// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N E T A F X . C P P
// Contents: Tool for applying answerfile
// Author: kumarp 10-December-97
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "getopt.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
#include "kkutils.h"
#include "ncnetcfg.h"
#include "ncerror.h"
#include "nceh.h"
#include "nsexports.h"
class CNetAfxOptions { public: tstring m_strAFileName; BOOL m_fVerbose; BOOL m_fShowComponents;
CNetAfxOptions() { m_fVerbose = FALSE; m_fShowComponents = FALSE; } };
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global vars
BOOL g_fVerbose=FALSE; INetCfg* g_pINetCfg=NULL; BOOL g_fInitCom=TRUE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL FParseCmdLine(IN int argc, IN WCHAR* argv[], OUT CNetAfxOptions* pnaOptions); void ShowUsage(); HRESULT HrApplyAnswerFile(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN PCWSTR szAnswerFileName, IN BOOL fVerbose); void ShowAnswerFileErrors(IN TStringList* pslErrors); void ShowMsgIfVerbose(IN BOOL fVerbose, IN PCWSTR szMsg, ...); void ShowMsgIfGlobalVerboseV(IN PCWSTR szMsg, IN va_list arglist); void ShowMsgIfVerboseV(IN BOOL fVerbose, IN PCWSTR szMsg, IN va_list arglist); HRESULT HrGetInstalledComponentList(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN const GUID* pguidClass, OUT TStringList* pslComponents, OUT TStringList* pslDescriptions); HRESULT HrShowInstalledComponentList(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN const GUID* pguidClass); HRESULT HrDoNetAfx(IN CNetAfxOptions* pnaOptions); BOOL WINAPI NetAfxConsoleCrtlHandler(IN DWORD dwCtrlType);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: wmain
// Purpose: The main function
// Arguments: standard main args
// Returns: 0 on success, non-zero otherwise
// Author: kumarp 25-December-97
// Notes:
EXTERN_C int __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[]) { tstring strAFileName; BOOL fVerbose; HRESULT hr=S_OK; CNetAfxOptions naOptions;
if (FParseCmdLine(argc, argv, &naOptions)) { SetConsoleCtrlHandler(NetAfxConsoleCrtlHandler, TRUE);
hr = HrDoNetAfx(&naOptions); } else { ShowUsage(); }
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrDoNetAfx
// Purpose: Perform actions specified by pnaOptions
// Arguments:
// pnaOptions [in] pointer to CNetAfxOptions object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 19-February-98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDoNetAfx(IN CNetAfxOptions* pnaOptions) { AssertValidReadPtr(pnaOptions);
static const WCHAR c_szNetAfxName[] = L"netafx.exe";
HRESULT hr=S_OK; PCWSTR szAnswerFileName;
g_fVerbose = pnaOptions->m_fVerbose;
szAnswerFileName = pnaOptions->m_strAFileName.c_str();
PWSTR pszwClientDesc = NULL; const UINT c_cmsWaitForINetCfgWrite = 120000; BOOL fNeedWriteLock=FALSE;
ShowMsgIfVerbose(pnaOptions->m_fVerbose, L"Trying to get INetCfg...");
fNeedWriteLock = !pnaOptions->m_strAFileName.empty();
hr = HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg(&g_fInitCom, &g_pINetCfg, fNeedWriteLock, c_cmsWaitForINetCfgWrite, c_szNetAfxName, &pszwClientDesc); if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(!pszwClientDesc); ShowMsgIfVerbose(pnaOptions->m_fVerbose, L"...got it");
if (pnaOptions->m_fShowComponents) { (void) HrShowInstalledComponentList(g_pINetCfg, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET); (void) HrShowInstalledComponentList(g_pINetCfg, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS); (void) HrShowInstalledComponentList(g_pINetCfg, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETCLIENT); (void) HrShowInstalledComponentList(g_pINetCfg, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE); }
if (!pnaOptions->m_strAFileName.empty()) { hr = HrApplyAnswerFile(g_pINetCfg, szAnswerFileName, pnaOptions->m_fVerbose); }
TraceTag(ttidNetAfx, "%s: releasing INetCfg...", __FUNCNAME__); (void) HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg(g_fInitCom, g_pINetCfg, TRUE); g_pINetCfg = NULL; } else if (NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK == hr) { Assert (pszwClientDesc); ShowMsgIfVerbose(pnaOptions->m_fVerbose, L"... failed to lock INetCfg. " L"It is already locked by '%s'", pszwClientDesc); CoTaskMemFree(pszwClientDesc); } else { Assert(!pszwClientDesc); ShowMsgIfVerbose(pnaOptions->m_fVerbose, L"...error getting INetCfg, " L"error code: 0x%x", hr); }
TraceError(__FUNCNAME__, hr);
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrApplyAnswerFile
// Purpose: Run & apply the specified answerfile
// Arguments:
// szAnswerFileName [in] name of answerfile
// fVerbose [in] display verbose messages when TRUE
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 24-December-97
// Notes:
HRESULT HrApplyAnswerFile(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN PCWSTR szAnswerFileName, IN BOOL fVerbose) { DefineFunctionName("HrApplyAnswerFile");
static const WCHAR c_szAFileDll[] = L"netshell.dll"; static const CHAR c_szNetSetupSetProgressCallback[] = "NetSetupSetProgressCallback"; static const CHAR c_szNetSetupApplyAnswerFile[] = "HrNetSetupApplyAnswerFile";
ShowMsgIfVerbose(fVerbose, L"Applying answerfile: %s", szAnswerFileName);
BOOL fRebootRequired=FALSE; HRESULT hr=S_OK; HMODULE hDll; NetSetupSetProgressCallbackFn pfNetSetupSetProgressCallback; HrNetSetupApplyAnswerFileFn pfHrNetSetupApplyAnswerFileFn; TStringList* pslErrors;
hr = HrLoadLibAndGetProcsV(c_szAFileDll, &hDll, c_szNetSetupSetProgressCallback, (FARPROC*) &pfNetSetupSetProgressCallback, c_szNetSetupApplyAnswerFile, (FARPROC*) &pfHrNetSetupApplyAnswerFileFn, NULL);
if (S_OK == hr) { NC_TRY { pfNetSetupSetProgressCallback(ShowMsgIfGlobalVerboseV);
hr = pfHrNetSetupApplyAnswerFileFn(pnc, szAnswerFileName, &pslErrors); fRebootRequired = NETCFG_S_REBOOT == hr; }
NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_FAIL; ShowMsgIfVerbose(fVerbose, L"...unhandled exception in netshell.dll"); }
FreeLibrary(hDll); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ShowMsgIfVerbose(fVerbose, L"answerfile '%s' successfully applied", szAnswerFileName); } else { if (NETSETUP_E_ANS_FILE_ERROR == hr) { ShowAnswerFileErrors(pslErrors); } else { ShowMsgIfVerbose(fVerbose, L"answerfile '%s' could not be " L"successfully applied. error code: 0x%x", szAnswerFileName, hr); } }
if (fRebootRequired) { ShowMsgIfVerbose(TRUE, L"You must shut down and restart your computer " L"before the new settings will take effect."); }
TraceError(__FUNCNAME__, hr);
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ShowAnswerFileErrors
// Purpose: Display errors in the answerfile
// Arguments:
// pslErrors [in] pointer to list of
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 24-December-97
// Notes:
void ShowAnswerFileErrors(IN TStringList* pslErrors) { TStringListIter pos; PCWSTR szError;
wprintf(L"Answerfile has the following errors. Cannot continue...");
for (pos = pslErrors->begin(); pos != pslErrors->end(); pos++) { szError = (*pos)->c_str(); wprintf(L"%s\n", szError); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ShowMsgIfVerboseV
// Purpose: Show the passed message if we are in verbose mode
// otherwise do nothing.
// Arguments:
// szMsg [in] message
// arglist [in] list of arguments
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 15-April-98
// Notes:
void ShowMsgIfGlobalVerboseV(IN PCWSTR szMsg, IN va_list arglist) { ShowMsgIfVerboseV(g_fVerbose, szMsg, arglist); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ShowMsgIfVerboseV
// Purpose: Show the passed message if we are in verbose mode
// otherwise do nothing.
// Arguments:
// fVerbose [in] flag indicating verbose mode
// szMsg [in] message
// arglist [in] list of arguments
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 15-April-98
// Notes:
void ShowMsgIfVerboseV(IN BOOL fVerbose, IN PCWSTR szMsg, IN va_list arglist) { static WCHAR szTempBuf[1024];
vswprintf(szTempBuf, szMsg, arglist);
if (fVerbose) { wprintf(L"%s\n", szTempBuf); fflush(stdout); }
TraceTag(ttidNetAfx, "%S", szTempBuf); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ShowMsgIfVerbose
// Purpose: Show the passed message only if Verbose mode is on
// Arguments:
// szMsg [in] message to be displayed
// fVerbose [in] flag controlling the verbose mode
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 24-December-97
// Notes:
void ShowMsgIfVerbose(IN BOOL fVerbose, IN PCWSTR szMsg, ...) { va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, szMsg); ShowMsgIfVerboseV(fVerbose, szMsg, arglist); va_end(arglist); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: FParseCmdLine
// Purpose: Parse command line arguments
// Arguments:
// argc [in] number of arguments
// argv [in] pointer to array of command line arguments
// pstrAFileName [out] name of answerfile
// pfVerbose [out] flag controlling the verbose mode
// Returns: TRUE if all cmd line arguments correct, FALSE otherwise
// Author: kumarp 24-December-97
// Notes:
BOOL FParseCmdLine(IN int argc, IN WCHAR* argv[], OUT CNetAfxOptions* pnaOptions) { DefineFunctionName("FParseCmdLine");
AssertValidReadPtr(argv); AssertValidWritePtr(pnaOptions);
BOOL fStatus=FALSE; CHAR ch;
static const WCHAR c_szValidOptions[] = L"f:vVlLhH?"; WCHAR szFileFullPath[MAX_PATH+1]; PWSTR szFileComponent;
while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, (WCHAR*) c_szValidOptions)) != EOF) { switch (ch) { case 'f': int nChars; nChars = GetFullPathName(optarg, MAX_PATH, szFileFullPath, &szFileComponent); if (nChars) { pnaOptions->m_strAFileName = szFileFullPath; } fStatus = TRUE; break;
case 'v': case 'V': pnaOptions->m_fVerbose = TRUE; break;
case 'l': case 'L': pnaOptions->m_fShowComponents = TRUE; fStatus = TRUE; break;
default: case 'h': case 'H': case '?': case 0: fStatus = FALSE; break; } }
return fStatus; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ShowUsage
// Purpose: Display program usage help
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Author: kumarp 24-December-97
// Notes:
void ShowUsage() { static const WCHAR c_szUsage[] = L"Command syntax\n" L"--------------\n" L"netafx [/f [drive:][path]filename ] [/v] [/l]\n" L" or\n" L"netafx /?\n" L"\n" L" /f [drive:][path]filename\n" L"\t Specifies the answerfile name.\n" L"\n" L" /V\t Turns on the verbose mode that dumps what is being applied and\n" L" \t what result is returned. The default is off.\n" L" /l\t Displays list of installed networking components\n" L" /?\t Displays this help\n" L"\n" L"\n" L"General Overview\n" L"----------------\n" L"netafx is a tool that you can use for listing, installing, " L"configuring and uninstalling networking components. To list " L"installed components use the /l option. For other operations you " L"need to provide a text file (also called AnswerFile) that describes " L"the actions that you want to perform. " L"For more information on the syntax of the AnswerFile, please refer " L"to the document 'Unattended Setup Parameters'" L"\n";
wprintf(c_szUsage); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrGetInstalledComponentList
// Purpose: Get list of installed networking components
// Arguments:
// pnc [in] pointer to INetCfg object
// pguidClass [in] pointer to class whose components are requested
// pslComponents [out] pointer to list of components
// pslDescriptions [out] pointer to list of descriptions
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 15-April-98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrGetInstalledComponentList(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN const GUID* pguidClass, OUT TStringList* pslComponents, OUT TStringList* pslDescriptions) { DefineFunctionName("HrGetInstalledComponentList");
AssertValidReadPtr(pnc); AssertValidReadPtr(pguidClass); AssertValidWritePtr(pslComponents); AssertValidWritePtr(pslDescriptions);
static const WCHAR c_szErrorGettingDisplayName[] = L"<Error getting display name>";
HRESULT hr=S_OK; CIterNetCfgComponent nccIter(pnc, pguidClass); PWSTR pszwInfId; DWORD dwcc;
INetCfgComponent* pINetCfgComponent; while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_OK == (hr = nccIter.HrNext(&pINetCfgComponent)))) { if (pguidClass == &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET) { // we are interested only in physical netcards
hr = pINetCfgComponent->GetCharacteristics(&dwcc);
if (FAILED(hr) || !(dwcc & NCF_PHYSICAL)) { hr = S_OK; ReleaseObj(pINetCfgComponent); continue; } }
hr = pINetCfgComponent->GetId(&pszwInfId);
if (S_OK == hr) { pslComponents->push_back(new tstring(pszwInfId));
PWSTR pszwDisplayName; hr = pINetCfgComponent->GetDisplayName(&pszwDisplayName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pslDescriptions->push_back(new tstring(pszwDisplayName)); CoTaskMemFree(pszwDisplayName); } else { pslDescriptions->push_back(new tstring(c_szErrorGettingDisplayName)); }
CoTaskMemFree(pszwInfId); } // we dont want to quit upgrade just because 1 component
// failed OsUpgrade, therefore reset hr to S_OK
hr = S_OK;
ReleaseObj(pINetCfgComponent); }
if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; }
TraceError(__FUNCNAME__, hr); return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrShowInstalledComponentList
// Purpose: Display list of installed networking componetns
// Arguments:
// pnc [in] pointer to INetCfg object
// pguidClass [in] class whose components are to be listed
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 15-April-98
// Notes:
HRESULT HrShowInstalledComponentList(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN const GUID* pguidClass) { DefineFunctionName("HrShowInstalledComponentList");
HRESULT hr=S_OK; PCWSTR szClassName;
static const WCHAR c_szNetCards[] = L"Network Adapters"; static const WCHAR c_szNetProtocols[] = L"Network Protocols"; static const WCHAR c_szNetServices[] = L"Network Services"; static const WCHAR c_szNetClients[] = L"Network Clients";
if (pguidClass == &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET) { szClassName = c_szNetCards; } else if (pguidClass == &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS) { szClassName = c_szNetProtocols; } else if (pguidClass == &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE) { szClassName = c_szNetServices; } else if (pguidClass == &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETCLIENT) { szClassName = c_szNetClients; } else { szClassName = NULL; }
wprintf(L"\n%s\n-----------------\n", szClassName);
TStringList slComponents; TStringList slDisplayNames;
hr = HrGetInstalledComponentList(pnc, pguidClass, &slComponents, &slDisplayNames); if (S_OK == hr) { TStringListIter pos1, pos2; PCWSTR szComponentId; PCWSTR szDisplayName;
pos1 = slComponents.begin(); pos2 = slDisplayNames.begin();
while (pos1 != slComponents.end()) { Assert(pos2 != slDisplayNames.end());
szComponentId = (*pos1++)->c_str(); szDisplayName = (*pos2++)->c_str();
wprintf(L"%-26s %s\n", szComponentId, szDisplayName); } }
TraceError(__FUNCNAME__, hr);
return hr; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: NetAfxConsoleCrtlHandler
// Purpose: Release resources on abnormal exit
// Arguments:
// dwCtrlType [in] reason of abnormal exit
// Returns: FALSE --> so that netafx will be terminated
// Author: kumarp 15-April-98
// Notes:
BOOL WINAPI NetAfxConsoleCrtlHandler(IN DWORD dwCtrlType) { DefineFunctionName("NetAfxConsoleCrtlHandler");
// Handles all dwCtrlType i.e. ignore the passed type
if (g_pINetCfg) { TraceTag(ttidNetAfx, "%s: abnormal exit, releasing INetCfg...", __FUNCNAME__); (void) HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg(g_fInitCom, g_pINetCfg, TRUE); g_pINetCfg = NULL; }
return FALSE; }