "FCiSetFriendlyNameIfNeeded"); }