#include <stdlib.h> /* for _MAX_PATH */
#include <time.h>
#pragma pack(1)
//#define OVERLAPPED_LOGGING /* which Logging to use? */
extern BOOL fLGIgnoreVersion;
extern CHAR szDrive[]; extern CHAR szDir[]; extern CHAR szExt[]; extern CHAR szFName[]; extern CHAR szLogName[];
extern CHAR *szLogCurrent; extern CHAR szLogFilePath[]; extern CHAR szRestorePath[]; extern CHAR szRecovery[]; extern OLP rgolpLog[]; extern SIG rgsig[];
extern CODECONST(char) szJet[]; extern CODECONST(char) szJetTmp[]; extern CODECONST(char) szLogExt[];
#define cbMaxLogFileName (8 + 1 + 3 + 1) /* null at the end */
#define PbSecAligned(pb) ((((pb)-pbLGBufMin) / cbSec) * cbSec + pbLGBufMin)
//------ types ----------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct { BYTE bSeconds; // 0 - 60
BYTE bMinutes; // 0 - 60
BYTE bHours; // 0 - 24
BYTE bDay; // 1 - 31
BYTE bMonth; // 0 - 11
BYTE bYear; // Current year - 1900
#define FSameTime( ptm1, ptm2 ) (memcmp((ptm1), (ptm2), sizeof(LOGTIME)) == 0)
VOID LGGetDateTime( LOGTIME *plogtm );
/* log file header */ typedef struct { ULONG ulChecksum; // Must be the first 4 bytes
LGPOS lgposFirst; // 1st log record starts.
LGPOS lgposLastMS; // last recorded multi-sec flush LogRec
LGPOS lgposFirstMS; // 1st recorded multi-sec flush LogRec
LGPOS lgposCheckpoint; // check point
BOOL fEndWithMS; // normal end of a generation.
LOGTIME tmCreate; // date time log file creation
LOGTIME tmPrevGen; // date time prev log file creation
ULONG ulRup; // typically 2000
ULONG ulVersion; // of format: 125.1
LGPOS lgposFullBackup; LOGTIME logtimeFullBackup;
LGPOS lgposIncBackup; LOGTIME logtimeIncBackup;
typedef struct { FHDRUSED; BYTE rgb[ cbSec - sizeof( FHDRUSED ) ]; } LGFILEHDR;
//------ variables ----------------------------------------------------------
/****** globals declared in log.c, shared by logapi.c redo.c *******/ /*** log file infor ***/ extern HANDLE hfLog; /* logfile handle */ extern INT csecLGFile; extern LGFILEHDR *plgfilehdrGlobal; /* cached current log file header */
/*** in memory log buffer ***/ extern INT csecLGBuf; /* available buffer, exclude the shadow sec */ extern CHAR *pbLGBufMin; extern CHAR *pbLGBufMax; extern CHAR *pbLastMSFlush; /* to LGBuf where last multi-sec flush LogRec sit*/ extern LGPOS lgposLastMSFlush;
extern BYTE *pbEntry; extern BYTE *pbWrite; extern INT isecWrite; /* next disk to write. */
extern BYTE *pbNext; extern BYTE *pbRead; extern INT isecRead; /* next disk to Read. */ extern LGPOS lgposLastRec; /* setinal for last log record for redo */
/*** log record position ***/ extern LGPOS lgposLogRec; /* last log record entry, updated by ErrLGLogRec */ extern LGPOS lgposToFlush; /* next point starting the flush. Right after */ /* lgposLogRec. */
extern LGPOS lgposFullBackup; extern LOGTIME logtimeFullBackup;
extern LGPOS lgposIncBackup; extern LOGTIME logtimeIncBackup;
extern LGPOS lgposStart; /* last log start position */
// logging MUTEX
extern CRIT __near critLGFlush; extern CRIT __near critLGBuf; extern CRIT __near critLGWaitQ; extern SIG __near sigLogFlush;
// logging EVENT
extern SIG __near sigLGFlush;
//------ log.c --------------------------------------------------------------
ERR ErrLGWrite( int isecOffset, BYTE *pbData, int csecData ); ERR ErrLGRead( HANDLE hfLog, int ibOffset, BYTE *pbData, int csec ); ERR ErrLGReadFileHdr( HANDLE hfLog, LGFILEHDR *plgfilehdr );
VOID LGSzFromLogId( CHAR *rgbLogFileName, int usGeneration );
extern BOOL fJetLogGeneratedDuringSoftStart; #define fOldLogExists 1
#define fOldLogNotExists 2
#define fOldLogInBackup 4
ERR ErrLGNewLogFile( int usGeneration, BOOL fOldLog );
VOID LGFlushLog( VOID ); #ifdef PERFCNT
ERR ErrLGFlushLog( int tidCaller ); #else
ERR ErrLGFlushLog( VOID ); #endif
//------ redo.c -------------------------------------------------------------
/* corresponding pointer to process information block
/**/ typedef struct { PROCID procid; PIB *ppib; FUCB *rgpfucbOpen[dbidUserMax]; } CPPIB; extern CPPIB *rgcppib; /* array of pibs-procids during Redo */
//------ macros -----------------------------------------------------
/* redo operations are valid on the system database on the first
/* pass. Redo operations are valid on any database for which the
/* flag is 0 or greater. This is to handle the case where
/* 1) plain log records are found ( 0 )
/* 2) create for the first time ( 1 )
/* 3) detach and attach/create ( 0 )
/**/ #define FValidDatabase( dbid ) \
( dbid == dbidSystemDatabase || rgfDatabase[dbid] > 0 || fHardRestore )
//------ debug code --------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef DEBUG
#define FlagUsed( pb, cb ) memset( pb, 'x', cb )
#else /* !DEBUG */
#define FlagUsed( pb, cb )
#endif /* !DEBUG */
//------ function headers ---------------------------------------------------
ERR ErrLGRedoable( PIB *ppib, PN pn, ULONG ulDBTime, BF **ppbf, BOOL *pfRedoable ); ERR ErrLGRedo1( LGPOS *plgposRedoFrom ); ERR ErrLGRedo2( LGPOS *plgposRedoFrom ); ERR ErrLGRedoOperations( LGPOS *plgposRedoFrom, BOOL fSysDb ); INT CbLGSizeOfRec( LR * ); ERR ErrLGCheckReadLastLogRecord( LGPOS *plgposLastMS, BOOL *pfCloseNormally ); ERR ErrLGLocateFirstRedoLogRec( LGPOS *plgposLastMS, LGPOS *plgposFirst, BYTE **ppbLR ); ERR ErrLGGetNextRec( BYTE ** ); VOID LGLastGeneration( char *szSearchPath, int *piGeneration );
VOID AddLogRec( BYTE *pb, INT cb, BYTE **ppbET); VOID LGUpdateCheckpoint( VOID ); VOID GetLgposOfPbEntry( LGPOS *plgpos ); VOID GetLgposOfPbNext(LGPOS *plgpos);
#define fNoProperLogFile 1
#define fRedoLogFile 2
#define fNormalClose 3
ERR ErrOpenRedoLogFile( LGPOS *plgposRedoFrom, int *pfStatus ); ERR ErrLGWriteFileHdr(LGFILEHDR *plgfilehdr); ERR ErrLGMiniOpenSystemDB(); ULONG UlLGHdrChecksum( LGFILEHDR *plgfilehdr );
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID ShowData( BYTE *pbData, WORD cbData ); VOID PrintLgposReadLR(VOID); VOID ShowLR( LR *plr ); #else
#define ShowLR( plr ) 0
#endif /* !DEBUG */
#pragma pack()