// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: tfschar.c
#include "precomp.h"
#include <malloc.h>
StrCpyAFromW - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPSTR) StrCpyAFromW(LPSTR psz, LPCWSTR pswz) { USES_CONVERSION; return StrCpyA(psz, W2CA(pswz)); }
StrCpyWFromA - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPWSTR) StrCpyWFromA(LPWSTR pswz, LPCSTR psz) { USES_CONVERSION; return StrCpyW(pswz, A2CW(psz)); }
StrnCpyAFromW - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPSTR) StrnCpyAFromW(LPSTR psz, LPCWSTR pswz, int iMax) { USES_CONVERSION; return StrnCpyA(psz, W2CA(pswz), iMax); }
StrnCpyWFromA - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPWSTR) StrnCpyWFromA(LPWSTR pswz, LPCSTR psz, int iMax) { USES_CONVERSION; return StrnCpyW(pswz, A2CW(psz), iMax); }
StrDupA - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPSTR) StrDupA( LPCSTR psz ) { if (psz) { // Multiply by 2 to account for DBCS strings
LPSTR pszcpy = Malloc(sizeof(char)*CbStrLenA(psz)*2); if (pszcpy) return StrCpyA(pszcpy, psz); } return NULL; }
StrDupW - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPWSTR) StrDupW( LPCWSTR pswz ) { if (pswz) { LPWSTR pswzcpy = Malloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*CbStrLenW(pswz)); if (pswzcpy) return StrCpyW(pswzcpy, pswz); } return NULL; }
StrDupAFromW - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPSTR) StrDupAFromW( LPCWSTR pwsz ) { USES_CONVERSION; return StrDupA( W2CA(pwsz) ); }
StrDupWFromA - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(LPWSTR) StrDupWFromA( LPCSTR psz ) { USES_CONVERSION; return StrDupW( A2CW(psz) ); }
StrnCmpA - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(int) StrnCmpA(LPCSTR psz1, LPCSTR psz2, int nLen) { USES_CONVERSION; // It's easier to convert it to a wide string than do the
// conversion. (it's a pain having to deal with DBCS characters).
return StrnCmpW(A2CW(psz1), A2CW(psz2), nLen); }
StrnCmpW - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(int) StrnCmpW(LPCWSTR pswz1, LPCWSTR pswz2, int nLen) { WCHAR *pswz1Temp = AllocaStrDupW(pswz1); // These memory allocs get memory on the stack, so we do not need to free them
WCHAR *pswz2Temp = AllocaStrDupW(pswz2);
// The next three if statements could be replaced with: if( !pswz1Temp || !pswz2Temp) return StrCmpW(pswz1Temp, pswz2Temp);
// since lstrcmp can handle NULL parameters. But if we do this prefix gets mad.
if( pswz1Temp == NULL && pswz2Temp == NULL ) { // They are equal both NULL
return 0; }
if( pswz1Temp == NULL) { // The first one is NULL thus the second string is greater
return -1; }
if( pswz2Temp == NULL ) { // The second one is NULL thus the first one is bigger
return 1; } if (pswz1Temp != NULL && StrLenW(pswz1Temp) > nLen) pswz1Temp[nLen] = 0; if (pswz2Temp != NULL && StrLenW(pswz2Temp) > nLen) pswz2Temp[nLen] = 0; return StrCmpW(pswz1Temp, pswz2Temp); }
StrniCmpA - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(int) StrniCmpA(LPCSTR psz1, LPCSTR psz2, int nLen) { CHAR *psz1Temp = AllocaStrDupA(psz1); CHAR *psz2Temp = AllocaStrDupA(psz2);
CharUpperBuffA(psz1Temp, StrLenA(psz1Temp)); CharUpperBuffA(psz2Temp, StrLenA(psz2Temp));
return StrnCmpA(psz1Temp, psz2Temp, nLen); }
StrniCmpW - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TFSCORE_API(int) StrniCmpW(LPCWSTR pswz1, LPCWSTR pswz2, int nLen) { WCHAR *pswz1Temp = AllocaStrDupW(pswz1); WCHAR *pswz2Temp = AllocaStrDupW(pswz2);
CharUpperBuffW(pswz1Temp, StrLenW(pswz1Temp)); CharUpperBuffW(pswz2Temp, StrLenW(pswz2Temp));
return StrnCmpW(pswz1Temp, pswz2Temp, nLen); }
// Global UNICODE<>ANSI translation helpers
LPWSTR WINAPI AtlA2WHelper(LPWSTR lpw, LPCSTR lpa, int nChars) { assert(lpa != NULL); assert(lpw != NULL); // verify that no illegal character present
// since lpw was allocated based on the size of lpa
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpw[0] = '\0'; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpa, -1, lpw, nChars); return lpw; }
LPSTR WINAPI AtlW2AHelper(LPSTR lpa, LPCWSTR lpw, int nChars) { assert(lpw != NULL); assert(lpa != NULL); // verify that no illegal character present
// since lpa was allocated based on the size of lpw
// don't worry about the number of chars
lpa[0] = '\0'; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpw, -1, lpa, nChars, NULL, NULL); return lpa; }
LPTSTR LoadAndAllocString(UINT ids) { TCHAR * psz = NULL; TCHAR * pszT = NULL; INT cch = 0; int iRet;
cch = 64; psz = Malloc(64*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (psz == NULL) return NULL; iRet = LoadString(NULL, ids, psz, cch);
if (iRet == 0) { // couldn't find the string
Free(psz); return NULL; }
while (iRet >= (cch - 1)) { cch += 64; pszT = Realloc(psz, (cch*sizeof(TCHAR))); if (pszT == NULL) { Free(psz); return NULL; } psz = pszT;
iRet = LoadString(NULL, ids, psz, cch); } return psz; }
LPTSTR GetSafeString(LPTSTR psz) { static LPTSTR s_szEmpty = _T(""); return psz ? psz : s_szEmpty; }
LPWSTR GetSafeStringW(LPWSTR pwsz) { static LPWSTR s_wszEmpty = L""; return pwsz ? pwsz : s_wszEmpty; }
LPSTR GetSafeStringA(LPSTR pasz) { static LPSTR s_aszEmpty = ""; return pasz ? pasz : s_aszEmpty; }