// File: clients.cpp
// Synopsis: Implementation of CClients class methods
// History: 9/23/97 MKarki Created
// Copyright (C) 1997-98 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#include "radcommon.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "clients.h"
// Function: CClients
// Synopsis: This is the constructor of the Clients class
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 9/26/97
CClients::CClients( VOID ) :m_pCClientArray (NULL), m_hResolverEvent (NULL), m_pIClassFactory (NULL), m_bConfigure (TRUE) { InitializeCriticalSection (&m_CritSect);
} // end of CClients class constructor
// Function: ~CClients
// Synopsis: This is the destructor of the Clients class
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 9/26/97
CClients::~CClients( VOID ) { //
// free all the objects in the Clients Collection
DeleteObjects ();
DeleteCriticalSection (&m_CritSect);
if (NULL != m_pCClientArray) { ::CoTaskMemFree (m_pCClientArray); }
// close the event now
if (NULL != m_hResolverEvent) { ::CloseHandle (m_hResolverEvent); }
// delete the class factory now
if (NULL != m_pIClassFactory) { m_pIClassFactory->Release (); }
} // end of CClients class destructor
// Function: Init
// Synopsis: This is the Init public method of the Clients class
// which does the object initialization
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 4/5/98
HRESULT CClients::Init ( VOID ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// get the IClassFactory interface to be used to create
// the Client COM objects
hr = ::CoGetClassObject ( __uuidof (CClient), CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory, reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&m_pIClassFactory) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to object class factor for Client Objects in " " during Client Collection initialization" ); return (hr); }
// create the event used to signal exit of resolver thread
m_hResolverEvent = ::CreateEvent ( NULL, // security attribs
TRUE, // manual reset
TRUE, // initial state
NULL // event name
); if (NULL == m_hResolverEvent) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to create resolver thread event " " during Client Collection initialization" ); return (E_FAIL); }
return (S_OK);
} // end of CClients::Init method
// Function: Shutdown
// Synopsis: This is the Shutdown public method of the Clients class
// which does the object shutdown which is basically
// signalling the resolver thread to exit
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: VOID
// History: MKarki Created 5/4/98
VOID CClients::Shutdown ( VOID ) { //
// stop the configuration of clients if taking place
StopConfiguringClients ();
} // end of CClients::Shutdown method
// Function: StopConfiguringClients
// Synopsis: This is the CClients class private method
// which stops the configuration taking place on
// a worker thread, the call does not return untill
// the worker thread has completed cleanup
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: VOID
// History: MKarki Created 5/4/98
HRESULT CClients::StopConfiguringClients ( VOID ) { //
// reset the global configure flag and then wait of event
m_bConfigure = FALSE;
DWORD dwError = ::WaitForSingleObject (m_hResolverEvent, INFINITE); if (WAIT_FAILED == dwError) { IASTracePrintf ( "Failed on waiting for resolver thread to exit " "during Clients Collection processing" ); return (E_FAIL); }
return (S_OK);
} // end of CClients::StopConfiguringClients method
// Function: SetClients
// Synopsis: This is the initialization method of the
// CClients class objects which loads up the
// values
// Arguments:
// [in] VARIANT*
// Returns: HRESULT - status
// History: MKarki Created 12/16/97
HRESULT CClients::SetClients ( VARIANT *pVarClients ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lCount = 0; CClient *pIIasClient = NULL; DWORD dwClientsLeft = 0; DWORD dwCurrentIndex = 0; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; CComVariant varPerClient; CComPtr <IEnumVARIANT> pIEnumVariant; CComPtr <IUnknown > pIUnknown; CComPtr <ISdoCollection> pISdoCollection;
// check the input arguments
if ((VT_DISPATCH != pVarClients->vt) || (NULL == pVarClients->pdispVal)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Invalid argument passed in for Clients collection processing" ); return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// stop any previous client configuration in progress
hr = StopConfiguringClients (); if (FAILED (hr)) {return (hr);}
// get the ISdoCollection interface now
hr = (pVarClients->pdispVal)->QueryInterface ( __uuidof (ISdoCollection), reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&pISdoCollection) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain SDO Collection during Clients Collection " "processing" ); return (hr); }
// get the number of objects in the collection
hr = pISdoCollection->get_Count (&lCount); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain client object count during Clients Collection " "processing" ); return (hr); } else if (0 == lCount) { DeleteObjects(); return (hr); }
// allocate array of CClient* to temporarily store the CClient
// objects till the addresses are resolved
m_pCClientArray = reinterpret_cast <CClient**> ( ::CoTaskMemAlloc ( sizeof (CClient*)*lCount) ); if (NULL == m_pCClientArray) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to allocate memory for Client object array " "during Clients collection processing" ); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return (hr); }
// get the enumerator for the clients collection
hr = pISdoCollection->get__NewEnum ( reinterpret_cast <IUnknown**> (&pIUnknown) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain enumeration object during " "Clients collection processing" ); return (hr); }
// get the enum variant
hr = pIUnknown->QueryInterface ( IID_IEnumVARIANT, reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&pIEnumVariant) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain EnumVariant interface during " "Clients collection processing" ); return (hr); }
// get clients out of the collection and initialize
hr = pIEnumVariant->Next (1, &varPerClient, &dwClientsLeft); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain variant object during " "Clients collection processing" ); return (hr); }
while ((dwClientsLeft > 0) && (dwCurrentIndex < lCount)) { //
// get an Sdo pointer from the variant we received
CComPtr <ISdo> pISdo; hr = varPerClient.pdispVal->QueryInterface ( __uuidof (ISdo), reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&pISdo) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain SDO interface during " "Clients collection processing" ); return (hr); }
// create a new Client object now
hr = m_pIClassFactory->CreateInstance ( NULL, __uuidof (CClient), reinterpret_cast <PVOID*> (&pIIasClient) ); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to create Client object from factory during " "Clients collection processing" ); return (hr); }
// initalize the client
hr = pIIasClient->Init (pISdo); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to initialize client object " "Clients collection processing" ); //
// delete this object
pIIasClient->Release (); } else { //
// store this CClient class object in the
// object array temporarily
m_pCClientArray[dwCurrentIndex] = pIIasClient; dwCurrentIndex++; }
// clear the perClient value from this variant
varPerClient.Clear ();
// get next client out of the collection
hr = pIEnumVariant->Next (1, &varPerClient, &dwClientsLeft); if (FAILED (hr)) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to obtain next variant object during " "Clients collection processing" ); return (hr); } }
// we reset the event which will be set by the resolver thread
// when its done and start the resolver thread
::ResetEvent (m_hResolverEvent); m_bConfigure = TRUE; bStatus = ::IASRequestThread (::MakeBoundCallback ( this, &CClients::Resolver, dwCurrentIndex ) ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { IASTracePrintf ( "Unable to start client resolution thread " "Clients collection processing" ); ::SetEvent (m_hResolverEvent); return (E_FAIL); }
// we have been successfully configured
return (S_OK);
} // end of CClients::SetClients method
// Function: FindObject
// Synopsis: This method finds a CClient class object from
// the CClients collection and returns a reference
// to it, without removing it from the collection
// Arguments: [in] DWORD - key
// [out] IIasClient**
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 9/26/97
// Called By:
BOOL CClients::FindObject ( DWORD dwKey, IIasClient **ppIIasClient ) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_CritSect);
IIasClient* client = m_mapClients.Find(dwKey);
if (ppIIasClient != 0) { *ppIIasClient = client;
if (client != 0) { client->AddRef(); } }
return client != 0; }
// Function: DeleteObjects
// Synopsis: This method deletes CClient objects from the
// map
// Arguments: none
// Returns: VOID
// History: MKarki Created 4/4/98
// Called By: CClients destructor
VOID CClients::DeleteObjects ( VOID ) { m_mapClients.Clear(); } // end of CClients::DeleteObjects method
// Function: Resolver
// Synopsis: This is the CClients Private method that
// resolves the client IP addresses
// Arguments: none
// Returns: VOID
// History: MKarki Created 4/12/98
// Called By: CClients::SetClients public method through
// a worker thread
VOID CClients::Resolver ( DWORD dwArraySize ) { // Set up iterators for the clients array.
CClient **i, **begin = m_pCClientArray, **end = begin + dwArraySize;
// Resolve the client addresses.
for (i = begin; i != end; ++i) { (*i)->ResolveAddress(); }
// Update the client map.
try { for (i = begin; i != end; ++i) { const CClient::Address* paddr = (*i)->GetAddressList();
for ( ; paddr->ipAddress != INADDR_NONE; ++paddr) { m_mapClients.Insert(SubNet(paddr->ipAddress, paddr->width), *i); } } } catch (...) { }
// Clean up the array of client objects.
for (i = begin; i != end; ++i) { (*i)->Release(); }
CoTaskMemFree(m_pCClientArray); m_pCClientArray = NULL;
// Set the event indicating that the Resolver thread is done
SetEvent(m_hResolverEvent); }