// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// File: P E R S I S T . C P P
// Contents: Module repsonsible for persistence of the network
// configuration information.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 15 Jan 1999
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "persist.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#if defined (_X86_)
inline BOOL IsRunningOnWow64() { static DWORD dwCachedWow64 = DWORD_MAX; if (DWORD_MAX == dwCachedWow64) { BOOL fTempWow64; if (IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &fTempWow64)) { dwCachedWow64 = fTempWow64; } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Could not determine whether this is a WOW64 process."); return FALSE; } }
return dwCachedWow64; }
inline size_t ALIGNUP(size_t nSize) { // If we are a 32-bit app running on a 64-bit O/S we need to use 64-bit alignment when reading or writing from the registry.
if (IsRunningOnWow64()) { return ((nSize + (sizeof(DWORD64) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(DWORD64) - 1)); } else { return nSize; } }
#elif defined (_WIN64)
#define ALIGNUP(x) ((x + (sizeof(PVOID) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(PVOID) - 1))
#error Please define an ALIGNUP implementation for this architecture.
#define alignedsizeof(x) ALIGNUP(sizeof(x))
HRESULT HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromBuffer ( IN const BYTE* pbBuf, IN ULONG cbBuf, OUT CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwVersion; ULONG cComponents; ULONG cStackEntries; ULONG cBindPaths; ULONG unUpperIndex; ULONG unLowerIndex; ULONG unComponentIndex; BOOL fRefByUser; BASIC_COMPONENT_DATA Data; CComponentList* pComponents; CComponent* pComponent; CStackEntry StackEntry; CBindPath BindPath; PCWSTR pszString;
// We should be starting clean.
Assert (pNetConfig->Core.FIsEmpty());
hr = S_OK;
// Load the version marker.
dwVersion = *(DWORD32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(DWORD32);
if (dwVersion > CURRENT_VERSION) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; goto finished; }
// Load the component list.
cComponents = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
while (cComponents--) { ZeroMemory (&Data, sizeof(Data));
Data.InstanceGuid = *(GUID*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(GUID);
Data.Class = *(NETCLASS*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(NETCLASS);
Data.dwCharacter = *(DWORD32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(DWORD32);
Data.pszInfId = (PCWSTR)pbBuf; Assert (*Data.pszInfId); pbBuf += ALIGNUP(CbOfSzAndTerm (Data.pszInfId));
pszString = (PCWSTR)pbBuf; pbBuf += ALIGNUP(CbOfSzAndTerm (pszString)); if (*pszString) { Data.pszPnpId = pszString; }
hr = CComponent::HrCreateInstance ( &Data, CCI_DEFAULT, NULL, &pComponent); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pNetConfig->Core.Components.HrInsertComponent ( pComponent, INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP | INS_NON_SORTED); }
if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } }
// Load the stack table.
pComponents = &pNetConfig->Core.Components;
pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.m_fWanAdaptersFirst = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
cStackEntries = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
while (cStackEntries--) { ZeroMemory (&StackEntry, sizeof(StackEntry));
unUpperIndex = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
unLowerIndex = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
StackEntry.pUpper = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex ( unUpperIndex);
StackEntry.pLower = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex ( unLowerIndex);
// Insert in the order we persisted. If we used ISE_SORT here, we'd
// blow away whatever bind order we saved.
hr = pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.HrInsertStackEntry ( &StackEntry, INS_NON_SORTED); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } }
// Load the disabled bindpaths.
cBindPaths = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
while (cBindPaths--) { cComponents = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
while (cComponents--) { unComponentIndex = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
pComponent = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex (unComponentIndex); Assert (pComponent);
hr = BindPath.HrAppendComponent (pComponent); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } }
hr = pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.HrAddBindPath ( &BindPath, INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP | INS_APPEND);
if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } }
// Load the component references.
cComponents = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
while (cComponents--) { unComponentIndex = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
pComponent = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex (unComponentIndex); Assert (pComponent);
fRefByUser = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
if (fRefByUser) { hr = pComponent->Refs.HrAddReferenceByUser (); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } }
// Load the count of components that reference this component.
ULONG CountRefdBy = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
// Load the indicies of the components that reference this component.
for (UINT i = 0; i < CountRefdBy; i++) { unComponentIndex = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
CComponent* pRefdBy; pRefdBy = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex (unComponentIndex); Assert (pRefdBy);
hr = pComponent->Refs.HrAddReferenceByComponent (pRefdBy); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } }
// Load the count of strings that represent external software
// that reference this component.
CountRefdBy = *(ULONG32*)pbBuf; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
// Load the strings that represent external software that
// references this component.
for (i = 0; i < CountRefdBy; i++) { pszString = (PCWSTR)pbBuf; pbBuf += ALIGNUP(CbOfSzAndTerm (pszString));
hr = pComponent->Refs.HrAddReferenceBySoftware (pszString); if (S_OK != hr) { goto finished; } } }
finished: if (S_OK != hr) { pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.Clear (); pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.Clear (); FreeCollectionAndItem (pNetConfig->Core.Components); } return hr; }
HRESULT HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry ( IN REGSAM samDesired, OUT CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyNetwork;
Assert ((KEY_READ == samDesired) || (KEY_WRITE == samDesired));
hr = HrOpenNetworkKey (KEY_READ, &hkeyNetwork);
if (S_OK == hr) { BYTE* pbBuf; ULONG cbBuf;
hr = HrRegQueryBinaryWithAlloc ( hkeyNetwork, L"Config", &pbBuf, &cbBuf);
// If we read the config binary, use it to initialize pNetConfig.
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromBuffer (pbBuf, cbBuf, pNetConfig);
if (S_OK == hr) { pNetConfig->Core.DbgVerifyData (); }
MemFree (pbBuf); } // Otherwise, if we couldn't read the config binary, we'll have
// to construct what we can by grovelling the registry.
else { hr = HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromLegacy (pNetConfig);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToRegistry (pNetConfig); } }
RegCloseKey (hkeyNetwork); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrLoadNetworkConfigurationFromRegistry"); return hr; }
ULONG CountComponentsReferencedByOthers ( IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { ULONG cComponents; CComponentList::iterator iter; CComponent* pComponent;
cComponents = 0;
for (iter = pNetConfig->Core.Components.begin(); iter != pNetConfig->Core.Components.end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
if (pComponent->Refs.FIsReferencedByOthers ()) { cComponents++; } }
return cComponents; }
HRESULT HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBuffer ( IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig, IN BYTE* pbBuf, IN OUT ULONG* pcbBuf) { HRESULT hr; ULONG cbBuf; ULONG cbBufIn; ULONG unIndex; ULONG Count; CComponentList* pComponents; CComponent* pComponent; CStackEntry* pStackEntry; CBindPath* pBindPath; PCWSTR pszString;
Assert (pNetConfig); pNetConfig->Core.DbgVerifyData (); Assert (pcbBuf);
cbBufIn = *pcbBuf; cbBuf = 0; pComponents = &pNetConfig->Core.Components;
// Save the version number.
cbBuf += alignedsizeof(DWORD32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(DWORD32*)pbBuf = CURRENT_VERSION; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(DWORD32); }
// Save the component list.
Count = pComponents->Count(); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = Count; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
for (unIndex = 0; unIndex < Count; unIndex++) { pComponent = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex (unIndex); Assert (pComponent);
pszString = (pComponent->m_pszPnpId) ? pComponent->m_pszPnpId : L"";
ULONG cbInfIdUnpad = CbOfSzAndTerm (pComponent->m_pszInfId); ULONG cbPnpIdUnpad = CbOfSzAndTerm (pszString);
ULONG cbInfId = ALIGNUP(cbInfIdUnpad); ULONG cbPnpId = ALIGNUP(cbPnpIdUnpad);
cbBuf += alignedsizeof(GUID) + alignedsizeof(NETCLASS) + alignedsizeof(DWORD32) + cbInfId + cbPnpId;
if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(GUID*)pbBuf = pComponent->m_InstanceGuid; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(GUID);
*(NETCLASS*)pbBuf = pComponent->Class(); pbBuf += alignedsizeof(NETCLASS);
*(DWORD32*)pbBuf = pComponent->m_dwCharacter; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(DWORD32);
CopyMemory(pbBuf, pComponent->m_pszInfId, cbInfIdUnpad); pbBuf += cbInfId;
CopyMemory(pbBuf, pszString, cbPnpIdUnpad); pbBuf += cbPnpId; } }
// Save the stack table.
cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.m_fWanAdaptersFirst; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
Count = pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.CountEntries(); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = Count; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
for (pStackEntry = pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.begin(); pStackEntry != pNetConfig->Core.StackTable.end(); pStackEntry++) { cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32) + alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = pComponents->UnGetIndexOfComponent (pStackEntry->pUpper); pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
*(ULONG32*)pbBuf = pComponents->UnGetIndexOfComponent (pStackEntry->pLower); pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); } }
// Save the disabled bindpaths.
Count = pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.CountBindPaths(); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = Count; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); } for (pBindPath = pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.begin(); pBindPath != pNetConfig->Core.DisabledBindings.end(); pBindPath++) { Count = pBindPath->CountComponents(); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32) + (Count * alignedsizeof(ULONG32)); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = Count; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32);
CBindPath::iterator iter; for (iter = pBindPath->begin(); iter != pBindPath->end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = pComponents->UnGetIndexOfComponent (pComponent); pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); } }
// Save the component references.
Count = CountComponentsReferencedByOthers (pNetConfig); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = Count; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
for (unIndex = 0; unIndex < pComponents->Count(); unIndex++) { pComponent = pComponents->PGetComponentAtIndex (unIndex); Assert (pComponent);
if (!pComponent->Refs.FIsReferencedByOthers ()) { continue; }
// Index of component with the references.
cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = unIndex; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
// Save whether the component is refernced by the user or not.
cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = pComponent->Refs.FIsReferencedByUser() ? 1 : 0; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
// Save the count of components that reference this component.
ULONG CountRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.CountComponentsReferencedBy (); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = CountRefdBy; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
// Save the indicies of the components that reference this component.
for (UINT i = 0; i < CountRefdBy; i++) { CComponent* pRefdBy; pRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.PComponentReferencedByAtIndex(i); Assert (pRefdBy);
cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = pComponents->UnGetIndexOfComponent (pRefdBy); pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); } }
// Save the count of strings that represent external software
// that reference this component.
CountRefdBy = pComponent->Refs.CountSoftwareReferencedBy (); cbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { *(ULONG32*)pbBuf = CountRefdBy; pbBuf += alignedsizeof(ULONG32); }
// Save the strings that represent external software that
// reference this component.
for (i = 0; i < CountRefdBy; i++) { const CWideString* pStr; pStr = pComponent->Refs.PSoftwareReferencedByAtIndex(i); Assert (pStr);
ULONG cb = (pStr->length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
cbBuf += ALIGNUP(cb); if (pbBuf && (cbBuf <= cbBufIn)) { CopyMemory (pbBuf, pStr->c_str(), cb); pbBuf += ALIGNUP(cb); } } }
*pcbBuf = cbBuf; if (cbBuf <= cbBufIn) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = (pbBuf) ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) : S_OK; } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBuffer"); return hr; }
HRESULT HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBufferWithAlloc ( IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig, OUT BYTE** ppbBuf, OUT ULONG* pcbBuf) { HRESULT hr;
Assert (pNetConfig); Assert (ppbBuf); Assert (pcbBuf);
*ppbBuf = NULL; *pcbBuf = 0;
ULONG cbBuf; hr = HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBuffer (pNetConfig, NULL, &cbBuf); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppbBuf = (BYTE*)MemAlloc (cbBuf); if (*ppbBuf) { hr = HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBuffer ( pNetConfig, *ppbBuf, &cbBuf); if (S_OK == hr) { *pcbBuf = cbBuf; } } } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBufferWithAlloc"); return hr; }
HRESULT HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToRegistry ( IN CNetConfig* pNetConfig) { HRESULT hr; HKEY hkeyNetwork;
Assert (pNetConfig); pNetConfig->Core.DbgVerifyData ();
hr = HrOpenNetworkKey (KEY_WRITE, &hkeyNetwork);
if (S_OK == hr) { BYTE* pbBuf; ULONG cbBuf;
hr = HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToBufferWithAlloc ( pNetConfig, &pbBuf, &cbBuf);
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrRegSetBinary (hkeyNetwork, L"Config", pbBuf, cbBuf);
MemFree (pbBuf);
// Permission from the Perf team to call this. We need to ensure
// that the configuration we just wrote will be available on
// next boot in the case that we crash.
RegFlushKey (hkeyNetwork); }
RegCloseKey (hkeyNetwork); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrSaveNetworkConfigurationToRegistry"); return hr; }