/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
server.h WINS server node information. FILE HISTORY: */
#ifndef _SERVER_H
#define _SERVER_H
#ifndef _WINSHAND_H
#include "winshand.h"
#ifndef _CONFIG_H
#include "config.h"
#ifndef _SVRSTATS_H
#include "svrstats.h"
#ifndef _TASK_H
#include <task.h>
#ifndef _WINSMON_H
#include "winsmon.h"
class CServerStatsFrame;
#define WINS_QDATA_SERVER_INFO 0x00000001
// this structure contains all of the info the background thread enumerates about
// the server and posts to the main thread
class CServerData { public: CString m_strServerName; DWORD m_dwServerIp; CConfiguration m_config;
handle_t m_hBinding; };
Class: CNameCacheEntry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CNameCacheEntry { public: DWORD m_dwIp; CString m_strName; CTime m_timeLastUpdate; };
typedef CArray<CNameCacheEntry, CNameCacheEntry&> CNameCache;
Class: CNameThread ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CNameThread : public CWinThread { public: CNameThread(); ~CNameThread();
public: void Init(CServerInfoArray * pServerInfoArray); BOOL Start(); void Abort(BOOL fAutoDelete = TRUE); void AbortAndWait(); BOOL FCheckForAbort(); BOOL IsRunning(); void UpdateNameCache(); BOOL GetNameFromCache(DWORD dwIp, CString & strName); virtual BOOL InitInstance() { return TRUE; } // MFC override
virtual int Run();
private: HANDLE m_hEventHandle; CServerInfoArray * m_pServerInfoArray; };
Class: CWinsServerHandler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CWinsServerHandler : public CMTWinsHandler//public CWinsHandler
{ public: CWinsServerHandler(ITFSComponentData* pTFSComponentData, LPCWSTR pServerName = NULL, BOOL fConnected = TRUE, DWORD dwIP = 0, DWORD dwFlags = WINS_SERVER_FLAGS_DEFAULT, DWORD dwRefreshInterval = WINS_SERVER_REFRESH_DEFAULT); ~CWinsServerHandler();
// Interface
public: // base handler functionality we override
OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_HasPropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnAddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnCommand(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_GetString() { if(nCol == 0 || nCol == -1) return GetDisplayName(); else if(nCol == 1) return m_strConnected; else return NULL; }
OVERRIDE_BaseHandlerNotify_OnCreateNodeId2(); // Result handler functionality we override
OVERRIDE_BaseHandlerNotify_OnDelete(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultRefresh();
virtual DWORD UpdateStatistics(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT LoadColumns(ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam);
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_AddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_Command();
public: // CMTWinsHandler functionality
ITFSQueryObject* OnCreateQuery(ITFSNode * pNode); virtual void GetErrorInfo(CString & strTitle, CString & strBody, IconIdentifier * pIcon); // implementation
BOOL GetConnected() { return m_fConnected; };
const CString& GetServerAddress() { return m_strServerAddress; }
const DWORD GetServerIP() { return m_dwIPAdd; }
void SetServerIP(DWORD dwIPAdd) { m_dwIPAdd = dwIPAdd; }
HRESULT GetActiveRegNode(ITFSNode ** ppNode) { Assert(ppNode); SetI((LPUNKNOWN *) ppNode, m_spActiveReg); return hrOK; } CConfiguration& GetConfig() { return m_cConfig; }
void SetConfig(CConfiguration & configNew) { m_cConfig = configNew; }
DWORD GetStatus() { return m_dwStatus; } handle_t GetBinding() { return m_hBinding; }
DWORD GetFlags() { return m_dwFlags; }
DWORD GetStatsRefreshInterval() { return m_dwRefreshInterval; } BOOL IsLocalConnection();
virtual HRESULT InitializeNode(ITFSNode * pNode); virtual int GetImageIndex(BOOL bOpenImage); virtual void OnHaveData(ITFSNode * pParentNode, ITFSNode * pNode); virtual void OnHaveData(ITFSNode * pParentNode, LPARAM Data, LPARAM Type);
DWORD ConnectToWinsServer(ITFSNode *pNode); BOOL IsValidNetBIOSName(CString & strAddress, BOOL fLanmanCompatible, BOOL fWackwack // expand slashes if not present
DWORD GetStatistics(ITFSNode * pNode, PWINSINTF_RESULTS_T * ppStats); DWORD ClearStatistics(ITFSNode *pNode);
// for the owner dilaog
DWORD GetOwnerConfig(PWINSINTF_RESULTS_NEW_T pResults, CString strIP); DWORD DeleteWinsServer(DWORD dwIpAddress);
BOOL CheckIfNT351Server();
void SetExtensionName(); void SetDisplay(ITFSNode * pNode, BOOL fFQDN);
public: // holds both the server name and the IP Address
CString m_strServerAddress;
// stores whether the server is connected to or not
CString m_strConnected;
// holds the IP Address of the server
DWORD m_dwIPAdd;
// holds the monitoring IP address, case whrwe the server is not yet connected
// so IP not known.
DWORD m_dwIPMon; char szIPMon[MAX_PATH];
// to be made persistent, those in the Preferences dialog
// of the admin tool
DWORD m_dwFlags; DWORD m_dwRefreshInterval;
// monitoring stuff
DWORD m_dwMsgCount; char m_szNameToQry[STR_BUF_SIZE]; // the name to use in the queries
char m_nbtFrameBuf[MAX_NBT_PACKET_SIZE]; // buffer to store the NetBT frame
WINSINTF_RESULTS_T m_wrResults; CServerStatsFrame m_dlgStats; CString m_strTaskpadTitle;
// Owner info array
CServerInfoArray m_ServerInfoArray;
// Implementation
private: // helper functions
HRESULT ShowServerStatDialog(ITFSNode* pNode); // Task menu for the server
HRESULT DoDBBackup(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT DoDBCompact(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT DoDBRestore(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT DoDBScavenge(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT OnDoConsistencyCheck(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT OnDoVersionConsistencyCheck(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT OnSendPushTrigger(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT OnSendPullTrigger(ITFSNode * pNode); HRESULT OnControlService(ITFSNode * pNode, BOOL fStart); HRESULT OnPauseResumeService(ITFSNode * pNode, BOOL fPause); HRESULT OnRestartService(ITFSNode * pNode);
// Helpers
DWORD BackupDatabase(CString strBackupPath); BOOL GetFolderName(CString & strPath, CString & strHelpText); void DisConnectFromWinsServer();
// used for compacting the DB
DWORD RunApp(LPCTSTR input, LPCTSTR startingDirectory, LPSTR * output); private: SPITFSNode m_spActiveReg; SPITFSNode m_spReplicationPartner; CConfiguration m_cConfig; handle_t m_hBinding; DWORD m_dwStatus; BOOL m_fConnected; BOOL m_bExtension; CNameThread * m_pNameThread; };
Class: CWinsServerQueryObj ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CWinsServerQueryObj : public CWinsQueryObj { public: CWinsServerQueryObj(ITFSComponentData * pTFSComponentData, ITFSNodeMgr * pNodeMgr) : CWinsQueryObj(pTFSComponentData, pNodeMgr) {}; STDMETHODIMP Execute(); virtual void OnEventAbort(DWORD dwData, DWORD dwType);
void AddNodes(handle_t handle);
public: CNameThread * m_pNameThread; CServerInfoArray * m_pServerInfoArray; DWORD m_dwIPAdd; };
#endif _SERVER_H