// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// radpack.cpp
// Defines functions for packing and unpacking RADIUS packets.
// 02/01/2000 Original version.
#include <proxypch.h>
#include <align.h>
#include <md5.h>
#include <hmac.h>
#include <radpack.h>
// Avoid dependencies on ntrtl.h
extern "C" ULONG __stdcall RtlRandom(PULONG seed);
// Return the number of bytes required to round 'length' to a multiple of 16.
inline ULONG GetPaddingLength16(ULONG length) throw () { return ROUND_UP_COUNT(length, 16) - length; }
// Returns 'true' if attr is a Microsoft VSA. The attribute must be of type 26.
inline bool isMicrosoftVSA(const RadiusAttribute& attr) throw () { return attr.length >= 6 && !memcmp(attr.value, "\x00\x00\x01\x37", 4); }
// Pack a 16-bit integer into a buffer.
inline void InsertUInt16(PBYTE p, USHORT value) throw () { p[0] = (BYTE)(value >> 8); p[1] = (BYTE)value; }
// Unpack a 16-bit integer into a buffer.
inline USHORT ExtractUInt16(const BYTE* p) throw () { return (USHORT)(p[0] << 8) | (USHORT)p[1]; }
// Returns the number of bytes of padding that should be added when packing the
// attribute.
ULONG WINAPI GetPaddingLength( const RadiusAttribute& attr ) throw () { switch (attr.type) { case RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD: return GetPaddingLength16(attr.length);
case RADIUS_TUNNEL_PASSWORD: // Subtract 1 byte for the tag and 2 for the salt.
return GetPaddingLength16(attr.length - 3);
case RADIUS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC: { if (isMicrosoftVSA(attr)) { switch (attr.value[4]) { case MS_CHAP_MPPE_SEND_KEYS: case MS_CHAP_MPPE_RECV_KEYS: // Vendor-Id = 4 bytes
// Vendor-Type = 1 byte
// Vendor-Length = 1 byte
// Salt = 2 bytes
return GetPaddingLength16(attr.length - 8); } } break; } }
return 0; }
// Struct describing how to encrypt an attribute.
struct CryptParameters { BOOL encrypted; BOOL salted; ULONG offset; };
// Returns information about how to encrypt/decrypt an attribute.
VOID WINAPI GetCryptParameters( const RadiusAttribute& attr, CryptParameters& parms ) throw () { memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms));
switch (attr.type) { case RADIUS_USER_PASSWORD: { parms.encrypted = TRUE; break; }
case RADIUS_TUNNEL_PASSWORD: { parms.encrypted = TRUE; parms.salted = TRUE; parms.offset = 1; // Skip the tag.
break; }
case RADIUS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC: { if (isMicrosoftVSA(attr)) { switch (attr.value[4]) { case MS_CHAP_MPPE_KEYS: { parms.encrypted = TRUE; parms.offset = 6; // Skip the VSA header.
break; }
case MS_CHAP_MPPE_SEND_KEYS: case MS_CHAP_MPPE_RECV_KEYS: { parms.encrypted = TRUE; parms.salted = TRUE; parms.offset = 6; // Skip the VSA header.
break; } } } break; } } }
ULONG WINAPI GetBufferSizeRequired( const RadiusPacket& packet, const RadiusAttribute* proxyState, BOOL alwaysSign ) throw () { // We'll look for the signature as we iterate through the attributes.
BOOL hasSignature = FALSE;
// We always need 20 bytes for the header.
ULONG nbyte = 20;
// Iterate through the attributes.
for (const RadiusAttribute* attr = packet.begin; attr != packet.end; ++attr) { nbyte += 2; // Two bytes for type & length.
nbyte += attr->length; nbyte += GetPaddingLength(*attr);
if (attr->type == RADIUS_SIGNATURE) { hasSignature = TRUE; } else if (attr->type == RADIUS_EAP_MESSAGE) { alwaysSign = TRUE; } }
// Reserve space for the Proxy-State attribute.
if (proxyState) { nbyte += proxyState->length + 2; }
// Reserve space for the signature if necessary.
if (alwaysSign && !hasSignature && packet.code == RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST) { nbyte += 18; }
return nbyte <= 4096 ? nbyte : 0; }
VOID WINAPI PackBuffer( const BYTE* secret, ULONG secretLength, RadiusPacket& packet, const RadiusAttribute* proxyState, BOOL alwaysSign, BYTE* buffer ) throw () { // Set up a cursor into the buffer.
BYTE* dst = buffer;
// Pack the header.
*dst++ = packet.code; *dst++ = packet.identifier; InsertUInt16(dst, packet.length); dst += 2;
// Pack the authenticator.
if (packet.code == RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST) { if (packet.authenticator != 0) { memcpy(dst, packet.authenticator, 16); } else { static ULONG seed; if (seed == 0) { FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); seed = ft.dwLowDateTime | ft.dwHighDateTime; }
ULONG auth[4]; auth[0] = RtlRandom(&seed); auth[1] = RtlRandom(&seed); auth[2] = RtlRandom(&seed); auth[3] = RtlRandom(&seed); memcpy(dst, auth, 16); } } else { memset(dst, 0, 16); } dst += 16;
// We'll look for the signature as we iterate through the attributes.
BYTE* signature = NULL;
for (const RadiusAttribute* attr = packet.begin; attr != packet.end; ++attr) { // Pack the type.
*dst++ = attr->type;
// Pack the length.
ULONG paddingLength = GetPaddingLength(*attr); ULONG valueLength = attr->length + paddingLength; *dst++ = (BYTE)(2 + valueLength);
if (attr->type == RADIUS_SIGNATURE) { signature = dst; } else if (attr->type == RADIUS_EAP_MESSAGE) { alwaysSign = TRUE; }
// Pack the value ...
memcpy(dst, attr->value, attr->length); // ... and add the padding.
memset(dst + attr->length, 0, paddingLength);
// Do we need to encrypt this attribute ?
CryptParameters parms; GetCryptParameters(*attr, parms); if (parms.encrypted) { // Yes.
IASRadiusCrypt( TRUE, parms.salted, secret, secretLength, buffer + 4, dst + parms.offset, valueLength - parms.offset ); }
dst += valueLength; }
// Add the Proxy-State
if (proxyState) { *dst++ = proxyState->type; *dst++ = proxyState->length + 2; memcpy(dst, proxyState->value, proxyState->length); dst += proxyState->length; }
if (packet.code == RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST) { if (alwaysSign) { // If we didn't find a signature, ...
if (!signature) { // ... then add one at the end of the packet.
*dst++ = RADIUS_SIGNATURE; *dst++ = 18; signature = dst; }
// Compute the signature.
memset(signature, 0, 16); HMACMD5_CTX context; HMACMD5Init(&context, (BYTE*)secret, secretLength); HMACMD5Update(&context, buffer, packet.length); HMACMD5Final(&context, signature); } } else { // For everything but Access-Request, we compute the authenticator.
MD5_CTX context; MD5Init(&context); MD5Update(&context, buffer, packet.length); MD5Update(&context, secret, secretLength); MD5Final(&context);
memcpy(buffer + 4, context.digest, 16); } }
RadiusAttribute* WINAPI FindAttribute( const RadiusPacket& packet, BYTE type ) { for (const RadiusAttribute* i = packet.begin; i != packet.end; ++i) { if (i->type == type) { return const_cast<RadiusAttribute*>(i); } }
return NULL; }
ULONG WINAPI GetAttributeCount( const BYTE* buffer, ULONG bufferLength ) throw () { if (bufferLength >= 20 && ExtractUInt16(buffer + 2) == bufferLength) { ULONG count = 0; const BYTE* end = buffer + bufferLength; for (const BYTE* p = buffer + 20; p < end; p += p[1]) { ++count; }
if (p == end) { return count; } }
VOID WINAPI UnpackBuffer( BYTE* buffer, ULONG bufferLength, RadiusPacket& packet ) throw () { // Set up a cursor into the buffer.
BYTE* src = buffer;
packet.code = *src++; packet.identifier = *src++; packet.length = ExtractUInt16(src); src +=2; packet.authenticator = src; src += 16;
RadiusAttribute* dst = packet.begin; const BYTE* end = buffer + bufferLength; while (src < end) { dst->type = *src++; dst->length = *src++ - 2; dst->value = src; src += dst->length; ++dst; } }
BYTE* WINAPI FindRawAttribute( BYTE type, BYTE* buffer, ULONG bufferLength ) { BYTE* end = buffer + bufferLength;
for (BYTE* p = buffer + 20; p < buffer + bufferLength; p += p[1]) { if (*p == type) { return p; } }
return NULL; }
AuthResult WINAPI AuthenticateAndDecrypt( const BYTE* requestAuthenticator, const BYTE* secret, ULONG secretLength, BYTE* buffer, ULONG bufferLength, RadiusPacket& packet ) throw () { AuthResult result = AUTH_UNKNOWN;
if (!requestAuthenticator) { requestAuthenticator = buffer + 4; }
// Check the authenticator for everything but Access-Request.
if (buffer[0] != RADIUS_ACCESS_REQUEST) { MD5_CTX context; MD5Init(&context); MD5Update(&context, buffer, 4); MD5Update(&context, requestAuthenticator, 16); MD5Update(&context, buffer + 20, bufferLength - 20); MD5Update(&context, secret, secretLength); MD5Final(&context);
if (memcmp(context.digest, buffer + 4, 16)) { return AUTH_BAD_AUTHENTICATOR; }
result = AUTH_AUTHENTIC; }
// Look for a signature.
BYTE* signature = FindRawAttribute( RADIUS_SIGNATURE, buffer, bufferLength );
if (signature) { if (signature[1] != 18) { return AUTH_BAD_SIGNATURE; }
signature += 2;
BYTE sent[16]; memcpy(sent, signature, 16);
memset(signature, 0, 16);
HMACMD5_CTX context; HMACMD5Init(&context, (BYTE*)secret, secretLength); HMACMD5Update(&context, buffer, 4); HMACMD5Update(&context, (BYTE*)requestAuthenticator, 16); HMACMD5Update(&context, buffer + 20, bufferLength - 20); HMACMD5Final(&context, signature);
if (memcmp(signature, sent, 16)) { return AUTH_BAD_SIGNATURE; }
result = AUTH_AUTHENTIC; } else if (FindRawAttribute(RADIUS_EAP_MESSAGE, buffer, bufferLength)) { return AUTH_MISSING_SIGNATURE; }
// The buffer is authentic, so decrypt the attributes.
for (const RadiusAttribute* attr = packet.begin; attr != packet.end; ++attr) { // Do we need to decrypt this attribute ?
CryptParameters parms; GetCryptParameters(*attr, parms); if (parms.encrypted) { // Yes.
IASRadiusCrypt( FALSE, parms.salted, secret, secretLength, requestAuthenticator, attr->value + parms.offset, attr->length - parms.offset ); } }
return result; }