// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// radproxy.h
// Declares the interface into the reusable RadiusProxy engine. This should
// have no IAS specific dependencies.
// 02/08/2000 Original version.
// 05/30/2000 Eliminate QUESTIONABLE state.
#ifndef RADPROXY_H
#define RADPROXY_H
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#include <iascache.h>
#include <iasobj.h>
#include <radshare.h>
#include <timerq.h>
#include <udpsock.h>
struct RadiusAttribute; struct RadiusPacket; class Request; class Session;
// RemotePort
// Describes a remote endpoint for a RADIUS conversation.
class RemotePort { public: // Read-only properties.
const InternetAddress address; const RadiusOctets secret;
RemotePort( ULONG ipAddress, USHORT port, PCSTR sharedSecret ); RemotePort(const RemotePort& port);
// Returns a packet identifier to use when sending a request to this port.
BYTE getIdentifier() throw () { return (BYTE)++nextIdentifier; }
// Synchronizes this with the state of 'port', i.e., use the same next
// identifier.
void copyState(const RemotePort& port) throw () { nextIdentifier = port.nextIdentifier; }
bool operator==(const RemotePort& p) const throw () { return address == p.address && secret == p.secret; }
private: Count nextIdentifier;
// Not implemented.
RemotePort& operator=(RemotePort&); };
// struct
// RemoteServerConfig
// Plain ol' data holding all the configuration associated with a
// RemoteServer. This spares clients from having to call a monster
// contructor when creating a remote server.
struct RemoteServerConfig { GUID guid; ULONG ipAddress; USHORT authPort; USHORT acctPort; PCSTR authSecret; PCSTR acctSecret; ULONG priority; ULONG weight; ULONG timeout; ULONG maxLost; ULONG blackout; bool sendSignature; bool sendAcctOnOff; };
// RemoteServer
// Describes a remote RADIUS server and maintains the state of that server.
class RemoteServer { public: DECLARE_REFERENCE_COUNT();
// Unique ID for this server.
const GUID guid;
// Authentication and accounting ports.
RemotePort authPort; RemotePort acctPort;
// Read-only properties for load-balancing and failover.
const ULONG priority; const ULONG weight;
// Read-only properties for determining server state.
const ULONG timeout; const LONG maxLost; const ULONG blackout;
// Should we always send a Signature attribute?
const bool sendSignature;
// Should we formard Accounting-On/Off requests?
const bool sendAcctOnOff;
RemoteServer(const RemoteServerConfig& config);
// Returns the servers IP address.
ULONG getAddress() const throw () { return authPort.address.sin_addr.s_addr; }
// Returns 'true' if the server is available for use.
bool isAvailable() const throw () { return state == AVAILABLE; }
// Returns 'true' if the server should receive a broadcast.
bool shouldBroadcast() throw ();
// Notifies the RemoteServer that a valid packet has been received. Returns
// true if this triggers a state change.
bool onReceive() throw ();
// Notfies the RemoteServer that a request has timed out. Returns true if
// this triggers a state change.
bool onTimeout() throw ();
// Synchronize the state of this server with target.
void copyState(const RemoteServer& target) throw ();
bool operator==(const RemoteServer& s) const throw ();
protected: // This is virtual so that RemoteServer can server as a base class.
virtual ~RemoteServer() throw () { }
private: // Possible states of the server.
enum State { AVAILABLE, // Server is available for use.
UNAVAILABLE, // Not available but may receive broadcasts.
LOCKED // Locked by a thread; prevents multiple threads from
// simultaneously broadcasting to a server.
// Transition the server state; returns 'true' if successful.
bool changeState(State from, State to) throw ();
State state; // Current state of the server.
LONG lostCount; // Number of packets lost since last received.
ULONG64 expiry; // Time when blackout interval expires.
// Not implemented.
RemoteServer& operator=(RemoteServer&); };
typedef ObjectPointer<RemoteServer> RemoteServerPtr; typedef ObjectVector<RemoteServer> RemoteServers;
class RequestStack; class ProxyContext;
// ServerGroup
// Load balances requests among a group of RemoteServers.
class ServerGroup { public: DECLARE_REFERENCE_COUNT();
ServerGroup( PCWSTR groupName, RemoteServer* const* first, RemoteServer* const* last );
// Returns the number of servers in the group.
ULONG size() const throw () { return servers.size(); }
bool isEmpty() const throw () { return servers.empty(); }
// Name used to identify the group.
PCWSTR getName() const throw () { return name; }
// Returns a collection of servers that should receive the request.
void getServersForRequest( ProxyContext* context, BYTE packetCode, RequestStack& result ) const;
// Methods for iterating the servers in the group.
RemoteServers::iterator begin() const throw () { return servers.begin(); } RemoteServers::iterator end() const throw () { return servers.end(); }
private: ~ServerGroup() throw () { }
// Pick a server from the list. The list must not be empty, and all the
// servers must have the same priority.
static RemoteServer* pickServer( RemoteServers::iterator first, RemoteServers::iterator last ) throw ();
// Array of servers in priority order.
RemoteServers servers;
// End of top priority level in array.
RemoteServers::iterator endTopPriority;
// Maximum number of bytes required to hold the server candidates.
ULONG maxCandidatesSize;
RadiusString name;
static ULONG theSeed;
// Not implemented.
ServerGroup(const ServerGroup&); ServerGroup& operator=(const ServerGroup&); };
typedef ObjectPointer<ServerGroup> ServerGroupPtr; typedef ObjectVector<ServerGroup> ServerGroups;
// ServerGroupManager
// Manages a collection of ServerGroups.
class ServerGroupManager { public: ServerGroupManager() throw () { }
// Set the server groups to be managed.
bool setServerGroups( ServerGroups::iterator begin, ServerGroups::iterator end ) throw ();
// Returns a server with the given IP address.
RemoteServerPtr findServer( ULONG address ) const throw ();
void getServersByGroup( ProxyContext* context, BYTE packetCode, PCWSTR name, RequestStack& result ) const;
void getServersForAcctOnOff( ProxyContext* context, RequestStack& result ) const;
private: // Synchronize access.
mutable RWLock monitor;
// Server groups being managed sorted by name.
ServerGroups groups;
// All servers sorted by guid.
RemoteServers byAddress;
// All servers sorted by guid.
RemoteServers byGuid;
// Servers to receive Accounting-On/Off requests.
RemoteServers acctServers;
// Not implemented.
ServerGroupManager(const ServerGroupManager&); ServerGroupManager& operator=(const ServerGroupManager&); };
class RadiusProxyClient;
// RadiusProxyEngine
// Implements a RADIUS proxy.
class RadiusProxyEngine : PacketReceiver { public:
// Final result of processing a request.
enum Result { resultSuccess, resultNotEnoughMemory, resultUnknownServerGroup, resultUnknownServer, resultInvalidRequest, resultSendError, resultRequestTimeout };
RadiusProxyEngine(RadiusProxyClient* source); ~RadiusProxyEngine() throw ();
// Set the server groups to be used by the proxy.
bool setServerGroups( ServerGroup* const* begin, ServerGroup* const* end ) throw ();
// Forward a request to the given server group.
void forwardRequest( PVOID context, PCWSTR serverGroup, BYTE code, const BYTE* requestAuthenticator, const RadiusAttribute* begin, const RadiusAttribute* end ) throw ();
// Callback when a request context has been abandoned.
static void onRequestAbandoned( PVOID context, RemoteServer* server ) throw ();
// Callback when a request has timed out.
static void onRequestTimeout( Request* request ) throw ();
private: // Methods for associating a stateful authentication session with a
// particular server.
RemoteServerPtr getServerAffinity( const RadiusPacket& packet ) throw (); void setServerAffinity( const RadiusPacket& packet, RemoteServer& server ) throw ();
// PacketReceiver callbacks.
virtual void onReceive( UDPSocket& socket, ULONG_PTR key, const SOCKADDR_IN& remoteAddress, BYTE* buffer, ULONG bufferLength ) throw (); virtual void onReceiveError( UDPSocket& socket, ULONG_PTR key, ULONG errorCode ) throw ();
// Forward a request to an individual RemoteServer.
Result sendRequest( RadiusPacket& packet, Request* request );
// Report an event to the client.
void reportEvent( const RadiusEvent& event ) const throw (); void reportEvent( RadiusEvent& event, RadiusEventType type ) const throw ();
// Callback when a timer has expired.
static VOID NTAPI onTimerExpiry(PVOID context, BOOLEAN flag) throw ();
// The object supplying us with requests.
RadiusProxyClient* client;
// The local address of the proxy. Used when forming Proxy-State.
ULONG proxyAddress;
// UDP sockets used for network I/O.
UDPSocket authSock; UDPSocket acctSock;
// Server groups used for processing groups.
ServerGroupManager groups;
// Table of pending requests.
HashTable< LONG, Request > pending;
// Queue of pending requests.
TimerQueue timers;
// Table of current authentication sessions.
Cache< RadiusRawOctets, Session > sessions;
// Global pointer to the RadiusProxyEngine. This is a hack, but it saves me
// from having to give every Request and Context object a back pointer.
static RadiusProxyEngine* theProxy;
// Not implemented.
RadiusProxyEngine(const RadiusProxyEngine&); RadiusProxyEngine& operator=(const RadiusProxyEngine&); };
// RadiusProxyClient
// Abstract base class for clients of the RadiusProxy engine.
class __declspec(novtable) RadiusProxyClient { public: // Invoked to report one of the above events.
virtual void onEvent( const RadiusEvent& event ) throw () = 0;
// Invoked exactly once for each call to RadiusProxyEngine::forwardRequest.
virtual void onComplete( RadiusProxyEngine::Result result, PVOID context, RemoteServer* server, BYTE code, const RadiusAttribute* begin, const RadiusAttribute* end ) throw () = 0; };
#endif // RADPROXY_H