/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) 1997-1999, Microsoft Corporation **/ /**********************************************************************/
ndisutil.cpp FILE HISTORY: */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ndisutil.h"
#include "rtrstr.h"
#include "raserror.h"
#include "ustringp.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "ncutil.h"
#include <ndispnp.h>
#define c_szDevice L"\\Device\\"
#define c_szEmpty L""
// Function: SetUnicodeString
// Purpose: given a UNICODE_STRING initialize it to the given WSTR
// Parameters:
// pustr - the UNICODE_STRING to initialize
// psz - the WSTR to use to initialize the UNICODE_STRING
// Notes: This differs from the RtlInitUnicodeString in that the
// MaximumLength value contains the terminating null
void SetUnicodeString ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING* pustr, IN LPCWSTR psz ) { AssertSz( pustr != NULL, "Invalid Argument" ); AssertSz( psz != NULL, "Invalid Argument" );
pustr->Buffer = const_cast<PWSTR>(psz); pustr->Length = (USHORT)(lstrlenW(pustr->Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR)); pustr->MaximumLength = pustr->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Function: SetUnicodeMultiString
// Purpose: given a UNICODE_STRING initialize it to the given WSTR
// multi string buffer
// Parameters:
// pustr - the UNICODE_STRING to initialize
// pmsz - the multi sz WSTR to use to initialize the UNICODE_STRING
void SetUnicodeMultiString ( IN OUT UNICODE_STRING* pustr, IN LPCWSTR pmsz ) { AssertSz( pustr != NULL, "Invalid Argument" ); AssertSz( pmsz != NULL, "Invalid Argument" );
pustr->Buffer = const_cast<PWSTR>(pmsz); // Note: Length does NOT include terminating NULL
pustr->Length = wcslen(pustr->Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); pustr->MaximumLength = pustr->Length; }
// Function: HrSendNdisHandlePnpEvent
// Purpose: Send to Ndis a HandlePnpEvent notification
// Parameters:
// uiLayer - either NDIS or TDI
// uiOperation - either BIND, RECONFIGURE, or UNBIND
// pszUpper - a WIDE string containing the upper component name
// pszLower - a WIDE string containing the lower component name
// This is one of the Export names from that component
// The values NULL and c_szEmpty are both supported
// pmszBindList - a WIDE string containing the NULL terminiated list of strings
// representing the bindlist, vaid only for reconfigure
// The values NULL and c_szEmpty are both supported
// pvData - Pointer to ndis component notification data. Content
// determined by each component.
// dwSizeData - Count of bytes in pvData
// Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success, HrFromLastWin32Error otherwise
// Notes: Do not use this routine directly, see...
// HrSendNdisPnpBindOrderChange,
// HrSendNdisPnpBindStateChange, or
// HrSendNdisPnpReconfig
HRESULT HrSendNdisHandlePnpEvent ( UINT uiLayer, UINT uiOperation, LPCWSTR pszUpper, LPCWSTR pszLower, LPCWSTR pmszBindList, PVOID pvData, DWORD dwSizeData) { UNICODE_STRING umstrBindList; UNICODE_STRING ustrLower; UNICODE_STRING ustrUpper; UINT nRet; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
Assert(NULL != pszUpper); Assert((NDIS == uiLayer)||(TDI == uiLayer)); Assert( (BIND == uiOperation) || (RECONFIGURE == uiOperation) || (UNBIND == uiOperation) ); // AssertSz( FImplies( ((NULL != pmszBindList) && (0 != lstrlenW( pmszBindList ))),
// (RECONFIGURE == uiOperation) &&
// (TDI == uiLayer) &&
// (0 == lstrlenW( pszLower ))),
// "bind order change requires a bind list, no lower, only for TDI, and with Reconfig for the operation" );
// optional strings must be sent as empty strings
if (NULL == pszLower) { pszLower = c_szEmpty; } if (NULL == pmszBindList) { pmszBindList = c_szEmpty; }
SetUnicodeMultiString( &umstrBindList, pmszBindList ); SetUnicodeString( &ustrUpper, pszUpper ); SetUnicodeString( &ustrLower, pszLower );
// Now submit the notification
nRet = NdisHandlePnPEvent( uiLayer, uiOperation, &ustrLower, &ustrUpper, &umstrBindList, (PVOID)pvData, dwSizeData ); if (!nRet) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// TraceError( "HrSendNdisHandlePnpEvent", hr );
return( hr ); }
// Function: HrSendNdisPnpReconfig
// Purpose: Send to Ndis a HandlePnpEvent reconfig notification
// Parameters: uiLayer - either NDIS or TDI
// wszUpper - a WIDE string containing the upper component name
// (typically a protocol)
// wszLower - a WIDE string containing the lower component name
// (typically an adapter bindname) The values NULL and
// c_szEmpty are both supported
// pvData - Pointer to ndis component notification data. Content
// determined by each component.
// dwSizeData - Count of bytes in pvData
// Returns: HRESULT S_OK on success, HrFromLastWin32Error otherwise
HRESULT HrSendNdisPnpReconfig ( UINT uiLayer, LPCWSTR wszUpper, LPCWSTR wszLower, PVOID pvData, DWORD dwSizeData) { Assert(NULL != wszUpper); Assert((NDIS == uiLayer)||(TDI == uiLayer));
if (NULL == wszLower) { wszLower = c_szEmpty; }
WCHAR* pLower = NULL; // tstring strLower;
// If a lower component is specified, prefix with "\Device\" else
// strLower's default of an empty string will be used.
if ( wszLower && lstrlenW(wszLower)) { pLower = (WCHAR*)_alloca((lstrlenW(wszLower) + lstrlenW(c_szDevice) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy(pLower, c_szDevice); wcscat(pLower, wszLower); }
HRESULT hr = HrSendNdisHandlePnpEvent( uiLayer, RECONFIGURE, wszUpper, pLower, c_szEmpty, pvData, dwSizeData); // TraceError( "HrSendNdisPnpReconfig", hr);
return hr; }