/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
sharesdo.h defines classes for sharing SdoServer among property pages for different users and snapins
FILE HISTORY: */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#if !defined(__SHARE_SDO_H__)
#define __SHARE_SDO_H__
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#include <list>
// this class is used to build a map of the connected SDO servers being used
// the consumer of the class may NOT call ISdoMachine::Connect directly, should use Connect function
// defined in this class
class CSharedSdoServerPool; class CSharedSdoServerImp; class CSharedSdoServer;
// implementation class of shared server
// used by CSdoServerPool and CMarshalSdoServer
class CSharedSdoServerImp { friend class CSdoServerPool; friend class CMarshalSdoServer;
protected: // only be used by friends and derived ones
CSharedSdoServerImp(LPCTSTR machine, LPCTSTR user, LPCTSTR passwd); ~CSharedSdoServerImp() { // no longer check this, this could be different
// ASSERT(threadId == GetCurrentThreadId());
spServer.Release(); }; // to make this class element of collection, provide following member functions
bool IsFor(LPCTSTR machine, LPCTSTR user, LPCTSTR passwd) const; // CoCreate SdoServer object
HRESULT CreateServer();
// get marshal stream, can specify, if immediate connection is required.
HRESULT GetMarshalStream(LPSTREAM *ppStream, bool* pbConnect /* both input and output */);
// Connect the server to the a machine
HRESULT Connect(ISdoMachine* pMarshaledServer /* NULL, when calling from the same thread */);
// Used by different thread, to retrived marshaled interface out of the stream
static HRESULT GetServerNReleaseStream(LPSTREAM pStream, ISdoMachine** ppServer); private: CString strMachine; // name of the serve to connect to
CString strUser; // user id used to connect
CString strPasswd; // user's passwd
CComPtr<ISdoMachine> spServer; // ISdoInterface, created(not yet connected), or connected
bool bConnected; CCriticalSection cs; DWORD threadId; // the thread ID of the creating thread
// used between thread which managed the SdoServerPool and consumer of the pool
class CMarshalSdoServer { friend CSdoServerPool; public: CMarshalSdoServer(); ~CMarshalSdoServer() { spServer.Release(); spStm.Release(); pImp = NULL; }; // if connection is needed, should call the connec of CSharedSdoServer, rather than ISdoMachine::Connect
// this should be used by a different thread to get marshaled interface
HRESULT GetServer(ISdoMachine** ppServer);
// connect the sdo server
HRESULT Connect();
// release the data members
void Release(); protected: void SetInfo(IStream* pStream, CSharedSdoServerImp* pImp1) { spStm.Release(); spStm = pStream; pImp = pImp1; }; private: CComPtr<ISdoMachine> spServer; CComPtr<IStream> spStm; //
CSharedSdoServerImp* pImp; // the pointer is kept in global list, no need to free it
// class used to manage a shared SdoServerPool
class CSdoServerPool { public: // find a server in the pool, if there isn't, create an entry in the pool
// this need bo called in the main thread
HRESULT GetMarshalServer(LPCTSTR machineName, LPCTSTR userName, LPCTSTR passwd, bool* pbConnect, CMarshalSdoServer* pServer);
~CSdoServerPool(); private: std::list<CSharedSdoServerImp*> listServers; CCriticalSection cs; };
// the server pool pointer used to share SdoServer among pages and snapins
extern CSdoServerPool* g_pSdoServerPool;
HRESULT ConnectToSdoServer(BSTR machineName, BSTR userName, BSTR passwd, ISdoMachine** ppServer); HRESULT GetSharedSdoServer(LPCTSTR machine, LPCTSTR user, LPCTSTR passwd, bool* pbConnect, CMarshalSdoServer* pServer);
#endif // !defined(__SHARE_SDO_H__)