// File: main.cpp
// Module: CMDIAL32.DLL
// Synopsis: The main module implementing interfaces to external (RAS,
// InetDialHandler and internal modules (CmCustomDialDlg).
// Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: Dondu Created 96'
// History:
// 5/05/97 Modified byao
// added 'InetDialHandler()' for IE4
// 1/26/98 Modified quintinb
// Added RasCustomDialDlg, RasCustomEntryDlg,
// RasCustomHangUp, and RasCustomDial stubs.
// 02/10/98 Modified Heavily refvised for 1.2 architectural shift
#include <windows.h>
//#ifdef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
//#include <shellapi.h>
#include <ras.h>
#include <raserror.h>
#include <rasdlg.h>
#include "cmmaster.h"
#include <wininet.h>
#include "cmtiming.h"
#include "DynamicLib.h"
#include "shelldll.cpp"
// Globals
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmmgrExe = TEXT("CMMGR32.EXE"); const TCHAR* const c_pszExplorerExe = TEXT("EXPLORER.EXE"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmstpExe = TEXT("CMSTP.EXE"); const TCHAR* const c_pszRunDll32Exe = TEXT("RUNDLL32.EXE"); const TCHAR* const c_pszRasAutoUExe = TEXT("RASAUTOU.EXE");
const TCHAR* const c_pszConnectMutex = TEXT("Connection Manager Connect - "); // Root only
#define RASDDFLAG_Reserved1 0x10000000
// struct CmRasDialDlg
// Description: Append CM reconnect infor mation to the end of RASDIALDLG
// History: fengsun Created 11/14/97
struct CmRasDialDlg { RASDIALDLG RasDialDlgInfo; struct CmRasDialDlg* pSelf; // point to itself, used to verify CmReConnect
DWORD dwSignature; // verify CmReConnect
CMDIALINFO CmInfo; // Reconnect information
enum {CM_RECONNECT_SIGNATURE = 0xC6687DB5}; // To verify dwSignature
// Function: StripTunnelSuffixW
// Synopsis: Determines if a connection name string contains a suffix of
// " (for advanced use only)" and removes it if found.
// Arguments: LPWSTR pszwConnectionName - The string (connectoid name).
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball created 1/11/00
void StripTunnelSuffixW(LPWSTR pszwConnectionName) { MYDBGASSERT(pszwConnectionName);
if (NULL == pszwConnectionName) { return; }
// On 9X we have to resolve the tunnel connectoid name to the
// service name by removing " (for advanced use only)" if it.
// exists.
if (OS_W9X) { LPWSTR pszwSuffix = GetTunnelSuffix();
// Search for suffix and truncate as necessary.
// Note: Assumes that the service name does not match our suffix.
if (pszwSuffix) { LPWSTR pszwTmp = CmStrStrW(pszwConnectionName, pszwSuffix); if (pszwTmp) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("StripTunnelSuffixW - found suffix of %s"), pszwTmp); *pszwTmp = L'\0'; CMTRACE1(TEXT("StripTunnelSuffixW - long service name is %s"), pszwConnectionName); } }
CmFree(pszwSuffix); } }
// Function: IsStringWithInBuffer
// Synopsis: Verify whether a string go beyond the buffer.
// Arguments: const TCHAR* pszStr - the string to be tested
// DWORD dwSize - the size of the buffer
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if is
// History: fengsun Created Header 5/22/98
BOOL IsStringWithInBuffer(const TCHAR* pszStr, DWORD dwSize) { MYDBGASSERT(pszStr);
// Can not do strlen here. If the data in pszStr is garbage
// strlen can cause access voilation
for (DWORD i =0; i<dwSize; i++) { if (pszStr[i] == TEXT('\0')) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Function: IsCmReconnectRequest
// Synopsis: Check whether CM reconnect information is appended to RASDIALDLG
// Arguments: const RASDIALDLG* lpInfo - the structure to check
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if is
// History: fengsun Created Header 5/22/98
BOOL IsCmReconnectRequest(const RASDIALDLG* lpInfo) { MYDBGASSERT(lpInfo);
if (NULL == lpInfo) { return FALSE; }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("IsCmReconnectRequest - RASDIALDLG.dwFlags is 0x%x"), ((LPRASDIALDLG)lpInfo)->dwFlags); //
// See its our reconnect case by examining the dwFlags of lpInfo
if (((LPRASDIALDLG)lpInfo)->dwFlags & RASDDFLAG_Reserved1) { //
// Test whether we can read beyond RASDIALDLG to avoid access violation
if (!IsBadReadPtr(lpInfo, sizeof(CmRasDialDlg)) ) { CmRasDialDlg* const pCmDlgInfo = (CmRasDialDlg* const)lpInfo;
// Test whether it has the flag we added
if (pCmDlgInfo->pSelf == pCmDlgInfo && pCmDlgInfo->dwSignature == CmRasDialDlg::CM_RECONNECT_SIGNATURE) { //
// Whether the reconnect information is valid
// Does password seem ok? Whether the password go beyond CmIndo.szPassword
// We can not do strlen here. If we have some garbage here, strlen can
// cauce access violation.
if (IsStringWithInBuffer(pCmDlgInfo->CmInfo.szPassword, sizeof(pCmDlgInfo->CmInfo.szPassword)) ) { //
// Inet Password OK?
if (IsStringWithInBuffer(pCmDlgInfo->CmInfo.szInetPassword, sizeof(pCmDlgInfo->CmInfo.szInetPassword)) ) { //
// skip the dwFlags
// This is a valid reconnect request from CMMON
return TRUE; } } } } }
return FALSE; }
// Function: CmReConnect
// Synopsis: Used specificly for CMMON to call upon reconnect
// This function is added to fix bug 169128: RasCustomHangup not called
// when hangup reconnected connection.
// In order for RAS to call RasCustomHangup, we have to call RasDialDlg.
// CMMON calls CmReConnect with reconnect information. CmReconnect append
// CM specific information to the RASDIALDLG structure then calls RasDialDlg.
// RasCustomHangup then figures out it is a reconnect request.
// Arguments: LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the full path and filename of the phonebook.
// LPTSTR lpszEntry - Ptr to the name of the phone-book entry to dial.
// LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo - The reconnect information
// Returns: DWORD WINAPI - Return code
extern "C" BOOL CmReConnect(LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo) { CMTRACE(TEXT("CmReconnect"));
if (OS_NT5) { //
// Call RasDialDlg for NT5
CmRasDialDlg CmDlgInfo; ZeroMemory(&CmDlgInfo, sizeof(CmDlgInfo));
CmDlgInfo.RasDialDlgInfo.dwSize = sizeof(CmDlgInfo.RasDialDlgInfo); CmDlgInfo.RasDialDlgInfo.dwFlags = RASDDFLAG_Reserved1; CmDlgInfo.CmInfo = *lpCmInfo; CmDlgInfo.pSelf = &CmDlgInfo; CmDlgInfo.dwSignature = (DWORD)CmRasDialDlg::CM_RECONNECT_SIGNATURE;
// Load rasdlg.dll
CDynamicLibrary libRasDlg(TEXT("rasdlg.dll"));
MYDBGASSERT(libRasDlg.IsLoaded()); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* fnRasDialDlgTYPE)( LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPTSTR lpszPhoneNumber, LPRASDIALDLG lpInfo );
#ifndef UNICODE
LPSTR pszRasDialDlgText = {"RasDialDlgA"}; #else
LPSTR pszRasDialDlgText = {"RasDialDlgW"}; #endif
fnRasDialDlgTYPE fnRasDialDlg = (fnRasDialDlgTYPE)libRasDlg.GetProcAddress(pszRasDialDlgText); if (fnRasDialDlg) { //
// We base on the assumption that RasDialDlg passes the same pointer to RasCustomDialDlg.
if (lpszPhonebook != NULL && lpszPhonebook[0] == TEXT('\0')) { return fnRasDialDlg(NULL, lpszEntry, NULL, (RASDIALDLG*)&CmDlgInfo); }
return fnRasDialDlg(lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, NULL, (RASDIALDLG*)&CmDlgInfo); }
return FALSE; } else { //
// For non-NT5 platform, call CmCustomDialDlg directly
return CmCustomDialDlg(NULL, // hwndParent
RCD_AllUsers, // dwFlags
lpszPhonebook, lpszEntry, NULL, // lpszPhoneNumber
NULL, // lpRasDialDlg,
NULL, // lpRasEntryDlg,
} }
// Function: WhoIsCaller
// Synopsis: Helper function to determine if we were called manually from the
// desktop or programmatically.
// Arguments: dwCaller - which desktop caller.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the caller matches one of those specified in dwCaller.
// History: nickball Created Header 3/17/98
BOOL WhoIsCaller(DWORD dwCaller) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH + 1]; ZeroMemory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp));
// Get the path of the calling process
MYVERIFY(GetModuleFileNameU(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), szTmp, MAX_PATH));
CMTRACE1(TEXT("WhoIsCaller() - Calling process is %s"), szTmp);
// Locate the filename part
LPTSTR pszName = StripPath(szTmp); MYDBGASSERT(pszName);
if (pszName) { //
// Compare against CM and Shell
if (dwCaller & DT_CMMGR) { bRet = (lstrcmpiU(pszName, c_pszCmmgrExe) == 0); }
if (!bRet && dwCaller & DT_CMMON) { bRet |= (lstrcmpiU(pszName, c_pszCmMonExeName) == 0); }
if (!bRet && dwCaller & DT_EXPLORER) { bRet |= (lstrcmpiU(pszName, c_pszExplorerExe) == 0); } if (!bRet && dwCaller & DT_CMSTP) { bRet |= (lstrcmpiU(pszName, c_pszCmstpExe) == 0); }
if (!bRet && dwCaller & DT_RUNDLL32) { bRet |= (lstrcmpiU(pszName, c_pszRunDll32Exe) == 0); }
if (!bRet && dwCaller & DT_RASAUTOU) { bRet |= (lstrcmpiU(pszName, c_pszRasAutoUExe) == 0); }
CmFree(pszName); }
return bRet; }
// Function: HandleCustomConnectRequest
// Synopsis: Attempts to resolve a connect request for the specified entry by
// examining the current state if any of that connection.
// Arguments: HWND hwndParent - HWND of parent for user notification messages
// CConnectionTable *pConnTable - Ptr to the connection table - assumed open
// LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the service entry
// DWORD dwFlags - The application flags FL_...
// LPBOOL pfSuccess - Ptr to flag indicating that the request was
// both 1) resolved and 2) already connected
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if the request was resolved against the existing table data
// History: nickball Created 3/18/98
BOOL HandleCustomConnectRequest( HWND hwndParent, CConnectionTable *pConnTable, LPCTSTR pszEntry, DWORD dwFlags, LPBOOL pfSuccess) { BOOL fResolvedInTable = FALSE; CM_CONNECTION Connection; ZeroMemory(&Connection, sizeof(CM_CONNECTION));
// Only if there is an existing entry do we have any work here
if (SUCCEEDED(pConnTable->GetEntry(pszEntry, &Connection))) { *pfSuccess = TRUE; // assume the best
// There is a connection entry for this service, examine state.
if (CM_RECONNECTPROMPT != Connection.CmState) { fResolvedInTable = TRUE; // we can handle it here
// The entry is connecting, connected, or disconnecting. If its a manual
// connection just notify the user, otherwise check the exact state.
if (dwFlags & FL_DESKTOP) // Set in CMMGR
{ NotifyUserOfExistingConnection(hwndParent, &Connection, FALSE); } else { //
// Only if we are actually connected can we safely succeed.
if (CM_CONNECTED != Connection.CmState) { *pfSuccess = FALSE; } else { MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pConnTable->AddEntry(Connection.szEntry, Connection.fAllUser))); // just bump ref
} } } else { //
// We must be in RECONNECT mode, if this connect request is
// from another source, tell CMMON to stop its monitoring.
if (!(dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) { //
// Its not a reconnect, so notify CMMON
HangupNotifyCmMon(pConnTable, Connection.szEntry); } } }
return fResolvedInTable; }
// Function: InetDialHandler
// Synopsis: Ansi and only form of the AutoDial handler .
// Arguments: hwndParent[IN] Handle to parent window. No longer ignored.
// pszConnectoid[IN] Connectoid name
// dwFlags[IN] Custom dial handler execution flags
// Current the following flags are supported
// These flags will be passed from WININET
// lpdwRasError[OUT] RasError code returned from ICM
// Returns: The return type is different than one defined in wininet.h
// TRUE: This handler handled the dial request (connected or not)
// FALSE: This handler didn't handle the dial request
// When returning TRUE, lpdwRasError is set to:
// ERROR_SUCCESS: Call completed
// ERROR_USER_DISCONNECTION: User cancelled dial request
// <other ras error> Dial attempt failed.
// This is a synchronous call. It should not return until the operation is complete.
// Note: We do not provide a wide form of this API as it is stored in
// the szAutoDialfunc member of the RASENTRY downlevel. If the
// wide form were avialable, RASAUTOU.EXE would call the function
// (it appends A or W to the name that it finds in AutoDialFunc),
// which would be inappropriate because the semantics of the
// parameters differ even though the function prototypes match.
// History: byao Created - 05/05/97
// quintinb Rewrote to use InetDialHandlerW - 03/09/99
// nickball Removed InetDialHandlerW as it confuses RasAuto on NT4 - 07/28/99
// quintinb Always return true if connect request handled #390890 - 08/19/99
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI InetDialHandler(HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR pszConnectoid, DWORD dwFlags, LPDWORD lpdwRasError) { MYDBGASSERT(pszConnectoid); MYDBGASSERT(lpdwRasError); CMTRACE(TEXT("InetDialHandler"));
TCHAR szProfilePath[MAX_PATH+1]; LPWSTR pszwConnectionName = NULL; LPTSTR pszRasPhoneBook = NULL; LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE; // Read all comments before modifying this init value.
BOOL bAllUser;
// Check whether the parameters are valid
if (lpdwRasError) { if (! ((INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_CONNECT == dwFlags) || (INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_UNATTENDED == dwFlags) || (INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_DISCONNECT == dwFlags) || (INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_SHOWOFFLINE== dwFlags) )) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("InetDialHandler called with invalid flag")); *lpdwRasError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return FALSE; }
if (!pszConnectoid || TEXT('\0') == pszConnectoid[0]) { *lpdwRasError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } //
// Make a wide copy of the connectoid name. We also want a copy so
// that we can modify if necessary. On 9x we will resolve tunnel
// entry names down to the base connectoid/service name.
pszwConnectionName = SzToWzWithAlloc(pszConnectoid);
if (!pszwConnectionName) { *lpdwRasError = GetLastError(); bRet = FALSE; goto InetDialHandlerExit; } StripTunnelSuffixW(pszwConnectionName);
// Handle the Hangup case
if (INTERNET_CUSTOMDIAL_DISCONNECT == dwFlags) { *lpdwRasError = CmCustomHangUp(NULL, pszwConnectionName, TRUE, FALSE); bRet = (ERROR_SUCCESS == *lpdwRasError); goto InetDialHandlerExit; } //
// Its a connect request, setup CmInfo flags and call
lpCmInfo = (LPCMDIALINFO) CmMalloc(sizeof(CMDIALINFO)); if (NULL == lpCmInfo) { *lpdwRasError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; bRet = FALSE; goto InetDialHandlerExit; }
// Unattended dialing mode has been requested
lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags |= FL_UNATTENDED; }
bAllUser = ReadMapping(pszwConnectionName, szProfilePath, (sizeof(szProfilePath)/sizeof(TCHAR)), TRUE, TRUE); // TRUE == fAllUser, TRUE == bExpandEnvStrings
if (FALSE == bAllUser) { if (FALSE == ReadMapping(pszwConnectionName, szProfilePath, (sizeof(szProfilePath)/sizeof(TCHAR)), FALSE, TRUE)) // FALSE == fAllUser, TRUE == bExpandEnvStrings
{ //
// No mapping, no connection
*lpdwRasError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; bRet = FALSE; goto InetDialHandlerExit; } //
// We have a single user profile path. If this is NT5, build a phonebook path
if (OS_NT5) { pszRasPhoneBook = GetRasPbkFromNT5ProfilePath(szProfilePath); MYDBGASSERT(pszRasPhoneBook); } } //
// InetDialHandler is usually an auto-dial case.
// Exceptions are:
// 1) When called from WinLogon.exe on NT4. NT #370311
// 2) When called from Rundll32.exe.on any platform. 9x #127217
if ((FALSE == IsLogonAsSystem()) && (FALSE == WhoIsCaller(DT_RUNDLL32))) { lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags |= FL_AUTODIAL; }
// We set the error code based on whether or not we connected. However,
// we should always return TRUE to indicate to WININET, etc. that we
// handled the connection request (if we did actually handle it).
// Otherwise the caller (eg.IE) will try to dial its own dialer. #390890
if (CmCustomDialDlg(hwndParent, bAllUser ? RCD_AllUsers : RCD_SingleUser, pszRasPhoneBook, pszwConnectionName, NULL, NULL, NULL, lpCmInfo)) { *lpdwRasError = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { *lpdwRasError = ERROR_USER_DISCONNECTION; }
CmFree(pszRasPhoneBook); CmFree(lpCmInfo); CmFree(pszwConnectionName);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("InetDialHandler returns %u with *lpdwRasError %u"), bRet, *lpdwRasError);
return bRet; }
// Function: AutoDialFunc
// Synopsis: The original AutoDial callback function, provided for backward
// compatibility.
// Arguments: HWND hwndParent - The hwnd of the caller.
// LPCTSTR pszEntry - The name of the connection to be dialed
// DWORD dwFlags - Specific behaviour for the dial session.
// LPDWORD pdwRetCode - Buffer for return code.
// Returns: BOOL WINAPI - TRUE on success
// History: nickball Created Header 2/5/98
// Note: This is used by RAS on NT4 SP6
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI AutoDialFunc(HWND hwndParent, LPCSTR pszEntry, DWORD dwFlags, LPDWORD pdwRetCode) { CMTRACE(TEXT("AutoDialFunc()"));
// InetDialHandler always returns TRUE, thus we must determine success or
// failure from the pdwRetCode. If this is ERROR_SUCCESS then we should
// return TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
InetDialHandler(hwndParent, pszEntry, dwFlags, pdwRetCode);
BOOL bRet = (ERROR_SUCCESS == *pdwRetCode); //
// Always override pdwRetCode to ERROR_SUCCESS or RAS will throw an
// unpleasant error. RAS is only interested in success or failure.
*pdwRetCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
CMTRACE2(TEXT("AutoDialFunc returns %u with *pdwRetCode %u"), bRet, *pdwRetCode);
return bRet; }
// Function: CopyRasInput
// Synopsis: Simple wrapper function to make copies of the parameters we
// receive from RAS.
// Arguments: LPTSTR* ppszOurCopy - pointer to the string pointer to hold the return string
// LPWSTR pszwStringFromRas - String from RAS
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE on Success, FALSE otherwise
// History: quintinb Created 4/13/99
BOOL CopyRasInput(LPTSTR* ppszOurCopy, LPWSTR pszwStringFromRas) { if (pszwStringFromRas) { #ifndef _UNICODE
*ppszOurCopy = WzToSzWithAlloc(pszwStringFromRas); #else
*ppszOurCopy = CmStrCpyAllocW (pszwStringFromRas); #endif
return (NULL != *ppszOurCopy); }
return TRUE; }
// Function: RasCustomDialDlg
// Synopsis: Our implementation of RasCustomDialDlg extension, analogous to
// RasDialDlg, but providing custom functionality.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstDll - The HINSTANCE of the caller.
// DWORD dwFlags - Dial flags
// LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the full path and filename of the phonebook.
// LPTSTR lpszEntry - Ptr to the name of the phone-book entry to dial.
// LPTSTR lpszPhoneNumber - Ptr toi replacement phone number
// LPRASDIALDLG lpInfo - Ptr to structure for additional parameters
// Returns: BOOL WINAPI - TRUE on success
// History: nickball Created Header 2/5/98
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI RasCustomDialDlg(HINSTANCE hInstDll, DWORD dwFlags, LPWSTR lpszwPhonebook, LPWSTR lpszwEntry, LPWSTR lpszwPhoneNumber, LPRASDIALDLG lpInfo, PVOID pVoid) { MYDBGASSERT(lpszwEntry); MYDBGASSERT(lpszwEntry[0]); MYDBGASSERT(lpInfo);
CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDialDlg() - dwFlags = 0x%x"), dwFlags); CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDialDlg() - (RASDIALDLG)lpInfo->dwFlags = 0x%x"), lpInfo->dwFlags); if (NULL == lpszwEntry || 0 == lpszwEntry[0]) { return FALSE; }
// We have the minimum requirement of an entry name, get to work
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTSTR pszEntry = NULL; LPTSTR pszPhonebook = NULL;
// If we have a Phonebook name make a copy
fSuccess = CopyRasInput(&pszPhonebook, lpszwPhonebook);
if (fSuccess) { //
// If we have an entry name (always do), make a copy to work with
fSuccess = CopyRasInput(&pszEntry, lpszwEntry);
if (fSuccess) { //
// Its always a simple connect request, no flags, no caller ids
CMDIALINFO CmInfo; ZeroMemory(&CmInfo, sizeof(CMDIALINFO));
// If this is a reconnect request from CMMON, copy the information
if (lpInfo && IsCmReconnectRequest(lpInfo)) { CmInfo = ((CmRasDialDlg* )lpInfo)->CmInfo; } else { //
// If running under the system account its never an autodial
if (FALSE == IsLogonAsSystem()) { //
// See where the call originated. If not a desktop scenario
// then set the AUTODIAL flag so that we do the right thing
// down the line. This is ugly, but we have no other way of
// making the determination. Note: That this entry point
// only exists on NT5 and is only called by RAS so the perf
// hit is contained and CMMGR is not a valid desktop scenario
// so we don't have to check for it.
// DT_RASAUTOU - When ICS is enabled, rasauto starts the
// rasautou.exe process to dial a connection. CM used to add
// rasautou in the process watch list. The issue was that
// it goes away after connecting, so cmmon32 thought it needed
// to disconnected. Now, RASAUTOU is not a watched process
// and cmmon32 does not disconnect.
if (FALSE == WhoIsCaller(DT_EXPLORER | DT_CMSTP | DT_RASAUTOU)) { CmInfo.dwCmFlags |= FL_AUTODIAL; } }
// Note that we want to set the Unattended flag if RASDDFLAG_NoPrompt is set, unless
// the RASDDFLAG_LinkFailure is also set. We only use the RAS redial on link failure
// when we are logging on through WinLogon where we no longer user cmmon32.exe. Elsewhere,
// redial is handled by Cmmon32.exe. However, in this one case we don't want to be in
// unattended mode because the user won't have a saved password (they logged on from WinLogon)
// and unattended mode will just exit silently if it doesn't have all the needed info to dial.
if ((lpInfo->dwFlags & RASDDFLAG_NoPrompt) && !(lpInfo->dwFlags & RASDDFLAG_LinkFailure)) { CmInfo.dwCmFlags |= FL_UNATTENDED; CMTRACE(TEXT("RasCustomDialDlg - Setting CmInfo.dwCmFlags |= FL_UNATTENDED")); } }
// If we have a RASNOUSER struct, make sure to encode the password
if (NULL != pVoid) { if (0 == (dwFlags & RCD_Eap)) { lpRasNoUser = (LPRASNOUSER) pVoid; CmEncodePassword(lpRasNoUser->szPassword); } }
fSuccess = CmCustomDialDlg(lpInfo ? lpInfo->hwndOwner : NULL, dwFlags, pszPhonebook, pszEntry, NULL, lpInfo, NULL, &CmInfo, pVoid);
// If we have a RASNOUSER struct, decode the password to make it plain text again
if (NULL != lpRasNoUser) { CmDecodePassword(lpRasNoUser->szPassword); } } }
// Cleanup and go home
CmFree(pszPhonebook); CmFree(pszEntry);
CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDialDlg returning %d"), fSuccess);
return fSuccess; }
// Function: RasCustomEntryDlg
// Synopsis: Our implementation of RasCustomEntryDlg extension, analogous to
// RasEntryDlg, but providing custom functionality.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hInstDll - The HINSTANCE of the caller.
// LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the full path and name of the phonebook to be edited.
// LPTSTR lpszEntry - Ptr to the name of the entry to be edited.
// LPRASENTRYDLG lpInfo - Ptr to structure containing additional parameters.
// Returns: BOOL WINAPI - TRUE on success
// History: nickball 2/5/98 Created Header
// nickball 1/11/00 Now used on 9x, added use of function
// StripTunnelSuffixW() to resolve 9x tunnel
// connectoid names.
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI RasCustomEntryDlg(HINSTANCE hInstDll, LPWSTR lpszwPhonebook, LPWSTR lpszwEntry, LPRASENTRYDLG lpInfo, DWORD dwFlags) { MYDBGASSERT(lpszwEntry); MYDBGASSERT(lpszwEntry[0]);
CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomEntryDlg() - dwFlags = 0x%x"), dwFlags);
if (NULL == lpszwEntry || 0 == lpszwEntry[0]) { return FALSE; }
// We have the minimum requirement of an entry name, get to work
BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTSTR pszEntry = NULL; LPTSTR pszPhonebook = NULL;
// If we have a Phonebook name, make a copy to work with
fSuccess = CopyRasInput(&pszPhonebook, lpszwPhonebook);
if (fSuccess) { //
// If we have an entry name (always do), make a copy to work with
fSuccess = CopyRasInput(&pszEntry, lpszwEntry);
if (fSuccess) { StripTunnelSuffixW(pszEntry); // Assumes we'll always compile Unicode
// Its always a properties request, set the flag and dial
if (lpCmInfo) { lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags |= FL_PROPERTIES; fSuccess = CmCustomDialDlg(lpInfo ? lpInfo->hwndOwner : NULL, dwFlags, pszPhonebook, pszEntry, NULL, NULL, lpInfo, lpCmInfo); } else { fSuccess = FALSE; }
CmFree(lpCmInfo); } }
// Cleanup and go home
CmFree(pszPhonebook); CmFree(pszEntry); return fSuccess; }
// Function: RasCustomHangUp
// Synopsis: Our implementation of the RasCustomHangUp extension, analogous to
// RasHangup, but providing custom functionality. This function is
// only called on NT5
// Arguments: HRASCONN hRasConn - The handle of the connection to be terminated.
// Returns: DWORD WINAPI - Return code
// History: nickball Created Header 2/5/98
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI RasCustomHangUp(HRASCONN hRasConn) { //
// If someone is calling this function on a system other then NT5, assert.
// First try to open the table, if none found then succeed.
CConnectionTable ConnTable;
if (FAILED(ConnTable.Open())) { return dwRes; } //
// If we have an entry, do the Disconnect
CM_CONNECTION Connection; ZeroMemory(&Connection, sizeof(CM_CONNECTION)); if (SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.GetEntry(hRasConn, &Connection))) { MYDBGASSERT(hRasConn == Connection.hDial || hRasConn == Connection.hTunnel); //
// Check connect state of entry.
// If we are already in the DISCONNECTING state, perform a simple hangup.
if (CM_DISCONNECTING == Connection.CmState) { //
// Set up RAS linkage
RasLinkageStruct rlsRasLink; ZeroMemory(&rlsRasLink, sizeof(RasLinkageStruct));
if (TRUE == LinkToRas(&rlsRasLink) && rlsRasLink.pfnHangUp) { //
// Linkage is good, make the hangup call
dwRes = DoRasHangup(&rlsRasLink, hRasConn); } else { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); dwRes = ERROR_NOT_READY; }
// Cleanup
UnlinkFromRas(&rlsRasLink); } else { //
// If we're still here then we are not in the middle of an existing
// disconnect, handle disconnect as we otherwise would.
dwRes = Disconnect(&ConnTable, &Connection, FALSE, FALSE); } } else { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } //
// We are done with the table, close it now.
MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.Close())); return dwRes; }
// Function: RasCustomDial
// Synopsis: Our implementation of RasCustomDial which we don't support.
// Provided so that we can return E_NOTIMPL to indicate our lack of
// support for this extension.
// Arguments: N/A
// History: nickball Created Header 2/5/98
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI RasCustomDial( HINSTANCE hInstDll, LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS lpRasDialExtensions, LPWSTR lpszPhonebook, LPRASDIALPARAMSW lpRasDialParams, DWORD dwNotifierType, LPVOID lpvNotifier, LPHRASCONN lphRasConn, DWORD dwFlags) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// Function: RasCustomDeleteEntryNotify
// Synopsis: Our implementation of RasCustomDeleteEntry.
// Arguments:
// Returns: DWORD WINAPI -
// History: quintinb Created Header 2/5/98
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI RasCustomDeleteEntryNotify(LPWSTR pszPhonebook, LPWSTR pszEntry, DWORD dwFlags) { CDynamicLibrary UserEnv(L"userenv.dll"); CDynamicLibrary Advapi32(L"advapi32.dll"); DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL; // The token of the thread
HANDLE hPrimaryToken = NULL; // The primary token for the new process
LPWSTR pszShortServiceName = NULL; LPWSTR pszCmDirpath = NULL; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = {0}; STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = {0}; WCHAR szCmpPath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; WCHAR szInfPath[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szParams[2*MAX_PATH+1];
typedef BOOL (WINAPI* pfnCreateEnvironmentBlockSpec)(LPVOID*, HANDLE, BOOL); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlockSpec)(LPVOID); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* pfnDuplicateTokenExSpec)(HANDLE, DWORD, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, TOKEN_TYPE, PHANDLE); pfnCreateEnvironmentBlockSpec pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock = NULL; pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlockSpec pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock = NULL; pfnDuplicateTokenExSpec pfnDuplicateTokenEx = NULL;
// Are we deleting an All User or a Single User Connection
BOOL bAllUser = (RCD_AllUsers & dwFlags);
// Assume we are impersonating until we know otherwise. Profiles deleted from the
// IE Connections Tab will not be impersonating, whereas delete requests from the
// folder go through Netman.dll in svchost.exe and are thus impersonating.
BOOL bImpersonatingProfile = TRUE;
// Check the params, note that pszPhoneBook could be NULL
if ((NULL == pszEntry) || (L'\0' == pszEntry[0]) || ((NULL != pszPhonebook) && (L'\0' == pszPhonebook[0]))) { goto exit; }
// Next lets setup the impersonation Token
if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY, TRUE, &hImpersonationToken)) { //
// Okay, we have an impersonation token. Lets get it, duplicate it and then
// we can use it to call CreateProcessAsUser
pfnDuplicateTokenEx = (pfnDuplicateTokenExSpec)Advapi32.GetProcAddress("DuplicateTokenEx");
if (NULL == pfnDuplicateTokenEx) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- Unable get proc address for DuplicateTokenEx, GLE %d"), GetLastError()); goto exit; }
if (!pfnDuplicateTokenEx(hImpersonationToken, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &hPrimaryToken)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- DuplicateTokenEx Failed, GLE %d"), GetLastError()); goto exit; } } else { bImpersonatingProfile = FALSE; }
// First let's read the Mappings Key, note that we don't expand the environment strings
// if it is an impersonating profile. ExpandEnvironmentStrings doesn't have the correct
// environment loaded sometimes when we are impersonating. We are launching cmstp.exe
// with a full environment block via CreateProcessAsUser, this will take care of the
// expansion so there is no need.
if (FALSE == ReadMapping(pszEntry, szCmpPath, MAX_PATH, bAllUser, !bImpersonatingProfile)) // !bImpersonatingProfile == bExpandEnvStrings
{ //
// No mappings key, return failure
CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- ReadMapping returned FALSE, unable to find the profile.")); dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; }
// At this point we should have a mappings value. We need to convert that into the INF
// path. CM 1.0/1.1 profiles stored their INF files in the system(32) dir.
// CM 1.2 Profiles store this file in the Profile directory. Since
// a user could install an old profile we must try the Legacy location
// if the current location fails.
pszShortServiceName = CmStripPathAndExt(szCmpPath); pszCmDirpath = CmStripFileName(szCmpPath, TRUE); // bKeepSlash == TRUE
if (pszShortServiceName && pszCmDirpath) { //
// Build the new inf location
wsprintfW(szInfPath, L"%s%s\\%s.inf", pszCmDirpath, pszShortServiceName, pszShortServiceName);
if (!FileExists(szInfPath) && bAllUser) // if the doesn't file exists and we are all user then try the sys dir
{ //
// Looks like this is an old style profile with the inf in the system directory.
// Now build the old style path and see if it exists. Note that 1.0 profiles were All User only
if (0 != GetSystemDirectoryU(szInfPath, MAX_PATH)) { lstrcatU(szInfPath, L"\\"); lstrcatU(szInfPath, pszShortServiceName); lstrcatU(szInfPath, L".inf"); if (!FileExists(szInfPath)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- Unable to locate profile inf.")); dwReturn = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto exit; } } else { dwReturn = GetLastError(); goto exit; } } } else { dwReturn = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
lstrcpyU(szParams, L"cmstp.exe /u /s \""); lstrcatU(szParams, szInfPath); lstrcatU(szParams, L"\"");
if (bImpersonatingProfile) { //
// Fill in the environment block
WCHAR* pszEnvBlock;
pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock = (pfnCreateEnvironmentBlockSpec)UserEnv.GetProcAddress("CreateEnvironmentBlock"); pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock = (pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlockSpec)UserEnv.GetProcAddress("DestroyEnvironmentBlock");
if ((NULL == pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock) || (NULL == pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock)) { dwReturn = ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; CMTRACE(TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- Unable to load pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock Or pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock.")); goto exit; }
if (pfnCreateEnvironmentBlock((void**)&pszEnvBlock, hPrimaryToken, TRUE)) { if (CreateProcessAsUser(hPrimaryToken, NULL, // lpApplicationName
szParams, // lpCommandLine
NULL, // pProcessAttributes
NULL, // lpThreadAttributes
FALSE, // bInheritHandles
pszEnvBlock, // lpEnvironment
NULL, // lpCurrentDirectory
&StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwReturn = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- CreateProcessAsUser Failed, GLE %d"), GetLastError()); }
pfnDestroyEnvironmentBlock(pszEnvBlock); } else { CMTRACE1(L"Unable to Create the Environment block, GLE %d", GetLastError()); } } else { //
// We aren't impersonating just use regular CreateProcess
if (CreateProcess(NULL, // lpApplicationName
szParams, // lpCommandLine
NULL, // pProcessAttributes
NULL, // lpThreadAttributes
FALSE, // bInheritHandles
NULL, // lpEnvironment
NULL, // lpCurrentDirectory
&StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwReturn = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("RasCustomDeleteEntry -- CreateProcessAsUser Failed, GLE %d"), GetLastError()); } } exit:
if (hImpersonationToken) { CloseHandle(hImpersonationToken); }
if (hPrimaryToken) { CloseHandle(hPrimaryToken); }
CmFree(pszCmDirpath); CmFree(pszShortServiceName);
return dwReturn; }
// Function: DllMain
// Synopsis: Main entry point into the DLL.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hinstDLL - Our HINSTANCE
// DWORD fdwReason - The reason we are being called.
// LPVOID lpvReserved - Reserved
// Returns: BOOL WINAPI - TRUE - always
// History: nickball Created Header 2/5/98
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
if (!InitUnicodeAPI()) { //
// Without our U api's we are going no where. Bail.
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Cmdial32.dll Initialization Error: Unable to initialize Unicode to ANSI conversion layer, exiting."), TEXT("Connection Manager"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return FALSE; }
if (S_OK != CmLogInitialize(hInstDLL)) { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Cmdial32.dll initialization error: Unable to initialize logging, exiting."), TEXT("Connection Manager"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); // not fatal
} */
CMTRACE(TEXT("=====================================================")); CMTRACE1(TEXT(" CMDIAL32.DLL - LOADING - Process ID is 0x%x "), GetCurrentProcessId()); CMTRACE(TEXT("=====================================================")); #ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; MYVERIFY(GetModuleFileNameU (GetModuleHandleA(NULL), szTmp, MAX_PATH)); CMTRACE1(TEXT("Calling process is %s"), szTmp); #endif
// Setup global instance data
g_hInst = hInstDLL;
// Disable thread attach notification
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: CMTRACE(TEXT("=====================================================")); CMTRACE1(TEXT(" CMDIAL32.DLL - UNLOADING - Process ID is 0x%x "), GetCurrentProcessId()); CMTRACE(TEXT("====================================================="));
if (!UnInitUnicodeAPI()) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("cmdial32 dllmain UnInitUnicodeAPI failed - we are probably leaking a handle")); } //
// Unlike Windows 95, on Windows NT, Windows classes
// that a DLL registers are NOT unregistered when the DLL is unloaded.
// Bug 168251:First launch of profile from connections UI causes access violation,
// after copy new CM bits
if (OS_NT) { //
// Unregister the bitmap class. The new CM bits will re-register the class with
// correct wnd proc address.
UnregisterClassU(ICONNMGR_BMP_CLASS, g_hInst); UnRegisterWindowClass(g_hInst); }
break; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: CmCustomDialDlg
// Synopsis: Our CM specific variation on RasCustomDialDlg.
// Arguments: HWND hwndParent - The HWND of the parent if deemed necessary by the caller
// DWORD dwFlags - Dial flags
// LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the full path and filename of the phonebook.
// NULL = RAS system phone book
// "something" = user-defined RAS phonebook
// "" = has not been determined yet
// LPTSTR lpszEntry - Ptr to the name of the phone-book entry to dial.
// LPTSTR lpszPhoneNumber - Ptr to replacement phone number [IGNORED]
// LPRASDIALDLG lpRasDialDlg - Ptr to RASDIALDLG struct
// LPRASENTRYDLG lpRasEntryDlg - Ptr to RASENTRYDLG struct
// LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo - Ptr to CMDIALINFO struct containing CM dial info such as flags.
// Returns: BOOL WINAPI - TRUE on success
// History: nickball Created Header 2/5/98
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI CmCustomDialDlg(HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPCTSTR lpszEntry, LPTSTR, // lpszPhoneNumber
CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg() - dwFlags = 0x%x"), dwFlags); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg() - lpszPhonebook = %s"), MYDBGSTR(lpszPhonebook)); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg() - lpszEntry = %s"), MYDBGSTR(lpszEntry));
// lpszPhonebook can be NULL, because we are called by our own modules, CMMGR, CMMON, etc.
if (NULL == lpszEntry || NULL == lpszEntry[0] || NULL == lpCmInfo) { return FALSE; }
CM_SET_TIMING_INTERVAL("CmCustomDialDlg - Begin");
CNamedMutex ConnectMutex; CConnectionTable ConnTable; BOOL fConnTableExists = FALSE; BOOL fMultiInst = FALSE; if (!(lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags & FL_PROPERTIES)) { //
// Try to acquire connect mutex
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmStrCpyAlloc(c_pszConnectMutex); pszTmp = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszTmp, lpszEntry);
if (FALSE == ConnectMutex.Lock(pszTmp, FALSE)) { if (FALSE == IsLogonAsSystem()) { //
// Another connect instance exists, try to front it
FrontExistingUI(NULL, lpszEntry, TRUE);
// Now wait for Mutex to be released.
ConnectMutex.Lock(pszTmp, TRUE, INFINITE, TRUE);
// Mutex was released by the other instance, we'll handle the connect
// request in the main path. If there is no table, we know that the
// instance which previously owned the mutex terminated without
// connecting and we follow suit by returning failure. Otherwise, we
// have to take a closer look.
fMultiInst = TRUE; } else { //
// No one is logged on and we don't need to be waiting for the mutex.
CmFree(pszTmp); return FALSE; } }
CmFree(pszTmp); }
CMTRACE(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg - Connect mutex acquired. Examining connection table.")); fConnTableExists = SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.Open());
if ((!fConnTableExists) && fMultiInst) { //
// If we're a secondary thread that was released from the mutex and
// there is no connection table, then the user canceled, so bail.
CMTRACE(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg - returning connect failure post mutex wait")); return FALSE; } //
// If this is a connect request, see if connection exists.
if (!(lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags & FL_PROPERTIES)) { if (fConnTableExists) { //
// Examine the connection table and try to resolve the connect request
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL fDone = HandleCustomConnectRequest(NULL, &ConnTable, lpszEntry, lpCmInfo->dwCmFlags, &fSuccess); //
// If we resolved the request, or we're in fMultiInst mode
// then we can we can bail with the given success code. If
// fMultInst, we know we can bail because there is no entry
// in the table, from which we infer that the previous owner
// of the mutex failed and we return this out to our caller.
// NOTE: There is a theoretical corner case here in the multi-inst
// request case. If a succesful connection was established by the
// first thread, there is a window between the moment that the mutex
// lock is cleared above (releasing the waiting thread), and when
// the newly release thread reaches here. The logic is fouled if,
// and only if, the connection were dropped and entered the
// reconnect prompt state during this window. This is because the
// second thread would dismiss the CMMON reconnect prompt UI during
// the call to HandleCustomConnectRequest, but would then return
// despite fDone being FALSE. The correct behavior would be to
// continue, and honor the connect request. This state could be
// identified by an fDone of FALSE coupled with an fSuccess of TRUE.
if (fDone || fMultiInst) { MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.Close())); return fSuccess; } } } else { //
// Its a properties request, front any UI that might exist
if (TRUE == FrontExistingUI(fConnTableExists? &ConnTable : NULL, lpszEntry, FALSE)) { if (fConnTableExists) { MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.Close())); } return TRUE; } }
if (fConnTableExists) { MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.Close())); } //
// Make a connection attempt
HRESULT hrRes = Connect(hwndParent, lpszEntry, lpszPhonebook, lpRasDialDlg, lpRasEntryDlg, lpCmInfo, OS_NT5 ? dwFlags : RCD_AllUsers, // Always AllUser downlevel
// Make sure we push error codes back out
BOOL bReturn = SUCCEEDED(hrRes); DWORD dwError = 0;
if (lpRasDialDlg) { if (ERROR_CANCELLED == HRESULT_CODE(hrRes)) { //
// If the user canceled then RasDialDlg returns a false to indicate failure
// but sets the dwError value to 0. In order to match the way RAS does
// things we need to do this too.
lpRasDialDlg->dwError = 0; } else { //
// If the user entered the wrong PIN, we pass the error up to RAS unchanged
// so that RAS knows to take down its 'choose connectoid' dialog and drop
// the user back to winlogon
lpRasDialDlg->dwError = (BAD_SCARD_PIN(hrRes) ? hrRes : HRESULT_CODE(hrRes)); }
dwError = lpRasDialDlg->dwError; }
if (lpRasEntryDlg) { if (ERROR_CANCELLED == HRESULT_CODE(hrRes)) { //
// If the user canceled then RasEntryDlg returns a false to indicate failure
// but sets the dwError value to 0. In order to match the way RAS does
// things we need to do this too.
lpRasEntryDlg->dwError = 0; } else { lpRasEntryDlg->dwError = HRESULT_CODE(hrRes); }
dwError = lpRasEntryDlg->dwError; } //
// Let go of the connect mutex and go home to papa.
CMTRACE(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg - Releasing mutex")); ConnectMutex.Unlock();
CMTRACE2(TEXT("CmCustomDialDlg() returning with bReturn = %d, dwError = 0x%x"), bReturn, dwError); return bReturn; }
// Function: CmCustomHangUp
// Synopsis: Our CM specific variation on RasCustomHangUp. Optionally, the entry
// name may be given instead of the RAS handle.
// Arguments: HRASCONN hRasConn - The handle of the connection to be terminated.
// LPCTSTR pszEntry - Ptr to the name of the entry to be terminated.
// BOLL fPersist - Preserve the entry and its usage count.
// Returns: DWORD WINAPI - Return code
extern "C" DWORD WINAPI CmCustomHangUp(HRASCONN hRasConn, LPCTSTR pszEntry, BOOL fIgnoreRefCount, BOOL fPersist) { CMTRACE(TEXT("CmCustomHangUp")); MYDBGASSERT(hRasConn || (pszEntry && pszEntry[0]));
// Must have a handle or an entry name
if (NULL == hRasConn && (NULL == pszEntry || 0 == pszEntry[0])) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// First try to open the table, if none found then succeed.
CConnectionTable ConnTable;
if (FAILED(ConnTable.Open())) { return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// Look up the specified entry
CM_CONNECTION Connection; ZeroMemory(&Connection, sizeof(CM_CONNECTION)); if (hRasConn) { hrRes = ConnTable.GetEntry(hRasConn, &Connection); } else { hrRes = ConnTable.GetEntry(pszEntry, &Connection); } //
// We have an entry, do the Disconnect
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { if (CM_CONNECTING == Connection.CmState) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } else { //
// If the persist flag is not set and the caller is from the desktop
// then ignore the ref count and do a complete hangup.
// BOOL fIgnoreRefCount = ((!fPersist) && WhoIsCaller(DT_CMMON | DT_EXPLORER));
dwRes = Disconnect(&ConnTable, &Connection, fIgnoreRefCount, fPersist); } }
MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(ConnTable.Close())); return dwRes; }