// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: A C T R E E . C P P
// Contents: Functions related to the Advanced Configuration dialog
// tree view control
// Notes:
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "netcon.h"
#include "netconp.h"
#include "acsheet.h"
#include "acbind.h"
#include "ncnetcfg.h"
#include "lancmn.h"
#include "ncui.h"
#include "ncsetup.h"
#include "ncperms.h"
DWORD GetDepthSpecialCase ( INetCfgBindingPath* pPath) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwDepth;
hr = pPath->GetDepth (&dwDepth);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetCfgComponent* pLast;
hr = HrGetLastComponentAndInterface ( pPath, &pLast, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwCharacteristics;
// If the last component in the bindpath is one which
// doesn't expose its lower bindings, then compsensate by
// returning a depth that thinks it does. This special case
// is only for this code which was written for the origianl
// binding engine but needed to be quickly adapted to the new
// binding engine which doesn't return 'fake' bindpaths.
hr = pLast->GetCharacteristics (&dwCharacteristics); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (dwCharacteristics & NCF_DONTEXPOSELOWER)) { PWSTR pszInfId;
hr = pLast->GetId (&pszInfId); if (S_OK == hr) { if (0 == lstrcmpW (pszInfId, L"ms_nwnb")) { dwDepth += 2; } else if (0 == lstrcmpW (pszInfId, L"ms_nwipx")) { dwDepth += 1; }
CoTaskMemFree (pszInfId); } }
ReleaseObj (pLast); } }
return dwDepth; }
// Function: FreeBindPathInfoList
// Purpose: Frees the given list of BIND_PATH_INFO structures
// Arguments:
// listbpip [in, ref] Reference to list to be freed
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
VOID FreeBindPathInfoList(BPIP_LIST &listbpip) { BPIP_LIST::iterator iterBpip;
for (iterBpip = listbpip.begin(); iterBpip != listbpip.end(); iterBpip++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi = *iterBpip;
ReleaseObj(pbpi->pncbp); delete pbpi; }
listbpip.erase(listbpip.begin(), listbpip.end()); }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnTreeItemChanged
// Purpose: Called in response to the TVN_SELCHANGED message
// Arguments:
// idCtrl []
// pnmh []
// bHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnTreeItemChanged(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& bHandled) { NM_TREEVIEW * pnmtv = reinterpret_cast<NM_TREEVIEW *>(pnmh);
WCHAR szBuffer[265];
pnmtv->itemNew.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT; pnmtv->itemNew.pszText = szBuffer; pnmtv->itemNew.cchTextMax = celems(szBuffer);
TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &pnmtv->itemNew);
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(pnmtv->itemNew.lParam);
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "*-------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------*"); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Tree item %S selected", szBuffer); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "-----------------------------------------"); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "OnEnable list:"); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "--------------");
BPIP_LIST::iterator iterBpip;
for (iterBpip = ptid->listbpipOnEnable.begin(); iterBpip != ptid->listbpipOnEnable.end(); iterBpip++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi = *iterBpip;
DbgDumpBindPath(pbpi->pncbp); }
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "-----------------------------------"); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "OnDisable list:"); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "--------------");
for (iterBpip = ptid->listbpipOnDisable.begin(); iterBpip != ptid->listbpipOnDisable.end(); iterBpip++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi = *iterBpip;
DbgDumpBindPath(pbpi->pncbp); }
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "*-------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------*");
// Assume both buttons are greyed initially
::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(PSB_Binding_Up), FALSE); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(PSB_Binding_Down), FALSE);
if (TreeView_GetParent(m_hwndTV, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem)) { if (TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem)) { ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(PSB_Binding_Down), TRUE); }
if (TreeView_GetPrevSibling(m_hwndTV, pnmtv->itemNew.hItem)) { ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(PSB_Binding_Up), TRUE); } }
return 0; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnTreeDeleteItem
// Purpose: Called in response to the TVN_DELETEITEM message
// Arguments:
// idCtrl []
// pnmh []
// bHandled []
// Returns: Nothing useful
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnTreeDeleteItem(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& bHandled) { NM_TREEVIEW * pnmtv = reinterpret_cast<NM_TREEVIEW *>(pnmh); TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(pnmtv->itemOld.lParam);
// May be NULL if moving items around
if (ptid) { ReleaseObj(ptid->pncc); FreeBindPathInfoList(ptid->listbpipOnEnable); FreeBindPathInfoList(ptid->listbpipOnDisable);
delete ptid; }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnTreeItemExpanding
// Purpose: Called when the TVN_ITEMEXPANDING message is received
// Arguments:
// idCtrl []
// pnmh []
// bHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnTreeItemExpanding(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& bHandled) { // This prevents all tree items from collapsing
return TRUE; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnTreeKeyDown
// Purpose: Called when the TVN_KEYDOWN message is received
// Arguments:
// idCtrl []
// pnmh []
// fHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 22 Dec 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnTreeKeyDown(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& fHandled) { TV_KEYDOWN * ptvkd = (TV_KEYDOWN*)pnmh; HTREEITEM hti = NULL;
if (VK_SPACE == ptvkd->wVKey) { hti = TreeView_GetSelection(m_hwndTV); // if there is a selection
if (hti) { ToggleCheckbox(hti); } }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::ToggleCheckbox
// Purpose: Called when the user toggles a checbox in the treeview
// control.
// Arguments:
// hti [in] HTREEITEM of item that was toggled
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
VOID CBindingsDlg::ToggleCheckbox(HTREEITEM hti) { if (!FHasPermission(NCPERM_ChangeBindState)) { // do nothing
return; }
TV_ITEM tvi = {0}; TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid; BOOL fEnable;
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_STATE; tvi.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; tvi.hItem = hti; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No tree item data??");
BPIP_LIST::iterator iterBpip; BPIP_LIST * plist;
if (tvi.state & INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(SELS_CHECKED)) { // unchecking the box
plist = &ptid->listbpipOnDisable; fEnable = FALSE; } else { // checking the box
plist = &ptid->listbpipOnEnable; fEnable = TRUE; }
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "ToggleChecbox: %s the following binding path(s)", fEnable ? "Enabling" : "Disabling");
// Enable or disable each binding path in the appropriate list
for (iterBpip = plist->begin(); iterBpip != plist->end(); iterBpip++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi = *iterBpip;
(VOID)pbpi->pncbp->Enable(fEnable); DbgDumpBindPath(pbpi->pncbp); }
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Done!"); }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnClick
// Purpose: Called in response to the NM_CLICK message.
// Arguments:
// idCtrl []
// pnmh []
// fHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnClick(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& fHandled) { return OnClickOrDoubleClick(idCtrl, pnmh, FALSE); }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnDoubleClick
// Purpose: Called in response to the NM_DBLCLK message.
// Arguments:
// idCtrl []
// pnmh []
// fHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 16 Dec 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnDoubleClick(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL& fHandled) { return OnClickOrDoubleClick(idCtrl, pnmh, TRUE); }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnClickOrDoubleClick
// Purpose: Handles clicks or double clicks in the treeview control
// Arguments:
// idCtrl [in] ID of control
// pnmh [in] Notification header
// fDoubleClick [in] TRUE if double click, FALSE if single click
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 16 Dec 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnClickOrDoubleClick(int idCtrl, LPNMHDR pnmh, BOOL fDoubleClick) { if (idCtrl == TVW_Bindings) { DWORD dwpts; RECT rc; TV_HITTESTINFO tvhti = {0}; HTREEITEM hti;
// we have the location
dwpts = GetMessagePos();
// translate it relative to the tree view
::GetWindowRect(m_hwndTV, &rc);
tvhti.pt.x = LOWORD(dwpts) - rc.left; tvhti.pt.y = HIWORD(dwpts) - rc.top;
// get currently selected item
hti = TreeView_HitTest(m_hwndTV, &tvhti); if (hti) { if (tvhti.flags & TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) { ToggleCheckbox(hti); } else if ((tvhti.flags & TVHT_ONITEM) && fDoubleClick) { ToggleCheckbox(hti); } } }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnBindingUpDown
// Purpose: Handles the user moving a binding in the treeview up or down
// Arguments:
// fUp [in] TRUE if moving up, FALSE if down
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
VOID CBindingsDlg::OnBindingUpDown(BOOL fUp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; TV_ITEM tvi = {0}; HTREEITEM htiSel; HTREEITEM htiDst; TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptidSel; TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptidDst; INetCfgComponentBindings * pnccb;
htiSel = TreeView_GetSelection(m_hwndTV);
AssertSz(htiSel, "No selection?");
if (fUp) { htiDst = TreeView_GetPrevSibling(m_hwndTV, htiSel); } else { htiDst = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, htiSel); }
AssertSz(htiDst, "No next item?!");
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = htiSel;
TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptidSel = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam);
tvi.hItem = htiDst;
TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptidDst = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam);
BPIP_LIST::iterator iterlist; INetCfgBindingPath * pncbpDst; BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpiDst = NULL; BPIP_LIST::iterator posDst; BPIP_LIST::reverse_iterator posDstRev; INetCfgComponent * pnccDstOwner;
if (fUp) { posDst = ptidDst->listbpipOnDisable.begin(); pbpiDst = *posDst; } else { posDstRev = ptidDst->listbpipOnDisable.rbegin(); pbpiDst = *posDstRev; }
AssertSz(pbpiDst, "We never found a path to move before or after!");
pncbpDst = pbpiDst->pncbp;
hr = pncbpDst->GetOwner(&pnccDstOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pnccDstOwner->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(&pnccb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (iterlist = ptidSel->listbpipOnDisable.begin(); iterlist != ptidSel->listbpipOnDisable.end() && SUCCEEDED(hr); iterlist++) { // loop thru each item in the OnDisable list
INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp; BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi;
pbpi = *iterlist; pncbp = pbpi->pncbp;
#if DBG
INetCfgComponent * pnccSrcOwner;
if (SUCCEEDED(pncbp->GetOwner(&pnccSrcOwner))) { AssertSz(pnccSrcOwner == pnccDstOwner, "Source and " "dst path owners are not the same!?!"); ReleaseObj(pnccSrcOwner); } #endif
if (fUp) { TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Treeview: Moving..."); DbgDumpBindPath(pncbp); // Move this binding path before the tagret
hr = pnccb->MoveBefore(pncbp, pncbpDst); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Treeview: before..."); DbgDumpBindPath(pncbpDst); } else { TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Treeview: Moving..."); DbgDumpBindPath(pncbp); // Move this binding path after the tagret
hr = pnccb->MoveAfter(pncbp, pncbpDst); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Treeview: after..."); DbgDumpBindPath(pncbpDst); } }
ReleaseObj(pnccb); }
ReleaseObj(pnccDstOwner); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HTREEITEM htiParent;
htiParent = TreeView_GetParent(m_hwndTV, htiSel);
// Now that the binding has been moved, move the tree view item to the
// proper place. If moving
if (fUp) { // If moving up, the "move after" item should be the previous
// sibling's previous sibling. If that doesn't exist, use the
// previous sibling's parent. That had better exist!
htiDst = TreeView_GetPrevSibling(m_hwndTV, htiDst); if (!htiDst) { htiDst = htiParent; } }
AssertSz(htiDst, "No destination to move after!");
SendDlgItemMessage(TVW_Bindings, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); htiSel = HtiMoveTreeItemAfter(htiParent, htiDst, htiSel); TreeView_SelectItem(m_hwndTV, htiSel); SendDlgItemMessage(TVW_Bindings, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
::SetFocus(m_hwndTV); } }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnBindingUp
// Purpose: Called when the PSB_Binding_Up button is pressed
// Arguments:
// wNotifyCode []
// wID []
// hWndCtl []
// bHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnBindingUp(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { OnBindingUpDown(TRUE);
return 0; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::OnBindingDown
// Purpose: Called when the PSB_Binding_Down button is pressed
// Arguments:
// wNotifyCode []
// wID []
// hWndCtl []
// bHandled []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
LRESULT CBindingsDlg::OnBindingDown(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) { OnBindingUpDown(FALSE);
return 0; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::SetCheckboxStates
// Purpose: Sets the state of all checkboxes in the treeview.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
VOID CBindingsDlg::SetCheckboxStates() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CIterTreeView iterTV(m_hwndTV); HTREEITEM hti; TV_ITEM tvi = {0}; #ifdef ENABLETRACE
WCHAR szBuffer[256]; #endif
BOOL fHasPermission = FHasPermission(NCPERM_ChangeBindState);
while ((hti = iterTV.HtiNext()) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT; tvi.pszText = szBuffer; tvi.cchTextMax = celems(szBuffer); #else
tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; #endif
tvi.hItem = hti; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No tree item data??");
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Setting checkbox state for item %S.", szBuffer); #endif
BPIP_LIST::iterator iterBpip; DWORD cEnabled = 0;
for (iterBpip = ptid->listbpipOnDisable.begin(); iterBpip != ptid->listbpipOnDisable.end(); iterBpip++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi = *iterBpip;
if (S_OK == pbpi->pncbp->IsEnabled()) { cEnabled++; } }
tvi.mask = TVIF_STATE; tvi.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK;
UINT iState;
if (!fHasPermission) { iState = cEnabled ? SELS_FIXEDBINDING_ENABLED : SELS_FIXEDBINDING_DISABLED; } else { iState = cEnabled ? SELS_CHECKED : SELS_UNCHECKED; } tvi.state = INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(iState);
TreeView_SetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi); } }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::BuildBindingsList
// Purpose: Builds the contents of the Bindings treeview control
// Arguments:
// pncc [in] INetCfgComponent of adapter upon which this list is based
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
VOID CBindingsDlg::BuildBindingsList(INetCfgComponent *pncc) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
SBP_LIST listsbp; CIterNetCfgUpperBindingPath ncupbIter(pncc); INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp;
CWaitCursor wc;
SendDlgItemMessage(TVW_Bindings, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && S_OK == (hr = ncupbIter.HrNext(&pncbp))) { listsbp.push_back(CSortableBindPath(pncbp)); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SBP_LIST::iterator iterlist;
// This sorts the list descending by depth
for (iterlist = listsbp.begin(); iterlist != listsbp.end() && SUCCEEDED(hr); iterlist++) { INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp;
pncbp = (*iterlist).GetPath(); Assert(pncbp);
hr = HrHandleSubpath(listsbp, pncbp); if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = HrHandleTopLevel(pncbp); } } }
if (FALSE) { SBP_LIST::iterator iterlist; for (iterlist = listsbp.begin(); iterlist != listsbp.end(); iterlist++) { INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp;
pncbp = (*iterlist).GetPath();
DWORD dwLen = GetDepthSpecialCase(pncbp);
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Length is %ld.", dwLen); } } #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrOrderDisableLists(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrOrderSubItems(); } }
SendDlgItemMessage(TVW_Bindings, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0);
// Select first item in the tree
TreeView_SelectItem(m_hwndTV, TreeView_GetRoot(m_hwndTV));
{ SBP_LIST::iterator iterlist;
for (iterlist = listsbp.begin(); iterlist != listsbp.end() && SUCCEEDED(hr); iterlist++) { INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp;
pncbp = (*iterlist).GetPath(); ReleaseObj(pncbp); } }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::BuildBindingsList", hr); }
// Function: BpiFindBindPathInList
// Purpose: Given a bind path and a list, finds the BIND_PATH_INFO item
// that contains the given bind path.
// Arguments:
// pncbp [in] Bind path to look for
// listBpip [in, ref] List to search
// Returns: BIND_PATH_INFO of corresponding binding path, NULL if not
// found
// Author: danielwe 4 Dec 1997
// Notes:
BIND_PATH_INFO *BpiFindBindPathInList(INetCfgBindingPath *pncbp, BPIP_LIST &listBpip) { BPIP_LIST::iterator iterlist;
for (iterlist = listBpip.begin(); iterlist != listBpip.end(); iterlist++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi;
pbpi = *iterlist;
if (S_OK == pncbp->IsSamePathAs(pbpi->pncbp)) { // Found the target path
return pbpi; } }
return NULL; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrOrderDisableList
// Purpose: Given a component's item data, orders the OnDisable list
// based on the true binding order for the owning component
// Arguments:
// ptid [in] Item data containing list
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 4 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrOrderDisableList(TREE_ITEM_DATA *ptid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetCfgComponent * pnccOwner; BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi;
#if DBG
size_t cItems = ptid->listbpipOnDisable.size(); #endif
// Get the owning component of the first binding path in the list
pbpi = *(ptid->listbpipOnDisable.begin()); hr = pbpi->pncbp->GetOwner(&pnccOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CIterNetCfgBindingPath ncbpIter(pnccOwner); INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp; BPIP_LIST::iterator posPncbp; BPIP_LIST::iterator posInsertAfter;
// Start this at beginning
posInsertAfter = ptid->listbpipOnDisable.begin();
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && S_OK == (hr = ncbpIter.HrNext(&pncbp))) { pbpi = BpiFindBindPathInList(pncbp, ptid->listbpipOnDisable); if (pbpi) { BPIP_LIST::iterator posErase;
posErase = find(ptid->listbpipOnDisable.begin(), ptid->listbpipOnDisable.end(), pbpi);
AssertSz(posErase != ptid->listbpipOnDisable.end(), "It HAS" " to be in the list!");
// Found bind path in list
// Remove it from present location and insert after next item
ptid->listbpipOnDisable.splice(posInsertAfter, ptid->listbpipOnDisable, posErase); posInsertAfter++; }
ReleaseObj(pncbp); }
ReleaseObj(pnccOwner); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { AssertSz(ptid->listbpipOnDisable.size() == cItems, "How come we don't" " have the same number of items in the list anymore??"); hr = S_OK; }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrOrderDisableList", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrOrderDisableLists
// Purpose: Orders the OnDisable lists of all tree view items according
// to the true binding order
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 4 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrOrderDisableLists() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CIterTreeView iterHti(m_hwndTV); HTREEITEM hti; TV_ITEM tvi = {0};
// Loop thru each tree item, ordering the OnDisable lists to match the
// owning component's true binding order
while ((hti = iterHti.HtiNext()) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = hti; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No item data?!");
hr = HrOrderDisableList(ptid); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = S_OK; }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrOrderDisableLists", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrOrderSubItems
// Purpose: Orders the sub items of the tree view to reflect the bind
// order of the system
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrOrderSubItems() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HTREEITEM htiTopLevel;
htiTopLevel = TreeView_GetRoot(m_hwndTV); while (htiTopLevel) { HTREEITEM htiChild; TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid; TV_ITEM tvi = {0};
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = htiTopLevel; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No tree item data??");
CIterNetCfgBindingPath ncbpIter(ptid->pncc); INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp; HTREEITEM htiInsertAfter = NULL;
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && S_OK == (hr = ncbpIter.HrNext(&pncbp))) { BOOL fFound = FALSE;
htiChild = TreeView_GetChild(m_hwndTV, htiTopLevel);
while (htiChild && !fFound) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptidChild;
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = htiChild; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptidChild = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptidChild, "No tree item data??");
if (!ptidChild->fOrdered) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi;
pbpi = BpiFindBindPathInList(pncbp, ptidChild->listbpipOnDisable); if (pbpi) { htiInsertAfter = HtiMoveTreeItemAfter(htiTopLevel, htiInsertAfter, htiChild); ptidChild->fOrdered = TRUE;
fFound = TRUE; // Go to next bind path
break; } }
htiChild = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, htiChild); }
ReleaseObj(pncbp); }
htiTopLevel = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, htiTopLevel); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = S_OK; }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrOrderSubItems", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HtiAddTreeViewItem
// Purpose: Addes a new tree item according to provided information
// Arguments:
// pnccOwner [in] INetCfgComponent owner of component being added
// htiParent [in] HTREEITEM of parent (NULL if top-level item)
// Returns: HTREEITEM of newly added item
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HTREEITEM CBindingsDlg::HtiAddTreeViewItem(INetCfgComponent * pnccOwner, HTREEITEM htiParent) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HTREEITEM hti = NULL; SP_CLASSIMAGELIST_DATA cid;
// Get the class image list structure
hr = HrSetupDiGetClassImageList(&cid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BSTR pszwName;
hr = pnccOwner->GetDisplayName(&pszwName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GUID guidClass;
hr = pnccOwner->GetClassGuid(&guidClass); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INT nIndex;
// Get the component's class image list index
hr = HrSetupDiGetClassImageIndex(&cid, &guidClass, &nIndex); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvis = {0}; TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
ptid = new TREE_ITEM_DATA; if (ptid) { AddRefObj(ptid->pncc = pnccOwner); ptid->fOrdered = FALSE;
tvis.item.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tvis.item.iImage = nIndex; tvis.item.iSelectedImage = nIndex; tvis.item.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK | TVIS_EXPANDED; tvis.item.state = TVIS_EXPANDED | INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(SELS_CHECKED); tvis.item.pszText = pszwName; tvis.item.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(ptid); tvis.hParent = htiParent; tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
hti = TreeView_InsertItem(m_hwndTV, &tvis);
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Adding%s treeview item: %S", htiParent ? " child" : "", tvis.item.pszText);
CoTaskMemFree(pszwName); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } }
(void) HrSetupDiDestroyClassImageList(&cid); }
return hti; }
// Function: AddToListIfNotAlreadyAdded
// Purpose: Addes the given bind path info structure to the given list
// Arguments:
// bpipList [in, ref] List to be added to
// pbpi [in] BIND_PATH_INFO structure to add
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes: If the item is not added to the list, it is deleted
VOID AddToListIfNotAlreadyAdded(BPIP_LIST &bpipList, BIND_PATH_INFO *pbpi) { BPIP_LIST::iterator iterBpip; BOOL fAlreadyInList = FALSE;
for (iterBpip = bpipList.begin(); iterBpip != bpipList.end(); iterBpip++) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpiList = *iterBpip;
if (S_OK == pbpiList->pncbp->IsSamePathAs(pbpi->pncbp)) { fAlreadyInList = TRUE; break; } }
if (!fAlreadyInList) { bpipList.push_back(pbpi); } else { ReleaseObj(pbpi->pncbp); delete pbpi; } }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::AssociateBinding
// Purpose: Associates the given binding path with the given tree item
// Arguments:
// pncbpThis [in] Bind path to associate
// hti [in] HTREEITEM of item to associate the binding with
// dwFlags [in] One or combination of:
// ASSCF_ON_ENABLE - associate with OnEnable list
// ASSCF_ON_DISABLE - associate with OnDisable list
// ASSCF_ANCESTORS - associate this binding with all
// ancestors of the given item as
// well
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes: If binding is already present in the given list, it is not
// added again.
VOID CBindingsDlg::AssociateBinding(INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpThis, HTREEITEM hti, DWORD dwFlags) { TV_ITEM tvi = {0}; TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
WCHAR szBuffer[256]; #endif
//$ TODO (danielwe) 26 Nov 1997: Include ALL ancestors as well!
AssertSz(dwFlags, "NO flags!");
tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT; tvi.pszText = szBuffer; tvi.cchTextMax = celems(szBuffer); #else
tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; #endif
tvi.hItem = hti;
SideAssert(TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi));
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No tree item data??");
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Associating the following binding path with tree " "item %S", szBuffer); #endif
if (dwFlags & ASSCF_ON_ENABLE) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi;
pbpi = new BIND_PATH_INFO; if (pbpi) { AddRefObj(pbpi->pncbp = pncbpThis);
// Note: (danielwe) 25 Nov 1997: Let's see if we need this. Until
// then, set to 0
pbpi->dwLength = 0;
AddToListIfNotAlreadyAdded(ptid->listbpipOnEnable, pbpi); } }
if (dwFlags & ASSCF_ON_DISABLE) { BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi;
pbpi = new BIND_PATH_INFO; if (pbpi) { AddRefObj(pbpi->pncbp = pncbpThis);
// Note: (danielwe) 25 Nov 1997: Let's see if we need this. Until
// then, set to 0
pbpi->dwLength = 0;
AddToListIfNotAlreadyAdded(ptid->listbpipOnDisable, pbpi); } }
if (dwFlags & ASSCF_ANCESTORS) { // Now associate the same binding with my parent (this will recurse to
// cover all ancestors)
HTREEITEM htiParent = TreeView_GetParent(m_hwndTV, hti); if (htiParent) { AssociateBinding(pncbpThis, htiParent, dwFlags); } } }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrHandleSubpath
// Purpose: Handles the case of the given binding path being a subpath
// of an already associated binding path
// Arguments:
// listsbp [in, ref] Sorted list of binding paths to use in checking
// pncbpSub [in] Binding path to compare
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrHandleSubpath(SBP_LIST &listsbp, INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpSub) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fProcessed = FALSE;
SBP_LIST::iterator iterlist;
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "---------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------"); DbgDumpBindPath(pncbpSub); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "...is being compared to the following...");
for (iterlist = listsbp.begin(); iterlist != listsbp.end() && SUCCEEDED(hr); iterlist++) { INetCfgBindingPath * pncbp; INetCfgComponent * pnccOwner;
pncbp = (*iterlist).GetPath(); Assert(pncbp);
if (S_OK == pncbp->IsSamePathAs(pncbpSub)) { // Don't compare path to itself
continue; }
hr = pncbp->GetOwner(&pnccOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (FIsHidden(pnccOwner)) { ReleaseObj(pnccOwner); continue; } else { ReleaseObj(pnccOwner); }
DbgDumpBindPath(pncbp); hr = pncbpSub->IsSubPathOf(pncbp); if (S_OK == hr) { CIterTreeView iterTV(m_hwndTV); HTREEITEM hti; TV_ITEM tvi = {0}; #ifdef ENABLETRACE
WCHAR szBuf[256] = {0}; #endif
while ((hti = iterTV.HtiNext()) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_HANDLE; tvi.pszText = szBuf; tvi.cchTextMax = celems(szBuf); #else
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_HANDLE; #endif
tvi.hItem = hti; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "TreeView item: %S.", szBuf); #endif
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No tree item data??");
// Look for pncbp in OnEnable of this item
BPIP_LIST::iterator iterBpip;
for (iterBpip = ptid->listbpipOnEnable.begin(); iterBpip != ptid->listbpipOnEnable.end(); iterBpip++) { INetCfgBindingPath * pncbpIter; BIND_PATH_INFO * pbpi = *iterBpip;
pncbpIter = pbpi->pncbp; AssertSz(pncbpIter, "No binding path?");
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "OnEnable bindpath is"); DbgDumpBindPath (pncbpIter); #endif
if (S_OK == pncbpIter->IsSamePathAs(pncbp)) { hr = HrHandleSubItem(pncbpSub, pncbp, ptid, hti); fProcessed = TRUE; } } } } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = fProcessed ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrHandleSubpath", (hr == S_FALSE) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HtiIsSubItem
// Purpose: Determines if the given component is already a sub item of
// the given tree item
// Arguments:
// pncc [in] Component to check
// hti [in] HTREEITEM of item to check
// Returns: HTREEITEM of sub item, NULL if it is not a subitem
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HTREEITEM CBindingsDlg::HtiIsSubItem(INetCfgComponent *pncc, HTREEITEM hti) { HTREEITEM htiCur;
htiCur = TreeView_GetChild(m_hwndTV, hti); while (htiCur) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid; TV_ITEM tvi = {0};
tvi.hItem = htiCur; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi); ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam);
AssertSz(ptid, "No item data??");
// Note: (danielwe) 26 Nov 1997: Make sure pointer comparison is
// ok.
if (pncc == ptid->pncc) { return htiCur; }
htiCur = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, htiCur); }
return NULL; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrHandleSubItem
// Purpose: Handles the case of a single sub-item existing in the tree
// that matches the given binding path.
// Arguments:
// pncbpThis [in] Binding path being evaluated
// pncbpMatch [in] Binding path it is a subpath of
// ptid [in] Tree item data for tree view item that pncbpMatch
// is associated with
// htiMatchItem [in] HTREEITEM of above
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrHandleSubItem(INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpThis, INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpMatch, TREE_ITEM_DATA *ptid, HTREEITEM htiMatchItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwThisLen; DWORD dwMatchLen; DWORD dLen; INetCfgComponent * pnccMatchItem;
pnccMatchItem = ptid->pncc;
dwThisLen = GetDepthSpecialCase(pncbpThis); dwMatchLen = GetDepthSpecialCase(pncbpMatch);
dLen = dwMatchLen - dwThisLen;
if ((dwMatchLen - dwThisLen) == 1 || (S_OK == (hr = HrComponentIsHidden(pncbpMatch, dLen)))) { INetCfgComponent * pnccThisOwner; INetCfgComponent * pnccMatchOwner;
hr = pncbpThis->GetOwner(&pnccThisOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pncbpMatch->GetOwner(&pnccMatchOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!FIsHidden(pnccThisOwner) && !FDontExposeLower(pnccMatchOwner)) { hr = HrHandleValidSubItem(pncbpThis, pncbpMatch, pnccThisOwner, htiMatchItem, ptid); }
ReleaseObj(pnccMatchOwner); }
ReleaseObj(pnccThisOwner); } }
AssociateBinding(pncbpThis, htiMatchItem, ASSCF_ON_ENABLE | ASSCF_ANCESTORS);
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrHandleSubItem", (hr == S_FALSE) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrHandleValidSubItem
// Purpose: Handles the case of the given binding path being a sub item
// of at least on item in the tree.
// Arguments:
// pncbpThis [in] THIS binding path
// pncbpMatch [in] MATCH binding path
// pnccThisOwner [in] Owner of THIS binding path
// htiMatchItem [in] HTREEITEM of match item
// ptid [in] TREE item data for match item
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 1 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrHandleValidSubItem(INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpThis, INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpMatch, INetCfgComponent *pnccThisOwner, HTREEITEM htiMatchItem, TREE_ITEM_DATA *ptid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HTREEITEM htiNew = NULL;
if (pnccThisOwner != ptid->pncc) { // Check if it is already present as a subitem
htiNew = HtiIsSubItem(pnccThisOwner, htiMatchItem); if (!htiNew) { htiNew = HtiAddTreeViewItem(pnccThisOwner, htiMatchItem); }
AssertSz(htiNew, "No new or existing tree item!?!");
AssociateBinding(pncbpMatch, htiNew, ASSCF_ON_ENABLE | ASSCF_ON_DISABLE); AssociateBinding(pncbpThis, htiNew, ASSCF_ON_ENABLE); }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrHandleComponent", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrComponentIsHidden
// Purpose: Determines if the Nth component of the given binding path is
// hidden.
// Arguments:
// pncbp [in] Binding path to check
// iComp [in] Index of component to check for hidden characterstic
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrComponentIsHidden(INetCfgBindingPath *pncbp, DWORD iComp) { Assert(pncbp);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CIterNetCfgBindingInterface ncbiIter(pncbp); INetCfgBindingInterface * pncbi;
// Convert from component count to interface count
AssertSz(iComp > 0, "We should never be looking for the first component!");
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && iComp && S_OK == (hr = ncbiIter.HrNext(&pncbi))) { iComp--; if (!iComp) { INetCfgComponent * pnccLower;
hr = pncbi->GetLowerComponent(&pnccLower); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!FIsHidden(pnccLower)) { hr = S_FALSE; }
ReleaseObj(pnccLower); } } ReleaseObj(pncbi); }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrComponentIsHidden", (hr == S_FALSE) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HrHandleTopLevel
// Purpose: Handles the case of the given binding path not being associated
// with any existing tree view item
// Arguments:
// pncbpThis [in] Binding path being evaluated
// Returns: S_OK if success, Win32 or OLE error code otherwise
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CBindingsDlg::HrHandleTopLevel(INetCfgBindingPath *pncbpThis) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetCfgComponent * pnccOwner; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
// Check if the owner of this path is already present in the tree
hr = pncbpThis->GetOwner(&pnccOwner); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CIterTreeView iterTV(m_hwndTV); HTREEITEM hti; TV_ITEM tvi = {0};
while ((hti = iterTV.HtiNext()) && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TREE_ITEM_DATA * ptid;
tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_HANDLE; tvi.hItem = hti; TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvi);
ptid = reinterpret_cast<TREE_ITEM_DATA *>(tvi.lParam); AssertSz(ptid, "No tree item data??");
// Note: (danielwe) 25 Nov 1997: Pointer comparison may not
// work. Use GUIDs if necessary.
if (ptid->pncc == pnccOwner) { // Found match with THIS binding owner and an existing tree
// item
AssociateBinding(pncbpThis, hti, ASSCF_ON_ENABLE | ASSCF_ON_DISABLE);
fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !fFound) { // Not found in the tree
if (!FIsHidden(pnccOwner)) { DWORD dwLen;
dwLen = GetDepthSpecialCase(pncbpThis);
if (dwLen > 2) { HTREEITEM hti;
hti = HtiAddTreeViewItem(pnccOwner, NULL); if (hti) { AssociateBinding(pncbpThis, hti, ASSCF_ON_ENABLE | ASSCF_ON_DISABLE); } } } }
ReleaseObj(pnccOwner); }
TraceError("CBindingsDlg::HrHandleTopLevel", (S_FALSE == hr) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Function: ChangeTreeItemParam
// Purpose: Helper function to change the lParam of a tree view item
// Arguments:
// hwndTV [in] Tree view window
// hitem [in] Handle to item to change
// lparam [in] New value of lParam
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
VOID ChangeTreeItemParam(HWND hwndTV, HTREEITEM hitem, LPARAM lparam) { TV_ITEM tvi;
tvi.hItem = hitem; tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; tvi.lParam = lparam;
TreeView_SetItem(hwndTV, &tvi); }
// Member: CBindingsDlg::HtiMoveTreeItemAfter
// Purpose: Moves the given tree view item and all its children after the
// given treeview item
// Arguments:
// htiParent [in] Parent treeview item
// htiDest [in] Item to move after
// htiSrc [in] Item to move
// Returns: Newly added treeview item
// Author: danielwe 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HTREEITEM CBindingsDlg::HtiMoveTreeItemAfter(HTREEITEM htiParent, HTREEITEM htiDest, HTREEITEM htiSrc) { HTREEITEM htiNew; HTREEITEM htiChild; HTREEITEM htiNextChild; TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvis; WCHAR szText[256];
TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "Moving ..."); DbgDumpTreeViewItem(m_hwndTV, htiSrc); TraceTag(ttidAdvCfg, "... after ..."); DbgDumpTreeViewItem(m_hwndTV, htiDest);
// retieve the items data
tvis.item.hItem = htiSrc; tvis.item.mask = TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE; tvis.item.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; tvis.item.pszText = szText; tvis.item.cchTextMax = celems(szText); TreeView_GetItem(m_hwndTV, &tvis.item);
if (NULL == htiDest) { tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; } else { if (htiParent == htiDest) { tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_FIRST; } else { tvis.hInsertAfter = htiDest; } }
tvis.hParent = htiParent;
// add our new one
htiNew = TreeView_InsertItem(m_hwndTV, &tvis);
// copy all children
htiChild = TreeView_GetChild(m_hwndTV, htiSrc); while (htiChild) { htiNextChild = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, htiChild);
HtiMoveTreeItemAfter(htiNew, NULL, htiChild); htiChild = htiNextChild; }
// set old location param to null, so when it is removed,
// our lparam is not deleted by our remove routine
ChangeTreeItemParam(m_hwndTV, htiSrc, NULL);
// remove from old location
TreeView_DeleteItem(m_hwndTV, htiSrc);
return htiNew; }
// Treeview flat iterator
// Member: CIterTreeView::HtiNext
// Purpose: Advances the iterator to the next treeview item
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: Next HTREEITEM in tree view
// Author: danielwe 26 Nov 1997
// Notes: Uses a systematic iteration. First all children of first item
// are returned, then all siblings, then next sibling and so on
HTREEITEM CIterTreeView::HtiNext() { HTREEITEM htiRet; HTREEITEM hti;
if (m_stackHti.empty()) { return NULL; }
htiRet = Front(); hti = TreeView_GetChild(m_hwndTV, htiRet); if (!hti) { PopAndDelete(); hti = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, htiRet); if (hti) { PushAndAlloc(hti); } else { if (!m_stackHti.empty()) { hti = TreeView_GetNextSibling(m_hwndTV, Front()); PopAndDelete(); if (hti) { PushAndAlloc(hti); } } } } else { PushAndAlloc(hti); }
return htiRet; }