// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: rtrcfg.h
// Router configuration property pages
#ifndef _RTRCFG_H
#define _RTRCFG_H
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#ifndef _INFO_H
#include "info.h"
#ifndef _RTRSHEET_H
#include "rtrsheet.h"
#ifndef __IPCTRL_H
#include "ipctrl.h"
#ifndef __ATLKENV_H
#include "atlkenv.h"
#ifndef __IPCTRL_H
#include "ipctrl.h"
#ifndef _DIALOG_H_
#include "dialog.h"
#ifndef _ADDRPOOL_H
#include "addrpool.h"
template <class T> class Ptr { public: T* p; Ptr(T* p_=NULL) : p(p_) {} ~Ptr(void) { delete p;} operator T*(void) { return p; } T& operator*(void) { return *p; } T* operator->(void) { return p; } Ptr& operator=(T* p_) { delete p; p = p_; return *this; } };
class RtrCfgSheet;
Struct: AdapterData
This structure is used to hold information about NICs and their GUIDs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct AdapterData { CString m_stFriendlyName; CString m_stGuid; // the identifying guid
typedef CList<AdapterData, AdapterData&> AdapterList;
Data inteface class for IP data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class DATA_SRV_IP { public:
DWORD m_dwAllowNetworkAccess; DWORD m_dwOldAllowNetworkAccess; DWORD m_dwUseDhcp; AddressPoolList m_addressPoolList; CString m_stNetworkAdapterGUID;
DWORD m_dwEnableIn; AdapterList m_adapterList;
// Member variable that control forwarding of NETBT
// name request broadcasts
DWORD m_dwEnableNetbtBcastFwd; DWORD m_dwOldEnableNetbtBcastFwd; // The next two variables are used by the install wizard
// specifically for NAT
CString m_stPrivateAdapterGUID; CString m_stPublicAdapterGUID; DATA_SRV_IP();
HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); HRESULT SaveToReg(IRouterInfo *pRouter, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); HRESULT UseDefaults(LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL fNT4); void GetDefault();
BOOL FNeedRestart();
HRESULT LoadAdapters(IRouterInfo *pRouter, AdapterList *pAdapterList); private: BOOL m_fNT4; RegKey m_regkey; RegKey m_regkeyNT4; CString m_stServerName; SPIRouterInfo m_spRouterInfo; RouterVersionInfo m_routerVersion; };
Class: DATA_SRV_IPX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class DATA_SRV_IPX { public:
DWORD m_dwAllowNetworkAccess; DWORD m_dwUseAutoAddr; DWORD m_dwUseSameNetNum; DWORD m_dwAllowClientNetNum; DWORD m_dwIpxNetFirst; DWORD m_dwIpxNetLast; DWORD m_dwEnableIn;
DWORD m_fEnableType20Broadcasts;
HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName=NULL, BOOL fNT4 =FALSE); HRESULT SaveToReg(IRouterInfo *pRouter); HRESULT UseDefaults(LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL fNT4); void GetDefault();
static const int mc_nIpxNetNumRadix;
private: BOOL m_fNT4; RegKey m_regkeyNT4; RegKey m_regkey; };
Class: DATA_SRV_NBF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class DATA_SRV_NBF { public: DWORD m_dwAllowNetworkAccess; DWORD m_dwOldAllowNetworkAccess; DWORD m_dwEnableIn; DWORD m_dwOldEnableIn;
HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName = NULL, BOOL fNT4 = FALSE); HRESULT SaveToReg(); HRESULT UseDefaults(LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL fNT4); void GetDefault();
BOOL FNeedRestart();
private: BOOL m_fNT4; RegKey m_regkey; RegKey m_regkeyNT4; CString m_stServerName; };
Class: DATA_SRV_ARAP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class DATA_SRV_ARAP { public:
DWORD m_dwEnableIn;
HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName = NULL, BOOL fNT4 = FALSE); HRESULT SaveToReg(); HRESULT UseDefaults(LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL fNT4); void GetDefault();
private: RegKey m_regkey; };
Class: DATA_SRV_GENERAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class DATA_SRV_GENERAL { public:
DWORD m_dwRouterType; DWORD m_dwOldRouterType;
HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName = NULL); HRESULT SaveToReg(); void GetDefault();
BOOL FNeedRestart();
private: RegKey m_regkey; CString m_stServerName; };
// PPP configuration
class DATA_SRV_PPP { public:
BOOL m_fUseMultilink; BOOL m_fUseBACP; BOOL m_fUseLCPExtensions; BOOL m_fUseSwCompression; DATA_SRV_PPP(); HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); HRESULT SaveToReg(); void GetDefault();
private: RegKey m_regkey; };
Struct: AuthProviderData
This structure is used to hold information for Authentication AND Accounting providers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct AuthProviderData { // The following fields will hold data for ALL auth/acct/EAP providers
CString m_stTitle; CString m_stConfigCLSID; // CLSID for config object
CString m_stProviderTypeGUID; // GUID for the provider type
// These fields are used by auth/acct providers.
CString m_stGuid; // the identifying guid
// This flag is used for EAP providers
CString m_stKey; // name of registry key (for this provider)
BOOL m_fSupportsEncryption; // used by EAP provider data
DWORD m_dwFlags;
BOOL m_fConfiguredInThisSession; };
typedef CList<AuthProviderData, AuthProviderData&> AuthProviderList;
Class: DATA_SRV_AUTH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DATA_SRV_AUTH_MAX_SHARED_KEY_LEN 255
class DATA_SRV_AUTH { public:
// The authentication data (as read in from the Rasman flags parameter)
DWORD m_dwFlags; // The original auth provider
CString m_stGuidOriginalAuthProv; // The original acct provider
CString m_stGuidOriginalAcctProv; // The current authentication provider
CString m_stGuidActiveAuthProv; // The current accounting provider
CString m_stGuidActiveAcctProv;
//Flag which tells us if the router service is running
BOOL m_fRouterRunning; // Flag indicating whether or not to use Custom IPSEC policy ( preshared key )
BOOL m_fUseCustomIPSecPolicy;
// Current Preshared Key
HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pServerName, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); HRESULT SaveToReg(HWND hWnd); HRESULT UseDefaults(LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL fNT4); void GetDefault(); AuthProviderList m_authProvList; AuthProviderList m_acctProvList; AuthProviderList m_eapProvList; AuthProviderData * FindProvData(AuthProviderList &provList, const TCHAR *pszGuid);
private: RegKey m_regkeyAuth; // reg key of the Router\Auth
RegKey m_regkeyAcct; // reg key of the Router\Acct
RegKey m_regkeyRasmanPPP; RegKey m_regkeyRemoteAccess; // regkey for RemoteAccess\Parameters
HRESULT LoadEapProviders(HKEY hkeyBase, AuthProviderList *pProvList); HRESULT LoadProviders(HKEY hkeyBase, AuthProviderList *pProvList); HRESULT LoadPSK(); HRESULT SetNewActiveAuthProvider(HWND hWnd); HRESULT SetNewActiveAcctProvider(HWND hWnd); HRESULT SetPSK(); CString m_stServer; };
Class: DATA_SRV_RASERRLOG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class DATA_SRV_RASERRLOG { public:
DWORD m_dwLogLevel; DWORD m_dwEnableFileTracing; DWORD m_dwOldEnableFileTracing; DATA_SRV_RASERRLOG(); HRESULT LoadFromReg(LPCTSTR pszServerName=NULL); HRESULT SaveToReg(); HRESULT UseDefaults(LPCTSTR pServerName, BOOL fNT4); void GetDefault();
BOOL FNeedRestart();
private: RegKey m_regkey; RegKey m_regkeyFileLogging; CString m_stServer; };
Class: RtrGenCfgPage
General configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class RtrGenCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage { public: RtrGenCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrGenCfgPage();
HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); // Copy the control settings into the DATA_SRV_GENERAL
void SaveSettings();
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
void EnableRtrCtrls();
virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; //{{AFX_MSG(RtrGenCfgPage)
afx_msg void OnButtonClick(); afx_msg void OnCbSrvAsRtr(); //}}AFX_MSG
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };
Class: RtrAuthCfgPage
Authentication configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class RtrAuthCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage {
// Construction
public: RtrAuthCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrAuthCfgPage(); HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); //{{AFX_DATA(RtrAuthCfgPage)
CComboBox m_authprov; CComboBox m_acctprov; //}}AFX_DATA
DATA_SRV_AUTH m_DataAuth; //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(RtrAuthCfgPage)
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
protected: DWORD m_dwAuthFlags; // Flags as enabled
CString m_stActiveAuthProv; CString m_stActiveAcctProv; RouterVersionInfo m_RouterInfo; void FillProviderListBox(CComboBox &provCtrl, AuthProviderList &provList, const CString& stGuid);
virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; //{{AFX_MSG(RtrAuthCfgPage)
afx_msg void OnChangeAuthProv(); afx_msg void OnChangeAcctProv(); afx_msg void OnConfigureAcctProv(); afx_msg void OnConfigureAuthProv(); afx_msg void OnAuthSettings(); afx_msg void OnChangeCustomPolicySettings(); afx_msg void OnChangePreSharedKey(); //}}AFX_MSG
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };
Class: RtrIPCfgPage
IP configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class RtrIPCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage {
// Construction
public: RtrIPCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrIPCfgPage(); HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); HRESULT SaveSettings(HWND hWnd); //{{AFX_DATA(RtrIPCfgPage)
enum { IDD = IDD_RTR_IP }; CComboBox m_adapter; //}}AFX_DATA
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
protected: CListCtrl m_listCtrl; BOOL m_bReady;
virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; void EnableStaticPoolCtrls(BOOL fEnable) ; void FillAdapterListBox(CComboBox &adapterCtrl, AdapterList &adapterList, const CString& stGuid);
afx_msg void OnAllowRemoteTcpip(); afx_msg void OnRtrEnableIPRouting(); afx_msg void OnRtrIPRbDhcp(); afx_msg void OnRtrIPRbPool(); afx_msg void OnSelendOkAdapter(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnBtnAdd(); afx_msg void OnBtnEdit(); afx_msg void OnBtnRemove(); afx_msg void OnEnableNetbtBcastFwd(); afx_msg void OnListDblClk(NMHDR *, LRESULT *); afx_msg void OnListChange(NMHDR *, LRESULT *); //}}AFX_MSG
Class: RtrIPXCfgPage
IPX configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class RtrIPXCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage { public: RtrIPXCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrIPXCfgPage(); HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); DATA_SRV_IPX m_DataIPX;
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
protected: virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; void EnableNetworkRangeCtrls(BOOL fEnable); //{{AFX_MSG(RtrIPXCfgPage)
afx_msg void OnRtrIPxRbAuto(); afx_msg void OnRtrIPxRbPool(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnChangeSomething(); //}}AFX_MSG
Class: RtrNBFCfgPage
NetBEUI router configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class RtrNBFCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage {
public: RtrNBFCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrNBFCfgPage(); HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); DATA_SRV_NBF m_DataNBF; //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(RtrNBFCfgPage)
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Copy the control settings into the DATA_SRV_GENERAL
void SaveSettings();
protected: virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; //{{AFX_MSG(RtrNBFCfgPage)
afx_msg void OnButtonClick(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); //}}AFX_MSG
Class: RtrARAPCfgPage
Appletalk routing configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class RtrARAPCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage { public: RtrARAPCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrARAPCfgPage();
HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion);
void EnableSettings(BOOL bEnable);
enum { IDD = IDD_RTR_ARAP }; //}}AFX_DATA
// if the page is changed and applied
BOOL m_bApplied;
// need to access from the property sheet
CATLKEnv m_AdapterInfo;
// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet;
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnRtrArapCbRemotearap(); //}}AFX_MSG
Class: RtrPPPCfgPage
PPP options configuration UI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class RtrPPPCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage {
// Construction
public: RtrPPPCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrPPPCfgPage(); HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); //{{AFX_DATA(RtrPPPCfgPage)
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; //{{AFX_MSG(RtrPPPCfgPage)
afx_msg void OnButtonClickMultilink(); afx_msg void OnButtonClick(); //}}AFX_MSG
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()
Class: RtrLogLevelCfgPage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class RtrLogLevelCfgPage : public RtrPropertyPage {
// Construction
public: RtrLogLevelCfgPage(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0); ~RtrLogLevelCfgPage(); HRESULT Init(RtrCfgSheet * pRtrCfgSheet, const RouterVersionInfo& routerVersion); //{{AFX_DATA(RtrLogLevelCfgPage)
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
virtual BOOL OnApply(); RtrCfgSheet* m_pRtrCfgSheet; //{{AFX_MSG(RtrLogLevelCfgPage)
afx_msg void OnButtonClick(); //}}AFX_MSG
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); // Copy the control settings into the DATA_SRV_GENERAL
void SaveSettings();
Class: RtrCfgSheet
Router configuration property sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class RtrCfgSheet : public RtrPropertySheet { public: RtrCfgSheet(ITFSNode *pNode, IRouterInfo *pRouter, IComponentData *pComponentData, ITFSComponentData *pTFSCompData, LPCTSTR pszSheetName, CWnd *pParent = NULL, UINT iPage=0, BOOL fScopePane = TRUE); ~RtrCfgSheet(); HRESULT Init(LPCTSTR pServerName); virtual BOOL SaveSheetData(); CString m_stServerName; BOOL m_fNT4; RouterVersionInfo m_routerVersion; SPIRouterInfo m_spRouter;
// Helper function - this will prompt the user, stop the service,
// save changes, and then restart. This is for those changes
// that require a restart. It is placed in a separate function
// so that the various pages may call this. The restart will occur
// only once though.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT SaveRequiredRestartChanges(HWND hWnd); protected:
friend class RtrGenCfgPage; friend class RtrAuthCfgPage; friend class RtrIPCfgPage; friend class RtrIPXCfgPage; friend class RtrNBFCfgPage; friend class RtrARAPCfgPage;
BOOL m_fIpxLoaded; BOOL m_fIpLoaded; BOOL m_fNbfLoaded; BOOL m_fARAPLoaded; Ptr<RtrIPCfgPage> m_pRtrIPCfgPage; Ptr<RtrIPXCfgPage> m_pRtrIPXCfgPage; Ptr<RtrNBFCfgPage> m_pRtrNBFCfgPage; Ptr<RtrARAPCfgPage> m_pRtrARAPCfgPage; Ptr<RtrGenCfgPage> m_pRtrGenCfgPage; Ptr<RtrAuthCfgPage> m_pRtrAuthCfgPage; Ptr<RtrPPPCfgPage> m_pRtrPPPCfgPage; Ptr<RtrLogLevelCfgPage> m_pRtrLogLevelCfgPage; SPITFSNode m_spNode; };
class: EAPConfigurationDlg
Brings up the list of EAP providers (along with a configure button). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class EAPConfigurationDialog : public CBaseDialog { public: EAPConfigurationDialog(LPCTSTR pszMachine, AuthProviderList *pProvList) : CBaseDialog(IDD_RTR_EAP_CFG), m_pProvList(pProvList), m_stMachine(pszMachine) {}; ~EAPConfigurationDialog();
protected: AuthProviderList *m_pProvList; CString m_stMachine; // name of the server
CListBox m_listBox; //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(EAPConfigurationDialog)
protected: virtual VOID DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
afx_msg void OnListChange();
// config buttion is moved to NAP/Profile/Authentication page
// afx_msg void OnConfigure();
Class: AuthenticationSettingsDialog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class AuthenticationSettingsDialog : public CBaseDialog { public: AuthenticationSettingsDialog(LPCTSTR pszServerName, AuthProviderList *pProvList) : CBaseDialog(IDD_AUTHENTICATION_SETTINGS), m_dwFlags(0), m_stMachine(pszServerName), m_pProvList(pProvList) {};
void SetAuthFlags(DWORD dwFlags); DWORD GetAuthFlags();
void CheckAuthenticationControls(DWORD dwFlags); // Read the state of the flags from the checkboxes in the UI
void ReadFlagState();
DWORD m_dwFlags;
// Used by the EAP dialog
AuthProviderList *m_pProvList; CString m_stMachine; // name of the server
protected: afx_msg void OnRtrAuthCfgEAP(); virtual VOID DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
#endif _RTRCFG_H