// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: T C P R S V P . C P P
// Contents: RSVP portion of TCP/IP
// Notes:
// Author: kumarp 19-March-98
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncnetcfg.h"
#include <ws2spi.h>
#include "ncsvc.h"
const GUID c_guidRsvpNtName = { /* 9d60a9e0-337a-11d0-bd88-0000c082e69a */ 0x9d60a9e0, 0x337a, 0x11d0, {0xbd, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x82, 0xe6, 0x9a} };
static const WCHAR* c_szChainNameUdp = L"RSVP UDP Service Provider"; static const WCHAR* c_szChainNameTcp = L"RSVP TCP Service Provider";
static const WCHAR* c_szRsvpFullPath = L"%SystemRoot%\\system32\\rsvpsp.dll";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrInstallRsvpProvider
// Purpose: This registers with winsock the RSVP TCP and UDP provider.
// This allows QoS for TCP and UDP
// Arguments: None
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 19-March-98
// Notes: This function was written mainly by cwill.
HRESULT HrInstallRsvpProvider(VOID) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT err = 0; INT result = 0; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO awpiRsvp[2];
// Note: CWill : 08/08/97 : This is a hack to get TCP/IP
// registered before RSVP. We have to get some way
// of ordering RSVP after TCP/IP
(VOID) HrRunWinsock2Migration();
// Setup the UDP provider
awpiRsvp[0].dwServiceFlags2 = 0; awpiRsvp[0].dwServiceFlags3 = 0; awpiRsvp[0].dwServiceFlags4 = 0; awpiRsvp[0].dwProviderFlags = PFL_MATCHES_PROTOCOL_ZERO;
// Copy the GUID
memcpy(&(awpiRsvp[0].ProviderId), &c_guidRsvpNtName, sizeof(awpiRsvp[0].ProviderId));
awpiRsvp[0].dwCatalogEntryId = 0; awpiRsvp[0].ProtocolChain.ChainLen = 1; // Change history
// 2 in Win98 and in NT 5 during development
// 4 in Windows 2000, to be different from Win98 as the API changed slightly (RAID #299558)
// 6 In Whistler as RSVPSP calls default provider rather than MSAFD, to handle Proxy client
awpiRsvp[0].iVersion = 6; awpiRsvp[0].iAddressFamily = AF_INET; awpiRsvp[0].iMaxSockAddr = 16; awpiRsvp[0].iMinSockAddr = 16; awpiRsvp[0].iSocketType = SOCK_DGRAM; awpiRsvp[0].iProtocol = IPPROTO_UDP; awpiRsvp[0].iProtocolMaxOffset = 0; awpiRsvp[0].iNetworkByteOrder = BIGENDIAN; awpiRsvp[0].iSecurityScheme = SECURITY_PROTOCOL_NONE;
//$ REVIEW : CWill : 08/07/97 : This is what UDP returns...
awpiRsvp[0].dwMessageSize = 0x0000ffbb; awpiRsvp[0].dwProviderReserved = 0;
// Copy over the name
lstrcpynW(awpiRsvp[0].szProtocol, c_szChainNameUdp, (WSAPROTOCOL_LEN + 1));
// Setup the TCP provider
awpiRsvp[1].dwServiceFlags2 = 0; awpiRsvp[1].dwServiceFlags3 = 0; awpiRsvp[1].dwServiceFlags4 = 0; awpiRsvp[1].dwProviderFlags = PFL_MATCHES_PROTOCOL_ZERO;
// Copy the GUID
memcpy(&(awpiRsvp[1].ProviderId), &c_guidRsvpNtName, sizeof(awpiRsvp[1].ProviderId));
awpiRsvp[1].dwCatalogEntryId = 0; awpiRsvp[1].ProtocolChain.ChainLen = 1; // Change history
// 2 in Win98 and in NT 5 during development
// 4 in Windows 2000, to be different from Win98 as the API changed slightly (RAID #299558)
// 6 In Whistler, as RSVPSP calls default provider rather than MSAFD, to handle Proxy client
awpiRsvp[1].iVersion = 6; awpiRsvp[1].iAddressFamily = AF_INET; awpiRsvp[1].iMaxSockAddr = 16; awpiRsvp[1].iMinSockAddr = 16; awpiRsvp[1].iSocketType = SOCK_STREAM; awpiRsvp[1].iProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP; awpiRsvp[1].iProtocolMaxOffset = 0; awpiRsvp[1].iNetworkByteOrder = BIGENDIAN; awpiRsvp[1].iSecurityScheme = SECURITY_PROTOCOL_NONE; awpiRsvp[1].dwMessageSize = 0; awpiRsvp[1].dwProviderReserved = 0;
// Copy over the name
lstrcpynW(awpiRsvp[1].szProtocol, c_szChainNameTcp, (WSAPROTOCOL_LEN + 1));
// Install the provider
#ifdef _WIN64
// On 64 bit machines modify both 64 and 32 bit catalogs.
result = ::WSCInstallProvider64_32( #else
result = ::WSCInstallProvider( #endif
(GUID*) &c_guidRsvpNtName, c_szRsvpFullPath, awpiRsvp, celems(awpiRsvp), &err);
if (SOCKET_ERROR == result) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); }
TraceError("HrInstallRsvpProvider", hr); return hr; }
// Member: RemoveRsvpProvider
// Purpose: Remove RSVP from the list of registered WinSock providers
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
VOID RemoveRsvpProvider(VOID) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT err = NO_ERROR; ULONG result = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwBuffSize = 0; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO* pwpiProtoInfo = NULL; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO* pwpiInfo = NULL;
// Find all the protocols that are installed
result = ::WSCEnumProtocols( NULL, NULL, &dwBuffSize, &err); if ((SOCKET_ERROR == result) && (WSAENOBUFS != err)) { // We have a real error
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } else { pwpiProtoInfo = reinterpret_cast<WSAPROTOCOL_INFO*>(new BYTE[dwBuffSize]); if (pwpiProtoInfo) { // Find out all the protocols on the system
result = ::WSCEnumProtocols( NULL, pwpiProtoInfo, &dwBuffSize, &err);
pwpiInfo = pwpiProtoInfo; if (SOCKET_ERROR != result) { DWORD cProt;
// Look for the RSVP protocol
while (cProt--) { if (pwpiInfo->ProviderId == c_guidRsvpNtName) { AssertSz((XP1_QOS_SUPPORTED & pwpiInfo->dwServiceFlags1), "Why is QoS not supported?"); AssertSz(((IPPROTO_UDP == pwpiInfo->iProtocol) || (IPPROTO_TCP == pwpiInfo->iProtocol)), "Unknown RSVP protocol");
// Remove the RSVP provider
result = ::WSCDeinstallProvider( &(pwpiInfo->ProviderId), &err); if (SOCKET_ERROR == result) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); TraceTag(ttidError, "Failed to De-Install Protocol, error = %d, Proto = %X\n", err, pwpiInfo->iProtocol); }
#ifdef _WIN64
// Deinstall 32 bit provider as well.
// We always install both versions, so should uninstall both
// as well (both providers have the same ID, so we do not
// need to enumerate 32 bit catalog).
result = ::WSCDeinstallProvider32( &(pwpiInfo->ProviderId), &err); if (SOCKET_ERROR == result) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); TraceTag(ttidError, "Failed to De-Install Protocol (32 bit), error = %d, Proto = %X\n", err, pwpiInfo->iProtocol); } #endif
// We have found it
hr = S_OK; break; }
pwpiInfo++; } } else { TraceTag( ttidError, "Failed to Enumerate protocols, error = %d\n", err); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); }
// Free the allocation
delete pwpiProtoInfo; } }
TraceErrorOptional("RemoveRsvpProvider", hr, (ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND == hr)); return; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrFindRsvpProvider
// Purpose:
// This routine installs the service provider.
// Arguments:
// iProtocolId [in] protocol to find
// pwpiOutProtoInfo [in] pointer to returned proto info
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 19-March-98
// Notes: This function was written mainly by cwill.
HRESULT HrFindRsvpProvider(INT iProtocolId, WSAPROTOCOL_INFO* pwpiOutProtoInfo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT err = NO_ERROR; ULONG result = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwBuffSize = 0; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO* pwpiProtoInfo = NULL; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO* pwpiInfo = NULL;
result = WSCEnumProtocols( NULL, NULL, &dwBuffSize, &err);
if ((SOCKET_ERROR == result) && (WSAENOBUFS != err)) { // We have a real error
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } else { pwpiProtoInfo = reinterpret_cast<WSAPROTOCOL_INFO*>(new BYTE[dwBuffSize]); if (pwpiProtoInfo) { // Find out all the protocols on the system
result = WSCEnumProtocols( NULL, pwpiProtoInfo, &dwBuffSize, &err);
pwpiInfo = pwpiProtoInfo; if (SOCKET_ERROR != result) { DWORD cProt;
// Look for a protocol that supports QoS
while (cProt--) { if ((pwpiInfo->iProtocol == iProtocolId) && (XP1_QOS_SUPPORTED & pwpiInfo->dwServiceFlags1)) {
*pwpiOutProtoInfo = *pwpiInfo; hr = S_OK; break; } pwpiInfo++; } } else { TraceTag( ttidError, "Failed to Enumerate protocols, error = %d\n", err); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); }
delete pwpiProtoInfo; } }
TraceErrorOptional("HrFindRsvpProvider", hr, (ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND == hr)); return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: RemoveRsvpProvider
// Purpose: Remove RSVP provider
// Arguments:
// iProtocolId [in] protocol id to remove
// Returns:
// Author: kumarp 19-March-98
// Notes: This function was written mainly by cwill.
VOID RemoveRsvpProvider(INT iProtocolId) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WSAPROTOCOL_INFO wpiProtoInfo;
// Find the provider and remove it
hr = HrFindRsvpProvider(iProtocolId, &wpiProtoInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INT err = NO_ERROR; #ifdef DBG
INT result = #endif // DBG
WSCDeinstallProvider(&wpiProtoInfo.ProviderId, &err);
#ifdef DBG
if (SOCKET_ERROR == result) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err); TraceTag(ttidError, "Failed to De-Install Protocol, error = %d, Proto = %X\n", err, iProtocolId); } #endif // DBG
TraceErrorOptional("HrFindRsvpProvider", hr, (ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND == hr)); return; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: RemoveRsvpProviders
// Purpose: Remove RSVP providers
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 19-March-98
// Notes:
void RemoveRsvpProviders(VOID) { // Remove the providers if they are present
RemoveRsvpProvider(IPPROTO_UDP); RemoveRsvpProvider(IPPROTO_TCP); }