Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// N W C L I O B J . H
// Declaration of CNWClient and helper functions
#pragma once
#include <ncxbase.h>
#include <nceh.h>
#include <notifval.h>
#include "ncmisc.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Typedefs for the functions that we'll GetProcAddress from the
// NetWare config DLL
// NWClient
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CNWClient : public CComObjectRoot, public CComCoClass<CNWClient, &CLSID_CNWClient>, public INetCfgComponentControl, public INetCfgComponentSetup { public: CNWClient(); ~CNWClient(); BEGIN_COM_MAP(CNWClient) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(INetCfgComponentControl) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(INetCfgComponentSetup) END_COM_MAP() // DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(CNWClient)
// Remove the comment from the line above if you don't want your object to
// support aggregation. The default is to support it
// INetCfgComponentControl
STDMETHOD (Initialize) ( IN INetCfgComponent* pIComp, IN INetCfg* pINetCfg, IN BOOL fInstalling); STDMETHOD (ApplyRegistryChanges) (); STDMETHOD (ApplyPnpChanges) ( IN INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback* pICallback); STDMETHOD (CancelChanges) (); STDMETHOD (Validate) ();
// INetCfgComponentSetup
STDMETHOD (ReadAnswerFile) (PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, PCWSTR pszAnswerSection); STDMETHOD (Upgrade) (DWORD dwSetupFlags, DWORD dwUpgradeFromBuildNo); STDMETHOD (Install) (DWORD); STDMETHOD (Removing) ();
public: // Helper functions.
HRESULT HrInstallCodeFromOldINF(); HRESULT HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF();
// Load and free the config DLL
HRESULT HrLoadConfigDLL(); VOID FreeConfigDLL();
// Private state info
private: // Install Action (Unknown, Install, Remove)
enum INSTALLACTION {eActUnknown, eActInstall, eActRemove};
INSTALLACTION m_eInstallAction; INetCfgComponent * m_pncc; // Place to keep my component
INetCfg * m_pnc; // Place to keep my component
HINSTANCE m_hlibConfig; // From LoadLibrary call.
PRODUCT_FLAVOR m_pf; // Server/Workstation
BOOL m_fUpgrade; // TRUE if we are upgrading with
// an answer file
tstring m_strParamsRestoreFile; tstring m_strSharesRestoreFile; tstring m_strDrivesRestoreFile; DWORD m_dwLogonScript; tstring m_strDefaultLocation;
// These functions below are initialized in the HrLoadConfigDLL() call,
// which does a GetProcAddress on the appropriate function in nwcfg.dll
// Note: "Provider" is spelled incorrectly, since it's spelled that way
// in the config DLL itself, and that's the name that we're using in
// the GetProcAddress call.
NWCFG_PROC m_pfnAddNetwarePrinterProvider; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnDeleteNetwarePrinterProvider; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnAppendSzToFile; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnRemoveSzFromFile; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnGetKernelVersion; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnSetEverybodyPermission; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnlodctr; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnunlodctr; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnDeleteGatewayPassword; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnSetFileSysChangeValue; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnCleanupRegistryForNWCS; NWCFG_PROC m_pfnSetupRegistryForNWCS;
HRESULT HrProcessAnswerFile(PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, PCWSTR pszAnswerSection); HRESULT HrRestoreRegistry(VOID); HRESULT HrWriteAnswerFileParams(VOID); HRESULT HrEnableGatewayIfNeeded(VOID);