// Copyright (c) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: Upgrade.c
// History:
// V Raman July-1-1997 Created.
// Entry points for ISDN upgrade
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "upgrade.h"
// upgrade inf section name
#define MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE 128
#define ALIGN_SIZE 0x00000008
#define ALIGN_SHIFT (ALIGN_SIZE - 0x00000001) // 0x00000007
#define ALIGN_MASK (~ALIGN_SHIFT) // 0xfffffff8
#define ALIGN_POINTER(ptr) { \
((DWORD) (ptr)) += ALIGN_SHIFT; \ ((DWORD) (ptr)) &= ALIGN_MASK; \ }
typedef struct _ISDN_STATIC_PARAMS { WCHAR ptszInfId[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwWanEndPoints; DWORD dwNumDChannels; DWORD dwNumBChannelsPerDChannel;
// New inf Key names
WCHAR c_ptszIsdnNumDChannels[] = L"IsdnNumDChannels"; WCHAR c_ptszIsdnSwitchType[] = L"IsdnSwitchType";
WCHAR c_ptszIsdnNumBChannels[] = L"IsdnNumBChannels"; WCHAR c_ptszIsdnSpid[] = L"IsdnSpid"; WCHAR c_ptszIsdnPhoneNumber[] = L"IsdnPhoneNumber";
// Values for DIGI Datafire ISDN cards.
ISDN_STATIC_PARAMS g_ispDigiParams[] = { { TEXT( "DataFireIsa1U" ), 2, 1, 2 }, { L "DataFireIsa1ST" , 2, 1, 2 }, { L "DataFireIsa4ST" , 8, 4, 2 } };
PWSTR g_ptszDigiSwitchTypes[] = { L "Auto Detect" , L "Generic" , L "ATT" , L "DEFINITY" , L "NTI" , L "NI1" , L "NET3" , L "1TR6" , L "VN3" , L "INS64" , L "AUSTEL" , L "Singapore" };
// registry keys for DIGI Datafire ISDN card.
WCHAR c_ptszNumberOfLines[] = L "NumberOfLines" ;
WCHAR c_ptszLine[] = L "Line" ; WCHAR c_ptszSwitchStyle[] = L "SwitchStyle" ; WCHAR c_ptszLogicalTerminals[] = L "LogicalTerminals" ; WCHAR c_ptszTerminalManagement[] = L "TerminalManagement" ;
WCHAR c_ptszLTerm[] = L "LTerm" ; WCHAR c_ptszSPID[] = L "SPID" ; WCHAR c_ptszAddress[] = L "Address" ;
// Function: DLLMAIN
// This is the DLL entrypoint handler.
switch(dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
break; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: NetWriteDIGIISDNRegistry
// reads the registry layout of DIGI PCIMAC card and write the key
// values that need to be updated in the 5.0 setup.
DWORD NetWriteDIGIISDNRegistry( IN HKEY hKeyInstanceParameters, IN PCWSTR szPreNT5IndId, IN PCWSTR szNT5InfId, IN PCWSTR szSectionName, OUT PWSTR ** lplplpBuffer, IN OUT PDWORD pdwNumLines ) {
DWORD dwInd = 0, dwInd1 = 0, dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
DWORD dwMaxKeyLen = 0, dwMaxValueLen = 0, dwType = 0, dwSize = 0, dwNumSubKeys = 0;
DWORD dwValue = 0, dwNumDChannels = 0, dwNumLogTerm = 0; DWORD dwMaxLines = 0, dwNumLines = 0;
PTCHAR ptszKey = NULL, ptszValue = NULL;
PTCHAR ptszBuffer = NULL;
WCHAR ptszSubKey[ MAX_PATH ];
PBYTE pb = NULL, pbLine = NULL;
PWSTR * lplpOffset;
do {
// Create IsdnNumDChannel entry
// for each D channel
// Create IsdnSwitchType (index into the mulptsz)
// Create VendorSpecific\TerminalManagement
// Create VendorSpecific\LogicalTerminals
// For each B Channel
// Create IsdnSpid
// Create IsdnPhoneNumber
// figure out which card this is
for ( dwInd = 0; dwInd < DIGI_MAX_ADAPTERS; dwInd++ ) { if ( !_wcsicmp( g_ispDigiParams[ dwInd ].ptszInfId, szNT5InfId ) ) { break; } }
if ( dwInd >= DIGI_MAX_ADAPTERS ) { break; }
pisp = &(g_ispDigiParams[ dwInd ]);
// Compute number of lines in buffer as
// 4 (section name, Addreg line, blank line, Addreg section name) +
// 1 (IsdnNumDChannels) +
// IsdnNumDChannels * ( 3 +
// ( IsdnNumBChannels * 2 )
dwMaxLines = 5 + ( pisp-> dwNumDChannels * ( 3 + pisp-> dwNumBChannelsPerDChannel * 2 ) );
// allocate buffer big enough to hold these many lines of entries
dwSize = sizeof( PWSTR ) * dwMaxLines + ALIGN_SIZE + dwMaxLines * sizeof( WCHAR ) * MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE;
pb = LocalAlloc( 0, dwSize );
if ( pb == NULL ) { break; }
ZeroMemory( pb, dwSize );
lplpOffset = (PWSTR *) pb;
pbLine = pb + sizeof( PWSTR ) * dwMaxLines;
// set the pointers
for ( dwInd = 0; dwInd < dwMaxLines; dwInd++ ) { lplpOffset[ dwInd ] = (PWSTR) ( pbLine + dwInd * sizeof( WCHAR ) * MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE ); }
// write section name
dwNumLines = 0;
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L"[%s]", szSectionName );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L"AddReg\t= %s.%s.reg", szSectionName, szNT5InfId );
// Start registry section name
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L"[%s.%s.reg]", szSectionName, szNT5InfId );
// Find size of longest sub key and the size of max value
// Allocate buffers for them.
dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey( hKeyInstanceParameters, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwMaxKeyLen, &dwMaxValueLen, NULL, NULL );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); break; }
ptszKey = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (dwMaxKeyLen + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( ptszKey == NULL ) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
ptszValue = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (dwMaxValueLen + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( ptszValue == NULL ) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
// Find number of D channels
dwSize = sizeof( DWORD );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyInstanceParameters, c_ptszNumberOfLines, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwNumDChannels, &dwSize );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L "HKR, , %s, %#.8lx, %d" , c_ptszIsdnNumDChannels, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD, dwNumDChannels );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
// for each D channel
for ( dwInd = 0; dwInd < dwNumDChannels; dwInd++ ) { //
// Sub key for D channels under which all the info
// is to written
wsprintfW( ptszSubKey, L"%d" , dwInd );
// create switch type key name
wsprintfW( ptszKey, L"%s%d.%s" , c_ptszLine, dwInd, c_ptszSwitchStyle );
// query protocol key and use look up to determine switch type.
dwSize = dwMaxValueLen * sizeof( WCHAR );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyInstanceParameters, ptszKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszValue, &dwSize );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// lookup the switchtype in the list of switch types
for ( dwInd1 = 0; dwInd1 < DIGI_MAX_SWITCH_TYPES; dwInd1++ ) { if ( !_wcsicmp( g_ptszDigiSwitchTypes[ dwInd1 ], ptszValue ) ) { break; } }
if ( dwInd1 >= DIGI_MAX_SWITCH_TYPES ) { dwInd1 = 1; }
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L "HKR, %s, %s, %#.8lx, %d" , ptszSubKey, c_ptszIsdnSwitchType, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD, dwInd1 );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
// Create key for number of B channels
wsprintfW( ptszKey, L"%s%d.%s" , c_ptszLine, dwInd, c_ptszLogicalTerminals );
// Find and write number of logical terminals
dwSize = sizeof( DWORD );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyInstanceParameters, ptszKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwNumLogTerm, &dwSize );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L "HKR, %s\\VendorSpecific, %s, %#.8lx, %d" , ptszSubKey, c_ptszLogicalTerminals, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD, dwNumLogTerm );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
// Create key for Terminal management
wsprintfW( ptszKey, L"%s%d.%s" , c_ptszLine, dwInd, c_ptszTerminalManagement );
// Find and write terminal management value
dwSize = dwMaxValueLen * sizeof( WCHAR );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyInstanceParameters, ptszKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszValue, &dwSize );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L "HKR, %s\\VendorSpecific, %s, %#.8lx, %s" , ptszSubKey, c_ptszTerminalManagement, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ, ptszValue );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
// for each B Channel for this D channels write the
// B channel info.
for ( dwInd1 = 0; dwInd1 < pisp-> dwNumBChannelsPerDChannel; dwInd1++ ) { //
// sub key for B channel under which all the info. is to
// be written.
wsprintfW( ptszSubKey, L"%d\\%d" , dwInd, dwInd1 );
// create key for SPID
wsprintfW( ptszKey, L"%s%d.%s%d.%s" , c_ptszLine, dwInd, c_ptszLTerm, dwInd1, c_ptszSPID );
// retrieve and write value of SPID key
dwSize = dwMaxValueLen * sizeof( WCHAR );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyInstanceParameters, ptszKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszValue, &dwSize );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L "HKR, %s, %s, %#.8lx, %s" , ptszSubKey, c_ptszIsdnSpid, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ, ptszValue );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ];
// create key for Phone Number
wsprintfW( ptszKey, L"%s%d.%s%d.%s" , c_ptszLine, dwInd, c_ptszLTerm, dwInd1, c_ptszAddress );
// retrieve and write value of phone number key
dwSize = dwMaxValueLen * sizeof( WCHAR );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyInstanceParameters, ptszKey, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) ptszValue, &dwSize );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
wsprintfW( ptszBuffer, L"HKR, %s, %s, %#.8lx, %s" , ptszSubKey, c_ptszIsdnPhoneNumber, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ, ptszValue );
ptszBuffer = lplpOffset[ dwNumLines++ ]; }
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } }
} while ( FALSE );
// clean up
if ( ptszKey ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptszKey ); }
if ( ptszValue ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptszValue ); }
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *lplplpBuffer =(PWSTR *) pb; *pdwNumLines = dwNumLines; }
return dwErr; }