// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: S H U T I L . C P P
// Contents: Various shell utilities to be used by the connections shell
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 21 Oct 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <ntddndis.h>
#include <ndisprv.h>
#include <devioctl.h>
#include <ndispnp.h>
#include "foldinc.h" // Standard shell\folder includes
#include "ncnetcon.h" // FreeNetconProperties
#include "smcent.h" // Statmon central
#include "ctrayui.h" // For flushing tray messages
extern HWND g_hwndTray;
// Function: HrDupeShellStringLength
// Purpose: Duplicate a string using SHAlloc, so we can return it to the
// shell. This is required because the shell typically releases
// the strings that we pass it (so we need to use their
// allocator).
// Arguments:
// pszInput [in] String to duplicate
// cchInput [in] Count of characters to copy (not including null term)
// ppszOutput [out] Return pointer for the newly allocated string.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 21 Oct 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDupeShellStringLength( PCWSTR pszInput, ULONG cchInput, PWSTR * ppszOutput) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(pszInput); Assert(ppszOutput);
ULONG cbString = (cchInput + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Allocate a new POLESTR block, which the shell can then free.
PWSTR pszOutput = (PWSTR) SHAlloc(cbString);
// If the alloc failed, return E_OUTOFMEMORY
if (NULL != pszOutput) { // Copy the memory into the alloc'd block
CopyMemory(pszOutput, pszInput, cbString); pszOutput[cchInput] = 0; *ppszOutput = pszOutput; } else { *ppszOutput = NULL; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrDupeShellStringLength"); return hr; }
// Function: HrLoadPopupMenu
// Purpose: Load a popup menu as the first child of a loadable parent
// menu
// Arguments:
// hinst [in] Our instance handle
// id [in] ID of the parent menu
// phmenu [out] Return pointer for the popup menu
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 27 Oct 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrLoadPopupMenu( HINSTANCE hinst, UINT id, HMENU * phmenu) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HMENU hmParent = NULL; HMENU hmPopup = NULL;
Assert(id); Assert(hinst); Assert(phmenu);
// Load the parent menu
hmParent = LoadMenu(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(id)); if (NULL == hmParent) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Can't load parent menu in HrLoadPopupMenu"); hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); } else { // Load the popup from the parent (first submenu), then
// remove the parent menu
hmPopup = GetSubMenu(hmParent, 0); RemoveMenu(hmParent, 0, MF_BYPOSITION); DestroyMenu(hmParent); }
if (phmenu) { *phmenu = hmPopup; }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrLoadPopupMenu"); return hr; }
HRESULT HrGetMenuFromID( HMENU hmenuMain, UINT uID, HMENU * phmenu) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HMENU hmenuReturn = NULL; MENUITEMINFO mii;
Assert(hmenuMain); Assert(uID); Assert(phmenu);
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU; mii.cch = 0; // just in case
if (!GetMenuItemInfo(hmenuMain, uID, FALSE, &mii)) { hr = E_FAIL; } else { hmenuReturn = mii.hSubMenu; }
if (phmenu) { *phmenu = mii.hSubMenu; }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrGetMenuFromID"); return hr; }
INT IMergePopupMenus( HMENU hmMain, HMENU hmMerge, int idCmdFirst, int idCmdLast) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int iCount = 0; int idTemp = 0; int idMax = idCmdFirst; HMENU hmFromId = NULL;
for (iCount = GetMenuItemCount(hmMerge) - 1; iCount >= 0; --iCount) { MENUITEMINFO mii;
mii.cbSize = sizeof(mii); mii.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU; mii.cch = 0; // just in case
if (!GetMenuItemInfo(hmMerge, iCount, TRUE, &mii)) { TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, E_FAIL, FALSE, "GetMenuItemInfo failed in iMergePopupMenus"); continue; }
hr = HrGetMenuFromID(hmMain, mii.wID, &hmFromId); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { idTemp = Shell_MergeMenus( hmFromId, mii.hSubMenu, 0, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, MM_ADDSEPARATOR | MM_SUBMENUSHAVEIDS);
if (idMax < idTemp) { idMax = idTemp; } } else { TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, E_FAIL, FALSE, "HrGetMenuFromId failed in iMergePopupMenus"); continue; } }
return idMax; }
VOID MergeMenu( HINSTANCE hinst, UINT idMainMerge, UINT idPopupMerge, LPQCMINFO pqcm) { HMENU hmMerge = NULL; UINT idMax = 0; UINT idTemp = 0;
Assert(pqcm); Assert(idMainMerge); Assert(hinst);
idMax = pqcm->idCmdFirst;
if (idMainMerge && (SUCCEEDED(HrLoadPopupMenu(hinst, idMainMerge, &hmMerge)))) { Assert(hmMerge);
if (hmMerge) { idMax = Shell_MergeMenus( pqcm->hmenu, hmMerge, pqcm->indexMenu, pqcm->idCmdFirst, pqcm->idCmdLast, MM_SUBMENUSHAVEIDS);
DestroyMenu(hmMerge); } }
if (idPopupMerge && (hmMerge = LoadMenu(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(idPopupMerge))) != NULL) { idTemp = IMergePopupMenus( pqcm->hmenu, hmMerge, pqcm->idCmdFirst, pqcm->idCmdLast);
if (idMax < idTemp) { idMax = idTemp; }
DestroyMenu(hmMerge); }
pqcm->idCmdFirst = idMax; }
// Function: GenerateEvent
// Purpose: Generate a Shell Notification event.
// Arguments:
// lEventId [in] The event ID to post
// pidlFolder [in] Folder pidl
// pidlIn [in] First pidl that we reference
// pidlNewIn [in] If needed, the second pidl.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 16 Dec 1997
// Notes:
VOID GenerateEvent( LONG lEventId, const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlIn, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlNewIn) { // Build an absolute pidl from the folder pidl + the object pidl
LPITEMIDLIST pidl = ILCombinePriv(pidlFolder.GetItemIdList(), pidlIn.GetItemIdList()); if (pidl) { // If we have two pidls, call the notify with both
if (pidlNewIn) { // Build the second absolute pidl
LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew = ILCombinePriv(pidlFolder.GetItemIdList(), pidlNewIn); if (pidlNew) { // Make the notification, and free the new pidl
SHChangeNotify(lEventId, SHCNF_IDLIST, pidl, pidlNew); FreeIDL(pidlNew); } } else { // Make the single-pidl notification
SHChangeNotify(lEventId, SHCNF_IDLIST, pidl, NULL); }
// Always refresh, then free the newly allocated pidl
SHChangeNotifyHandleEvents(); FreeIDL(pidl); } }
VOID ForceRefresh(HWND hwnd) { TraceFileFunc(ttidShellFolder);
LPSHELLBROWSER psb = FileCabinet_GetIShellBrowser(hwnd); LPSHELLVIEW psv = NULL;
// Did we get the shellview?
#if 0 // We can't require this, since we may need to refresh without a folder
// actually being open
AssertSz(psb, "FileCabinet_GetIShellBrowser failed in ForceRefresh()"); #endif
if (psb && SUCCEEDED(psb->QueryActiveShellView(&psv))) { // Flush our connection list, which will force us to re-enumerate
// on refresh
Assert(psv); if (psv) { psv->Refresh(); psv->Release(); } } else { // In the case where we don't have a window to go off of, we'll just flush
// and refresh the list.
g_ccl.HrRefreshConManEntries(); } }
// Function: HrDeleteFromCclAndNotifyShell
// Purpose: Remove an object from the connection list and notify the
// shell that it's going away. We call this when a user has
// deleted a connection, and when a disconnect has caused a
// connection to go away (as in an incoming connection)
// Arguments:
// pidlFolder [in] Our folder pidl
// pidlConnection [in] The pidl for this connection
// ccfe [in] Our ConFoldEntry
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 22 Jul 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDeleteFromCclAndNotifyShell( const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlConnection, const CONFOLDENTRY& ccfe) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fFlushPosts = FALSE;
Assert(!pidlConnection.empty()); Assert(!ccfe.empty());
// Notify the shell that the object has gone away
if (!pidlFolder.empty()) { GenerateEvent(SHCNE_DELETE, pidlFolder, pidlConnection, NULL); }
if (!ccfe.empty()) { // Remove this connection from the global list
hr = g_ccl.HrRemove(ccfe, &fFlushPosts); }
// If we need to clear the tray PostMessages due to tray icon changes,
// do so.
if (fFlushPosts && g_hwndTray) { FlushTrayPosts(g_hwndTray); }
TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrDeleteFromCclAndNotifyShell"); return hr; }
// Function: HrUpdateConnectionStatus
// Purpose: Update the connection status in the connection list, and perform the
// appropriate tray actions to add/remove the item. Update the shell
// Arguments:
// pcfp [in] pidl for this connection
// ncs [in] new connection status
// pidlFolder [in] our folder pidl
// fUseCharacter [in] dwCharacter is valid
// dwCharacter [in] if fUseCharacter was specified as TRUE, update the
// characteristics using this value.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 28 Aug 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrUpdateConnectionStatus( const PCONFOLDPIDL& pcfp, NETCON_STATUS ncs, const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, BOOL fUseCharacter, DWORD dwCharacter) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrFind = S_OK; ConnListEntry cle;
// Raid #310390: If this is a RAS connection, we need to double check the status..
hrFind = g_ccl.HrFindConnectionByGuid(&(pcfp->guidId), cle); if (S_OK == hrFind) { Assert(!cle.ccfe.empty()); if (!cle.ccfe.empty()) { if ((NCS_DISCONNECTED == ncs) && (cle.ccfe.GetCharacteristics() & NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY)) { hr = ccfeDup.HrDupFolderEntry(cle.ccfe); if (FAILED(hr)) { ccfeDup.clear(); } } } }
if (!ccfeDup.empty()) { // Raid #310390: If this is a Ras connection, then double check
// the status
HRESULT hrRas = S_OK; INetConnection * pNetCon = NULL;
hrRas = ccfeDup.HrGetNetCon(IID_INetConnection, reinterpret_cast<VOID**>(&pNetCon)); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRas)) { NETCON_PROPERTIES * pProps; hrRas = pNetCon->GetProperties(&pProps); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRas)) { if (ncs != pProps->Status) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Resetting status, notified " "status: %d, actual status: %d", ncs, pProps->Status);
ncs = pProps->Status; }
FreeNetconProperties(pProps); }
ReleaseObj(pNetCon); } }
// MAKE SURE TO -- Release this lock in either find case below
g_ccl.AcquireWriteLock(); hrFind = g_ccl.HrFindConnectionByGuid(&(pcfp->guidId), cle); if (hrFind == S_OK) { Assert(!cle.ccfe.empty()); if (!cle.ccfe.empty()) { cle.ccfe.SetNetConStatus(ncs); if (fUseCharacter) { cle.ccfe.SetCharacteristics(dwCharacter); } const GUID ConnectionGuid = pcfp->guidId; // Fix IA64 alignment.
g_ccl.HrUpdateConnectionByGuid(&ConnectionGuid, cle); }
// Update the tray icon
GUID guidId;
guidId = pcfp->guidId; hr = g_ccl.HrUpdateTrayIconByGuid(&guidId, TRUE); g_ccl.ReleaseWriteLock();
// Close statistics window if disconnecting
if (NCS_DISCONNECTED == ncs || NCS_MEDIA_DISCONNECTED == ncs) { CNetStatisticsCentral * pnsc = NULL; HRESULT hrStatmon = S_OK;
hrStatmon = CNetStatisticsCentral::HrGetNetStatisticsCentral(&pnsc, FALSE); if (S_OK == hrStatmon) { GUID guidId;
guidId = pcfp->guidId; pnsc->CloseStatusMonitor(&guidId); ReleaseObj(pnsc); } }
PCONFOLDPIDL pidlUpdated; cle.ccfe.ConvertToPidl(pidlUpdated); RefreshFolderItem(pidlFolder, pcfp, pidlUpdated); // Update the folder icon
} else { g_ccl.ReleaseWriteLock();
LPCWSTR pszName = pcfp->PszGetNamePointer();
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrUpdateConnectionStatus: Connection not found " "in cache: %S. Connection deleted prior to notification?", pszName ? pszName : L"<name missing>"); }
TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrUpdateConnectionStatus"); return hr; }
// Function: HrOnNotifyUpdateStatus
// Purpose: Process Connection sink notifications -- Try to make good
// decisions about where we can ignore notifications to prevent
// unnecessary requeries or icon updates.
// Arguments:
// pidlFolder [in] The pidl information for our folder.
// pidlCached [in] Pidl generated from our connection cache
// ncsNew [in] The new connection state
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 29 Apr 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOnNotifyUpdateStatus( const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlCached, NETCON_STATUS ncsNew) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Filter out the multilink resume case, meaning that we get a
// connecting/connected notification on a link that's already active.
if ( (NCS_CONNECTED == pcfp->ncs) && ((ncsNew == NCS_CONNECTING) || NCS_CONNECTED == ncsNew)) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrOnNotifyUpdateStatus: Multi-link resume " "('connecting' while 'connected')"); } else { // If we're in the process of dialing, and the user cancels the
// dialer, we'll get "disconnecting" state. This is normally the
// same as "connected" icon-wise, but if we've never gotten connected,
// we don't want the icon to flash "connected" before going to the
// disconnected state
if ((pcfp->ncs == NCS_CONNECTING) && (ncsNew == NCS_DISCONNECTING)) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrOnNotifyUpdateStatus: Ignoring " "disconnecting notification during cancel of incomplete dial"); } else { // Ignore the update if the connection status hasn't really changed.
if (pcfp->ncs != ncsNew) { // This is a true state change that we want to show
hr = HrUpdateConnectionStatus(pcfp, ncsNew, pidlFolder, FALSE, 0); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT HrOnNotifyUpdateConnection( const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder, const GUID * pguid, NETCON_MEDIATYPE ncm, NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE ncsm, NETCON_STATUS ncs, DWORD dwCharacteristics, PCWSTR pszwName, PCWSTR pszwDeviceName, PCWSTR pszwPhoneNumberOrHostAddress) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrFind = S_FALSE; BOOL fIconChanged = FALSE;
// If the folder pidl wasn't passed in, then we'll go through the hassle of
// getting it ourselves.
if (pidlFolder.empty()) { hr = HrGetConnectionsFolderPidl(pidlFolderAlloc); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } else { pidlFolderAlloc = pidlFolder; }
// Find the connection using the GUID. Cast the const away from the GUID
hrFind = g_ccl.HrFindConnectionByGuid(pguid, cle); if (S_OK == hrFind) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Notify: Pre-Update %S, Ncm: %d, Ncs: %d, Char: 0x%08x", cle.ccfe.GetName(), cle.ccfe.GetNetConMediaType(), cle.ccfe.GetNetConStatus(), cle.ccfe.GetCharacteristics());
// Did the icon state change?
if ((cle.ccfe.GetCharacteristics() & NCCF_SHOW_ICON) != (dwCharacteristics & NCCF_SHOW_ICON)) { fIconChanged = TRUE; }
// Is this a new "set default" command? If so we need to search for any other defaults and
// unset them first
if ( (dwCharacteristics & NCCF_DEFAULT) && !(cle.ccfe.GetCharacteristics() & NCCF_DEFAULT) ) { PCONFOLDPIDL pidlDefault;
// Not the end of the world if this doesn't work, so use a HrT.
HRESULT hrT = g_ccl.HrUnsetCurrentDefault(pidlDefault); if (S_OK == hrT) { // Let the shell know about the new state of affairs
GenerateEvent(SHCNE_UPDATEITEM, pidlFolderAlloc, pidlDefault, NULL); } } // Save the old version of the pidl for the connection so we can use
// it to determine which notifications we need.
CONFOLDENTRY &ccfe = cle.ccfe; // Very important to release the lock before doing any thing which
// calls back into the shell. (e.g. GenerateEvent)
// Save old status so we know whether or not to send the status change
// notifications
ccfe.UpdateData(CCFE_CHANGE_MEDIATYPE | CCFE_CHANGE_STATUS | CCFE_CHANGE_CHARACTERISTICS | CCFE_CHANGE_NAME | CCFE_CHANGE_DEVICENAME | CCFE_CHANGE_PHONEORHOSTADDRESS, ncm, ncsm, ncs, dwCharacteristics, pszwName, pszwDeviceName, pszwPhoneNumberOrHostAddress); // NULL means go figure it out yourself...
g_ccl.HrUpdateConnectionByGuid(pguid, cle); TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Notify: Post-Update %S, Ncm: %d, Ncs: %d, Char: 0x%08x, Icon change: %d", ccfe.GetName(), ccfe.GetNetConMediaType(), ccfe.GetNetConStatus(), ccfe.GetCharacteristics(), fIconChanged);
// Get the pidl for the connection so we can use it to notify
// the shell further below.
g_ccl.ReleaseWriteLock(); } else { // If the connection wasn't found in the cache, then it's likely that
// the notification engine is giving us a notification for a connection
// that hasn't yet been given to us.
if (S_FALSE == hrFind) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Notify: Modify notification received on a connection we don't know about"); } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Notify: Modify: Error occurred during find of connection. hr = 0x%08x", hr); } }
if (S_OK == hrFind) { if ( !(pidlFind.empty() || pidlOld.empty()) ) { // Don't do the update if the status isn't changing.
// Don't want to croak on a bad return code here.
(VOID) HrOnNotifyUpdateStatus(pidlFolderAlloc, pidlOld, ncs);
if (fIconChanged) { hr = g_ccl.HrUpdateTrayIconByGuid(pguid, TRUE); TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Returned from HrUpdateTrayIconByGuid", hr); }
GenerateEvent(SHCNE_UPDATEITEM, pidlFolderAlloc, pidlFind, NULL); }
// Update status monitor title (LAN case)
CNetStatisticsCentral * pnsc = NULL; HRESULT hrStatmon = S_OK;
hrStatmon = CNetStatisticsCentral::HrGetNetStatisticsCentral(&pnsc, FALSE); if (S_OK == hrStatmon) { pnsc->UpdateTitle(pguid, pszwName); ReleaseObj(pnsc); } }
TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrOnNotifyUpdateConnection"); return hr; }
BOOL g_fInRefreshAlready = FALSE; BOOL g_fRefreshAgain = FALSE;
// Function: HrForceRefreshNoFlush
// Purpose: Force a refresh, but without wiping out all existing data.
// This lets us keep as much state as possible intact, while
// also letting us remove old items and adding new items (doing
// the correct things with tray icons and such along the way).
// Arguments:
// pidlFolder [in] Our folder pidl
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 28 Aug 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT HrForceRefreshNoFlush(const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolder) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CConnectionList * pccl = NULL;
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush");
g_fRefreshAgain = TRUE;
// If we're refreshing, then tell the thread already in here that it
// should refresh again.
if (!g_fInRefreshAlready) { // This starts out being set, then we'll turn it off. If someone
// turns it back on while we're in this long function, then we'll
// do it again
while (g_fRefreshAgain) { g_fInRefreshAlready = TRUE; // We're now in refresh
g_fRefreshAgain = FALSE;
if (pidlFolder.empty()) { hr = HrGetConnectionsFolderPidl(pidlFolderAlloc); } else { pidlFolderAlloc = pidlFolder; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // First, create the secondary connection list in order to compare the known
// state with the recently requested refresh state
pccl = new CConnectionList(); if (!pccl) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; AssertSz(FALSE, "Couldn't create CConnectionList in HrForceRefreshNoFlush"); } else { PCONFOLDPIDLVEC apidl; PCONFOLDPIDLVEC apidlCached; PCONFOLDPIDLVEC::const_iterator iterLoop = 0;
// Initialize the list. FALSE means we don't want to tie this
// list to the tray
pccl->Initialize(FALSE, FALSE);
// Retrieve the entries from the connection manager.
hr = pccl->HrRetrieveConManEntries(apidl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush -- %d entries retrieved", apidl.size);
// Loop through the connections. If there are new connections
// here that aren't in the cache, then add them and do the appropriate
// icon updates
for (iterLoop = apidl.begin(); iterLoop != apidl.end(); iterLoop++) { PCONFOLDPIDL pcfp = *iterLoop; CONFOLDENTRY ccfe;
// We don't need to update the wizard.
if (WIZARD_NOT_WIZARD == pcfp->wizWizard) { // Convert to the confoldentry
hr = iterLoop->ConvertToConFoldEntry(ccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // ConnListEntry cle;
ConnListEntry cleDontCare; hr = g_ccl.HrFindConnectionByGuid(&(pcfp->guidId), cleDontCare);
if (S_FALSE == hr) { if ((ccfe.GetCharacteristics() & NCCF_INCOMING_ONLY) && (ccfe.GetNetConStatus() == NCS_DISCONNECTED) && (ccfe.GetNetConMediaType() != NCM_NONE)) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Ignoring transient incoming connection (new, but status is disconnected)"); } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush -- New connection: %S", ccfe.GetName());
// Insert the connection in the connection list
hr = g_ccl.HrInsert(ccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // the connection list has taken control of this structure
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush -- successfully added connection to list. Notifying shell");
// don't delete ccfe on success. g_ccl owns it after an
// insert.
GenerateEvent(SHCNE_CREATE, pidlFolderAlloc, *iterLoop, NULL); } else { TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush -- Failed to insert connection into shell"); } } } else { // Update the connection properties for this connection
hr = HrOnNotifyUpdateConnection( pidlFolderAlloc, &(ccfe.GetGuidID()), ccfe.GetNetConMediaType(), ccfe.GetNetConSubMediaType(), ccfe.GetNetConStatus(), ccfe.GetCharacteristics(), ccfe.GetName(), ccfe.GetDeviceName(), ccfe.GetPhoneOrHostAddress()); } } } } } else { TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush -- Failed to retrieve Conman entries"); }
// Retrieve a pidl list from the connection cache. This should not force a
// reload (which would defeat the purpose of the whole operation).
hr = g_ccl.HrRetrieveConManEntries(apidlCached); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (iterLoop = apidlCached.begin(); iterLoop != apidlCached.end(); iterLoop++) { CONFOLDENTRY ccfe;
if (!iterLoop->empty()) { const PCONFOLDPIDL& pcfp = *iterLoop;
// If it's not a wizard pidl, then update the
// icon data.
if (WIZARD_NOT_WIZARD == pcfp->wizWizard) { ConnListEntry cle; BOOL fDeadIncoming = FALSE;
hr = pccl->HrFindConnectionByGuid(&(pcfp->guidId), cle); if (hr == S_OK) { DWORD dwChars = cle.ccfe.GetCharacteristics(); NETCON_STATUS ncs = cle.ccfe.GetNetConStatus(); NETCON_MEDIATYPE ncm = cle.ccfe.GetNetConMediaType();
// Figure out whether this is a transient incoming connection
// (enumerated, but disconnected)
if ((ncs == NCS_DISCONNECTED) && (ncm != NCM_NONE) && (dwChars & NCCF_INCOMING_ONLY)) { fDeadIncoming = TRUE; } }
// If it was either not found or is a dead incoming connection
// (disconnected), blow it away from the list.
if ((S_FALSE == hr) || (fDeadIncoming)) { hr = iterLoop->ConvertToConFoldEntry(ccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrDeleteFromCclAndNotifyShell(pidlFolderAlloc, *iterLoop, ccfe);
// Assuming that succeeded (or hr will be S_OK if
// the HrGet... wasn't called)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GenerateEvent(SHCNE_DELETE, pidlFolderAlloc, *iterLoop, NULL); } } } } } } }
delete pccl; pccl = NULL; } }
if (g_fRefreshAgain) { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Looping back for another refresh since g_fRefreshAgain got set"); }
} // end while (g_fRefreshAgain)
// Mark us as not being in the function
g_fInRefreshAlready = FALSE; } else { TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Marking for additional refresh and exiting"); }
TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrForceRefreshNoFlush"); return hr; }
// Function: HrShellView_GetSelectedObjects
// Purpose: Get the selected data objects. We only care about the first
// one (we'll ignore the rest)
// Arguments:
// hwnd [in] Our window handle
// papidlSelection [out] Return array for selected pidls
// lpcidl [out] Count of returned pidls
// Returns: S_OK if 1 or more items are selected.
// S_FALSE if 0 items are selected
// OLE HRESULT otherwise
// Author: jeffspr 13 Jan 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrShellView_GetSelectedObjects( HWND hwnd, PCONFOLDPIDLVEC& apidlSelection) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPCITEMIDLIST * apidl = NULL; UINT cpidl = 0;
// Get the selected object list from the shell
cpidl = ShellFolderView_GetSelectedObjects(hwnd, &apidl);
// If the GetSelectedObjects failed, NULL out the return
// params.
if (-1 == cpidl) { cpidl = 0; apidl = NULL; hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { // If no items were selected, return S_FALSE
if (0 == cpidl) { Assert(!apidl); hr = S_FALSE; } }
// Fill in the out params
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = PConfoldPidlVecFromItemIdListArray(apidl, cpidl, apidlSelection); SHFree(apidl); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (S_FALSE == hr), "HrShellView_GetSelectedObjects"); return hr; }
// Function: HrGetConnectionPidlWithRefresh
// Purpose: Utility function used by HrCreateDesktopIcon and HrLaunchConnection
// Arguments:
// guidId: GUID of the connection
// ppidlCon: PIDL of the connection, if found
// Returns: S_OK if succeeded
// S_FALSE if the GUID does not match any existing connection
// standard error code otherwise
// Author: tongl 19 Feb 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT HrGetConnectionPidlWithRefresh(const GUID& guidId, PCONFOLDPIDL& ppidlCon) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
PCONFOLDPIDL pidlCon; CConnectionFolderEnum * pCFEnum = NULL; DWORD dwFetched = 0;
// refresh the folder before we enumerate
PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER pidlEmpty; hr = HrForceRefreshNoFlush(pidlEmpty); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Create the IEnumIDList object (CConnectionFolderEnum)
hr = CConnectionFolderEnum::CreateInstance ( IID_IEnumIDList, (VOID **)&pCFEnum);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(pCFEnum);
// Call the PidlInitialize function to allow the enumeration
// object to copy the list.
pCFEnum->PidlInitialize(TRUE, pidlEmpty, CFCOPT_ENUMALL);
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_FALSE != hr)) { // Clear out the previous results, if any.
dwFetched = 0;
// Get the next connection
LPITEMIDLIST pitemIdList; hr = pCFEnum->Next(1, &pitemIdList, &dwFetched); pidlCon.InitializeFromItemIDList(pitemIdList); if (S_OK == hr) { if (pidlCon->guidId == guidId) { hr = S_OK; ppidlCon = pidlCon; break; } } } }
ReleaseObj(pCFEnum); }
return hr; }
// Function: HrRenameConnectionInternal
// Purpose: The shared portion for renaming a connection through the
// connections folder UI and the export function
// Arguments:
// pszInput [in] String to duplicate
// cchInput [in] Count of characters to copy (not including null term)
// ppszOutput [out] Return pointer for the newly allocated string.
// Returns:
// Author: tongl 26 May 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRenameConnectionInternal( const PCONFOLDPIDL& pidlCon, const PCONFOLDPIDLFOLDER& pidlFolderRoot, LPCWSTR pszNewName, BOOL fRaiseError, HWND hwndOwner, PCONFOLDPIDL& ppidlOut) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
INetConnection * pNetCon = NULL; PCONFOLDPIDL pidlNew; BOOL fRefresh = FALSE; BOOL fActivating = FALSE; CONFOLDENTRY ccfe; PCWSTR pszReservedName;
if (fRaiseError) { Assert(hwndOwner); }
Assert(FImplies(fRaiseError,IsWindow(hwndOwner))); Assert(pszNewName);
if ( (pidlCon.empty()) || !pszNewName ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = pidlCon.ConvertToConFoldEntry(ccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Do a case sensitive compare to see if the new name is exactly
// the same as the old one. If yes then, we ignore renaming.
if (lstrcmpW(ccfe.GetName(), pszNewName) == 0) { hr = S_FALSE; // Create a dupe pidl, if needed
if (!ppidlOut.empty()) { pidlNew.ILClone(pidlCon); } } else { // New name is either completely different from the old one or
// differs just in the case.
CONFOLDENTRY cfEmpty; hr = HrCheckForActivation(pidlCon, cfEmpty, &fActivating); if (S_OK == hr) { if (fActivating) { // You can't rename an activating connection
TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "Can not rename an activating connection"); hr = E_FAIL;
} } else { // If the old and new names differ in their case only then, we don't
// need to check if the new name already exists.
if (lstrcmpiW(ccfe.GetName(), pszNewName) == 0) { // New name differs from the old name in case only.
hr = S_FALSE; } else { pszReservedName = SzLoadIds( IDS_CONFOLD_INCOMING_CONN );
if ( lstrcmpiW(pszNewName, pszReservedName) == 0 ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } else { // New name is completely different, need to check if
// we already have the new name in our list
ConnListEntry cleDontCare; hr = g_ccl.HrFindConnectionByName((PWSTR)pszNewName, cleDontCare); } }
// if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
{ // If there's no duplicate in the list, attempt to set the
// new name in the connection
if (hr == S_FALSE) { // Convert our persist data back to a INetConnection pointer.
hr = HrNetConFromPidl(pidlCon, &pNetCon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Assert(pNetCon);
// Call the connection's Rename with the new name
hr = pNetCon->Rename(pszNewName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GUID guidId; fRefresh = TRUE;
// Update the name in the cache
guidId = pidlCon->guidId; // Note: There is a race condition with notify.cpp:
// CConnectionNotifySink::ConnectionRenamed\HrUpdateNameByGuid can also update this
hr = g_ccl.HrUpdateNameByGuid( &guidId, (PWSTR) pszNewName, pidlNew, TRUE); // Force the issue. it's an update, not a request
GenerateEvent( SHCNE_RENAMEITEM, pidlFolderRoot, pidlCon, pidlNew.GetItemIdList()); }
if (fRaiseError && FAILED(hr)) { // Leave hr at this value, as it will cause the UI to leave
// the object in the "rename in progress" state, so the user
// can change it again and hit enter.
if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DUP_NAME) == hr) { // Bring up the message box for the known DUPLICATE_NAME
// error
(void) NcMsgBox( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), hwndOwner, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_FAIL_CAPTION, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_DUPLICATE, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { // Bring up the generic failure error, with the win32 text
(void) NcMsgBoxWithWin32ErrorText( DwWin32ErrorFromHr (hr), _Module.GetResourceInstance(), hwndOwner, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_FAIL_CAPTION, IDS_TEXT_WITH_WIN32_ERROR, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_OTHER_FAIL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } }
ReleaseObj(pNetCon); // RAID 180252
} } else { if ( hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_NAME) ) {
if(fRaiseError) { // Bring up the invalid name message box.
// error
(void) NcMsgBox( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), hwndOwner, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_FAIL_CAPTION, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_INCOMING_CONN, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } else { // A duplicate name was found. Return an error.
if(fRaiseError) { // Bring up the message box for the known DUPLICATE_NAME
// error
(void) NcMsgBox( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), hwndOwner, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_FAIL_CAPTION, IDS_CONFOLD_RENAME_DUPLICATE, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } } } } } } }
if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(!pidlNew.empty()); ppidlOut = pidlNew; } if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = E_FAIL; } // Fill in the return parameter
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrRenameConnectionInternal"); return hr; }