#include "netpch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ws2spi.h>
#define SWAP_LONG(l) \
( ( ((l) >> 24) & 0x000000FFL ) | \ ( ((l) >> 8) & 0x0000FF00L ) | \ ( ((l) << 8) & 0x00FF0000L ) | \ ( ((l) << 24) & 0xFF000000L ) )
#define WS_SWAP_SHORT(s) \
( ( ((s) >> 8) & 0x00FF ) | \ ( ((s) << 8) & 0xFF00 ) )
static WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE int WSAAPI WSAAddressToStringA( IN LPSOCKADDR lpsaAddress, IN DWORD dwAddressLength, IN LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOA lpProtocolInfo, IN OUT LPSTR lpszAddressString, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwAddressStringLength ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI WSAAddressToStringW( IN LPSOCKADDR lpsaAddress, IN DWORD dwAddressLength, IN LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfo, IN OUT LPWSTR lpszAddressString, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwAddressStringLength ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI WSACleanup( void ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI WSAGetLastError( void ) { return ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND; }
static int WSAAPI WSAStartup( IN WORD wVersionRequested, OUT LPWSADATA lpWSAData ) { return WSAEFAULT; }
static int WSAAPI WSALookupServiceBeginW( IN LPWSAQUERYSETW lpqsRestrictions, IN DWORD dwControlFlags, OUT LPHANDLE lphLookup ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI WSALookupServiceNextW( IN HANDLE hLookup, IN DWORD dwControlFlags, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, OUT LPWSAQUERYSETW lpqsResults ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI WSALookupServiceEnd( IN HANDLE hLookup ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI WSAStringToAddressW( IN LPWSTR AddressString, IN INT AddressFamily, IN LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfo, OUT LPSOCKADDR lpAddress, IN OUT LPINT lpAddressLength ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSPAPI WSCDeinstallProvider( IN LPGUID lpProviderId, OUT LPINT lpErrno ) { *lpErrno = WSAEFAULT; return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSPAPI WSCDeinstallProvider32( IN LPGUID lpProviderId, OUT LPINT lpErrno ) { *lpErrno = WSAEFAULT; return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSPAPI WSCEnumProtocols( IN LPINT lpiProtocols, OUT LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, OUT LPINT lpErrno ) { *lpErrno = WSAEFAULT; return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static INT WSPAPI WSCInstallNameSpace ( IN LPWSTR lpszIdentifier, IN LPWSTR lpszPathName, IN DWORD dwNameSpace, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN LPGUID lpProviderId ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static INT WSPAPI WSCInstallNameSpace32 ( IN LPWSTR lpszIdentifier, IN LPWSTR lpszPathName, IN DWORD dwNameSpace, IN DWORD dwVersion, IN LPGUID lpProviderId ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSPAPI WSCInstallProvider( IN LPGUID lpProviderId, IN const WCHAR FAR * lpszProviderDllPath, IN const LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfoList, IN DWORD dwNumberOfEntries, OUT LPINT lpErrno ) { *lpErrno = WSAEFAULT; return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSPAPI WSCInstallProvider64_32( IN LPGUID lpProviderId, IN const WCHAR FAR * lpszProviderDllPath, IN const LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOW lpProtocolInfoList, IN DWORD dwNumberOfEntries, OUT LPINT lpErrno ) { *lpErrno = WSAEFAULT; return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static INT WSPAPI WSCUnInstallNameSpace ( IN LPGUID lpProviderId ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static INT WSPAPI WSCUnInstallNameSpace32 ( IN LPGUID lpProviderId ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI bind( IN SOCKET s, IN const struct sockaddr FAR * name, IN int namelen ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI connect( IN SOCKET s, IN const struct sockaddr FAR * name, IN int namelen ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI closesocket( IN SOCKET s ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static struct hostent FAR * WSAAPI gethostbyname( IN const char FAR * name ) { return NULL; }
static int WSAAPI getsockname( IN SOCKET s, OUT struct sockaddr FAR * name, OUT int FAR * namelen ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static int WSAAPI getsockopt( IN SOCKET s, IN int level, IN int optname, OUT char FAR * optval, IN OUT int FAR * optlen ) { return SOCKET_ERROR; }
static WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE u_long WSAAPI htonl( IN u_long hostlong ) { return SWAP_LONG( hostlong ); }
static WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE u_short WSAAPI htons( IN u_short hostshort ) { return WS_SWAP_SHORT( hostshort ); }
static unsigned long WSAAPI inet_addr( IN const char FAR * cp ) { return INADDR_NONE; }
static char FAR * WSAAPI inet_ntoa( IN struct in_addr in ) { return NULL; }
static u_long WSAAPI ntohl( IN u_long netlong ) { return SWAP_LONG( netlong ); }
WINSOCK_API_LINKAGE u_short WSAAPI ntohs( IN u_short netshort ) { return WS_SWAP_SHORT( netshort ); }
static SOCKET WSAAPI socket( IN int af, IN int type, IN int protocol ) { return INVALID_SOCKET; }
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in order by ORDINAL
DEFINE_ORDINAL_ENTRIES(ws2_32) { DLOENTRY( 2, bind) DLOENTRY( 3, closesocket) DLOENTRY( 4, connect) DLOENTRY( 6, getsockname) DLOENTRY( 7, getsockopt) DLOENTRY( 8, htonl) DLOENTRY( 9, htons) DLOENTRY( 11, inet_addr) DLOENTRY( 12, inet_ntoa) DLOENTRY( 14, ntohl) DLOENTRY( 15, ntohs) DLOENTRY( 23, socket) DLOENTRY( 52, gethostbyname) DLOENTRY(111, WSAGetLastError) DLOENTRY(115, WSAStartup) DLOENTRY(116, WSACleanup) };
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in alphabetical order, and are CASE SENSITIVE (eg lower case comes last!)
DEFINE_PROCNAME_ENTRIES(ws2_32) { DLPENTRY(WSAAddressToStringA) DLPENTRY(WSAAddressToStringW) DLPENTRY(WSALookupServiceBeginW) DLPENTRY(WSALookupServiceEnd) DLPENTRY(WSALookupServiceNextW) DLPENTRY(WSAStringToAddressW) DLPENTRY(WSCDeinstallProvider) DLPENTRY(WSCDeinstallProvider32) DLPENTRY(WSCEnumProtocols) DLPENTRY(WSCInstallNameSpace) DLPENTRY(WSCInstallNameSpace32) DLPENTRY(WSCInstallProvider) DLPENTRY(WSCInstallProvider64_32) DLPENTRY(WSCUnInstallNameSpace) DLPENTRY(WSCUnInstallNameSpace32) };