// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: A D V P A G E . C P P
// Contents: Contains the advanced page for enumerated net class devices
// Notes:
// Author: nabilr 16 Mar 1997
// History: BillBe (24 June 1997) Took over ownership
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "advpage.h"
#include "pagehelp.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncsetup.h"
#include "ncui.h"
const DWORD c_cchMaxRegStrLen = 256;
// name of Answerfile section that contains our Additional (adapter-specific)
// parameters.
static const WCHAR c_szDevMgrHelpFile[] = L"devmgr.hlp";
// Member: CAdvanced::CAdvanced (constructor)
// Purpose: Init some variables.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes: The bulk of the setting up occurs in FInit().
CAdvanced::CAdvanced() : m_plbParams(NULL), m_pedtEdit(NULL), m_pcbxDrop(NULL), m_pbmPresent(NULL), m_pbmNotPresent(NULL), m_hwndSpin(NULL), m_hwndPresentText(NULL), m_nCurSel(0), m_ctlControlType(CTLTYPE_UNKNOWN), m_fInitializing(FALSE) { }
// Member: CAdvanced::CreatePage
// Purpose: Creates the advanced page only if there is information
// to populate the ui
// Arguments:
// hdi [in] SetupApi HDEVINFO for device
// pdeid [in] SetupApi PSP_DEVINFO_DATA for device
// Author: billbe 1 Jul 1997
// Notes:
HPROPSHEETPAGE CAdvanced::CreatePage(HDEVINFO hdi, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pdeid) { Assert(IsValidHandle(hdi)); Assert(pdeid);
if (SUCCEEDED(HrInit(hdi, pdeid))) { hpsp = CPropSheetPage::CreatePage(DLG_PARAMS, 0); }
return hpsp;
// Member: CAdvanced::OnInitDialog
// Purpose: Handler for the WM_INITDIALOG windows message. Initializes
// the dialog window.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { const WCHAR * szText;
// We are initializing the property page
m_fInitializing = TRUE;
// Control Pointers
m_plbParams = new CListBox(m_hWnd, IDD_PARAMS_LIST);
if (m_plbParams == NULL) { return(0); }
m_pedtEdit = new CEdit(m_hWnd, IDD_PARAMS_EDIT); m_pcbxDrop = new CComboBox(m_hWnd, IDD_PARAMS_DROP);
m_pbmPresent = new CButton(m_hWnd, IDD_PARAMS_PRESENT); m_pbmNotPresent = new CButton(m_hWnd, IDD_PARAMS_NOT_PRESENT);
m_hwndSpin = GetDlgItem(IDD_PARAMS_SPIN); Assert(m_hwndSpin); m_hwndPresentText = GetDlgItem(IDD_PARAMS_PRESENT_TEXT); Assert(m_hwndPresentText);
// Fill the parameter list box
// No current selection
m_pparam = NULL;
// Clear the initial params value
// Check if there are any parameters
if (m_plbParams->GetCount() > 0) { // Select the first item
m_plbParams->SetCurSel(0); SelectParam(); }
m_fInitializing = FALSE; return 0; }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnApply(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& fHandled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (FValidateCurrParam()) { // Show the saved value
Apply(); }
TraceError("CAdvanced::OnApply",hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnKillActive(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& fHandled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!FValidateCurrParam()) { // Problems with validation. Keep page from deactivating.
hr = E_FAIL; }
TraceError("CAdvanced::OnKillActive",hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnEdit(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the edit box contents have changed, call BeginEdit
if (wNotifyCode == EN_CHANGE) { BeginEdit(); }
TraceError("CAdvanced::OnEdit", hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnDrop(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the combo box contents have changed and we are not initializing
// (i.e. the user changed it, we didn't) then notify the property
// sheet
if ((wNotifyCode == CBN_SELCHANGE) && !m_fInitializing) { // selection in dropdownbox has changed
SetChangedFlag(); BeginEdit(); }
TraceError("CAdvanced::OnDrop", hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnPresent(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((wID == IDD_PARAMS_PRESENT && !m_pbmPresent->GetCheck()) || (wID == IDD_PARAMS_NOT_PRESENT && !m_pbmNotPresent->GetCheck() )) { // selection has changed
// change the value
if (wID == IDD_PARAMS_PRESENT) { m_vCurrent.SetPresent(TRUE); } else { GetParamValue(); m_vCurrent.SetPresent(FALSE); }
// Update the value
TraceError("CAdvanced::OnPresent", hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnList(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { LRESULT lr = 0;
// Changes the listbox selection. If current value is not
// valid, then the selection is not changed.
// Work to do only if selection changes
if (wNotifyCode == LBN_SELCHANGE) { // Accept the current value.
// If it isn't valid, change the selection back
if (!FValidateCurrParam()) { m_plbParams->SetCurSel(m_plbParams->FindItemData(0, m_pparam)); // We handled things so set lr to 1;
lr = 1; } else { // Select the new param
SelectParam(); } }
return lr; }
// Member: CAdvanced::OnDestroy
// Purpose: Handles the WM_DESTROY message. Does general memory
// releasing and registry key closing. See ATL docs.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnDestroy(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int cItems, iItem; WCHAR * sz;
// Clean up memory from list boxes
AssertSz(m_pcbxDrop, "Combo box should have been created!"); cItems = m_pcbxDrop->GetCount(); for (iItem=0; iItem < cItems; iItem++) { sz = static_cast<WCHAR *>(m_pcbxDrop->GetItemData(iItem)); delete sz; } m_pcbxDrop->ResetContent();
// Clean up
// Clean up window elements
delete m_plbParams; m_plbParams = NULL; delete m_pedtEdit; m_pedtEdit = NULL; delete m_pcbxDrop; m_pcbxDrop = NULL; delete m_pbmPresent; m_pbmPresent = NULL; delete m_pbmNotPresent; m_pbmNotPresent = NULL;
TraceError("CAdvanced::OnDestroy",hr); return LresFromHr(hr); }
// Member: CAdvanced::OnHelp
// Purpose: Handler for the WM_HELP windows message.
// Author: BillBe 01 Jul 1998
// Notes:
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnHelp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { LRESULT lr = 0; LPHELPINFO lphi = reinterpret_cast<LPHELPINFO>(lParam);
if (HELPINFO_WINDOW == lphi->iContextType) { ::WinHelp(static_cast<HWND>(lphi->hItemHandle), c_szDevMgrHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(g_aHelpIds)); lr = 1; }
return lr; }
LRESULT CAdvanced::OnContextMenu(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { ::WinHelp(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(wParam), c_szDevMgrHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, reinterpret_cast<UINT_PTR>(g_aHelpIds));
return TRUE; }
CAdvanced::~CAdvanced() { }
// Member: CAdvanced::Apply
// Purpose: Applies values from InMemory storage. to the registry
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CAdvanced::Apply() { if (FSave()) { SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS deip; // Set the properties change flag in the device info to
// let the property page host know that the property change function
// shuld be sent to the driver
// We can't let any failures here stop us so we ignore
// return values
(void) HrSetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(m_hdi, m_pdeid, &deip); deip.FlagsEx |= DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING; (void) HrSetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(m_hdi, m_pdeid, &deip); } }
// Member: CAdvanced::FillParamListbox
// Purpose: Populates the UI's parameter listbox using the parameters
// from m_listpParam.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CAdvanced::FillParamListbox() { vector<CParam *>::iterator ppParam; INT iItem; WCHAR szRegValue[c_cchMaxRegStrLen];
for (ppParam = m_listpParam.begin(); ppParam != m_listpParam.end(); ppParam++) { Assert (*ppParam != NULL);
// Get text string
// Add the description string to the listbox
iItem = m_plbParams->AddString(szRegValue); if (iItem >= 0) { m_plbParams->SetItemData(iItem,*ppParam); } } }
// FValidateCurrParam
// Purpose:
// Validates the current parameter. Displays UI and reverts back to
// original value on error.
// Parameters:
// None - validates the param currently being edited.
// Notes:
// How is this different from FValidateSingleParam? This function
// is intended to be used when the user is interacting with the
// current param. If there's an error with the current parameter,
// the parameter is reverted back to it's old value (before the user's
// changes).
//$ REVIEW (t-nabilr) Is it good to revert the user's changes on error?
// (see above)
BOOL CAdvanced::FValidateCurrParam() { CValue vPrevious; BOOL fRetval = FALSE;
// Save the previous param value - so we can restore it
// if the control value is invalid
vPrevious.InitNotPresent(m_pparam->GetType()); vPrevious.Copy(m_pparam->GetValue());
// Get the current control value and validate it
GetParamValue(); m_pparam->GetValue()->Copy(&m_vCurrent);
if (FValidateSingleParam(m_pparam, TRUE, m_hWnd)) { // Update the modified bit
m_pparam->SetModified( (m_pparam->GetValue()->Compare(m_pparam->GetInitial()) != 0));
fRetval = TRUE; }
// Restore the original value if there was an error
if (!fRetval) m_pparam->GetValue()->Copy(&vPrevious); // Cleanup
return fRetval; }
// UpdateDisplay
// Purpose:
// Sets up the screen to display -- and displays -- the current param.
// Changes the UI's control type, etc.
VOID CAdvanced::UpdateDisplay() { int cItems; WCHAR * psz; // Clean up memory from list boxes
cItems = m_pcbxDrop->GetCount(); for (int iItem=0; iItem < cItems; iItem++) { psz = (WCHAR *)m_pcbxDrop->GetItemData(iItem); delete psz; } m_pcbxDrop->ResetContent();
// set appropriate Control Type
switch (m_pparam->GetType()) { case VALUETYPE_ENUM: m_ctlControlType = CTLTYPE_DROP; break;
case VALUETYPE_EDIT: m_ctlControlType = CTLTYPE_EDIT; break;
case VALUETYPE_DWORD: // The spin control only fits up to signed 32-bit values
// So we must use an edit control for larger numbers
if (m_pparam->GetMax()->GetDword() > LONG_MAX) { m_ctlControlType = CTLTYPE_EDIT; } else { m_ctlControlType = CTLTYPE_SPIN; } break;
case VALUETYPE_KONLY: m_ctlControlType = CTLTYPE_NONE; break;
default: m_ctlControlType = CTLTYPE_SPIN; } // Hide all controls
m_pedtEdit->Show(FALSE); m_pcbxDrop->Show(FALSE); ::ShowWindow(m_hwndSpin,SW_HIDE); ::ShowWindow(m_hwndPresentText,SW_HIDE); // Show the appropriate control
switch (m_ctlControlType) { case CTLTYPE_EDIT: m_pedtEdit->Show(TRUE); break;
case CTLTYPE_DROP: m_pcbxDrop->Show(TRUE); break;
case CTLTYPE_SPIN: m_pedtEdit->Show(TRUE); ::ShowWindow(m_hwndSpin,SW_NORMAL); break;
case CTLTYPE_NONE: ::ShowWindow(m_hwndPresentText,SW_NORMAL); break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Invalid Control Type"); }
// Show the "optional" radio buttons
if (m_pparam->FIsOptional()) { m_pbmPresent->Show(TRUE); m_pbmNotPresent->Show(TRUE); } else { m_pbmPresent->Show(FALSE); m_pbmNotPresent->Show(FALSE); }
SetParamRange(); // show the param's value
UpdateParamDisplay(); }
// Member: CAdvanced::SelectParam
// Purpose: Takes the parameter selection from the listbox
// and makes it the current parameter. The display is updated
// to show the newly selected parameter.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CAdvanced::SelectParam() { int nCurSel; register CParam *pparam; int cItems, iItem; PSTR psz;
// Determine the new parameter list selection
nCurSel = m_plbParams->GetCurSel(); if (nCurSel >= 0) { // Get the new current parameter
pparam = (CParam *)m_plbParams->GetItemData(nCurSel); Assert(pparam != NULL);
// only do work if it's not the same parameter.
if (pparam != m_pparam) { m_pparam = pparam; m_vCurrent.Destroy(); m_vCurrent.InitNotPresent(m_pparam->GetType()); m_vCurrent.Copy(m_pparam->GetValue()); // show the param
UpdateDisplay(); } } }
// Member: CAdvanced::SetParamRange
// Purpose:
// Sets "range" values for the current param, depending on it's type.
// For enum values, it reads the enums into a dropbox.
// For spin control, it sets the min/max and acceleration values.
// For edit box, it sets the edit style.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CAdvanced::SetParamRange() { DWORD cbValue; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwStyle; DWORD iValue; int iItem; #define NUM_UDACCELS 3
UDACCEL aUDAccel[NUM_UDACCELS]; UINT uBase; WCHAR * pszValueName; WCHAR szRegValueName[c_cchMaxRegStrLen]; DWORD cchRegValueName; WCHAR szRegValue[c_cchMaxRegStrLen]; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// We are initializing so we need to set a flag so the UI doesn't think
// it's the user who is changing things
m_fInitializing = TRUE;
switch (m_ctlControlType) { case CTLTYPE_DROP:
// Reset the combobox
for (iValue = 0; SUCCEEDED(hr); iValue++) { cchRegValueName = celems(szRegValueName); cbValue = sizeof(szRegValue);
hr = HrRegEnumValue(m_pparam->GetEnumKey(), iValue, szRegValueName, &cchRegValueName, &dwType, (BYTE *)szRegValue, &cbValue);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && dwType == REG_SZ) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "Enum String %S index %d", szRegValueName, iValue);
// Got the next registry value, and it's a string.
pszValueName = new WCHAR[wcslen(szRegValueName) + 1];
if (pszValueName == NULL) { break; }
// Add the text string
iItem = m_pcbxDrop->AddString(szRegValue);
if (iItem >= 0) { m_pcbxDrop->SetItemData(iItem,pszValueName); } else { delete pszValueName; } } } break;
case CTLTYPE_SPIN: int nStep; int nMin; int nMax;
// Set the numeric base
uBase = m_pparam->GetValue()->IsHex() ? 16 : 10; ::SendMessage(m_hwndSpin,UDM_SETBASE,(WPARAM)uBase,0L);
nStep = m_pparam->GetStep()->GetNumericValueAsDword(); nMin = m_pparam->GetMin()->GetNumericValueAsSignedInt(); nMax = m_pparam->GetMax()->GetNumericValueAsSignedInt();
::SendMessage(m_hwndSpin,UDM_SETRANGE32, nMin, nMax);
// Set the range-accelerator values
aUDAccel[0].nSec = 0; aUDAccel[0].nInc = nStep; aUDAccel[1].nSec = 1; aUDAccel[1].nInc = 2 * nStep; aUDAccel[2].nSec = 3; aUDAccel[2].nInc = uBase * nStep;
dwStyle = m_pedtEdit->GetStyle(); if (m_pparam->FIsUppercase()) dwStyle |= ES_UPPERCASE; else dwStyle &= ~ES_UPPERCASE; if (m_pparam->FIsOEMText()) dwStyle |= ES_OEMCONVERT; else dwStyle &= ~ES_OEMCONVERT; if (m_pparam->FIsReadOnly()) dwStyle |= ES_READONLY; else dwStyle &= ~ES_READONLY; m_pedtEdit->SetStyle(dwStyle); break;
case CTLTYPE_NONE: break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE,"Hit default case in CAdvanced::SetParamRange"); } m_fInitializing = FALSE; }
// Member: CAdvanced::UpdateParamDisplay
// Purpose: Updates the value of the parameter on the UI. Used when
// the param value has progmatically changed, and needs to be
// updated on the UI.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes: You could use UpdateDisplay to refresh the param value, but
// UpdateDisplay() does a lot of extra work such as setting
// the control type. (BTW, UpdateDisplay calls
// UpdateParamDisplay().)
VOID CAdvanced::UpdateParamDisplay() // was SetParam
{ WCHAR szValue[VALUE_SZMAX]; int iItem;
// We are initializing so we need to set a flag so the UI doesn't think
// it's the user who is changing things
m_fInitializing = TRUE;
// Set present/not present radio button.
// If an optional value is not present, clear the control and return.
Assert(m_pparam); if (m_pparam->FIsOptional()) { m_pbmPresent->SetCheck(m_vCurrent.IsPresent()); m_pbmNotPresent->SetCheck(!m_vCurrent.IsPresent()); }
// Show/Hide the parameter
if (!m_pparam->FIsOptional() || m_vCurrent.IsPresent()) { // Show the value
switch (m_ctlControlType) { case CTLTYPE_SPIN: { // The spin control message UDM_SETPOS only handles 16-bit
// numbers even though the control can handle 32 bit ranges.
// This means we need to set the number by using the buddy
// window.
WCHAR szNumber[c_cchMaxNumberSize]; m_vCurrent.ToString(szNumber, c_cchMaxNumberSize); HWND hwndBuddy = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(::SendMessage(m_hwndSpin, UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0)); ::SetWindowText(hwndBuddy, szNumber); } break;
case CTLTYPE_DROP: iItem = EnumvalToItem(m_vCurrent.GetPsz()); m_pcbxDrop->SetCurSel(iItem); break;
case CTLTYPE_EDIT: m_vCurrent.ToString(szValue,VALUE_SZMAX); m_pedtEdit->SetText(szValue); break;
case CTLTYPE_NONE: break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE,"Invalid control type in function UpdateParamDisplay"); } } else { // Hide the value
switch (m_ctlControlType) { case CTLTYPE_EDIT: case CTLTYPE_SPIN: m_pedtEdit->SetText(L""); break;
case CTLTYPE_DROP: m_pcbxDrop->SetCurSel(CB_ERR); break;
case CTLTYPE_NONE: break;
default: Assert(FALSE); //DEBUG_TRAP;
} }
// Remove inhibition
m_fInitializing = FALSE;
// Member: CAdvanced::GetParamValue
// Purpose: Gets the value of the current parameter from the UI and puts
// in in m_vCurrent.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CAdvanced::GetParamValue() { WCHAR szValue[VALUE_SZMAX]; int iItem;
// Get the "present" value for an optional param
if (m_pparam->FIsOptional() && !m_pbmPresent->GetCheck()) { m_vCurrent.SetPresent(FALSE);
// Not present - don't read the control value
return; }
// The value is present
// Get the control value
switch (m_ctlControlType) {
case CTLTYPE_SPIN: { // The spin control can handle 32-bit ranges but the message
// UDM_GETPOS will only return a 16-bit number. This means we
// should get the number from the buddy window if we want the
// exact value.
WCHAR szBuffer[c_cchMaxNumberSize]; HWND hwndBuddy = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(::SendMessage(m_hwndSpin, UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0)); ::GetWindowText(hwndBuddy, szBuffer, c_cchMaxNumberSize); m_vCurrent.FromString(szBuffer); } break;
case CTLTYPE_EDIT: m_pedtEdit->GetText(szValue, VALUE_SZMAX); m_vCurrent.FromString(szValue); break;
case CTLTYPE_DROP: iItem = m_pcbxDrop->GetCurSel(); if (iItem == CB_ERR) break; ItemToEnumval(iItem,szValue,VALUE_SZMAX); m_vCurrent.FromString(szValue); break;
case CTLTYPE_NONE: break; // No data to return (present/not present is all were interested in)
default: Assert(FALSE);// DEBUG_TRAP;
return; }
// Member: CAdvanced::EnumvalToItem
// Purpose: Converts a combobox string into an integer representing the
// location withing the drop down combobox (for enums).
// Arguments:
// psz [in] string to look for.
// Returns: Combobox item number where this string can be found.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
int CAdvanced::EnumvalToItem(const PWSTR psz) { int cItems; int iItem; PWSTR pszValueName;
Assert(m_pparam->GetType() == VALUETYPE_ENUM); cItems = m_pcbxDrop->GetCount(); for (iItem = 0; iItem < cItems; iItem++) { pszValueName = (PWSTR)m_pcbxDrop->GetItemData (iItem); if (lstrcmpiW (pszValueName,psz) == 0) { return iItem; } }
// Not found.
return 0; }
// Member: CAdvanced::ItemToEnumval
// Purpose: Converts the item number within the combobox dropdown
// into a string.
// Arguments:
// iItem [in] item number within combobox.
// psz [out] ptr to string to populate
// cch [in] length (characters) of psz buffer.
// Returns: length of string (# of characters) put in psz.
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
int CAdvanced::ItemToEnumval(int iItem, PWSTR psz, UINT cch) { PWSTR pszValueName;
pszValueName = (PWSTR)m_pcbxDrop->GetItemData (iItem); if ((PWSTR)CB_ERR == pszValueName) { return 0; } lstrcpynW (psz,pszValueName,cch); return lstrlenW (psz); }
// Member: CAdvanced::
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// nID [in] ID of thingy.
// fInstall [in] TRUE if installing, FALSE otherwise.
// ppv [in,out] Old value is freed and this returns new value.
// Returns:
// Author: t-nabilr 06 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CAdvanced::BeginEdit() { // Check if we need to update the radio buttons
if (!m_fInitializing) { SetChangedFlag(); if (m_vCurrent.IsPresent() == FALSE) { // we've begun editing, so select the present radiobutton
m_vCurrent.SetPresent(TRUE); m_pbmPresent->SetCheck(1); m_pbmNotPresent->SetCheck(0); } }
// Function: HrGetAdvancedPage
// Purpose: Creates the advanced page for enumerated net devices
// This is called by NetPropPageProvider
// Arguments:
// hdi [in] See SetupApi for info
// pdeid [in] See SetupApi for for info
// phpsp [out] Pointer to the handle to the advanced property page
// Returns:
// Author: billbe 24 June 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrGetAdvancedPage(HDEVINFO hdi, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pdeid, HPROPSHEETPAGE* phpsp) { Assert(hdi); Assert(pdeid); Assert(phpsp);
CAdvanced* padv = new CAdvanced();
// create the advanced page
hpsp = padv->CreatePage(hdi, pdeid);
// if successful set the out param
if (hpsp) { *phpsp = hpsp; hr = S_OK; } else { // Either there is no advanced page to display or there
// was an error.
hr = E_FAIL; *phpsp = NULL; delete padv; }
TraceErrorOptional("HrGetAdvancedPage", hr, E_FAIL == hr); return hr; }