#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "diag.h"
// Command strings
#define SZ_CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS L"showbindings"
#define SZ_CMD_SHOW_COMPONENTS L"showcomponents"
#define SZ_CMD_SHOW_STACK_TABLE L"showstacktable"
#define SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_ADAPTER_PNPIDS L"showlanpnpids"
#define SZ_CMD_ADD_COMPONENT L"addcomponent"
#define SZ_CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT L"removecomponent"
#define SZ_CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT L"updatecomponent"
#define SZ_CMD_REMOVE_REFS L"removerefs"
#define SZ_CMD_ENABLE_BINDING L"enablebinding"
#define SZ_CMD_DISABLE_BINDING L"disablebinding"
#define SZ_CMD_MOVE_BINDING L"movebinding"
#define SZ_CMD_WRITE_BINDINGS L"writebindings"
#define SZ_CMD_SET_WANORDER L"setwanorder"
#define SZ_CMD_CLEANUP L"cleanup"
#define SZ_CMD_ADD_REMOVE_STRESS L"arstress"
#define SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_DETAILS L"showlandetails"
#define SZ_CMD_LAN_CHANGE_STATE L"changelanstate"
#define SZ_CMD_SHOW_ALL_DEVICES L"showalldevices"
#define SZ_PARAM_CONNECT L"connect"
#define SZ_PARAM_DISCONNECT L"disconnect"
// Parameter strings for SZ_CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS
#define SZ_PARAM_BELOW L"below"
#define SZ_PARAM_INVOLVING L"involving"
#define SZ_PARAM_UPPER L"upper"
#define SZ_PARAM_DISABLED L"disabled"
// Parameter strings for SZ_CMD_ADD_COMPONENT
#define SZ_PARAM_NET L"net"
#define SZ_PARAM_INFRARED L"irda"
#define SZ_PARAM_TRANS L"trans"
#define SZ_PARAM_CLIENT L"client"
#define SZ_PARAM_SERVICE L"service"
// Parameter strings for SZ_CMD_MOVE_BINDING
#define SZ_PARAM_BEFORE L"before"
#define SZ_PARAM_AFTER L"after"
// Parameter strings for SZ_CMD_SET_WANORDER
#define SZ_PARAM_FIRST L"first"
#define SZ_PARAM_LAST L"last"
// Parameter strings for SZ_CMD_FULL_DIAGNOSTIC
#define SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK L"leakcheck"
// Aliases used when refering to components
#define SZ_ALIAS_ALL L"all"
VOID Usage ( IN PCTSTR pszProgramName, IN COMMAND Command) { switch (Command) { case CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S [below | involving | upper | disabled] [all | <infid> | <pnpid>]\n" "\n" " below : show bindings below component\n" " involving : show bindings involving component\n" " upper : show adapter's upper bindings\n" " disabled : show disabled bindings\n" "\n" " to specify the component:\n" " all : matches all components\n" " <infid> : matches component with specified Inf Id\n" " <pnpid> : matches component with specified PpP Id\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS); break;
case CMD_ADD_COMPONENT: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S <class> <infid>\n" "\n" " <class> : one of 'net', 'irda', 'trans', 'client', 'service'\n" " <infid> : the Inf ID of the component to add\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_ADD_COMPONENT); break;
case CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S [<infid> | <pnpid>]\n" "\n" " <infid> : matches component with specified Inf Id\n" " <pnpid> : matches component with specified PnP Id\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT); break;
case CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S [<infid> | <pnpid>]\n" "\n" " <infid> : matches component with specified Inf Id\n" " <pnpid> : matches component with specified PnP Id\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT); break;
case CMD_REMOVE_REFS: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S <infid>\n" "\n" " <infid> : matches component with specified Inf Id\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_REMOVE_REFS); break;
case CMD_ENABLE_BINDING: case CMD_DISABLE_BINDING: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S <bindpath>\n" "\n" " <bindpath> : bindpath as specified like output of 'showbindings'\n" "\n", pszProgramName, (CMD_ENABLE_BINDING == Command) ? SZ_CMD_ENABLE_BINDING : SZ_CMD_DISABLE_BINDING); break;
case CMD_MOVE_BINDING: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S <srcbindpath> [before | after] <dstbindpath>\n" "\n" " <srcbindpath> : bindpath as specified like output of 'showbindings'\n" " <dstbindpath> : bindpath as specified like output of 'showbindings'\n" " or 'null' to make srcbindpath first if 'before'\n" " is specified, or last if 'after' is specified\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_MOVE_BINDING); break;
case CMD_SET_WANORDER: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S [first | last]\n" "\n" " first : order WAN adapters before LAN adapters\n" " last : order WAN adapters after LAN adapters\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_SET_WANORDER); break;
case CMD_SHOW_LAN_DETAILS: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S <lan connection name>\n" "\n" " <lan connection name> : friendly name of LAN connection\n" " (note: use quotes if name contains spaces\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_DETAILS); break;
case CMD_LAN_CHANGE_STATE: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "%S %S <lan connection name> [connect | disconnect]\n" "\n" " <lan connection name> : friendly name of LAN connection\n" " (note: use quotes if name contains spaces\n\n" " <connect> : connects the given lan connection\n" " <disconnect> : disconnects the given lan connection\n" "\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_LAN_CHANGE_STATE); break;
default: g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n" "Network Configuration Diagnostic\n" " View, manipulate, or test network configuration.\n" "\n" "%S [options]\n" " %-15S - Show the current bindings\n" " %-15S - Show the currently installed components\n" " %-15S - Show the current stack table\n" " %-15S - Show PnP ids of LAN adapters\n" " %-15S - Add a component\n" " %-15S - Remove a component\n" " %-15S - Update a component\n" " %-15S - Enable a binding\n" " %-15S - Disable a binding\n" " %-15S - Change binding order\n" " %-15S - Rewrite all bindings\n" " %-15S - Change WAN adapter order\n" " %-15S - Perform a full (non-destructive) diagnostic\n" " %-15S - Perform Add/Remove component stress\n" " %-15S - Show the current LAN connections\n" " %-15S - Show details for a specific LAN connection\n" " %-15S - Connects or disconnects a specific LAN connection\n" " %-15S - Lists all devices\n" "\n\n", pszProgramName, SZ_CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS, SZ_CMD_SHOW_COMPONENTS, SZ_CMD_SHOW_STACK_TABLE, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_ADAPTER_PNPIDS, SZ_CMD_ADD_COMPONENT, SZ_CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT, SZ_CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT, SZ_CMD_ENABLE_BINDING, SZ_CMD_DISABLE_BINDING, SZ_CMD_MOVE_BINDING, SZ_CMD_WRITE_BINDINGS, SZ_CMD_SET_WANORDER, SZ_CMD_FULL_DIAGNOSTIC, SZ_CMD_ADD_REMOVE_STRESS, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_CONNECTIONS, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_DETAILS, SZ_CMD_LAN_CHANGE_STATE, SZ_CMD_SHOW_ALL_DEVICES); break; } }
#define NthArgIsPresent(_i) (_i < argc)
#define NthArgIs(_i, _sz) ((_i < argc) && (0 == _wcsicmp(argv[_i], _sz)))
EXTERN_C VOID __cdecl wmain ( IN INT argc, IN PCWSTR argv[]) { CDiagContext DiagCtx; DIAG_OPTIONS Options; INT iArg;
DiagCtx.SetFlags (DF_SHOW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT); g_pDiagCtx = &DiagCtx;
ZeroMemory (&Options, sizeof(Options)); Options.pDiagCtx = g_pDiagCtx; Options.Command = CMD_INVALID;
if (argc < 2) { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; }
iArg = 1;
if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_BINDINGS; iArg++;
if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_BELOW)) { Options.ShowBindParam = SHOW_BELOW; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_INVOLVING)) { Options.ShowBindParam = SHOW_INVOLVING; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_UPPER)) { Options.ShowBindParam = SHOW_UPPER; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_DISABLED)) { Options.ShowBindParam = SHOW_DISABLED; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; }
if (SHOW_DISABLED != Options.ShowBindParam) { iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_ALIAS_ALL)) { Options.CompSpecifier.Type = CST_ALL; } else if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.CompSpecifier.Type = CST_BY_NAME; Options.CompSpecifier.pszInfOrPnpId = argv[iArg]; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_COMPONENTS)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_COMPONENTS; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_STACK_TABLE)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_STACK_TABLE; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_ADAPTER_PNPIDS)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_LAN_ADAPTER_PNPIDS; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_ADD_COMPONENT)) { Options.Command = CMD_ADD_COMPONENT; iArg++;
if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_NET)) { Options.ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_NET; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_INFRARED)) { Options.ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_INFRARED; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_TRANS)) { Options.ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_CLIENT)) { Options.ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_NETCLIENT; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_SERVICE)) { Options.ClassGuid = GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; }
iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.pszInfId = argv[iArg];
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT)) { Options.Command = CMD_REMOVE_COMPONENT;
iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.pszInfId = argv[iArg];
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT)) { Options.Command = CMD_UPDATE_COMPONENT;
iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.pszInfId = argv[iArg];
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_REMOVE_REFS)) { Options.Command = CMD_REMOVE_REFS;
iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.pszInfId = argv[iArg];
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_ENABLE_BINDING)) { Options.Command = CMD_ENABLE_BINDING; iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.pszBindPath = argv[iArg];
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_DISABLE_BINDING)) { Options.Command = CMD_DISABLE_BINDING; iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.pszBindPath = argv[iArg];
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_MOVE_BINDING)) { Options.Command = CMD_MOVE_BINDING; iArg++; if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg) && NthArgIsPresent (iArg+1) && NthArgIsPresent (iArg+2)) { Options.pszBindPath = argv[iArg]; Options.pszOtherBindPath = argv[iArg+2];
if (NthArgIs (iArg+1, SZ_PARAM_BEFORE)) { Options.fMoveBefore = TRUE; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg+1, SZ_PARAM_AFTER)) { Options.fMoveBefore = FALSE; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_WRITE_BINDINGS)) { Options.Command = CMD_WRITE_BINDINGS;
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SET_WANORDER)) { Options.Command = CMD_SET_WANORDER; iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg+1, SZ_PARAM_FIRST)) { Options.fWanAdaptersFirst = TRUE; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg+1, SZ_PARAM_LAST)) { Options.fWanAdaptersFirst = FALSE; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_FULL_DIAGNOSTIC)) { Options.Command = CMD_FULL_DIAGNOSTIC;
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_CLEANUP)) { Options.Command = CMD_CLEANUP; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_ADD_REMOVE_STRESS)) { Options.Command = CMD_ADD_REMOVE_STRESS;
iArg++; if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_PARAM_LEAK_CHECK)) { Options.fLeakCheck = TRUE; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_CONNECTIONS)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_LAN_CONNECTIONS; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_ALL_DEVICES)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_ALL_DEVICES; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_SHOW_LAN_DETAILS)) { Options.Command = CMD_SHOW_LAN_DETAILS; iArg++;
if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.szLanConnection = argv[iArg]; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else if (NthArgIs (iArg, SZ_CMD_LAN_CHANGE_STATE)) { Options.Command = CMD_LAN_CHANGE_STATE; iArg++;
if (NthArgIsPresent (iArg)) { Options.szLanConnection = argv[iArg];
if (NthArgIs (iArg + 1, SZ_PARAM_CONNECT)) { Options.fConnect = TRUE; } else if (NthArgIs (iArg + 1, SZ_PARAM_DISCONNECT)) { Options.fConnect = FALSE; } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; } } else { Usage (argv[0], Options.Command); return; }
// If we're doing leak checking, preload some DLLs that are delayloaded.
// If we don't do this, we see a buncn of "leaks" associated with
// the loader bringing in DLLs in the middle of our tests.
if (Options.fLeakCheck) { LoadLibraryW (L"mswsock.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"comctl32.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"comdlg32.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"mprapi.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"mswsock.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"netapi32.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"rtutils.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"setupapi.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"shell32.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"userenv.dll"); LoadLibraryW (L"winspool.drv"); LoadLibraryW (L"ws2_32.dll"); }
if (FAILED(hr)) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "Problem 0x%08x initializing COM library", hr); return; }
// Call each of the external command processors
NetCfgDiagFromCommandArgs (&Options); NetManDiagFromCommandArgs (&Options);
g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttidNcDiag, "\n"); }