// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// File: N E T C F G . C P P
// Contents: The main set of routines for dealing with the network
// binding engine.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 15 Jan 1999
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "diagctx.h"
#include "inetcfg.h"
#include "persist.h"
#include "netcfg.h"
#include "util.h"
// Called after a component has been removed. In case this component
// is still listed in any other component's references, we remove those
// references. This can happen if a notify object installs something
// on behalf of its component, but forgets to remove it.
VOID CNetConfigCore::EnsureComponentNotReferencedByOthers ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
CComponentList::iterator iter; CComponent* pScan;
for (iter = Components.begin(); iter != Components.end(); iter++) { pScan = *iter; Assert (pScan);
if (pScan->Refs.FIsReferencedByComponent (pComponent)) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, " %S is still referenced by %S. " "Removing the refernce.\n", pScan->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId(), pComponent->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId());
pScan->Refs.RemoveReferenceByComponent (pComponent); } } }
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrCopyCore ( IN const CNetConfigCore* pSourceCore) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
hr = Components.HrCopyComponentList (&pSourceCore->Components); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; }
hr = StackTable.HrCopyStackTable (&pSourceCore->StackTable); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; }
hr = DisabledBindings.HrCopyBindingSet (&pSourceCore->DisabledBindings); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; }
finished: if (S_OK != hr) { Clear (); } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CNetConfigCore::HrCopyCore"); return hr; }
VOID CNetConfigCore::Clear () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
Assert (this);
DisabledBindings.Clear(); StackTable.Clear(); Components.Clear(); }
VOID CNetConfigCore::Free () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
Assert (this);
FreeCollectionAndItem (Components); }
BOOL CNetConfigCore::FIsEmpty () const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
return Components.FIsEmpty () && StackTable.FIsEmpty () && DisabledBindings.FIsEmpty (); }
BOOL CNetConfigCore::FContainsFilterComponent () const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent;
for (iter = Components.begin(); iter != Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
if (pComponent->FIsFilter()) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL CNetConfigCore::FIsBindPathDisabled ( IN const CBindPath* pBindPath, IN DWORD dwFlags /* IBD_FLAGS */) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); const CBindPath* pScan;
Assert (this); Assert (pBindPath); Assert ((dwFlags & IBD_EXACT_MATCH_ONLY) || (dwFlags & IBD_MATCH_SUBPATHS_TOO));
DbgVerifyBindingSet (&DisabledBindings);
// The bindpath is disabled if it matches one of the bindpaths in
// the disabled set or if one of the bindpaths in the disabled set
// is a subpath of it.
// IBD_EXACT_MATCH_ONLY is used when writing bindings to the registry.
// We only neglect writing a disabled binding for the components
// which directly have the disabled binding. i.e. if
// netbt>-tcpip->adapter is disabled, we only negect to write the
// binding for netbt. We still write binding for components above
// netbt (server, client) as if they were bound. We do this because
// 1) it doesn't matter that the upper components have these written
// 2) it means we don't have to involve these upper components in
// PnP notifications when then binding is enabled/disabled.
// IBD_MATCH_SUBPATHS_TOO is used when reporting bindpaths as enabled
// or disabled through the INetCfg interface. To clients, a binding
// is disabled if any of its subpaths are disabled. It has to be
// because there is no way that connectivity along the entire path
// will happen if any of the subpaths are cut-off (disabled).
for (pScan = DisabledBindings.begin(); pScan != DisabledBindings.end(); pScan++) { if (pScan->FIsSameBindPathAs (pBindPath)) { return TRUE; }
if (dwFlags & IBD_MATCH_SUBPATHS_TOO) { if (pScan->FIsSubPathOf (pBindPath)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
// An alternate way to check if a bindpath is disabled when you have
// just the two components in question and you know that they are expected
// to be bound to one another. Using this method as opposed to
// FIsBindPathDisabled is better when you don't have the binpath allocated
// and don't want to allocate one just to check it. Thus, this method
// allocates no memory and doesn't need to check subpaths because a bindpath
// of length 2 can have no subpaths. This method is used primarily when
// seeing if a filter is bound to an adapter.
BOOL CNetConfigCore::FIsLength2BindPathDisabled ( IN const CComponent* pUpper, IN const CComponent* pLower) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); const CBindPath* pScan;
Assert (this); Assert (pUpper); Assert (pLower);
DbgVerifyBindingSet (&DisabledBindings);
for (pScan = DisabledBindings.begin(); pScan != DisabledBindings.end(); pScan++) { if (pScan->CountComponents() != 2) { continue; }
if ((pScan->POwner() == pUpper) && (pScan->PLastComponent() == pLower)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrDisableBindPath ( IN const CBindPath* pBindPath) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase);
Assert (this); Assert (pBindPath);
hr = DisabledBindings.HrAddBindPath ( pBindPath, INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP | INS_APPEND);
DbgVerifyBindingSet (&DisabledBindings);
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CNetConfigCore::HrDisableBindPath"); return hr; }
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrGetComponentBindings ( IN const CComponent* pComponent, IN DWORD dwFlags /* GB_FLAGS */, OUT CBindingSet* pBindSet) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); GBCONTEXT Ctx;
Assert (pComponent); Assert (pBindSet);
// Initialize the output parameter.
if (!(dwFlags & GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET)) { pBindSet->Clear(); }
// Initialize the members of our context structure for recursion.
// We set the append bindpath flags to assert if a duplicate is inserted
// because we know that GetBindingsBelowComponent will not insert
// duplicates under normal conditions.
ZeroMemory (&Ctx, sizeof(Ctx)); Ctx.pCore = this; Ctx.pBindSet = pBindSet; Ctx.pSourceComponent = pComponent; Ctx.fPruneDisabledBindings = (dwFlags & GBF_PRUNE_DISABLED_BINDINGS); Ctx.dwAddBindPathFlags = (dwFlags & GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET) ? INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP : INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP;
GetBindingsBelowComponent (pComponent, &Ctx);
// Verify the bindset we are about to return is valid.
// (Checked builds only.)
if (S_OK == Ctx.hr) { DbgVerifyBindingSet (pBindSet); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, Ctx.hr, FALSE, "CNetConfigCore::HrGetComponentBindings"); return Ctx.hr; }
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrGetComponentUpperBindings ( IN const CComponent* pComponent, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT CBindingSet* pBindSet) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CBindPath BindPath; const CStackEntry* pScan; DWORD dwAddBindPathFlags;
Assert (pComponent); Assert (FIsEnumerated(pComponent->Class())); Assert ((GBF_DEFAULT == dwFlags) || (dwFlags & GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET) || (dwFlags & GBF_PRUNE_DISABLED_BINDINGS)); Assert (pBindSet);
// Initialize the output parameter.
if (!(dwFlags & GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET)) { pBindSet->Clear(); dwAddBindPathFlags = INS_APPEND | INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP; }
hr = BindPath.HrReserveRoomForComponents (2);
if (S_OK == hr) { // This won't fail because we've reserved enough room above.
hr = BindPath.HrInsertComponent (pComponent); Assert (S_OK == hr); Assert (1 == BindPath.CountComponents());
// For all rows in the stack table where the lower component
// is the one passed in...
for (pScan = StackTable.begin(); pScan != StackTable.end(); pScan++) { if (pComponent != pScan->pLower) { continue; }
// Continue if this length-2 bindpath is disabled.
if (dwFlags & GBF_PRUNE_DISABLED_BINDINGS) { if (FIsLength2BindPathDisabled (pScan->pUpper, pScan->pLower)) { continue; } }
// This won't fail because we've reserved enough room above.
hr = BindPath.HrInsertComponent (pScan->pUpper); Assert (S_OK == hr);
Assert (2 == BindPath.CountComponents()); hr = pBindSet->HrAddBindPath (&BindPath, dwAddBindPathFlags); if (S_OK != hr) { break; }
BindPath.RemoveFirstComponent(); }
// Verify the bindset we are about to return is valid.
// (Checked builds only.)
DbgVerifyBindingSet (pBindSet); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CNetConfigCore::HrGetComponentUpperBindings"); return hr; }
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrGetBindingsInvolvingComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN OUT CBindingSet* pBindSet) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); GCCONTEXT Ctx; CComponentList ComponentsAbove; UINT cExistingBindPaths;
Assert (pComponent); Assert ((GBF_DEFAULT == dwFlags) || (dwFlags & GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET) || (dwFlags & GBF_PRUNE_DISABLED_BINDINGS) || (dwFlags & GBF_ONLY_WHICH_CONTAIN_COMPONENT)); Assert (pBindSet); DbgVerifyData();
// Initialize the output parameter.
if (!(dwFlags & GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET)) { pBindSet->Clear(); }
// Since we may be adding to the bindset, be sure to exclude the existing
// bindpaths from our scans below.
cExistingBindPaths = pBindSet->CountBindPaths();
// Initialize the members of our context structure for recursion.
ZeroMemory (&Ctx, sizeof(Ctx)); Ctx.pStackTable = &StackTable; Ctx.pComponents = &ComponentsAbove; Ctx.fIgnoreDontExposeLower = TRUE;
GetComponentsAboveComponent (pComponent, &Ctx);
if (S_OK == Ctx.hr) { // First get the bindings below the component.
Ctx.hr = HrGetComponentBindings ( pComponent, dwFlags | GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET, pBindSet);
if (S_OK == Ctx.hr) { CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponentAbove;
// Now get the bindings below each of the components
// above the component and add them to the bindset.
for (iter = ComponentsAbove.begin(); iter != ComponentsAbove.end(); iter++) { pComponentAbove = *iter; Assert (pComponentAbove);
Ctx.hr = HrGetComponentBindings ( pComponentAbove, dwFlags | GBF_ADD_TO_BINDSET, pBindSet);
if (S_OK != Ctx.hr) { break; }
// Verify the bindset we are about to return is valid.
// (Checked builds only.)
DbgVerifyBindingSet (pBindSet); } }
// Now remove any bindings that don't involve the component.
// If the component is enumerated, leave bindings that end in
// NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER components, because they are indirectly
// involved in the bindings associated with the adapter.
if (S_OK == Ctx.hr) { CBindPath* pScan; BOOL fIsEnumerated;
fIsEnumerated = FIsEnumerated(pComponent->Class());
if (fIsEnumerated || !(dwFlags & GBF_ONLY_WHICH_CONTAIN_COMPONENT)) { // fDelBoundToComponent means "is there a NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER
// component bound to pComponent". If there is not, we will
// be setting GBF_ONLY_WHICH_CONTAIN_COMPONENT to force the
// removal of any NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER components from
// the bind set below.
BOOL fDelBoundToComponent = FALSE;
for (pScan = pBindSet->PGetBindPathAtIndex (cExistingBindPaths); pScan != pBindSet->end(); pScan++) { if ((pScan->PLastComponent() == pComponent) && (pScan->POwner()->m_dwCharacter & NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER)) { fDelBoundToComponent = TRUE; break; } }
if (!fDelBoundToComponent) { dwFlags |= GBF_ONLY_WHICH_CONTAIN_COMPONENT; } }
pScan = pBindSet->PGetBindPathAtIndex (cExistingBindPaths); while (pScan != pBindSet->end()) { if (pScan->FContainsComponent (pComponent)) { pScan++; continue; }
// At this point, we know that the bindpath does not
// contain pComponent. See if we should erase it or keep it.
// If the component is not an adpater or if the caller wants
// only bindpaths which contain the adapter, erase it.
if (!fIsEnumerated || (dwFlags & GBF_ONLY_WHICH_CONTAIN_COMPONENT)) { pBindSet->erase (pScan); continue; }
// Otherwise, (pComponent is an adpater and the caller wants
// indirect bindings involved with that adpater) we'll
// erase the bindpath only if the last component is not an
// NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER component. We need to keep these
// bindpaths so that the LAN UI (which shows components
// involved in bindpaths that involve an adapter) can
// display these NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER components too.
else { CComponent* pLast = pScan->PLastComponent();
if (!(pLast->m_dwCharacter & NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER)) { pBindSet->erase (pScan); continue; } }
pScan++; } } }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, Ctx.hr, FALSE, "CNetConfigCore::HrGetBindingsInvolvingComponent"); return Ctx.hr; }
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrGetFiltersEnabledForAdapter ( IN const CComponent* pAdapter, OUT CComponentList* pFilters) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); HRESULT hr; const CStackEntry* pScan;
Assert (this); Assert (pAdapter); Assert (FIsEnumerated(pAdapter->Class())); Assert (pFilters);
// Initialize the output parameter.
// Scan the stack table looking for lower component matches to pAdapter.
// When found, and if the upper component is a filter, and if the
// direct bindpath is not disabled, add the filter to the output list.
for (pScan = StackTable.begin(); pScan != StackTable.end(); pScan++) { // Looking for lower component matches to the adapter where
// the upper component is a filter. Ignore all others.
if ((pScan->pLower != pAdapter) || !pScan->pUpper->FIsFilter()) { continue; }
Assert (pScan->pUpper->FIsFilter()); Assert (pScan->pLower == pAdapter);
// If the bindpath is not disabled, add the filter to the list.
if (!FIsLength2BindPathDisabled (pScan->pUpper, pScan->pLower)) { // Assert if a duplicate because the same filter can't be bound
// to the same adapter more than once.
// No need to sort when we insert because the class of all of
// the components in this list will be the same.
hr = pFilters->HrInsertComponent (pScan->pUpper, INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP | INS_NON_SORTED);
if (S_OK != hr) { return hr; } } }
return S_OK; }
// (Takes ownership of pComponent)
HRESULT CNetConfigCore::HrAddComponentToCore ( IN CComponent* pComponent, IN DWORD dwFlags /* INS_FLAGS */) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); HRESULT hr;
Assert (pComponent); Assert ((INS_SORTED == dwFlags) || (INS_NON_SORTED == dwFlags));
DbgVerifyExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents (); pComponent->Ext.DbgVerifyExternalDataLoaded ();
// Make sure we are not trying to insert a component with a PnpId that
// is the same as one already in the core. Note that we do not perform
// this check inside of CComponentList::HrInsertComponent because it is
// not appropriate for all component lists. Specifically, the dirty
// component list may end up having two different components with the
// same PnpId for the case when we are asked to install an adapter that
// is pending removal. In this case the new adapter will get the same
// PnpId as the one that was removed. We'll remove the old one from
// core to insert the new one so the dirty component list will have
// both components with the same PnpId.
if (FIsEnumerated(pComponent->Class()) && Components.PFindComponentByPnpId (pComponent->m_pszPnpId)) { AssertSz (FALSE, "Asked to add a component with a duplicate PnpId!"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Insert the component into the list. This should only fail if we
// are out of memory.
hr = Components.HrInsertComponent ( pComponent, dwFlags | INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP);
if (S_OK == hr) { // Insert the appropriate stack entries for pComponent based on
// how it binds with the other components.
hr = StackTable.HrInsertStackEntriesForComponent ( pComponent, &Components, dwFlags);
// If we failed to insert the stack entries, undo the insertion
// into the component list.
if (S_OK != hr) { Components.RemoveComponent (pComponent); } }
// Error or not, we should still have a valid core.
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CNetConfigCore::HrAddComponentToCore"); return hr; }
VOID CNetConfigCore::RemoveComponentFromCore ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); Assert (this); Assert (pComponent);
Components.RemoveComponent (pComponent); StackTable.RemoveEntriesWithComponent (pComponent); DisabledBindings.RemoveBindPathsWithComponent (pComponent);
#if DBG
// We set m_fRemovedAComponent so that when subsequent
// DbgVerifyBindingSet calls are made, we don't assert on components
// that are in the binding set but not in the core. This is a natural
// occurance for the m_DeletedBindings we build up during removal of
// components.
m_fRemovedAComponent = TRUE;
// Note: need to find a convenient time during Apply where
// we set this flag back to FALSE.
// static
HRESULT CNetConfig::HrCreateInstance ( IN class CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg, OUT CNetConfig** ppNetConfig) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); Assert (pINetCfg);
CNetConfig* pObj; pObj = new CNetConfig; if (pObj) { // Load the configuration binary. If we have have the write lock,
// request write access, otherwise, request read access.
// Requesting write access means this will only succeed if the
// volatile key indicating we need a reboot does not exist.
hr = HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry ( (pINetCfg->m_WriteLock.FIsOwnedByMe ()) ? KEY_WRITE : KEY_READ, pObj);
if (S_OK == hr) { pObj->Core.DbgVerifyData(); pObj->Notify.HoldINetCfg (pINetCfg); *ppNetConfig = pObj; } else { delete pObj; } } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CNetConfig::HrCreateInstance"); return hr; }
CNetConfig::~CNetConfig () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); Core.Free (); }
HRESULT CNetConfig::HrEnsureExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); HRESULT hr; HRESULT hrRet; CComponentList::iterator iter; CComponent* pComponent;
hrRet = S_OK;
// This is a while loop instead of a for loop because of the
// potential for conditional advancement of the iterator. If we
// remove a component from the core while looping, we don't increment
// the iterator for the next iteration.
iter = Core.Components.begin(); while (iter != Core.Components.end()) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
hr = pComponent->Ext.HrEnsureExternalDataLoaded ();
if ((SPAPI_E_NO_SUCH_DEVINST == hr) || (SPAPI_E_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST == hr)) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidBeDiag, "Removing %s from the core because its external data is missing\n", pComponent->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId());
Core.RemoveComponentFromCore (pComponent); delete pComponent; hr = S_OK;
// Because we removed this component from the core, the
// list has been adjusted and the next component is now this
// iter. Therefore, just continue without incrementing iter.
continue; }
// Remember the first error as our return code, but keep going.
// Like the name says, we are to load data for all components so
// don't stop just because one fails.
if ((S_OK != hr) && (S_OK == hrRet)) { hrRet = hr; }
iter++; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hrRet, FALSE, "CNetConfig::HrEnsureExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents"); return hrRet; }
#if DBG
VOID CNetConfigCore::DbgVerifyData () const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); HRESULT hr;
CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent; const CStackEntry* pStackEntry; const CComponent* pUpper; const CComponent* pLower; CHAR szBuffer [512];
for (pStackEntry = StackTable.begin(); pStackEntry != StackTable.end(); pStackEntry++) { pUpper = pStackEntry->pUpper; pLower = pStackEntry->pLower;
Assert (pUpper); Assert (pLower); Assert (pUpper != pLower);
// Can't access upper and lower range if the external data isn't
// loaded.
if (pUpper->Ext.DbgIsExternalDataLoaded() && pLower->Ext.DbgIsExternalDataLoaded()) { if (!pUpper->FCanDirectlyBindTo (pLower, NULL, NULL)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S should not bind to %S. They are in the " "stack table as if they do. (Likely upgrade problem.)", pUpper->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId(), pLower->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); } }
if (!FIsEnumerated (pUpper->Class())) { if (pUpper != Components.PFindComponentByInfId ( pUpper->m_pszInfId, NULL)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S is an upper component in the stack " "table, but was not found in the component list.", pUpper->m_pszInfId); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); } } else { if (pUpper != Components.PFindComponentByPnpId ( pUpper->m_pszPnpId)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S is an upper component in the stack " "table, but was not found in the component list.", pUpper->m_pszInfId); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); } }
if (!FIsEnumerated (pLower->Class())) { if (pLower != Components.PFindComponentByInfId ( pLower->m_pszInfId, NULL)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S is a lower component in the stack " "table, but was not found in the component list.", pLower->m_pszInfId); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); } } else { if (pLower != Components.PFindComponentByPnpId ( pLower->m_pszPnpId)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S is a lower component in the stack " "table, but was not found in the component list.", pLower->m_pszInfId); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); } }
if (pUpper != Components.PFindComponentByInstanceGuid (&pUpper->m_InstanceGuid)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S is an upper component in the stack " "table, but was not found in the component list by GUID.", pUpper->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); }
if (pLower != Components.PFindComponentByInstanceGuid (&pLower->m_InstanceGuid)) { wsprintfA (szBuffer, "%S is a lower component in the stack " "table, but was not found in the component list by GUID.", pLower->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); AssertSzFn (szBuffer, FAL); } } }
VOID CNetConfigCore::DbgVerifyExternalDataLoadedForAllComponents () const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); CComponentList::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent;
for (iter = Components.begin(); iter != Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
pComponent->Ext.DbgVerifyExternalDataLoaded(); } }
VOID CNetConfigCore::DbgVerifyBindingSet ( const CBindingSet* pBindSet) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetcfgBase); const CBindPath* pPath; const CBindPath* pOtherPath; CBindPath::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent;
Assert (pBindSet);
// First make sure every component in the set is in our component
// list. We only do this if we're not in the state where a component
// has been removed from the core. For this case, its okay if those
// components still exist in binding sets.
if (!m_fRemovedAComponent) { for (pPath = pBindSet->begin(); pPath != pBindSet->end(); pPath++) { for (iter = pPath->begin(); iter != pPath->end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter;
Assert (Components.FComponentInList (pComponent)); } } }
// Make sure there are no duplicate bindpaths in the set.
for (pPath = pBindSet->begin(); pPath != pBindSet->end(); pPath++) { Assert (!pPath->FIsEmpty());
for (pOtherPath = pBindSet->begin(); pOtherPath != pBindSet->end(); pOtherPath++) { if (pPath == pOtherPath) { continue; }
Assert (!pPath->FIsSameBindPathAs (pOtherPath)); } } }
#endif // DBG