// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: I C O M E R G E . C P P
// Contents: Utility functions for loading and merging icons
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 18 Nov 1998
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncdebug.h"
#include "icomerge.h"
#define WIDTHBYTES(bits) (((bits) + 31) / 32 * 4)
UINT ReadICOHeader( HANDLE hFile ) { WORD Input; DWORD dwBytesRead; // Read the 'reserved' WORD
if( ! ReadFile( hFile, &Input, sizeof( WORD ), &dwBytesRead, NULL ) ) return (UINT)-1; // Did we get a WORD?
if( dwBytesRead != sizeof( WORD ) ) return (UINT)-1; // Was it 'reserved' ? (ie 0)
if( Input != 0 ) return (UINT)-1; // Read the type WORD
if( ! ReadFile( hFile, &Input, sizeof( WORD ), &dwBytesRead, NULL ) ) return (UINT)-1; // Did we get a WORD?
if( dwBytesRead != sizeof( WORD ) ) return (UINT)-1; // Was it type 1?
if( Input != 1 ) return (UINT)-1; // Get the count of images
if( ! ReadFile( hFile, &Input, sizeof( WORD ), &dwBytesRead, NULL ) ) return (UINT)-1; // Did we get a WORD?
if( dwBytesRead != sizeof( WORD ) ) return (UINT)-1; // Return the count
return Input; }
DWORD BytesPerLine( LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpBMIH ) { return WIDTHBYTES(lpBMIH->biWidth * lpBMIH->biPlanes * lpBMIH->biBitCount); }
WORD DIBNumColors( PSTR lpbi ) { WORD wBitCount; DWORD dwClrUsed; dwClrUsed = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) lpbi)->biClrUsed;
if (dwClrUsed) return (WORD) dwClrUsed;
wBitCount = ((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) lpbi)->biBitCount; switch (wBitCount) { case 1: return 2; case 4: return 16; case 8: return 256; default: return 0; }
return 0;
WORD PaletteSize( PSTR lpbi ) { return ( DIBNumColors( lpbi ) * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) ); }
PSTR FindDIBBits( PSTR lpbi ) { return ( lpbi + *(LPDWORD)lpbi + PaletteSize( lpbi ) ); }
BOOL AdjustIconImagePointers( LPICONIMAGE lpImage ) { // Sanity check
if( lpImage==NULL ) return FALSE; // BITMAPINFO is at beginning of bits
lpImage->lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFO)lpImage->lpBits; // Width - simple enough
lpImage->Width = lpImage->lpbi->bmiHeader.biWidth; // Icons are stored in funky format where height is doubled - account for it
lpImage->Height = (lpImage->lpbi->bmiHeader.biHeight)/2; // How many colors?
lpImage->Colors = lpImage->lpbi->bmiHeader.biPlanes * lpImage->lpbi->bmiHeader.biBitCount; // XOR bits follow the header and color table
lpImage->lpXOR = (unsigned char *)FindDIBBits((PSTR)lpImage->lpbi); // AND bits follow the XOR bits
lpImage->lpAND = lpImage->lpXOR + (lpImage->Height*BytesPerLine((LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)(lpImage->lpbi))); return TRUE; }
// Function: ReadIconFromICOFile
// Purpose: Load an icon into memory
// Arguments:
// szFileName [in] ICO file to read
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 18 Nov 1998
// Notes:
if( (hFile = CreateFile( szFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL )) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Opening File for Reading", szFileName, MB_OK ); return NULL; }
// Allocate memory for the resource structure
if( (lpIR = (LPICONRESOURCE) malloc( sizeof(ICONRESOURCE) )) == NULL ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Allocating Memory", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return NULL; }
// Read in the header
if( (lpIR->nNumImages = ReadICOHeader( hFile )) == (UINT)-1 ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Reading File Header", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; }
// Adjust the size of the struct to account for the images
if( (lpNew = (LPICONRESOURCE) realloc( lpIR, sizeof(ICONRESOURCE) + ((lpIR->nNumImages-1) * sizeof(ICONIMAGE)) )) == NULL ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Allocating Memory", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; }
lpIR = lpNew;
// Store the original name
lstrcpyW( lpIR->szOriginalICOFileName, szFileName ); lstrcpyW( lpIR->szOriginalDLLFileName, L"" );
// Allocate enough memory for the icon directory entries
if( (lpIDE = (LPICONDIRENTRY) malloc( lpIR->nNumImages * sizeof( ICONDIRENTRY ) ) ) == NULL ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Allocating Memory", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; }
// Read in the icon directory entries
if( ! ReadFile( hFile, lpIDE, lpIR->nNumImages * sizeof( ICONDIRENTRY ), &dwBytesRead, NULL ) ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Reading File", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; }
if( dwBytesRead != lpIR->nNumImages * sizeof( ICONDIRENTRY ) ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Reading File", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; }
// Loop through and read in each image
for( i = 0; i < lpIR->nNumImages; i++ ) { // Allocate memory for the resource
if( (lpIR->IconImages[i].lpBits = (LPBYTE) malloc(lpIDE[i].dwBytesInRes)) == NULL ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Allocating Memory", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); free( lpIDE ); return NULL; }
lpIR->IconImages[i].dwNumBytes = lpIDE[i].dwBytesInRes;
// Seek to beginning of this image
if( SetFilePointer( hFile, lpIDE[i].dwImageOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Seeking in File", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); free( lpIDE ); return NULL; }
// Read it in
if( ! ReadFile( hFile, lpIR->IconImages[i].lpBits, lpIDE[i].dwBytesInRes, &dwBytesRead, NULL ) ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Reading File", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIR ); free( lpIDE ); return NULL; }
if( dwBytesRead != lpIDE[i].dwBytesInRes ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Reading File", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIDE ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; }
// Set the internal pointers appropriately
if( ! AdjustIconImagePointers( &(lpIR->IconImages[i]) ) ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Converting to INternal format", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); free( lpIDE ); free( lpIR ); return NULL; } }
// Clean up
free( lpIDE ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return lpIR; }
UINT GetBits(UINT uiNumber, INT iStart, INT iBits) { return (uiNumber >> (iStart+1-iBits)) & ~(~0 << iBits); }
VOID DebugPrintIconMasks(LPICONRESOURCE pIR) { UINT uiColorLoop = 0; UINT uiColors = pIR->IconImages[0].Colors; UINT uiBitCount = pIR->IconImages[0].lpbi->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
printf("Num images: %d\n", pIR->nNumImages); printf("Name: %S\n", pIR->szOriginalICOFileName);
#if 0
UINT Width, Height, Colors; // Width, Height and bpp
LPBYTE lpBits; // ptr to DIB bits
DWORD dwNumBytes; // how many bytes?
LPBITMAPINFO lpbi; // ptr to header
LPBYTE lpXOR; // ptr to XOR image bits
LPBYTE lpAND; // ptr to AND image bits
printf("Width: %d, Height: %d\n", pIR->IconImages[0].Width, pIR->IconImages[0].Height); printf("Color Depth: %d\n", uiBitCount); printf("Colors: %d, Bytes: %d\n", uiColors, pIR->IconImages[0].dwNumBytes);
for (uiColorLoop = 0; uiColorLoop < uiColors; uiColorLoop++) { printf("Color %d, R: %d G: %d B: %d\n", uiColorLoop, pIR->IconImages[0].lpbi->bmiColors[uiColorLoop].rgbRed, pIR->IconImages[0].lpbi->bmiColors[uiColorLoop].rgbGreen, pIR->IconImages[0].lpbi->bmiColors[uiColorLoop].rgbBlue); }
UINT uiNewLine = 0; UINT uiNewByte = 0; UINT uiByteLoop = 0; UINT uiPixel = 0;
printf("XOR map:\n"); while(uiPixel < (pIR->IconImages[0].Width * pIR->IconImages[0].Height)) { BYTE bCurrentByte = pIR->IconImages[0].lpXOR[uiByteLoop];
if (uiBitCount == 4) { BYTE bXOR = (bCurrentByte & 0xF0); if (bXOR > 0) printf("*"); else printf(" ");
if (++uiNewLine >= pIR->IconImages[0].Width) { uiNewLine = 0; printf("\n"); }
bXOR = (bCurrentByte & 0x0F); if (bXOR > 0) printf("*"); else printf(" ");
if (++uiNewLine >= pIR->IconImages[0].Width) { uiNewLine = 0; printf("\n"); }
uiByteLoop++; uiPixel += 2; } else { Assert(uiBitCount == 8);
BYTE bXOR = pIR->IconImages[0].lpXOR[uiPixel];
if (bXOR > 0) printf("*"); else printf(" ");
if (++uiNewLine >= pIR->IconImages[0].Width) { uiNewLine = 0; printf("\n"); }
uiPixel++; } }
uiNewLine = 0; UINT uiANDBytes = (pIR->IconImages[0].Width * pIR->IconImages[0].Height) / 8;
printf("AND map:\n"); for (uiPixel = 0; uiPixel < uiANDBytes; uiPixel++) { UINT uiCurrentByte = pIR->IconImages[0].lpAND[uiPixel]; UINT uiCurrentBit = 0;
for (uiCurrentBit = 0; uiCurrentBit < 8; uiCurrentBit++) { if (GetBits(uiCurrentByte, 7-uiCurrentBit, 1)) { printf("*"); } else { printf(" "); }
if (++uiNewLine >= pIR->IconImages[0].Width) { uiNewLine = 0; printf("\n"); } } } }
VOID OverlayIcons(LPICONRESOURCE pIRBase, LPICONRESOURCE pIROverlay) { UINT uiANDLoop = 0; UINT uiXORByte = 0; UINT uiANDBytes = (pIROverlay->IconImages[0].Width * pIROverlay->IconImages[0].Height) / 8; UINT uiNewLine = 0; UINT uiBitCountBase = pIRBase->IconImages[0].lpbi->bmiHeader.biBitCount; UINT uiBitCountOverlay = pIROverlay->IconImages[0].lpbi->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
if (uiBitCountBase != uiBitCountOverlay) { AssertSz(uiBitCountBase == uiBitCountOverlay, "Non-compatible bitcounts"); printf("*** ERROR *** Icon bitcounts different in OverlayIcons, base: %d, overlay: %d", uiBitCountBase, uiBitCountOverlay); goto Exit; }
for (uiANDLoop = 0; uiANDLoop < uiANDBytes; uiANDLoop++) { BYTE uiCurrentByte = pIROverlay->IconImages[0].lpAND[uiANDLoop]; UINT uiCurrentBit = 0;
for (uiCurrentBit = 0; uiCurrentBit < 8; uiCurrentBit++) { if (!GetBits(uiCurrentByte, 7-uiCurrentBit, 1)) { // printf("$");
BYTE bNewANDBits = 1; BYTE bXORBaseMask = 0x00; BYTE bXOROverlayMask = 0x00; BYTE bNewXORBits = 0x00;
bNewANDBits <<= (7-uiCurrentBit); bNewANDBits = ~bNewANDBits; pIRBase->IconImages[0].lpAND[uiANDLoop] &= bNewANDBits;
switch(uiBitCountBase) { case 4: // If even number, use the first set of bits
if ((uiCurrentBit % 2) == 0) { bXORBaseMask = 0x0F; bXOROverlayMask = 0xF0; } else { bXORBaseMask = 0xF0; bXOROverlayMask = 0x0F; } break; case 8: bXORBaseMask = 0x00; bXOROverlayMask = 0xFF; break; default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Unsupported bitcount in OverlayIcons. What's up with that?"); printf("*** ERROR *** Non-supported bitcount, bits: %d\n", uiBitCountBase); break; }
bNewXORBits = (pIRBase->IconImages[0].lpXOR[uiXORByte] & bXORBaseMask) | (pIROverlay->IconImages[0].lpXOR[uiXORByte] & bXOROverlayMask); pIRBase->IconImages[0].lpXOR[uiXORByte] = bNewXORBits;
} else { // printf(" ");
switch(uiBitCountBase) { case 4: if ((uiCurrentBit % 2)) { uiXORByte++; } break; case 8: uiXORByte++; break; }
if (++uiNewLine >= pIROverlay->IconImages[0].Width) { uiNewLine = 0; // printf("\n");
} } }
Exit: return; }
BOOL WriteICOHeader( HANDLE hFile, UINT nNumEntries ) { WORD Output; DWORD dwBytesWritten;
// Write 'reserved' WORD
Output = 0; if( ! WriteFile( hFile, &Output, sizeof( WORD ), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) ) return FALSE; // Did we write a WORD?
if( dwBytesWritten != sizeof( WORD ) ) return FALSE; // Write 'type' WORD (1)
Output = 1; if( ! WriteFile( hFile, &Output, sizeof( WORD ), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) ) return FALSE; // Did we write a WORD?
if( dwBytesWritten != sizeof( WORD ) ) return FALSE; // Write Number of Entries
Output = (WORD)nNumEntries; if( ! WriteFile( hFile, &Output, sizeof( WORD ), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) ) return FALSE; // Did we write a WORD?
if( dwBytesWritten != sizeof( WORD ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
* * FUNCTION: CalculateImageOffset * * PURPOSE: Calculates the file offset for an icon image * * PARAMS: LPICONRESOURCE lpIR - pointer to icon resource * UINT nIndex - which image? * * RETURNS: DWORD - the file offset for that image * * History: * July '95 - Created * \****************************************************************************/ DWORD CalculateImageOffset( LPICONRESOURCE lpIR, UINT nIndex ) { DWORD dwSize; UINT i;
// Calculate the ICO header size
dwSize = 3 * sizeof(WORD); // Add the ICONDIRENTRY's
dwSize += lpIR->nNumImages * sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY); // Add the sizes of the previous images
for(i=0;i<nIndex;i++) dwSize += lpIR->IconImages[i].dwNumBytes; // we're there - return the number
return dwSize; }
* * FUNCTION: WriteIconToICOFile * * PURPOSE: Writes the icon resource data to an ICO file * * PARAMS: LPICONRESOURCE lpIR - pointer to icon resource * PCWSTR szFileName - name for the ICO file * * RETURNS: BOOL - TRUE for success, FALSE for failure * * History: * July '95 - Created * \****************************************************************************/ BOOL WriteIconToICOFile( LPICONRESOURCE lpIR, PCWSTR szFileName ) { HANDLE hFile; UINT i; DWORD dwBytesWritten;
// open the file
if( (hFile = CreateFile( szFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL )) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Opening File for Writing", szFileName, MB_OK ); return FALSE; } // Write the header
if( ! WriteICOHeader( hFile, lpIR->nNumImages ) ) { MessageBox( NULL, L"Error Writing ICO File", szFileName, MB_OK ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return FALSE; } // Write the ICONDIRENTRY's
for( i=0; i<lpIR->nNumImages; i++ ) { ICONDIRENTRY ide;
// Convert internal format to ICONDIRENTRY
ide.bWidth = (BYTE)lpIR->IconImages[i].Width; ide.bHeight = (BYTE)lpIR->IconImages[i].Height; ide.bReserved = 0; ide.wPlanes = lpIR->IconImages[i].lpbi->bmiHeader.biPlanes; ide.wBitCount = lpIR->IconImages[i].lpbi->bmiHeader.biBitCount; if( (ide.wPlanes * ide.wBitCount) >= 8 ) ide.bColorCount = 0; else ide.bColorCount = 1 << (ide.wPlanes * ide.wBitCount); ide.dwBytesInRes = lpIR->IconImages[i].dwNumBytes; ide.dwImageOffset = CalculateImageOffset( lpIR, i ); // Write the ICONDIRENTRY out to disk
if( ! WriteFile( hFile, &ide, sizeof( ICONDIRENTRY ), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) ) return FALSE; // Did we write a full ICONDIRENTRY ?
if( dwBytesWritten != sizeof( ICONDIRENTRY ) ) return FALSE; } // Write the image bits for each image
for( i=0; i<lpIR->nNumImages; i++ ) { DWORD dwTemp = lpIR->IconImages[i].lpbi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage;
// Set the sizeimage member to zero
lpIR->IconImages[i].lpbi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; // Write the image bits to file
if( ! WriteFile( hFile, lpIR->IconImages[i].lpBits, lpIR->IconImages[i].dwNumBytes, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) ) return FALSE; if( dwBytesWritten != lpIR->IconImages[i].dwNumBytes ) return FALSE; // set it back
lpIR->IconImages[i].lpbi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = dwTemp; } CloseHandle( hFile ); return FALSE; }