SrvFn.cpp -- Properties action functions (GET/SET)
MODULE: DhcpProv.dll
DESCRIPTION: Contains the definition for the action functions associated to each manageable property from the class CDHCP_Server
REVISION: 08/03/98 - created
******************************************************************/ #include <stdafx.h>
#include "SrvScal.h" // needed for DHCP_Server_Property[] (for retrieving the property's name, for SET's)
#include "SrvFn.h" // own header
* The definition of the class CDHCP_Server_Parameters *****************************************************************/ // by default, all the data structures are NULL (and dw variables are 0'ed)
// those values indicates that no data is cached from the server.
CDHCP_Server_Parameters::CDHCP_Server_Parameters() { m_pMibInfo = NULL; m_dwMajor = 0; m_dwMinor = 0; m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = 0; m_pConfigInfoV4 = NULL; }
// the DHCP API calls are allocating memory for which the caller is responsible
// to release. We are releasing this memory upon the destruction of this object's instance.
CDHCP_Server_Parameters::~CDHCP_Server_Parameters() {
if (m_pMibInfo != NULL) { if (m_pMibInfo->ScopeInfo != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pMibInfo->ScopeInfo);
DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pMibInfo); m_pMibInfo = NULL; }
// LPDHCP_CONFIG_INFO_V4 contains pointers to memory allocated by the DHCP server and
// which should be released by the caller.
if (m_pConfigInfoV4!= NULL) { if (m_pConfigInfoV4->DatabaseName != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pConfigInfoV4->DatabaseName);
if (m_pConfigInfoV4->DatabasePath != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pConfigInfoV4->DatabasePath);
if (m_pConfigInfoV4->BackupPath != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pConfigInfoV4->BackupPath);
if (m_pConfigInfoV4->wszBootTableString != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pConfigInfoV4->wszBootTableString );
DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pConfigInfoV4); m_pConfigInfoV4 = NULL; } }
// Checks the m_pConfigInfoV4 pointer to insure it points to a valid buffer.
// It allocates the DHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 if needed, which case it resets the m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags member
BOOL CDHCP_Server_Parameters::CheckExistsConfigPtr() { if (m_pConfigInfoV4 != NULL) return TRUE; m_pConfigInfoV4 = (LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4)MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(DHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4));
if (m_pConfigInfoV4 != NULL) { m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = 0; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Provides the data structure filled in through the DhcpGetMibInfo API
// If this data is cached and the caller is not forcing the refresh,
// returns the internal cache.
BOOL CDHCP_Server_Parameters::GetMibInfo(LPDHCP_MIB_INFO& MibInfo, BOOL fRefresh) { if (m_pMibInfo == NULL) fRefresh = TRUE;
if (fRefresh) { MibInfo = NULL; if (DhcpGetMibInfo(SERVER_IP_ADDRESS, &MibInfo) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; if (m_pMibInfo != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pMibInfo); m_pMibInfo = MibInfo; } else MibInfo = m_pMibInfo;
return TRUE; }
// Provides the data structure filled in through the DhcpGetVersion API
// If this data is cached and the caller is not forcing the refresh,
// returns the internal cache.
BOOL CDHCP_Server_Parameters::GetVersion(DWORD &Major, DWORD& Minor, BOOL fRefresh) { if (m_dwMajor == 0 && m_dwMinor == 0) fRefresh = TRUE; if (fRefresh) { if (DhcpGetVersion(SERVER_IP_ADDRESS,&Major,&Minor) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; m_dwMajor = Major; m_dwMinor = Minor; } else { Major = m_dwMajor; Minor = m_dwMinor; }
return TRUE; }
// Provides the data structure filled in through the DhcpServerGetConfigInfoV4 API
// If this data is cached and the caller is not forcing the refresh,
// return the internal cache. Otherwise, the internal cache is refreshed as well.
BOOL CDHCP_Server_Parameters::GetServerConfigInfoV4(LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4& ServerConfigInfoV4, BOOL fRefresh) { if (m_pConfigInfoV4 == NULL) fRefresh = TRUE; if (fRefresh) { ServerConfigInfoV4 = NULL; if (DhcpServerGetConfigV4(SERVER_IP_ADDRESS, &ServerConfigInfoV4) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; if (m_pConfigInfoV4 != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(m_pConfigInfoV4); m_pConfigInfoV4 = ServerConfigInfoV4; } else ServerConfigInfoV4 = m_pConfigInfoV4;
return TRUE; }
// Assumes that the internal pointers to the server configuration structures are valid, and filled with
// the data to be set. Calls the underlying API and returns TRUE (on success) or FALSE (on failure)
BOOL CDHCP_Server_Parameters::CommitSet(DWORD &returnCode) { if (m_pConfigInfoV4 == NULL) return FALSE;
returnCode = DhcpServerSetConfigV4( SERVER_IP_ADDRESS, m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags, m_pConfigInfoV4 );
return returnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
* For all the calls below, is the callers responsibility to release the allocated memory by * properly destructing the pServerParams objects. If this param is NULL, the functions will * use the static parameter which will be destroyed upon the DLL unload. *****************************************************************/
static CDHCP_Server_Parameters backupParameters;
// for any of the functions below, if the caller does not specify a DHCP_Server_Parameters object
// the static 'backupParameters' object will be used instead. In this case, the info is automatically
// retrieved from the lower levels, regardless the cache.
// the macro also convert the generic (void *) pParams to (CDHCP_Server_Parameters *)pServerParams;
#define ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh) \
if (pParams == NULL) \ { \ pServerParams = &backupParameters; \ fRefresh = TRUE; \ } \ else \ { \ pServerParams = (CDHCP_Server_Parameters *)pParams; \ fRefresh = FALSE; \ }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetStartTime, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; wchar_t wchBuffer [32];
// convert the server startup time to a string (UTC) representation.
_tzset () ;
// timezone is offset from UTC in seconds, _daylight is 1 or 0 regarding the DST period
LONG t_Offset = _timezone / 60 - _daylight * 60; char chOffset = t_Offset < 0 ? '+' : '-'; // take the absolute value from t_Offset
LONG t_absOffset = (1 - ((t_Offset < 0)<<1)) * t_Offset;
FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&(pMibInfo->ServerStartTime), &sysTime);
// should ensure we have a valid date format (even if inf.)
if (sysTime.wYear > 9999) { sysTime.wYear = 9999; sysTime.wMonth = 12; sysTime.wDay = 31; sysTime.wHour = 23; sysTime.wMinute = 59; sysTime.wSecond = 59; sysTime.wMilliseconds = 0; }
swprintf ( wchBuffer , L"%04ld%02ld%02ld%02ld%02ld%02ld.%06ld%c%03ld" , sysTime.wYear, sysTime.wMonth, sysTime.wDay, sysTime.wHour, sysTime.wMinute, sysTime.wSecond, sysTime.wMilliseconds, chOffset, t_absOffset );
// set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_StartTime].m_wsPropName, wchBuffer);
return TRUE; }
// the API call failed
return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfAcks, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfAcks].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Acks); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfDeclines, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfDeclines].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Declines); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfDiscovers, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfDiscovers].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Discovers); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfNacks, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfNacks].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Naks); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfOffers, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams; if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfOffers].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Offers); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfReleases, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfReleases].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Releases); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetTotalNoOfRequests, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_MIB_INFO pMibInfo; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetMibInfo
if (pServerParams->GetMibInfo(pMibInfo, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_TotalNoOfRequests].m_wsPropName, pMibInfo->Requests); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetServerVersion, pParams, pIn, pOut) { DWORD Major, Minor; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetVersion
if (pServerParams->GetVersion(Major, Minor, fRefresh)) { wchar_t wchBuffer [16];
// convert the two DWORD version numbers
// to a "Major.Minor" string representation
swprintf ( wchBuffer, L"%lu.%lu", Major, Minor ); // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_ServerVersion].m_wsPropName, wchBuffer); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetAPIProtocol, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_APIProtocol].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->APIProtocolSupport); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetAPIProtocol, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newAPIProtocol; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_APIProtocol].m_wsPropName, newAPIProtocol)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->APIProtocolSupport = newAPIProtocol;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_APIProtocolSupport;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_APIProtocolSupport; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetDatabaseName, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabaseName].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->DatabaseName); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetDatabaseName, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CHString newDatabaseName; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabaseName].m_wsPropName, newDatabaseName)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
serverConfig = pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4;
// if there is any allocated memory for the DatabaseName, just release it.
if (serverConfig->DatabaseName != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(serverConfig->DatabaseName); // allocate memory for the new database name. It has to fit the WCHAR string size.
serverConfig->DatabaseName = (WCHAR*)MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(WCHAR)*newDatabaseName.GetLength()+sizeof(WCHAR));
if (serverConfig->DatabaseName == NULL) return FALSE;
//copy the new database name to server param. It has to be translated to WCHAR
#ifdef _UNICODE
wcscpy(serverConfig->DatabaseName, newDatabaseName); #else
swprintf(serverConfig->DatabaseName, L"%S", newDatabaseName); #endif
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_DatabaseName;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the DatabaseName to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_DatabaseName; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetDatabasePath, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabasePath].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->DatabasePath); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetDatabasePath, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CHString newDatabasePath; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabasePath].m_wsPropName, newDatabasePath)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
serverConfig = pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4;
// if there is any allocated memory for the DatabasePath, just release it.
if (serverConfig->DatabasePath != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(serverConfig->DatabasePath); // allocate memory for the new database path. It has to fit the WCHAR string size.
serverConfig->DatabasePath = (WCHAR*)MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(WCHAR)*newDatabasePath.GetLength()+sizeof(WCHAR));
if (serverConfig->DatabasePath == NULL) return FALSE;
//copy the new database path to server param. It has to be translated to WCHAR
#ifdef _UNICODE
wcscpy(serverConfig->DatabasePath, newDatabasePath); #else
swprintf(serverConfig->DatabasePath, L"%S", newDatabasePath); #endif
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_DatabasePath;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the DatabasePath to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_DatabasePath; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetBackupPath, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_BackupPath].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->BackupPath); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetBackupPath, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CHString newBackupPath; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_BackupPath].m_wsPropName, newBackupPath)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
serverConfig = pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4;
// if there is any allocated memory for the BackupPath, just release it.
if (serverConfig->BackupPath != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(serverConfig->BackupPath); // allocate memory for the new database path. It has to fit the WCHAR string size.
serverConfig->BackupPath = (WCHAR*)MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(WCHAR)*newBackupPath.GetLength()+sizeof(WCHAR));
if (serverConfig->BackupPath == NULL) return FALSE;
//copy the new database path to server param. It has to be translated to WCHAR
#ifdef _UNICODE
wcscpy(serverConfig->BackupPath, newBackupPath); #else
swprintf(serverConfig->BackupPath, L"%S", newBackupPath); #endif
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_BackupPath;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the BackupPath to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_BackupPath; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetBackupInterval, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_BackupInterval].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->BackupInterval); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetBackupInterval, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newBackupInterval; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_BackupInterval].m_wsPropName, newBackupInterval)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->BackupInterval = newBackupInterval;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_BackupInterval;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_BackupInterval; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetDatabaseLoggingFlag, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabaseLoggingFlag].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->DatabaseLoggingFlag); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetDatabaseLoggingFlag, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newDatabaseLoggingFlag; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabaseLoggingFlag].m_wsPropName, newDatabaseLoggingFlag)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->DatabaseLoggingFlag = newDatabaseLoggingFlag;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_DatabaseLoggingFlag;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_DatabaseLoggingFlag; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetRestoreFlag, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_RestoreFlag].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->RestoreFlag); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetRestoreFlag, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newRestoreFlag; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_RestoreFlag].m_wsPropName, newRestoreFlag)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->RestoreFlag = newRestoreFlag;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_RestoreFlag;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_RestoreFlag; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetDatabaseCleanupInterval, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabaseCleanupInterval].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->DatabaseCleanupInterval); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetDatabaseCleanupInterval, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newDatabaseCleanupInterval; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DatabaseCleanupInterval].m_wsPropName, newDatabaseCleanupInterval)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->DatabaseCleanupInterval = newDatabaseCleanupInterval;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_DatabaseCleanupInterval;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_DatabaseCleanupInterval; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetDebugFlag, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DebugFlag].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->DebugFlag); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetDebugFlag, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newDebugFlag; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_DebugFlag].m_wsPropName, newDebugFlag)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->DebugFlag = newDebugFlag;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_DebugFlag;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_DebugFlag; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetPingRetries, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_PingRetries].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->dwPingRetries); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetPingRetries, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; DWORD newPingRetries; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetDWORD(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_PingRetries].m_wsPropName, newPingRetries)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->dwPingRetries = newPingRetries;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_PingRetries;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_PingRetries; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetBootFileTable, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { WCHAR *wcpTemp = serverConfig->wszBootTableString; DWORD dwTemp = serverConfig->cbBootTableString / sizeof(WCHAR);
// convert the BootFileTable string array to one single array
while(dwTemp--) { if (dwTemp != 0 && *wcpTemp == L'\0') *wcpTemp = L';'; wcpTemp++; } // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->SetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_BootFileTable].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->wszBootTableString);
// convert back the single string to BootFileTable string array (less costy than alloc/copy/free)
dwTemp = serverConfig->cbBootTableString; wcpTemp = serverConfig->wszBootTableString; while(dwTemp--) { if (dwTemp != 0 && *wcpTemp == L';') *wcpTemp = L'\0'; wcpTemp++; }
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetBootFileTable, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams; CHString newBootFileTable; DWORD dwTemp; WCHAR *wcpTemp;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->GetCHString(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_BootFileTable].m_wsPropName, newBootFileTable)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
serverConfig = pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4;
// if there is any allocated memory for the BackupPath, just release it.
if (serverConfig->wszBootTableString != NULL) DhcpRpcFreeMemory(serverConfig->wszBootTableString); // allocate memory for the new database path. It has to fit the WCHAR string size.
serverConfig->wszBootTableString = (WCHAR*)MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(WCHAR)*newBootFileTable.GetLength()+sizeof(WCHAR));
if (serverConfig->wszBootTableString == NULL) return FALSE;
//copy the new database path to server param. It has to be translated to WCHAR
#ifdef _UNICODE
wcscpy(serverConfig->wszBootTableString, newBootFileTable); #else
swprintf(serverConfig->wszBootTableString, L"%S", newBootFileTable); #endif
dwTemp = wcslen(serverConfig->wszBootTableString) + 1; wcpTemp = serverConfig->wszBootTableString; serverConfig->cbBootTableString = dwTemp * sizeof(WCHAR);
// convert the one single string to the BootTableString array
while(dwTemp--) { if (dwTemp && *wcpTemp == L';') *wcpTemp = L'\0'; wcpTemp++; }
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_BootFileTable;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the BackupPath to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_BootFileTable; }
return TRUE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvGetAuditLog, pParams, pIn, pOut) { LPDHCP_SERVER_CONFIG_INFO_V4 serverConfig; BOOL fRefresh; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
if (pOut == NULL) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// call the DHCP api through the DHCP_Server_Parameter::GetServerConfigInfoV4
if (pServerParams->GetServerConfigInfoV4(serverConfig, fRefresh)) { // set the value of the property into the (CInstance*)pOut
pOut->Setbool(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_AuditLog].m_wsPropName, serverConfig->fAuditLog); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
MFN_PROPERTY_ACTION_DEFN(fnSrvSetAuditLog, pParams, pIn, pOut) { BOOL fRefresh; bool newAuditLog; CDHCP_Server_Parameters *pServerParams;
// somehow the property we are expecting does not exist in CInstance *pIn
if (pIn == NULL || !pIn->Getbool(DHCP_Server_Property[IDX_SRV_AuditLog].m_wsPropName, newAuditLog)) return FALSE;
// after this call, pServerParams will surely be not-NULL
ADJUST_SERVER_PARAMS(pParams, pServerParams, fRefresh);
// if there isn't any ConfigInfoV4 structure in the pServerParams, just allocate one, and reset the m_pConfigInfoV4Flags
if (!pServerParams->CheckExistsConfigPtr()) return FALSE;
pServerParams->m_pConfigInfoV4->fAuditLog = newAuditLog;
// if fRefresh -> working on backupParameters -> we are going to commit the changes
if (fRefresh) { DWORD returnCode;
// this is the only field we are changing.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags = Set_AuditLogState;
// commit the changes now!
// save the output parameter
if (pOut != NULL) pOut->SetDWORD(RETURN_CODE_PROPERTY_NAME, returnCode); } else { // we are working on supplied DHCP_Server_Parameter -> changes are commited by the caller,
// we only add the parameter to the fields that are going to be commited.
pServerParams->m_dwConfigInfoV4Flags |= Set_AuditLogState; }
return TRUE; }