// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 1999
// File: enumcondition.cpp
// EnumCondition.cpp: implementation of the CEnumCondition class.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "EnumCondition.h"
#include "EnumCondEdit.h"
#include "iasdebug.h"
// Construction/Destruction
CEnumCondition::CEnumCondition(IIASAttributeInfo*pCondAttr) :CCondition(pCondAttr) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CEnumCondition::CEnumCondition"); // no parsing needed
m_fParsed = TRUE;
// m_pValueIdList = pCondAttr->GetValueIdList();
// m_pValueList = pCondAttr->GetValueList();
CEnumCondition::CEnumCondition(IIASAttributeInfo *pCondAttr, ATL::CString& strConditionText) :CCondition(pCondAttr, strConditionText) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CEnumCondition::CEnumCondition"); // parsing needed
m_fParsed = FALSE;
// m_pValueIdList = pCondAttr->GetValueIdList();
// m_pValueList = pCondAttr->GetValueList();
CEnumCondition::~CEnumCondition() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CEnumCondition::~CEnumCondition");
// for (int iIndex=0; iIndex<m_arrSelectedList.GetSize(); iIndex++)
// {
// LPTSTR pszValue = m_arrSelectedList[iIndex];
// if ( pszValue )
// {
// delete[] pszValue;
// }
// }
// m_arrSelectedList.RemoveAll();
// Function: Edit
// Class: CEnumCondition
// Synopsis: edit the enumerated-typed condition
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT -
// History: Created Header byao 2/20/98 12:42:59 AM
HRESULT CEnumCondition::Edit() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CEnumCondition::Edit"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( !m_fParsed ) { DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_ENUMCONDITION, "Parsing %ws", (LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText); hr = ParseConditionText();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_ENUMCONDITION, "Invalid condition text, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(NULL, IDS_ERROR_PARSE_CONDITION, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText, hr ); return hr; } }
CEnumConditionEditor *pEditor = new CEnumConditionEditor(); if (!pEditor) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_ENUMCONDITION, "Can't create CEnumConditionEditor, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(NULL , IDS_ERROR_CANT_EDIT_CONDITION , NULL , hr ); return hr; } //
// set the editor parameter
CComBSTR bstrName; hr = m_spAttributeInfo->get_AttributeName( &bstrName ); pEditor->m_strAttrName = bstrName;
pEditor->m_spAttributeInfo = m_spAttributeInfo;
pEditor->m_pSelectedList = &m_arrSelectedList; // preselected values
if ( pEditor->DoModal() == IDOK) { // user clicked "OK"
// get the list of valid value Ids for this attribute
// _ASSERTE( m_pValueIdList->GetSize() == m_pValueList->GetSize() );
// generate the condition text
m_strConditionText = (ATL::CString) bstrName + L"=";
CComQIPtr< IIASEnumerableAttributeInfo, &IID_IIASEnumerableAttributeInfo > spEnumerableAttributeInfo( m_spAttributeInfo ); _ASSERTE( spEnumerableAttributeInfo );
for (LONG iIndex=0; iIndex < m_arrSelectedList.size(); iIndex++ ) { if ( iIndex > 0 ) m_strConditionText += L"|";
// get the Value Id (we use ID instead of value name in the condition text)
LONG lSize; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_CountEnumerateID( &lSize ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
for (LONG jIndex=0; jIndex < lSize; jIndex++) { CComBSTR bstrDescription; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_EnumerateDescription( jIndex, &bstrDescription ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); if ( wcscmp( bstrDescription, m_arrSelectedList[iIndex]) == 0 ) { WCHAR wz[32];
LONG lID; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_EnumerateID( jIndex, &lID ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
// add enclosing chars ^ and $
wsprintf(wz, _T("^%ld$"), lID); m_strConditionText += wz; break; } } } }
// clean up
if ( pEditor ) { delete pEditor; } return hr; }
// Function: CEnumCondition::GetDisplayText
// Synopsis: Get the displayable text format for this condition,
// which should be like this:
// ServerType matches "type1|type2|type3"
// compared to the condition text:
// ServerType = type1|,type2|,type3
// Arguments: None
// Returns: ATL::CString& - the displayable text
// History: Created Header byao 2/22/98 11:41:28 PM
ATL::CString CEnumCondition::GetDisplayText() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CEnumCondition::GetDisplayText"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( !m_fParsed) { DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_ENUMCONDITION, "Parsing %ws", (LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText); hr = ParseConditionText();
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_ENUMCONDITION, "Invalid condition text, err = %x", hr); ShowErrorDialog(NULL, IDS_ERROR_PARSE_CONDITION, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText, hr ); return ATL::CString(L""); } }
ATL::CString strDispText;
CComBSTR bstrName; hr = m_spAttributeInfo->get_AttributeName( &bstrName ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
strDispText = bstrName;
{ ATL::CString matches; matches.LoadString(IDS_TEXT_MATCHES); strDispText += matches; } strDispText += _T("\"");
for (int iIndex=0; iIndex < m_arrSelectedList.size(); iIndex++ ) { // add the separator between multiple values
if (iIndex > 0) strDispText += _T(" OR ");
strDispText += m_arrSelectedList[iIndex]; }
// the last " mark
strDispText += _T("\""); return strDispText; }
// Function: CEnumCondition::ParseConditionText
// Synopsis: Parse the condition text, to get the regular expression.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT -
// History: Created Header byao 2/22/98 11:58:38 PM
HRESULT CEnumCondition::ParseConditionText() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CEnumCondition::ParseConditionText"); _ASSERTE( !m_fParsed ); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (m_fParsed) { // do nothing
return S_OK; }
if ( m_strConditionText.GetLength() == 0 ) { // no parsing needed
m_fParsed = TRUE;
DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_ENUMCONDITION, "Null condition text"); return S_OK; }
try {
// using (LPCTSTR) cast will force a deep copy
ATL::CString strTempStr = (LPCTSTR)m_strConditionText; //
// parse strConditionText, return the regular expression only
// first, make a local copy of the condition text
WCHAR *pwzCondText = (WCHAR*)(LPCTSTR)strTempStr;
// look for the '=' in the condition text
WCHAR *pwzStartPoint = NULL; WCHAR *pwzSeparator = NULL; ATL::CString *pStr; WCHAR *pwzEqualSign = wcschr(pwzCondText, _T('=')); DWORD dwValueId; int iIndex;
// no '=' found -- something weird has happened
if ( NULL == pwzEqualSign ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; throw; } // the right side of the equal sign is the list of all preselected values
pwzStartPoint = pwzEqualSign +1;
CComQIPtr< IIASEnumerableAttributeInfo, &IID_IIASEnumerableAttributeInfo > spEnumerableAttributeInfo( m_spAttributeInfo ); _ASSERTE( spEnumerableAttributeInfo );
while ( pwzStartPoint && *pwzStartPoint && (pwzSeparator = wcsstr(pwzStartPoint, _T("|") )) != NULL ) { // we found the separator, stored at pwzSeparator
// copy it over to the first value
*pwzSeparator = _T('\0'); pStr = new ATL::CString; if ( NULL == pStr ) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; throw; }
// string could be enclosed by ^ and $ for matching purpose
// ^
if(*pwzStartPoint == L'^') { pwzStartPoint++; } // $
if (pwzSeparator > pwzStartPoint && *(pwzSeparator - 1) == L'$') *( pwzSeparator - 1 ) = _T('\0');
*pStr = pwzStartPoint; // copy the string, which is the value ID in string format
// now we get the valud name for this
dwValueId = _wtol((*pStr));
// valid value id, then search for the index of this value ID
LONG lSize; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_CountEnumerateID( &lSize ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
for (iIndex=0; iIndex < lSize; iIndex++ ) { LONG lID; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_EnumerateID( iIndex, &lID ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
if ( lID == dwValueId ) { CComBSTR bstrDescription; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_EnumerateDescription( iIndex, &bstrDescription ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
m_arrSelectedList.push_back(bstrDescription ); break; } }
pwzStartPoint = pwzSeparator+1; } // copy the last one
// todo: this is redundant code. remove later.
// now we get the valud name for this
// string could be enclosed by ^ and $ for matching purpose
// ^
if(*pwzStartPoint == L'^') { pwzStartPoint++; } // $
pwzSeparator = pwzStartPoint + wcslen(pwzStartPoint); if (pwzSeparator > pwzStartPoint && *(pwzSeparator - 1) == L'$') *( pwzSeparator - 1 ) = _T('\0');
dwValueId = _wtol(pwzStartPoint);
LONG lSize; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_CountEnumerateID( &lSize ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
for (iIndex=0; iIndex < lSize; iIndex++ ) { LONG lID; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_EnumerateID( iIndex, &lID ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
if ( lID == dwValueId ) { CComBSTR bstrDescription; hr = spEnumerableAttributeInfo->get_EnumerateDescription( iIndex, &bstrDescription ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
m_arrSelectedList.push_back(bstrDescription ); break; } }
m_fParsed = TRUE; hr = S_OK;
} catch(...) { // Do GetLastError for HRESULT?
return hr; }