// Synopsis: Implements the CM connection table (CConnectionTable). The connection
// table is a list of active conenctions stored in a (memory only) memory
// mapped file, and shared by the various CM components in order to
// manage CM connections.
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: nickball Created 02/02/98
#include <windows.h>
#include "contable.h"
#include "cmdebug.h"
#include "cmutil.h"
#include "uapi.h"
#include "setacl.h"
#if 0
#include "DumpSecInfo.cpp"
#define CONN_TABLE_NAME TEXT("CmConnectionTable")
#define CONN_TABLE_OPEN TEXT("CmConnectionOpen")
static const int MAX_LOCK_WAIT = 1000; // wait timeout in milliseconds
// Constructor and destructor
CConnectionTable::CConnectionTable() { CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::CConnectionTable()"));
// Initialize our data members
m_hMap = NULL; m_pConnTable = NULL; m_fLocked = FALSE; m_hEvent = NULL; }
CConnectionTable::~CConnectionTable() { CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::~CConnectionTable()"));
// Data should have been cleaned up in Close, etc. Double-Check
// Release handles and pointers
if (m_pConnTable) { MYVERIFY(NULL != UnmapViewOfFile(m_pConnTable)); m_pConnTable = NULL; }
if (m_hMap) { MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hMap)); m_hMap = NULL; }
if (m_hEvent) { MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hEvent)); m_hEvent = NULL; } }
// Function: CConnectionTable::LockTable
// Synopsis: Sets the internal lock on the table. Should be called internally
// prior to any table access.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::LockTable() { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(m_hEvent); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::LockTable()"));
// Validate our current state
if (NULL == m_hEvent) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
// Wait for the open event to be signaled
DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvent, MAX_LOCK_WAIT);
// If our records indicate that we are already locked at this point
// then something is wrong within the class implementation
MYDBGASSERT(FALSE == m_fLocked); // no double locks please
if (TRUE == m_fLocked) { SetEvent(m_hEvent); // cleat the signal that we just set by clearing the wait
// Check the
if (WAIT_FAILED == dwWait) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); hrRet = GetLastError(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hrRet); }
// If not signaled, bail
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwWait) { if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwWait) { hrRet = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_TIMEOUT); } else { hrRet = E_ACCESSDENIED; } } else { //
// The event is signaled automatically by virtue of the
// fact that we cleared the wait on the event. Its locked.
m_fLocked = TRUE; }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::UnlockTable
// Synopsis: Clears the internal lock on the table. Should be cleared
// following any access to the table.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::UnlockTable() { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(m_hEvent); MYDBGASSERT(TRUE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::UnlockTable()"));
// Validate our current state
if (FALSE == m_fLocked || NULL == m_hEvent) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
// Signal the open event, allowing access
if (SetEvent(m_hEvent)) { m_fLocked = FALSE; } else { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE);
hrRet = GetLastError(); hrRet = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(hrRet); }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::FindEntry - pszEntry
// Synopsis: Determines the ID (index) of an entry in the table. Table should
// be locked before making this call.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - Ptr to the name of the entry we are seeking.
// LPINT piID - Ptr to buffer for ID (index) of connection
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code, or S_OK if piID filled.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::FindEntry(LPCTSTR pszEntry, LPINT piID) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); MYDBGASSERT(piID); MYDBGASSERT(TRUE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::FindEntry(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (FALSE == m_fLocked || NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == pszEntry || NULL == piID) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Look for the entry
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CM_CONNECTIONS; i++) { //
// Name compare for a match
if (0 == lstrcmpU(pszEntry, m_pConnTable->Connections[i].szEntry)) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable->Connections[i].dwUsage); MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable->Connections[i].CmState);
*piID = i;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::FindEntry - hRasConn
// Synopsis: Determines the ID (index) of an entry in the table. Table should
// be locked before making this call.
// Arguments: HRASCONN hRasConn - Tunnel or dial handle of the entry we are seeking.
// LPINT piID - Ptr to buffer for ID (index) of connection
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code, or S_OK if piID filled.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::FindEntry(HRASCONN hRasConn, LPINT piID) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(hRasConn); MYDBGASSERT(piID); MYDBGASSERT(TRUE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::FindEntry(%u)"), (DWORD_PTR) hRasConn);
if (FALSE == m_fLocked || NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == piID) { return E_POINTER; }
if (NULL == hRasConn) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Look for the entry
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CM_CONNECTIONS; i++) { //
// Compare for either handle for a match
if (hRasConn == m_pConnTable->Connections[i].hDial || hRasConn == m_pConnTable->Connections[i].hTunnel) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable->Connections[i].dwUsage); MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable->Connections[i].CmState);
*piID = i;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::FindUnused
// Synopsis: Determines the ID (index) of the first unused entry in the table.
// Table should be locked before making this call.
// Arguments: LPINT piID - Ptr to buffer for ID (index) of connection
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code, or S_OK if piID filled.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::FindUnused(LPINT piID) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(piID); MYDBGASSERT(TRUE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::FindUnused()"));
if (FALSE == m_fLocked || NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == piID) { return E_POINTER; }
// Look for an unused slot
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CM_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (0 == m_pConnTable->Connections[i].dwUsage) { MYDBGASSERT(CM_DISCONNECTED == m_pConnTable->Connections[i].CmState);
*piID = i;
return S_OK; } }
// Function: Create
// Synopsis: Creates a new table. This function will fail if the table already exists.
// The table should be released by calling Close.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::Create() { MYDBGASSERT(NULL == m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(NULL == m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(FALSE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::Create()"));
if (m_hMap || m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
// Initialize a default Security attributes, giving world permissions,
// this is basically prevent Semaphores and other named objects from
// being created because of default acls given by winlogon when perfmon
// is being used remotely.
sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = CmMalloc(sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)); if ( !sa.lpSecurityDescriptor ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ( !InitializeSecurityDescriptor(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) ) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
if (OS_NT) { if (FALSE == SetAclPerms(&pAcl)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } }
if (FALSE == SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE)) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
// Now use this 'sa' for the mapped file as well as the event (below)
DWORD dwRet = GetLastError();
if (NULL == m_hMap) { if (dwRet == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (m_hMap) { MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hMap)); m_hMap = NULL; } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CreateFileMapping failed with error %d"), dwRet); MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); } } else { #if 0 // DBG
DumpAclInfo(m_hMap); #endif
// File mapping created successfully, map a view of it
m_pConnTable = (LPCM_CONNECTION_TABLE) MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { dwRet = GetLastError(); MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hMap)); m_hMap = NULL; } else { //
// Success, make sure mapping is empty becuase we are paranoid
ZeroMemory(m_pConnTable, sizeof(CM_CONNECTION_TABLE));
// Create the named event to be used for locking the file
// Note: We use auto-reset.
m_hEvent = CreateEventU(&sa, FALSE, TRUE, CONN_TABLE_OPEN);
if (NULL == m_hEvent) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); dwRet = GetLastError(); m_hEvent = NULL; } } }
if (pAcl) { LocalFree(pAcl); } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); }
// Function: CConnectionTable::Open
// Synopsis: Opens an existing table. This function will fail if no table exists.
// The table should be released by calling Close.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code on S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::Open() { MYDBGASSERT(NULL == m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(NULL == m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(FALSE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::Open()"));
if (m_hMap || m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
// Open the file mapping
if (NULL == m_hMap) { lRet = GetLastError(); } else { //
// File mapping opened successfully, map a view of it.
m_pConnTable = (LPCM_CONNECTION_TABLE) MapViewOfFile(m_hMap, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hMap)); m_hMap = NULL; lRet = GetLastError(); } else { //
// Open the named event used for locking the file
if (NULL == m_hEvent) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); lRet = GetLastError(); } } }
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRet); }
// Function: CConnectionTable::Close
// Synopsis: Closes an opened table. This function will fail if the table is
// not open.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::Close() { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(FALSE == m_fLocked); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::Close()"));
if (m_pConnTable) { MYVERIFY(NULL != UnmapViewOfFile(m_pConnTable)); m_pConnTable = NULL; }
if (m_hMap) { MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hMap)); m_hMap = NULL; }
if (m_hEvent) { MYVERIFY(NULL != CloseHandle(m_hEvent)); m_hEvent = NULL; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::AddEntry
// Synopsis: Creates a new entry in the table with the specified name. Adding
// an entry implies that the connection is being attempted, so the
// connection state is set to CM_CONNECTING. If an entry for the
// connection already exists, the usage count is incremented.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of connection for which we're creating an entry.
// BOOL fAllUser - The All User attribute of the profile
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::AddEntry(LPCTSTR pszEntry, BOOL fAllUser) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::AddEntry(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
// See if we already have an entry by this name
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet)) { //
// We do, bump the usage count.
// Don't bump ref count when reconnecting the same connection.
if (m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState != CM_RECONNECTPROMPT) { m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].dwUsage += 1; }
// Unless this entry is already connected, make sure
// its now in the connecting state. This allows us
// to preserve the usage count across prompt reconnect
// events.
if (m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState != CM_CONNECTED) { m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState = CM_CONNECTING; }
MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].dwUsage < 1000); // Sanity check
} else { if (HRESULT_CODE(hrRet) == ERROR_NOT_FOUND) { //
// Its a new entry, find the first unused slot
hrRet = FindUnused(&iID);
ZeroMemory(&m_pConnTable->Connections[iID], sizeof(CM_CONNECTION));
// Set usage count, state and name
m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].dwUsage = 1; m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState = CM_CONNECTING;
lstrcpyU(m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].szEntry, pszEntry);
m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].fAllUser = fAllUser; } } }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::RemoveEntry
// Synopsis: Decrements the usage count for the specified connection. If the
// usage count falls to 0 the entire entry is cleared.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the entry to be removed
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// Note: If the entry does not exists the request fails.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::RemoveEntry(LPCTSTR pszEntry) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::RemoveEntry(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
// Lock the table and locate the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
if (m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].dwUsage == 1) { ZeroMemory(&m_pConnTable->Connections[iID], sizeof(CM_CONNECTION)); } else { m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].dwUsage -= 1; MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].dwUsage != 0xFFFFFFFF); } }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::GetMonitorWnd
// Synopsis: Simple accessor to retrieve the hwnd of the CM Connection
// Monitor from the table.
// Arguments: phWnd - Ptr to buffer to receive hWnd
// Returns: Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::GetMonitorWnd(HWND *phWnd) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::GetMonitorWnd()"));
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == phWnd) { return E_POINTER; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the HWND
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
*phWnd = m_pConnTable->hwndCmMon;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::SetMonitorWnd
// Synopsis: Simple assignment method for setting the CMMON HWND in the table
// .
// Arguments: HWND hwndMonitor - The HWND of CMMON
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// Note: hwndMonitor CAN be NULL. It is possible CMMON is unloaded, but
// the table statys in memory
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
// fengsun 2/20/98 change to allow NULL phwndMonitor
HRESULT CConnectionTable::SetMonitorWnd(HWND hwndMonitor) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); CMTRACE(TEXT("CConnectionTable::SetMonitorWnd()"));
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
// Lock the table and set the HWND
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
m_pConnTable->hwndCmMon = hwndMonitor;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::GetEntry - pszEntry
// Synopsis: Retrieves a copy the data for the specified connection based on
// the entry name provided.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the connection
// LPCM_CONNECTION pConnection - Ptr to a CM_CONNECTION sturct to be filled
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure Code or S_OK.
// Note: A NULL ptr may be passed for pConnection, if the existence of the
// entry is the only information required.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::GetEntry(LPCTSTR pszEntry, LPCM_CONNECTION pConnection) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::GetEntry(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
// If a buffer was given fill it.
if (pConnection) { memcpy(pConnection, &m_pConnTable->Connections[iID], sizeof(CM_CONNECTION)); } }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::GetEntry - hRasConn
// Synopsis: Retrieves a copy the data for the specified connection based on the
// Ras handle provided
// Arguments: HRASCONN hRasConn - Either the tunnel or dial handle of the connection
// LPCM_CONNECTION pConnection - Ptr to a CM_CONNECTION sturct to be filled
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure Code or S_OK.
// Note: A NULL ptr may be passed for pConnection, if the existence of the
// entry is the only information required.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::GetEntry(HRASCONN hRasConn, LPCM_CONNECTION pConnection) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(hRasConn); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::GetEntry(%u)"), (DWORD_PTR) hRasConn);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == hRasConn) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(hRasConn, &iID);
// If a buffer was given fill it.
if (pConnection) { memcpy(pConnection, &m_pConnTable->Connections[iID], sizeof(CM_CONNECTION)); } }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::SetConnected
// Synopsis: Sets the connection to CM_CONNECTED indicating that a connection
// has been established. The caller must provide either the hDial or
// the hTunnel parameter or both in order for the function to succeed.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the connection.
// HRASCONN hDial - A Dial-up connection handle.
// HRASCONN hTunnel - A tunnel connection handle.
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK.
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::SetConnected(LPCTSTR pszEntry, HRASCONN hDial, HRASCONN hTunnel) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::SetConnected(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0] || (NULL == hDial && NULL == hTunnel)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet)) { //
// Found, set the state and Ras handles
m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState = CM_CONNECTED; m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].hDial = hDial; m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].hTunnel = hTunnel; }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::SetDisconnecting
// Synopsis: Set the state of the connection to CM_DISCONNECTING
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the connection to be set.
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::SetDisconnecting(LPCTSTR pszEntry) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::Disconnecting(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet)) { //
// Found, set the state
MYDBGASSERT(iID >= 0 && iID < MAX_CM_CONNECTIONS); m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState = CM_DISCONNECTING; }
return hrRet; }
// Function: SetPrompting
// Synopsis: Set the state of the connection to CM_RECONNECTPROMPT
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the connection to be set.
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::SetPrompting(LPCTSTR pszEntry) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::SetPrompting(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet)) { //
// Found, set the state
MYDBGASSERT(iID >= 0 && iID < MAX_CM_CONNECTIONS); m_pConnTable->Connections[iID].CmState = CM_RECONNECTPROMPT; }
return hrRet; }
// Function: CConnectionTable::ClearEntry
// Synopsis: Clears the specified entry regardless of the usage count.
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the entry to be cleared.
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code or S_OK
// History: nickball Created 2/2/98
HRESULT CConnectionTable::ClearEntry(LPCTSTR pszEntry) { MYDBGASSERT(m_pConnTable); MYDBGASSERT(m_hMap); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CConnectionTable::ClearEntry(%s)"), pszEntry);
if (NULL == m_pConnTable) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
if (NULL == pszEntry) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Lock the table and retrieve the entry
HRESULT hrRet = LockTable();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { return hrRet; }
int iID = -1; hrRet = FindEntry(pszEntry, &iID);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRet)) { //
// Found, clear it
MYDBGASSERT(iID >= 0 && iID < MAX_CM_CONNECTIONS); ZeroMemory(&m_pConnTable->Connections[iID], sizeof(CM_CONNECTION)); }
return hrRet; }